15 February 2015
AppleScruffJunior said
meanmistermustard posted that on George’s birthday last year. It has been my phone’s wallpaper ever since!
Kind of embarrassing when people look at your phone but who cares, me love some George Harrison !
Never be ashamed of loving George.
I’m going to go on a George-picture-posting-binge and no I don’t care whether they’ve been posted before, because we can always use more George about the place.
What fab hair… and that STARE.
Thou hast done wrong, thou shalt get the Georgelook
Everything– just plain fab
cute, but get rid of that ciggie please
THE most eloquent eyebrows ever
Second-most eloquent eyebrows?
D’awwwww that half-smile…
More awesome hair.
And when you thought that hair couldn’t get better.
The resemblance… it’s uncanny…
Just show this to anyone who doesn’t think the Beatles are cute.
Or this.
And that’s my entire collection 🙂
Looking over, I really need more solo pictures, but I’m partial to Beatle-era
I hope it helps you feel better, @AppleScruffJunior.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
AppleScruffJunior, Merch, Georgous, ewe2, BeatleSnut([{BRACKETS!}])
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18 March 2013
I also wanted to say Happy Belated Birthday to Dhani’s wife Sola 🙂
And well done on the success of Galvan!
This photo is lovingly stolen by the wonderful Dhani Harrison (Dhanner’z) Facebook page(who is writing in pink and calling me Dhannerz?)
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INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
15 February 2015
AppleScruffJunior said
I also wanted to say Happy Belated Birthday to Dhani’s wife Sola 🙂And well done on the success of Galvan!
This photo is lovingly stolen by the wonderful Dhani Harrison (Dhanner’z) Facebook page(who is writing in pink and calling me Dhannerz?)
D’awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, how cute
Okay, I’m sure many here have already seen this, but I just love it. Dhani looks occasionally like he wants to sneak off and have a good cry; can I join you, Dhani?
And Current Song Obsession (CSO, better than COW, don’t ya think?)
At first, I liked it because it made me think of @AppleScruffJunior. Now, I just plain like it. Still makes me think of ASJ!
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15 February 2015
Ten days with no Fiendishness. Fiendishness necessary.
Some links for Fiendish Thingies:
(ignore the tripe in the second– there’s some neat pics)
And some awesome photos, chosen especially for fabosity, d’awwfactor, Harrisonicality, and general Fiendish Thingyishness:
Granted, we don’t KNOW who that is, but I think we can make an educated guess 🙂
Never have I wanted more to be a lily…. *sigh*
Is that not adorable?!
It makes me do this:
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Georgous, Merch([{BRACKETS!}])
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20 October 2014
It’s been over a week, and a week without some more George pics is not good. Directly from my super fab collection of pictures (also called folder):
^ This is one of my personal favourites (does he not look sexy?)
^ Do I even have to explain it?
^ His hair in 68/early 69 was gorgeous.
^ Aww, look at this cutie.
Don’t ask why I have a gif of George getting shocked by a microphone, I just do.
The following people thank Merch for this post:
Beatlebug"We think George Harrison is the most marvelous thing since boys were discovered." - Diane and Jenny of Bedford, the smartest girls ever.
1 November 2013
15 February 2015
Thank you thank you thank you for posting those @Merch
For one thing, they’re
and for another thing, I was beginning to get a bit lonely posting here all by myself. And yes, his hair in late 68-69 was gorgeous. It’s almost enough to make me want to get a haircut… and I’ve vowed to never have my hair any shorter than, well, super-long.
And speaking of When We Was Fab:
The piano bit to that song will do that in yer head, y’know.
And don’t get me started on George gifs:
It’s not my fault he’s so fab.
You know you’re a Fiendish Thingy when… you have more George pics than all your pics of the other Beatles combined.
On a semi-related subject, it’s only fifty-nine days till Dhani’s birthday!
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20 October 2014
If I’m gonna post 1.3 post per day, I might as well post in the right (and best) thread. Also, it’s a pleasure to contribute to this amazing and wonderful thread that makes our hearts melt with every gif and every picture of such a fab person, especially if they’re from 1966 or 68 .
I should show my friend this thread, maybe we can get another Fiendish Thingy (well, she’s already kinda one, because I always talk about George with her).
The following people thank Merch for this post:
Beatlebug"We think George Harrison is the most marvelous thing since boys were discovered." - Diane and Jenny of Bedford, the smartest girls ever.
15 February 2015
AppleScruffJunior posted some time ago
And today’s George challenge: Listen to the full of this video all 5 minutes of it, Brackets has suddenly become my favourite new word
Well, that video was deleted, but I found another one
and stepped up for the challenge. I can listen to George say ANYTHING… all day…
Brackets is going to be my new curse word.
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18 March 2013
Merch said
If I’m gonna post 1.3 post per day, I might as well post in the right (and best) thread. Also, it’s a pleasure to contribute to this amazing and wonderful thread that makes our hearts melt with every gif and every picture of such a fab person, especially if they’re from 1966 or 68.
I should show my friend this thread, maybe we can get another Fiendish Thingy (well, she’s already kinda one, because I always talk about George with her).
Oh stop it you
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
8 January 2015
I am neither fiendish nor much thingy but I have been listening to a lot of George lately. Does anyone know much about who played on This Is Love? Obsessed with that song right now.
I'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
1 May 2011
One of the more bemusing George articles can be found at KQED Arts with the headline reading “Is George Harrison at a Concert Near You?’. I think this is placed in the correct thread.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Beatlebug"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
15 February 2015
Thank you, Mr Russell Cowick, for spreading the word. You picked the right Beatle. (Lennon’s all very well, but our George needs some promotion too.)
Confession: I have more photos of George on my computer than I do of all the other Beatles (individually) combined. I put them all tidily in a separate folder so when I need a fix, I just go over there and melt.
I must stop fangirling over my Georgepics.
I must stop fangirling over my Georgepics.
I must stop fangirling over my Georgepics.
I must stop fangirling over my Georgepics.
I must stop fangirling…
I mean, just look at this gem!
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15 February 2015
I saaaaaaaaaaid (who put all these things in this thread)
THE most eloquent eyebrows ever
Second-most eloquent eyebrows?
Never mind! I’ve found a pair of even MORE eloquent eyebrows:
Oh, to be able to give eyebrow-wiggles like that.
Also, I recently ‘got’ the double meaning behind the title of George’s album Thirty-Three and a Third. Not only was he thirty-three when it was released, but guess how many rounds-per-minute a long-playing vinyl record does?
A classic sly nudge-wink-eyebrow-wiggle George joke!
Thanks to my (verryclean) granddad for pointing that one out to me.
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15 February 2015
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18 March 2013
It turns out that Dhani is alive and we still don’t have a new newno2 album (sure why would we, it’s not like it’s been three years or anything, I mean who’s counting? ).
So here’s an update:
thenewno2 are going to be playing at KAABOO music festival in San Diego on September 19th (and they got 52nd on the line-up, world domination is within our grasp)
Dhannerz (along with Patti Smith, Thom Yorke and others) is going to be doing a gig in Paris to raise awareness for climate change at the Le Trianon theatre on December 4th (I was going to suggest road-trip but it’ll be streamed online so I’m going to mark it on me old calender)
And general newno2 FB posts:
With the title, ‘Studio treats’, featuring Edison and Woodie Guthrie.
And the usual stuff, fans posting that they’re pissed off because the band never actually gives us updates on what they’re actually doing instead of irrelevant, cryptic messages but me bitter? Of course not
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
18 March 2013
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
15 July 2015
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