Hello all. This is a heads-up that I’ll be moving the site to a new host and server in the coming days.
My old hosts, WiredTree, were acquired by another company sometime last summer. I’d noticed the tech support had worsened in recent weeks and my sites had experienced server downtime, which was unusual for WiredTree (who had always been excellent), but it looks as though the decline coincided with the Liquid Web takeover. So I’m jumping ship.
I’ve just paid for another server with KnownHost (for those interested in these things), and I’ll ask them to migrate everything from the WT/LW server to the new one. KnownHost have a really good reputation for speed, uptime and support, actually offer better spec for less money, and apparently have no intention of being acquired.
I’ll be able to test the migrated site before I switch the domain name to the new IP address. In the past when moving hosts I’ve closed the forum on the old server, then left it open on the new one, so no posts would be lost. It seemed to work OK last time but please don’t shout at me if things go wrong. It might even fix a few anomalies, so fingers crossed for the PM system (no promises at this stage).
I don’t know when the move will happen, but I’ll do my best to keep you updated. If things move quickly I might not be able to give too much warning. If I can I’ll ask for it to happen during UK daytime hours, when most forum visitors are asleep, but that depends on who’s available to help me at KH.
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The Hippie Chick, ewe2, Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug, William Shears Campbell, William Shears Campbell, Evangeline, AppleScruffJunior, WeepingAtlasCedars, WeepingAtlasCedars, BeatleSnut, morizCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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1 November 2013
This reminds me, do you plan to also move off SimplePress at some point?
I don’t know. I think about it Now And Then , but it’d cause many headaches. I’d like to move to forum software with a wider developer base (ie lots of people contributing additional features), but every one of them seems flawed in some way and to be frank I don’t fancy spending ages dealing with the fallout. So for now I’ll probably keep things as they are.
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OK, it looks like the migration might be happening pretty soon. KnownHost are doing some preliminary checks before it begins.
Just before it happens I’ll put the forum into read-only mode. There’ll be a big notice at the top of every page to minimise confusion.
It can take 2-72 hours for the domain to switch to the new server, depending on (I think) how long people’s ISPs cache their records. It’s called DNS propagation. On the new server the forum will be open, so if you happen to refresh and all looks OK you’ll be fine to carry on. So, in short, post away as long as you’re able to. Sorry for any inconvenience.
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sir walter raleigh, SgtPeppersBulldog, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedarsCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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20 August 2013
If you make or read an important, dear-to-your-heart post from now until the migration is complete, you might save it in a Word doc or something so if it goes *poof* into the void, you can re-post it.
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Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
OK, after I post this I’ll request that the new hosts begin the migration. I’ll then come back here and put it into maintenance mode.
When the site is up and running on the new server, I’ll open it up again. It might take up to 72 hours before you see the new site, but many people will probably get there quicker.
Please bear with me if there are any problems. People are free to go to Anna’s forum if they want to continue chatting while this place is read-only.
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18 March 2013
Hi! Sorry about the downtime. Hope you made it back OK!
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SgtPeppersBulldog, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedars, sir walter raleigh, ewe2Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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18 March 2013
Phew, glad it’s not just me who can post! I was beginning to wonder if something has gone awry. Hopefully others will start trickling back in soon.
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HMBeatlesfan, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedarsCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
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23 July 2016
20 August 2013
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Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
Yes, I got it. Thanks for testing those.
If I’m feeling brave I might try restoring the subscription and watches. Sometimes it’s server configuration that makes things stop working, rather than the forum software, but it’s often difficult to work out precisely where the fault lies. Maybe I’ll restore them tomorrow. Bed now though.
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14 February 2016
As an experiment, I’ve reintroduced Watches. This used to be a forum feature but I had to drop it after some people reported seeing other people’s alerts.
To watch a topic, look for this button (next to the RSS icon on desktop, not looked on mobile yet):
Here’s the official description of the Watches plugin:
Not to be confused with Subscriptions, think of setting a ‘Watch’ as more like creating a Bookmark.
Watches works as more of an in forum notification system, instead of sending Emails. Logged in users will have the ability to keep up with interesting topics via the conveniently added ‘Watch’ button attached to the bottom of topics, and underneath the reply editor. Also added will be a new ‘Watches’ button in the header of the forum for users to review and unwatch, although this can also be done on an individual level from within a watched topic itself.
So the notifications work similarly to @mentions.
Here’s where you review your watch list, next to the Inbox on desktop:
This component was active a couple of years ago, so you might still have old watches that you’d forgotten about (it’s remembered my old ones). As I mentioned before, we had a problem with people’s watches showing up on others’ accounts, so if you see something that shouldn’t be there please edit the list in the first instance to remove anything you don’t want to follow. If strange things get added after that I’ll have to abandon it.
If you think you’re getting someone else’s watch notifications, let me know here (or in the weird things thread) and I’ll shut it down again. Consider this a test for now.
For the record, these are the watches I have active on my account. If you see the same then we have a problem.
There’s another forum plugin called Subscriptions which we used to have, but I disabled that too. I’ll try that later if all else seems OK.
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I also restored the Subscriptions options, so people can opt-in for email digests for topics they wish to follow. Again, this is in testing and may be withdrawn if issues arise.
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I’m creating accounts for John, Paul, George and Ringo, so their birthdays appear in the list. I did this before but they got removed after one year, because the accounts had never posted anything. So you’ll see four test posts below. Please don’t get too excited!
The following people thank Joe for this post:
Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedars, SgtPeppersBulldog, BeatlebugCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
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2 February 2017
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