18 December 2017
my friend’s and i are planning a triple date and someone suggested we go see Yesterday . now we’re discussing it. i keep telling them it’s “dumb but intruging” and my bf keeps saying “but it’s ed sheeran”. i guess im just proud of them for being interested in something slightly beatles related???
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50yearslate, Getbackintheussr, Tangerine, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars|
| I don’t know how to put it here. hello for the love of god hello
The Concert for Bageldesh
Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.
15 November 2018
27 November 2016
50yearslate said
If you do see it, let us know if it’s worth watching
My friends have already expressed interest in going with me if and when I go to see it, so you can expect a review from me (possibly including comments from my friends) when it comes out!
tbh I’m just so glad that movies like these are periodically released, it keeps the Beatles relevant.
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
Getbackintheussr, TheWalrusWasBrian, 50yearslate, Beatlebug, Father McKenzie, WeepingAtlasCedars#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
2016 awards: 2017 awards:
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18 March 2013
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INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
18 March 2019
I just came back home from watching Yesterday which I would say I was a bit dissapointed, but don’t regret watching. It had a lot of funny moments, but the plot wasn’t that strong.
The biggest dissappointment for me was that the songs played in the movie just came and went despite being the premise of the movie which struggled with showing if it was made for casual listeners of The Beatles or the fans. Sometimes I felt like I was the only fan in the cinema when I found some of the most basic Beatles references funny (but what should I had expected considering I was at a girl’s night (and a few men) premiere to a rom-com movie?)
All in all it was an okay-good movie and I give it a 6/10. If any of you are going to watch it, then keep in mind it’s about their music, not about them which makes me want to talk about some spoilers in the movie about if any of the members made cameos in the movie considering they are supposed to be forgotten there.
What was the point of having the part where the main character gets almost busted by Paul and Ringo on the James Cordon show in the trailer when it literally ends there without changing the plot?? As much as I hoped they would, I wasn’t surprised that neither Paul or Ringo made cameos because otherwise I would had known it (and the IMDB casting list made the reveal) like I did with Paul’s cameo in PotC 5 which was before I was a serious fan.
I didn’t find the scene where the main character visits old John Lennon disrespectful, but it could been done better. It just seemed off that the main character for a Beatles fan didn’t get indescribably emotional meeting his idol alive and making it to 78.
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Beatlebug, Shamrock Womlbs, WeepingAtlasCedars3.31pm
4 September 2018
I saw it today and enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised at the age diversity of the crowd, from the dad with his 4 tween to teens in tow, to the gaggle of teenage girls sitting behind me to the rest of the old-enough-to know-better and original Beatlemaniacs in the audience.
Take it for that it is- a solid romantic comedy whose plot just happened to hinge upon the Beatles’ music. The rom-com is the central part of the film and the Beatles being erased from most of the world’s consciousness is the framework upon which that hangs. Himesh Patel and Lily James were charming and the supporting cast was solid (shout out to Sarah Lancashire as another who remembers the Fabs).
It hints at the ideas of art vs. just another piece of music, is kind of a parable about happiness and success, and throws in a little caution about greed and plagiarism; hints at these things but doesn’t beat you over the head with them or set out to answer any larger philosophical questions. Rom-com.
Capri mentioned being disappointed that the songs just kind of came and went. I second that; I couldn’t wait to throw “1” into the CD player to get the full originals of most of the featured songs once I left the theater. The songs that were presented, though, were joyful. How could they not be?
Regarding “that scene”. You’ll know the one if you see the movie. It was bittersweet and it did get me (and some others in the audience by the sniffing around me) teary eyed. I didn’t expect it, but there it is. In the moment, I found it moving. Thinking about it later, it felt unsatisfying and I wished they had left it out.
Ob-La-Di…Loved that bit! Left the theater with a smile on my face. It’s a good date movie, or a good movie to introduce some iconic music to a younger generation who may not know that they already know and love the Beatles!
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Beatlebug, Tangerine, Capri, WeepingAtlasCedars3.54pm
30 April 2019
I saw it yesterday (lol) and I’m gonna watch again today (so I’ll have seen it yesterday and today)
Anyway I liked how the instrumental scoring was done I liked all the beatles music in this. Himesh Patel does a great job with singing the songs. I found it amusing when I realized at the end that I was the youngest person in the theatre.
I do have one thing though, and it’s pretty minor, but wow it bugs the crap out of me.
So as backstory for the relationship we find out that Jack sang a cover of Wonderwall at the talent show when they were 14, and that’s what makes them decide to do the music thing (and presumably when Ellie falls in love with Jack). But then after the global power outage we find out that Oasis also doesn’t exist (which was hilarious btw). So I was thinking that has to mean something for their relationship or something, or maybe she thinks he did a different song. I don’t really know. And I never will know because it’s never explained in the movie, and it just bugs me because they could’ve chosen some other song easily or acknowledge it in any way whatsoever.
The following people thank Tangerine for this post:
Beatlebug, Capri, ThatWeirdBeatlesGirl, 50yearslate5.46pm
18 April 2013
15 November 2018
15 March 2017
11 April 2016
I saw this in the theatre last night, and what a weird thing it was.
It wasn’t a bad film or anything, however I found that the plot wasn’t too strong; it wasn’t particularly unique. Not only that, but some of the jokes (like the “Hey Dude” one, for example) had me thinking, well…
Overall, I’m a bit iffy on it, so eehhhhh, I’ll give it maybe /
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Tangerine, Beatlebug, ThatWeirdBeatlesGirl"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
28 April 2019
I saw it the day after it came out. It could have done without the punk rock version of Help in my opinion, but the music wasn’t too bad. There was something I did really enjoy, though. If you look closely in the scene where the protagonist’s team is trying to pick an album cover, you can see in the background a picture spoofing that famous picture of Astrid:
So that was a fun thing for diehard Beatles fans. But in the end, I’d give it 6 out of 10 biscuits.
The following people thank ThatWeirdBeatlesGirl for this post:
Capri, 50yearslate, BeatlebugBe groovy or leave, man.
-Bob Dylan
15 November 2018
30 April 2019
22 May 2019
Just went to go and see it today and I noticed this spoof picture as well – which was probably the only nice little titbit for more serious Beatles fans – apart from that the film made for a very easy viewing for casual Beatles fans/non-fans. The plot wasn’t very tight but I enjoyed it immensely nonetheless! A feel-good summery film and nice viewing for the anniversary of the day John and Paul met.
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Tangerine, Beatlebug"Who's that little old man?"
25 April 2019
I saw this film last Friday and loved it. I would totally recommend it to Beatles fans. For my wife it was a great introduction to the Beatles and why they are so iconic: it’s the music.
Try not to think about the premise/plot too much and just give yourself over to the film. It’s like a throwback movie in that it creates this wonderful alternate reality you can get lost in. Plus it isn’t too heavy like many modern movies are. It’s light and fun and fresh, albeit with real human emotions.
Anyway that’s my advice. Give it a try; you won’t be disappointed.
One last thing. Some professional reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes apparently think the plot is too sappy. I would just like to remind them of the very last (recorded) lyrics in the Beatles canon (not counting “Her Majesty “, which to me isn’t a proper song but more like a hidden track): “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” Regardless of all the drama in the Beatles’ lives and careers, this is what it all boiled down to. And in my opinion the movie “Yesterday ” captures this sentiment perfectly.
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1 May 2011
I now have an Unlimited cinema card so can see any film at the cinema for free. I wouldn’t go and see this film if they gave me a refund and 5 years free use. It’s just not the kind of film I could get thru 2 minutes of.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Beatlebug"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
28 April 2019
27 November 2016
How did I forget to post that I saw this on Saturday night with my family??
I enjoyed it. Sure, there were a few plot-holes (and for someone like me, the person least like a movie connoisseur, to notice that, they must be big!), and some of the jokes were a little cliche.
But it was funny. It had Beatles. And a lot of very subtle references that I’m sure 99% of the people in the cinema with me didn’t get.
And one of the characters looked like 1980s Cynthia Lennon… which was odd!
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
Beatlebug, Tangerine, Elementary Penguin#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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15 March 2017
I finally watched this film on the weekend and I really liked it.
It was a lot of fun, it had a lot of heart and it had The Beatles!
Plus Ed Sheeran was hilarious in it as well.
It may have some flaws but what film doesn’t?
I really liked it.
And in the end the lunch you take is equal to the lunch you bake.
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