1 November 2012
One big reason why I don’t post new topics or comment on other topics much anymore is that it often takes me so f*(#*@#$ long to navigate simple things on this site.
For example, I was looking at my digital clock while on my computer, and I thought “Why don’t I check out the Beatles Bible now and spend a while enjoying myself, perusing new comments, poking about here and there on old topics… sounds fun!”
Well, it’s been like 35 minutes later and I’m exhausted from waiting several minutes for various normal things that normally should take 10 f*(#*@#$ seconds.
At approximately 2:40 I successfully posted my new topic on “passing chords” and it didn’t take me but five minutes (most of it in composing and typing). Great. Something happened normally on Beatles Bible, for a change. Okay, then I noticed someone had commented on an old thread about “hardcore Beatles Biblers”. I noticed that topic had 30 pages, so thought it would be neat to browse back to page one, then randomly pick out pages after that (page 5, page 17, etc.), just to see what people were saying and how far back in time it goes. Well, 20 f*(#*@#$ minutes later, at about 3:04, I still can’t jump from page to page. I get all these signals that my computer is having to fend with some massive complex Queen Mary trying to turn around in the harbor or some such. My blue ball starts spinning, my screen looks frosty white because it’s burdened by 1,000 cookies (just conjecturing here), my tab up top shows another spinning wheel, this one green, saying at odd moments, “Connecting…”, then a couple of times I get this pop up message saying that “a script is busy or is taking time responding” so I have to click that out of the way.
So after 20 f*(#*@#$ minutes of this intolerable crap, I close out my browser completely and re-open, come back to BB. Now it’s somewhat faster, but still intolerable. I re-tried to browse in the “hardcore Beatles Biblers” topic at 3:05, and at like 3:17 it finally seemed like I might be able to post a comment; but then it slowed down again. But 3:05 to 3:17 — that’s 12 minutes — is way too long just to hop from page to page. It’s ridiculous. Imagine you wake up in the morning and begin pottering around to start your day. Every time you flip on a light switch, you have to wait 2 minutes for the light to come on, and the time varies wildly, but it’s always way longer than it should be. Same for all your appliances. You turn on the stove, and it’s not getting hot even 5 minutes later. Etc. You wouldn’t tolerate that when it shouldn’t be that way (forget the “First World problems” inanity; it’s still intolerable).
So here it is, 3:26. Finally I’m posting my comment, and I’m exhausted and don’t feel like browsing further among the comments. Just feel like having a coffee and brandy and recovering under a blanket, my left eye twitching, my lip quivering, sweat on my brow, my nurse on the way to administer medication for my trauma…
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
1 May 2011
This is not a new problem FP, its happened to a few people, tho maybe not as long delays in loading; there have been 2 or 3 occasions when the site has taken an extended lunch break, gone home, had a cup of tea and sandwich, a wee nap, and then decided to come back and work.
Google chrome is often showing a circle (either grey going anti-clockwise or green clockwise) that endlessly rotates and a message saying “waiting for http://www.beatlesbible.com” and you’re left waiting, at times for 30 seconds, other times 3, 4, 5 minutes). Today i’ve found it to be good.
No idea what the problem is, and i know that Joe is trying to locate the problem, but the site is definitely slower than others online.
Sorry your experience was so lousy as BB is one of the best places online when everything is up to speed.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2012
Thanks meanmistermustard. I don’t know much about computers, but I think some websites have so many hidden codes, they can bog down any computers that are not top-of-the-line. If only there were a way to turn such codes off and on — sort of a “Beatles Bible Lite” for times when the user just wants to quickly browse and post.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
14 February 2013
Funny Paper – I feel your pain! I rarely can post photos on this site and that has always been the case for me – from two different computers. Also, sometimes I can’t post answers on PM’s, it takes an indefinite amount of time to load topics and even longer for me to post a reply. For me too, this is why I don’t post replies most of the time. I just don’t have the patience to go through the lengthy wait times!!
I love BB and I do READ all the posts here. If you don’t get a reply form me, it’s because I can’t post one
"....take a sad song & make it Meilleur"....
3 May 2012
I’m sorry it’s putting you off so much, FP. We’ll just have to wait and see if this can be fixed. Joe’s doing everything he can. What can I say? At least you’re not paying for this service?
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
Everyone, I can only apologise. We’re trying various things at the moment to get to the root of the problem. It’s frustratingly slow here (the main site is better; it’s mainly the forum that’s taking the hit). Please don’t think we’re sitting back and ignoring the problems.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
1 November 2012
Thanks Joe and fabfouremily, I appreciate your attention. You’re right emily, I can’t beat the price!
HeyTrud, nice to know someone else has been going through my frustrations. What you’re describing sounds much like what I’ve had to fend with. Sometimes, however, it seems almost fine (another thing about computers that annoy me — the complex inconsistency).
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
The inconsistency is making troubleshooting things difficult. At the time of writing things are quite speedy, but I know it might slow down at any time. I’m also on Chrome and often see the spinning wheel and “Waiting for http://www.beatlesbible.com“. Also, the posting window here on the forum is full-size at the moment, but it often switches to the smaller one mentioned in another thread. I’ve no idea why any of this is happening but will keep looking.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
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