1 May 2011
21 January 2014
Marcelo said
I saw a film today, oh, boy…
Don’t shoot me but, Magical Mystery Tour is a horrible film. I have to fast-forward it to the musical parts. I’m so badly impressed with it that I wish I didn’t see it.
Yeah I see what you mean. I remember when it was impossible to find it,so when I saw it it was ooh BEATLES ! you know the feeling? anything BEATLES ,especially from that period. Now I see lots of stuff in it that is really funny, like Ringo fighting with his aunt for example. And some not so funny , the victor spinetti and cow scene for example I’m sure there are some who will thing I have it backwards ,that’s cool.it is also the first place we saw a video for ” I Am The Walrus ” as some one has mentioned.
8 November 2012
8 February 2014
Funny I was just looking for a MMT thread. My dvr broke and I had to reprogram all my season passes and wishlists. The first ones I put in, of course, were “George Harrison “, “Paul McCartney “, “John Lennon “, “Ringo Starr “, and “Beatles” (it will record anything that matches those words in title and/or description). Imagine my delight when it recorded both MMT and “The Making of MMT” off pbs the first night! (also The Last Waltz and Rockshow It was the first time I’d seen MMT (apparently it had been “lost” in the US for 30+ years after the original showing).
I enjoyed the movie, of course I can enjoy pretty much anything the Beatles created. It certainly wasn’t the highlight of their career but it entertained me. That said, I’m going to delete it after I watch “The Making of…”.
I agree Your Mother Should Know was classic! Straight out of a 30s Broadway musical.
I’m sure some of you have seen the Monty Python movie Life of Brian? There’s that scene where they keep dumping food onto this large person’s table until he…has had too much. Maybe they got the idea from the MMT spaghetti scene? (speaking of which, in a series of disconnected scenes, I think that was the most disconnected)
1 May 2011
In a recent interview given to Wetherby News John Challis, who most folk in the UK will know as Boycie in ‘Only Fools and Horses’, revealed that John offered him a role in ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘ but had to turn it down as filming clashed with a project for the BBC. Snipped from the link
He even nearly appeared in a Beatles movie, he adds, casually.
It’s the sort of anecdote that pops up in passing in his intimate Only Fools and Boycie tour where he reveals a treasure trove of secrets from a dazzling career – as well as answering questions and signing books.
“This was in 1967. I’d met John, Paul and Ringo, George was away, and had gotten on famously. They all had a terrific sense of humour. Lennon asked me to join the coach in this film they were about to make, Magical Mystery Tour . This is great, I thought.
“Unfortunately, their shooting scheduled clashed with my first big break on the BBC by just two days. The BBC wouldn’t release me. I never saw John or the rest of The Beatles again.”
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Mr. Kite, parlance"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2013
This is the only Beatles movie I watched more than once
28 March 2014
Annadog40 said
This is the only Beatles movie I watched more than once
One movie I just can’t get into is Yellow Submarine , but since they are not even it (other than the 2 minute outro of All Together Now ) I don’t miss it.
BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!
18 March 2013
I quite like Magical Mystery Tour , particularly George’s two lines “Thank you” and “A song”- he was a brilliant actor that Harrison fella.
I don’t really get into Yellow Submarine either and confession:
A Hard Day’s Night is good but I can’t watch it all in one setting as I find it a bit long-winded but I could watch Help ! over and over (probably because I prefer the soundtrack to Help ! over AHDN .)
I’ve watched Let It Be once and plan to watch it some other time as well (one of the weirdos who liked this as well- don’t ask me why because I don’t really remember. I do find George getting electrocuted funny though Once again the sadism)
I’ve watched Help ! the most, then MMT, AHDN , YS and LIB last
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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
18 April 2013
I thought Let it Be was kind of boring, and I came away from it really disliking Paul. My favorite part was Yoko just always sitting there doing nothing, or dancing with John.
Magical Mystery Tour is really good, I’m not sure why it’s disliked. I liked the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band scene the best.
Yellow Submarine is good as well.
A Hard Day’s Night is really funny and I’ve seen it the most.
My least favorite is Help ! I didn’t think it was that entertaining.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
8 November 2012
I love AHDN even more with the remaster. I had to restrain myself from volunteering a bunch of times at the local theater to see it for free, haha. I think for sheer quirkiness (and sweatered Paul), MMT might my favorite, though. But it depends on the day.
I think the order might go MMT tied with AHDN , then Yellow Submarine (I love both Paul and George’s entrances), Help , and then Let It Be . But Help is a very, very close second for least favorite.
18 March 2013
^^ Re-jogged my memory there, I remember not liking Paul either and thinking he was a (Ahhh Girl and LHL block your ears)…prick, he was very bossy in it wasn’t he? He’s meant to be like that in studio and business life anyways but I don’t care, go Paul!
Ahh my freakishness for liking Help ! the most is shining through!
“It’s a thingy, a fiendish thingy, RUN RINGO!”- yeah it’s pretty sad that I only quote George isn’t it? Ah well *eats cymbal*
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
8 November 2012
Not to defend him, because he certainly has his bossy moments, but the more I hear about the unedited Get Back tapes, the more I think the film was edited to make Paul look worse than he actually was. To me, the biggest prick is John.
18 March 2013
parlance said
Not to defend him, because he certainly has his bossy moments, but the more I hear about the unedited Get Back tapes, the more I think the film was edited to make Paul look worse than he actually was. To me, the biggest prick is John.parlance
Oh yeah overall John was a massive prick! (To anyone who takes the term ‘prick’ in a different sense: 1) Stop it you dirty thing and 2) We all know John didn’t have a massive prick )
He could (possibly although most likely not) be my favourite Beatle if he didn’t do what he did to Julian or abuse his girlfriends among other things.
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
1 May 2011
Not in the right thread but Paul tried way too hard in LIB to get everyone motivated, ending up at times on screen looking like the guy you’d do anything to get away from.
Out of the five top of my list would be Help ! as whilst the plot is thin and daft i love the silliness of it all and, like ASJ, i prefer the soundtrack ‘(I Need You ‘ in a field). Plus any film that has an utterly bizarre intermission which has nothing to do with the film in the slightest gets extra bonus brownie points.
After that its ‘A Hard Day’s Night ‘, ‘Let It Be ‘, ‘Yellow Submarine ‘ and lastly ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘.
There are some fabulous moments in MMT, mainly the music videos, the track race and John’s dream sequence, but other parts i find incredibly unfunny bordering on annoying (Victor Spinetti’s Sergeant) or intensely creepy (the stripper – I really don’t need or want to ever see John and George leering and perving over a stripper).
Did any of them come out of ‘LIB ‘ in a good light? John was stoned and too wrapped up in Yoko to be able to be of any real use, George couldn’t be arsed with any of it and did as little as he could and Ringo was just there, passing thru, waiting to film ‘The Magic Christian’ or whatever it was. There are great moments and music but it would be wrong to say it wasn’t a miserable time for all of them.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
8 November 2012
I used to find Victor Spinetti’s part annoying, but after watching the behind-the-scenes extras, and learning how he recreated that character verbatim from the stage made me appreciate it, and suddenly it became funny – especially since Paul’s trying desperately not to laugh.
I do like the intermission in Help . I even like the gratuitous scenes of the Cute One shedding his clothes for no reason (bathroom and ashtray). And there’s that adorable, “Aren’t I?” puppy look.
Also: George in espadrilles.
18 March 2013
Multiplied by a million mmm- that stripper scene is disturbing that and the fact they rarely blink while the stripper is doing her thing… Do what ye want in yer free time boys just don’t put it your films for Christ sake!
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
Mr. Kite
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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
1 May 2011
I find it far more than disturbing, it grosses me out.
I haven’t seen the extra’s, i haven’t bought the dvd yet, i’m not paying £15 for a film i’m not that keen on and recorded when the BBC screened it back in 2012. I also recorded and kept the Arena documentary that was shown immediately before it.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
18 March 2013
parlance said
I used to find Victor Spinetti’s part annoying, but after watching the behind-the-scenes extras, and learning how he recreated that character verbatim from the stage made me appreciate it, and suddenly it became funny – especially since Paul’s trying desperately not to laugh.I do like the intermission in Help . I even like the gratuitous scenes of the Cute One shedding his clothes for no reason (bathroom and ashtray). And there’s that adorable, “Aren’t I?” puppy look.
Also: George in espadrilles.
Agreed George rocks the jeans look better than Paul I think but then again I’m slightly bias.
“That’s all gab- disemboweling”
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
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