29 November 2012
Father McKenzie said
@Dr-Beatle: Yeah,she was really attractive for sure. “Good morning Miss Winters,Miss Winters,Miss Winters”.
Jan Carson (the stripper) wasn’t bad either……
Indeed. But I tend to like more full-figured/voluptuous women (like my wife!), so it’s Miss Winters for me! 😎
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Father McKenzie"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
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14 November 2017
20 August 2013
Were the Beatles posters already in that shop or were they put there for the movie?
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Father McKenzieCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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14 November 2017
1 September 2017
I might have to watch Magical Mystery Tour tonight or tomorrow night. When I view it I feel like I am gazing into Paul’s awesome brain. And I need my Jolly Jimmy Johnson fix. Stay tuned …
Help !
The following people thank SpecialCup for this post:
Beatlebug"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
Roll up, y’all! I’m watching Magical Mystery Tour NOW!! Who’s with me? Put it on!!! Satisfaction guaranteed!
The following people thank SpecialCup for this post:
Beatlebug"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
1 September 2017
Oooh, Ringo likes the look of that stripper; Paul is unsure. Oh wait, Paul is working his sunglasses bit on Miss Winters, the same one he uses on John in the “Penny Lane ” video. Oh Paul, you cad
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
It’s Jolly Jimmy! I could melt. Hey the proprietor of that shop looks kinda like John. Something to check up on later … He’s quite friendly.
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
1 September 2017
1 September 2017
Ringo and Aunt Jessie love to fight, yeh?
Enter Mr. Buster Bloodvessel.
Paul is 30, but he looks a little younger due to the Fair Isle sweater. I love that line.
Paul and Miss Winters are spacing out to “Fool On The Hill.” Now Paul is jumping over rocks and I swear he is wearing thigh-high boots and no pants whatsoever under his coat. Typical Paul.
Good morning Miss Winters!
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
The old lady snaps a picture of Miss Winters, to remember the trip by!
Good old Freda! And Mal looking real dapper. He should’ve adopted this look.
George with the too-large sports coat getting some passive-aggressive shoves in on “only sleeping” John.
Magic Alex, ugh, kick him off the bus. He’s gonna bleed you dry, Beatles! And is that Neil lurking in the woods?
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
The always pleasing, always neurotic Victor Spinetti has finally lost it.
It’s a Tug Of War . They are trying to outdo each other in a Tug Of War . A song clearly inspired by this scene. Also there seems to be some side action here, the wrestling match and some unorganized sack hopping.
Bring on the vicars!
Wait , what are the vicars doing with those babies?? And the other vicars with that blindfold game? These vicars are off the hook.
Jolly Jimmy making sure everyone is entertained, like the pro he is.
On to the marathon!
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
Oh my God , the vicars totally cheated. Father superiors jumped the gun. I’m sorry but the baby stroller people and the sack group are never gonna win this marathon.
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
George looks fast. He has overtaken Jolly Jimmy.
Go Ringo!!! Get in that bus!
Oh Ringo is so great in this scene! Real cutthroat. “Out of the road, ya stupid … he’s picking the vicars up!”
Where did all the other cars come from??
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
Ringo and the bus group are victorious!
Jolly Jimmy is jubilant, George is dancing with Mr. Bloodvessel, Aunt Jessie is talking smack to the losers, and Mike McCartney and the vicars are pissed off! The cops are holding them back!
I love this movie
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
Of course the photographer turns into a dancing bear.
I love how Jolly Jimmy is at the front of the bus facing the group telling them to look to the left to see the uninspiring view, while he is simultaneously sitting within the group that looks to the left. Within You Without You .
Now, Flying .
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
1 September 2017
Magician Ringo is rather uncoordinated with that magic wand for being the drummer for the world’s greatest band.
Mr. Bloodvessel has revealed his feelings for Aunt Jessie. They make a cute couple in his dream. Jolly Jimmy is not amused that Mr. Bloodvessel is playing courier.
“I Am The Walrus ” begins. Paul with the assist to Ringo. Hey these guys are pretty cool. Their finger snapping is highly coordinated. I never noticed John had two lazy eyes until now. The bird and the hippo are really grooving at the end.
"Life is good; life is wonderful, and with friends like these, who needs life?"
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