20 October 2014
I’ve just watched it for the second time, and it’s just, *boom*, especially the Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds part, it’s like taking LSD but without LSD.
My favourite part:
George: Hey! There’s a Cyclops!
Paul: Can’t be. It’s got two eyes.
John: Must be a “bicycle-ops” then.
Ringo: There’s another one.
John: A whole “‘cyclopedia”!
And how can I forget the eminent physicist, polyglot classicist, prize-winning botanist, hard-biting satirist, talented pianist, good dentist too, Jeremy Hillary Boob Ph.D?
The following people thank Merch for this post:
Von Bontee"We think George Harrison is the most marvelous thing since boys were discovered." - Diane and Jenny of Bedford, the smartest girls ever.
4 February 2014
Merch said
I’ve just watched it for the second time, and it’s just, *boom*, especially the Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds part, it’s like taking LSD but without LSD.
My favourite part:
George: Hey! There’s a Cyclops!
Paul: Can’t be. It’s got two eyes.
John: Must be a “bicycle-ops” then.
Ringo: There’s another one.
John: A whole “‘cyclopedia”!And how can I forget the eminent physicist, polyglot classicist, prize-winning botanist, hard-biting satirist, talented pianist, good dentist too, Jeremy Hillary Boob Ph.D?
My favorite part as well!
Dr. Boob even wrote my signature! And speaking of him, the footnotes part is another great joke.
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
Von Bontee8.20pm
8 November 2012
When I first saw the movie, during the part where the band happily sing “Nowhere Man ” while Jeremy sits, growing ever depressed, I thought, “wow, even the animated Beatles were a******s.”
The following people thank parlance for this post:
Von Bontee, WeepingAtlasCedars3.30am
11 November 2010
Hey. Does anyone remember a few years ago when Disney announced that they were going to make a remake of Yellow Submarine ? What ever happened with that?
I’m just curious. I thought that it was a horrible idea from the start.
I'm Necko. I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.
I'm also ewe2 on weekends.
Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017.
1 November 2013
1 May 2011
There’s a thread on the remake here.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
5 December 2014
I was aware of the sunk remake, but I didn’t know Disney was supposed to be making it…I love their movies, but itself Disney is one crappy company (you whitewashed the first Asian characters in sixteen years Disney are you serious). I doubt they would have been able to make the remake well.
I’m too young of a Beatlemaniac to have watched any of their movies, this one included…I might watch it during winter vacation, though. Along with A Hard Day’s Night .
I spotted the iBook of this one last week. Since it was for free, I ended up downloading it and enjoying it a lot. There are interactive features and clips from the movie inside of it, you guys should check it if you have a tablet or iPhone. You also get a part of their songs for free, though not the full of it…there’s also a narrated read along for the younger kiddies which is actually pretty decent, so this is pretty much the perfect way to convert your younger siblings!
Heck, my brother sings Help once or twice a day already.
The following people thank Clara's Broken A Glass Today for this post:
8 November 2012
Another Beatley person has passed away: Lance Percival, who was the voice of Paul and Ringo in the animated series, and Old Fred in Yellow Submarine died on Tuesday.
The following people thank parlance for this post:
trcanberra, meanmistermustard, bassboy86, WeepingAtlasCedars2.10pm
14 November 2014
parlance said
Another Beatley person has passed away: Lance Percival, who was the voice of Paul and Ringo in the animated series, and Old Fred in Yellow Submarine died on Tuesday.[x-posted]
Sad news. He started off on the satirical tv show in the 60’s That Was The Week That Was, and did a great satirical song called Shame and scandal in the family.
8 January 2015
I watched the revamped version today on my TV:
* The guy doing the George impression really phoned it in. There are moments when he just gives up on any kind of Liverpudlian accent. To be fair, the John impression is a bit wobbly at times too.
* The first half of the film looks really nice but then they start getting lazy with the colours and borders, and it begins to look like a rushed job. I’m surprised they didn’t try to fix this. (I don’t mean the effects during Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds , the non-song scenes around that part of the film.) It improves again towards the end.
* I was expecting to hear something more like Yellow Submarine Songtrack but unless all that’s in 5.1 which I don’t have, the songs sounded much flatter and more of the original mix (particularly the title song without the John additions).
* Watching it on TV is ok but for real impact you need to watch it in a theatre at full size – a friend and I once did this after some herbal cigarettes. The effect was overwhelming . I think it was a double with Let It Be and we got out before we were brought down.
The following people thank ewe2 for this post:
Beatlebug, vonbonteeI'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
1 May 2011
‘Yellow Submarine ‘ features in the BBC’s list of ‘The 10 greatest animated films for adults‘.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Wigwam, Into the Sky with Diamonds, WeepingAtlasCedars, Von Bontee"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
14 April 2010
28 March 2014
17 October 2013
I agree …………..(Though you can feel it coming can’t you?……………..Little bit longer to add tension………….Here it is..)…… BUT…..
……………….There really wouldn’t be a film called Yellow Submarine at all without the Beatles’ music. Or the Beatles themselves.
So yes if you took all the Beatles’ music out of the film……. and all the dialogue spoken by them ……the fact that’s it’s set in Pepperland , the characters like Nowhere Man etc. What you would have left would be………. like a broken cartoonist’s pencil……….pointless.
The psychedelic animation is basic when compared to the Disney classics and not something everyone can readily accept. Though in someways it was a shilling’s bus-ride ahead of it’s time.
……….For me I’m just glad it’s there.
14 April 2010
Bongo said
Honestly, if the Beatles music wasn’t in it, would anyone watch it?????????
I don’t understand why there would be a YS film at all if the Beatles music weren’t in it. That’s like saying, “Honestly, if we did not need air to live, would anyone breathe it?”.
When you take the story on it’s own, taking the Beatles aspect out of it completely, it differs little from most action adventure movies. A villain or villains antogonize a group of people and a hero or heroes come to the rescue. Having said that, if you don’t like the characters or the dialogue, that is completely understandable. Not every action adventure film is a good one.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
BeatlebugTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
1 November 2013
Zig said
Bongo said
Honestly, if the Beatles music wasn’t in it, would anyone watch it?????????
I don’t understand why there would be a YS film at all if the Beatles music weren’t in it. That’s like saying, “Honestly, if we did not need air to live, would anyone breathe it?”.
Depends on whether we still need to breathe air to talk and smell.
28 March 2014
Zig said
Bongo said
Honestly, if the Beatles music wasn’t in it, would anyone watch it?????????
I don’t understand why there would be a YS film at all if the Beatles music weren’t in it. That’s like saying, “Honestly, if we did not need air to live, would anyone breathe it?”.
When you take the story on it’s own, taking the Beatles aspect out of it completely, it differs little from most action adventure movies. A villain or villains antogonize a group of people and a hero or heroes come to the rescue. Having said that, if you don’t like the characters or the dialogue, that is completely understandable. Not every action adventure film is a good one.
I guess I said it wrong. The Beatles actually were in the Films A Hard Day’s Night & Help ! along with their music, whereas they were not a part of the YS movie other than throwing couple of throw away songs they had, and that little outro at the end (All Together Now ).
I just can’t sit down to watch it, whereas, I can with the other 2 films and the Let It Be movie!
The following people thank Bongo for this post:
Zig BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!
14 April 2010
Annadog40 said
Zig said
<… if we did not need air to live, would anyone breathe it?".Depends on whether we still need to breathe air to talk and smell.
I’ve been around people who smelled whether they breathed or not. I held my breath, that’s for sure.
I do enjoy this film. It’s not for everybody but the music is great, the animation holds up well and Jeremy Hillary Boob Ph.D is a hoot – his lines were well written, IMHO. I also enjoy bad puns – so help me I do – and this film is full of them.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
Beatlebug, Von BonteeTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
15 February 2015
Zig said
Annadog40 said
Zig said
<… if we did not need air to live, would anyone breathe it?”.Depends on whether we still need to breathe air to talk and smell.
I’ve been around people who smelled whether they breathed or not. I held my breath, that’s for sure.
I do enjoy this film. It’s not for everybody but the music is great, the animation holds up well and Jeremy Hillary Boob Ph.D is a hoot – his lines were well written, IMHO. I also enjoy bad puns – so help me I do – and this film is full of them.
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