19 September 2010
25 November 2010
mr. Sun king coming together said:
MotherNaturesDaughter said:
That is going to be the most useful smiley out of them all I”m guessing.
Well, We`re trying to limit its use by not derailing much, but It never works.
Also, please keep in mind what Joe said: we are also trying to limit its use so that people don't feel self-conscious about being themselves and posting. He wants us to use it sparingly, but to keep those words of wisdom up there in mind.
I think just having it there in the smiley area will help remind people not to stray too far from the subject, but I’m sure there’ll be times when it’s needed.
It was going to be that or a picture of Gold Five from Star Wars (“Stay on target…”), but a Star Wars smiley wouldn’t have really worked on this forum.
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19 September 2010
7 February 2011
The Sgt. Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band drum face. 🙂
The Beatles;
Paul John George Ringo and me .. Shannon!
Favourite Beatle;
James Paul McCartney.
There are so many Beatles images I could include though. I’d prefer it if they actually had some sort of use in a conversation.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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1 February 2011
25 November 2010
19 September 2010
1 February 2011
13 November 2009
19 September 2010
23 January 2011
Lets pretend we just cant see her face said:
17 March 2011
1 May 2010
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
4 March 2011
That's a good one. I'll add that later. I won't be doing Yellow Sub characters or musical instruments, though.
Update: it didn't look good when reduced in size. This happens quite a lot with certain shots/facial expressions. It didn't even look much like Paul TBH, just a somewhat scowly bloke with a Beatle haircut. I'll leave it.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
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17 March 2011
a couple of album thumbnails would be nice. maybe lift some images off of the front of sgt peppers, like the statue, the tv set, the doll, the wax dummies, the love drum off of Magical Mystery Tour . i like the idea of an acorn smiley, i really do.
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