9 October 2021
I wish they’d release the original Let It Be as a bonus feature or something.
The following people thank Let It Bleed for this post:
cool Beatles sites: good ‘ol Alan nice song-by-song and of course this place
Tied for most likely to derail a thread 2021 (don’t know how to post images on my sig, mods help)
24 March 2014
17 March 2019
Let It Bleed said
I wish they’d release the original Let It Be as a bonus feature or something.
Let It Bleed said
I wish they’d release the original Let It Be as a bonus feature or something.
I heard there were plans to do that. can anyone confirm?
Though, let’s be honest: This already kicks the original film’s ASS! 🙂
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Let It Bleed6.56am
1 May 2011
‘LIB ‘ has been remastered and will be out next year. Apple and Disney clearly don’t want the focus taken away by other products and people being able to compare and contrast both films together at this time. Instead, they are giving ‘GB’ time to breathe and folk to take in the new footage.
We have almost 8 hours to gorge on just now, I’m happy to wait till next year for the rest. I see it as like having to wait three months for your birthday is better than having it two days after Christmas as you’ve got something to look forward to (or dread).
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
KyleKartan, PauliesGirl, Let It Bleed"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
3 July 2020
meanmistermustard said
‘LIB ‘ has been remastered and will be out next year. Apple and Disney clearly don’t want the focus taken away by other products and people being able to compare and contrast both films together at this time. Instead, they are giving ‘GB’ time to breathe and folk to take in the new footage.We have almost 8 hours to gorge on just now, I’m happy to wait till next year for the rest. I see it as like having to wait three months for your birthday is better than having it two days after Christmas as you’ve got something to look forward to (or dread).
Sounds like you have insights that it will be released somehow someway for sure.
Iam still crossing my fingers for a Bluray of GB and the LIB movie
The following people thank KyleKartan for this post:
17 March 2019
13 April 2018
KyleKartan said
Richard said
KyleKartan said
Ron Nasty said
The clip of Get Back on the rooftop @Richard posted in post 292 that had appeared on Movie Roar on 20 November has now been released officially by both The Beatles and Walt Disney (just over five hours ago):
Wondering if we get the Don’t Let Me Down basement footage that appeared at the same time as a final trailer/peek tomorrow?
This might sound silly bt for the first time I see Yoko standing in the right corner. I just never look at anything but the 4 lads so that might be why I never noticed her before…
Yoko Ono, Maureen Starkey, Ken Mansfield and Chris O’Dell were watching the performance sat by the side of the chimneys:
What a lucky audience!! So much envy.
Does anyone know why that group got to be there? Surprised all the Beatles wives aren’t there.
24 August 2021
In a word…FANTASTIC!
It truly is amazing how much Jackson was able to do to be able to not stand on LIB ‘s toes, in avoiding repeating it as much as possible. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that when you have 60 hours of footage and 150 hours of audio to draw from, that you’d have this much difference and variety.
Anyone who was worried this documentary would be a whitewash clearly shouldn’t have been, because if anything, Part 1 is much darker than the original film, with lots of creeping tension, boredom and moments where either John, George or Ringo are clearly not into it. This is probably more than anything what George meant when he referred to it as “the winter of discontent.” Indeed, on January 10, one can see the light going out in George, where he’s getting fed up, he’s feeling unnecessary and ignored, so it really is no surprise when he says, “I’m leaving the band now.”
It was nice to finally see anything of the Yoko jam, even with the understanding it would be trimmed for consumers (and inevitably so!), and get the fact they didn’t know how to deal with George leaving, that it wasn’t until the end of the day it truly it hit them.
Getting to see and notice so many songs being worked out and birthed, even in as harsh and unforgiving a space as Twickenham, is something mesmerizing all the same. The fact I didn’t realize that Carry That Weight was meant to be a comic number for Ringo in the vein of Act Naturally , complete with a pub piano, really shows that even someone like me can learn something new about something I know so well.
The big surprise, to me, was that the “Pakistani” verses and other assorted jams in that vein would be released at all, and distributed by Disney, given the political climate of today, especially where the Enoch Powells of modern times are louder and more easily noticed than ever. Then again, maybe that’s the reason why it came out. Especially almost as a veiled response to the fact Eric Clapton is under so much hot water right now with his pandemic comments and his 1976 rant being revisited again. (Personally, I think about Eric the same way I think about Mel Gibson: someone who is a good person, but who is often bipolar and has immense anger problems, which get worse when self-medicating with booze, and when lashing out says things that aren’t necessarily from the heart as much as done for shock value and a little boy’s sense of causing an uproar. I do think that Eric’s critics are overplaying things a bit, but I also think the fact Eric can’t admit when he’s wrong and can’t directly apologize definitely hurts him, and it does get hard to defend him at times. If George were still alive, I’m sure that he, in his own fashion, would be telling Eric that he’s acting quite stupidly right now. Van Morrison, that’s another story, and he’s far worse than Eric, but that guy, in my eyes, was always a grumpy old man, even in his younger days)
If all this comes just from Act I, then the real goodies are sure to come when moving to Apple!
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KyleKartan, kelicopter12.54pm
25 November 2021
I watched the first episode earlier… I thought it was pretty Fantastic.
Obviously for Beatles fans it will likely be very good (at least), but even for just general music fans I think it was an incredible look at the creative process.
Seeing the early scraps of tunes and phrases being turned into classic songs (and often quite collaboratively) was just breath taking at times.
John hardly seemed interested in what was going on much if the time, but when something ‘turned him on’ he would snap into a total pro.
Paul was clearly leading just about everything, but also self aware of this and did not want to, but couldn’t help himself. He and John were somewhat dismissive of George’s effforts at early points, but you could see George had some great ideas (talking up Preston, etc)
George surprised me how subservient and overly repsectful he was being of the others (until that ‘moment’ that seemed to come out if nowhere at the time, but was hinted at days before)…but seeing him coming in everyday with a chirpy “Good Morning” like the junior in an office felt so odd.
I thought Ringo looked a bit sad that his mates weren’t totally in the ball, but also that he stayed very calm and supportive of the fellas as a ‘band’, even if he didn’t want to go to Libya :-D.
Really looking forward to the rest of it, great stuff.
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KyleKartan, Leppo, sir walter raleigh6.18pm
1 May 2011
Paul and John clearly couldn’t be that bothered with either ‘IMM’ or ‘ATMP ‘, the change in their involvement from when working on their own numbers was really quite noticeable. It’s not new information, just very apparent when you see it. George was trying really hard to get involved in their numbers but Paul was very domineering (tho he clearly didn’t want to and got pissed off at doing so) whilst John just went with whatever was suggested. It’s easy to feel sorry for George but I do for Paul as well as the band needed led. I never realised how little time they initially had to get the whole show together, have always had it barricaded in my head it was at the end of January but it was just over two weeks and they had next to nothing for any part of it.
It’s good to see things like ‘No Pakistanis’ included surrounded by the context, hopefully it stops anyone suggesting it was anything but a parody but no doubt there will be a few who willingly and deliberately get vocal online. Finally, there is clearly little footage of some of the covers which is why they are only briefly shown. It really needs to be remember that no only is there not always footage to go with the audio but, even if there is, it may not have been in the correct place for that exact moment. Any complaints I see about such things I’m instantly ignoring. Same as when footage is out of focus or the audio doesn’t match up exactly. This is what there was and I’m just thrilled to be watching it.
It was nice to see the mistakes get out of the way early on tho and a real joy to see the four performing material for the first time that I’ve heard for 20 years. I did have one moment when John walked in one of the days and my head screamed in excitement “that’s John!!!”. It is so cool to see all four together.
My plan still remains to watch all three separate as soon as I possibly can and then watch all three again over Sunday.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
KyleKartan"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
18 April 2013
So I’m in the middle of watching this and I was wondering if it looks to anyone else like Paul’s words go with the way his mouth is moving but whenever John or George talk it’s like they’ve dubbed something over it? Sometimes their mouths are not even moving…
Oh ok, it’s because they had some audio footage without video. I get it now. I think I remember reading something about that at the start of the film now.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
18 April 2013
I think my favorite part so far is John watching George sing Dylan’s “Mama You’ve Been on My Mind”…you can tell he really likes it.
And to be honest it’s like the first minute of real music in the whole two and a half hours. Just watching them f*ck around is really getting on my nerves…
And is “Across The Universe ” the only song that’s actually been finished? I think so, besides the two that George wrote.
The following people thank Expert Textpert for this post:
Leppo, sir walter raleigh"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
18 April 2013
14 December 2009
yeah, I was pleasantly surprised to see that bit. Also liked the inaudible footage of her and Linda chatting…
Part 1 thoroughly enjoyed by mombontee and myself, although I wish the editing was a little less hyperactive – so much cutting to reaction shots of people’s faces during those bits where everyone’s speaking.
Michael Lindsay-Hogg comes off like one of those caricatured Hollywood directors with his thousand insane ideas…too much!
The following people thank Von Bontee for this post:
Expert Textpert, Vera Chuck and Dave, Let It BleedPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
3 July 2020
Thanks for all the opinion guys! I cant wait to get into the first episode after work today! Didnt get to watch yesterday as I was off work late and my girl and I did just get to sleep pretty early. But Iam hyped to dive into it as soon as possible. Probably will watch 2 Episodes today.
The following people thank KyleKartan for this post:
Von Bontee12.48am
18 April 2013
14 June 2016
I’m going to watch the first episode tonight – I finally have access. Really looking forward to it. Thanks for all the responses so far. Can’t wait to see more John.
The following people thank Timothy for this post:
sir walter raleigh1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
7 November 2010
Hi guys, been a while! Just HAD to jump back on to discuss Get Back : The Fellowship of the Ring. (My nerdiest joke, c’moooon)
This may have already been common knowledge, but I didn’t know that that John was the one who suggested the lyric “a mind can blow those clouds away” in All Things Must Pass because of Mal’s scrawly handwriting. That moment blew my mind.
Also George getting the idea of I Me Mine because he watched a sci fi programme followed by a waltz on BBC2! The fact that something as simple as bad handwriting or a TV listing can spark an idea and literally change history, watching that is absolutely wild to me!
Watching the song Get Back come to life in front of your eyes is magical.
Their personalities at the time are already so well documented but it is utterly fascinating to see it play out in front of you, with SUCH GOOD QUALITY FOOTAGE! It made me sad to see John so clearly out of it at times – that one day where he turns up late and barely says a word when he is there, but then the next day he’s on top form. Obviously we know of Paul being the boss/father figure, but you see why this would have very necessary to get anything done! I felt most sorry for George. I said out loud “poor George” multiple times while watching, all he wants is to be creative and he is constantly shut down. And Ringo just comes across as lovely and going with the flow, my heart swelled when Linda said she felt most comfortable around “Ring.”
Yoko, Linda and Maureen all look absolutely stunning! Everyone just looks so incredibly young – they’re all about the age I am now, so I feel incredibly lucky to be watching this at this moment.
Also Michael Lindsay-Hogg is such a stereotypical director it’s hilarious. So worried about the show and the spectacle of it (“2000 candlelit Arabs!”) when they haven’t even written the album yet!
Sorry for that absolute ramble. Basically it’s surreal and emotional and fascinating as expected, so excited for Two Towers and Return Of The King.
The following people thank kelicopter for this post:
KyleKartan, Vera Chuck and Dave, Leppo, Von Bontee, mithveaen, RubeI think it's great you're going through a phase, and I'm awfully glad it'll all be over in a couple of days
25 February 2020
6 July 2016
I’ve never been a big fan of I Me Mine but there’s a moment where George is presenting the song and John’s comments are really brutal which must have really hurt and you have to really feel for him. I’ve been in band situations myself presenting my own songs and you feel quite vulnerable.
Is it possible that the arrival of Dick James triggered something in George too? That’s to say wasn’t he mainly representing John and Paul’s interests?…. and perhaps it was one more reminder on top of the song rejections that he was an unequal member and the financial implications that underpinned that relationship.
I have to say for me All Things Must Pass is an incredibly great song and you have to ask how that was passed over by John and Paul. I seem to remember reading that at some stage George stated that he didn’t want them to use some of his songs for Let it Be. Is that right? I assume this was after the walk out?
The following people thank Leppo for this post:
kelicopter, Shamrock Womlbs, mithveaen, KyleKartanPivotal Moments in Beatles History No.118: Yoko helps herself to one of George's digestives.
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