20 August 2013
On my quest to figure out @sigh butterfly ‘s picture, I came across this…
John’s face carved into the lead on the tip of a pencil. OK, wow!
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, Beatlebug, lovelyritametermaid, sigh butterfly, WeepingAtlasCedarsCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
20 August 2013
I came across this picture today with a sculpture of the Fab Four in front a Beatles Bar in Cuba.
I searched the forum to see if anyone else had posted about the statue before. I found a thread mithveaen created some time back.
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The Hole Got FixedCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
20 August 2013
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Shamrock WomlbsCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
11 April 2016
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Ahhh Girl, kelicopter, Beatlebug, The Hole Got Fixed, CakeMaestor, Richard"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
15 February 2015
John looks 20 years older than he ever got to be in real life
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20 August 2013
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Beatlebug, The Hole Got Fixed, WeepingAtlasCedarsCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
28 March 2014
24 March 2014
17 December 2012
Don’t know if these crop up elsewhere, but if they have, they still deserve a mention in this thread.
Benton, Illinois, the first place in America to be visited by a Beatle when George and Pete went to see his sister, Louise, who lived there, in September 1963, and for some time they have had a plaque commemorating the visit:
In 2019, near Interstate 57, on Airport Road, they added a 16-foot freestanding mural of George playing guitar with screaming girls looking on.
There’s a postcard which describes its creation:
“George Comes to Benton- 1963” – This mural installation, painted in 2017, commemorates the first visit by a Beatle to America. Several months ahead of the British rock group’s big splash on US soil in early 1964, George Harrison and his brother Peter came to Benton, Illinois to visit their sister Louise and her family. The Beatles were unknown to Americans, despite being at the top of the charts in England, and George was able to remain anonymous during his two week stay. He played with a local band, bought a guitar in a neighboring town, and mostly hung out as a tourist. The Beatles were about to explode on the world stage, and for years to come, folks in Southern Illinois would recall the police young man with long hair and a funny accent. Created by California artist John Cerney, the 16-foot-tall mural is located along Interstate 57 in Benton, Illinois.
And it’s lit-up at night:
I like the way it shows a black-and-white world turning to colour.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Richard, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedars"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
20 August 2013
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Little Piggy Dragonguy, WeepingAtlasCedars, RubeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
24 March 2014
I’ve been doing some glitchie collages with random pictures. Thought you might enjoy them:
The following people thank Shamrock Womlbs for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed"I Need You by George Harrison"
17 June 2021
20 August 2013
A reason to visit Lithuania
Address: Mindaugo g. 27, Vilnius 03211
The city had John as a sand man in 2012. https://bnn-news.com/monument-…..ius-101224
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Richard, RubeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
17 December 2012
We know the former Empress pub (closed a few years ago) in the Dingle in Liverpool because it was the local pub to where Ringo grew up, his mother Elsie worked there, and it appears on the cover of Sentimental Journey…
…and if you get a wider view of it, it’s usually taken from the left…
…because the view from the right ain’t much to write home about…
That’s changed. The Empress is in the process of being converted to housing, and one of the painter decorators working there recently was a guy called John Culshaw, who’s well known in Liverpool for his murals of footballers across the city. He saw that wall and asked if he could do something with it, and was given permission.
Initially, it was going to be a Beatles themed mural; it wasn’t going to be just Ringo, but with his connection to the area, we went with him.
And early work was seen happening a few weeks ago…
However, we still wanted to be as bright and as vibrant as possible, so I researched what we could put in there. We decided to go with a cartoon of the yellow submarine and the octopus as well.
The finished mural was unveiled around a week ago…
…and to give an idea of just how huge it is…
An absolutely fantastic piece of work, and difficult to think of a better placed Beatles-related mural.
I’ve always just done it for myself. When you get a pat on the back, it’s nice, but I think a little more at the minute about how people will react to my work.
It’s not just mine, it’s public work, so everyone’s going to see it. People live in the street, so I need to think about how they’ll react to it. Luckily for me, everyone’s liked it.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Richard, meaigs, The Hole Got Fixed, Rube, sigh butterfly"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
23 January 2022
This is wonderful, especially after reading volume 1 of Tune In where time after time Lewisohn comments on a Ringo-related building having been demolished.
The following people thank meaigs for this post:
Rube, sigh butterflyMy hot take is that after the Beatles split they went down the paths of spiritualism, solipsism, alcoholism, and Paul McCartney
-- Jason Carty, Nothing is Real podcast
17 June 2021
11 June 2015
Great post about the Empress @Ron Nasty, thanks for putting it together. That last image is amazing…made me think of the scene when the Yellow Submarine arrives in Liverpool.
The following people thank sigh butterfly for this post:
Rube, Richard, Ron NastyYou and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead
17 December 2012
Sad to hear that the John mural by Andrey Palval in Lennon Square (formerly Sovetskaya Square) in Izum, Ukraine…
…has taken war damage…
Far from the worst thing happening in Ukraine at the moment, but still sad to see a cultural landmark taking damage, and realising it may not survive Russia’s disgusting and unjustified war on Ukraine.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Timothy, The Hole Got Fixed"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
20 August 2013
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
meaigs, RubeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
23 January 2022
I came across this painting by Paul last night, titled “Is this a self portrait?”
It’s the most interesting painting of his I’ve seen (would love recommendations).
I think the left side looks like Paul and the right side looks like John.
The following people thank meaigs for this post:
RubeMy hot take is that after the Beatles split they went down the paths of spiritualism, solipsism, alcoholism, and Paul McCartney
-- Jason Carty, Nothing is Real podcast
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