8 November 2012
SatanHimself said
“Help !” is out on Blu-Ray next week!When was this announced? I just saw it on the Beatles’ feed on FB.
Roundabout when I went on hiatus back in April/May, and I was dying to post in the news thread. Finally got a chance about a week ago. :->
25 August 2012
SatanHimself said
And in case anyone is looking for ‘A Hard Day’s Night ‘ on Blu-Ray, it’s been available in Canada for a few years.
Yeah, I know that, but, frankly, I don’t like the fact that everything is written in both English AND French on their artwork.
17 January 2013
Duke_of_Kirkaldy said
SatanHimself said
And in case anyone is looking for ‘A Hard Day’s Night ‘ on Blu-Ray, it’s been available in Canada for a few years.Yeah, I know that, but, frankly, I don’t like the fact that everything is written in both English AND French on their artwork.
Listen, we can’t help that, okay? We didn’t make the rules.
It bugs the crap out of me too sometimes.
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
17 December 2012
But that type of thing doesn’t just happen in Canada. Because my hard-drive was becoming clogged I went out and bought an external hard-drive on Sunday. I bought it the UK. It was made for an American company in Thailand. On the front, sides and top of the box, English and French are used. On the back of the box, there is a very basic description (the English line is just “Add-on storage for your PC”) in 14 languages.
The warranty details inside instead of being a piece of paper with English one-side and, maybe, French the other, is turned into a 28-page booklet containing it in 24 languages. That one really annoys me as it seems such a waste of resources. Why not just one bit of paper saying warranty details can be found online, or requested by post or phone, in all 24 languages? 95% of the booklet they include is wasted paper to me, even though I speak a little French, if I read the warranty, I’ll read it in my natural language.
And living in the European Union, which is a single market, those products made for sale across the whole market instead of in individual countries, tend to have every detail in multiple languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, etc.). And the order varies depending on the country it was mainly made. The amount of time you have to look at some foods just to find out what they actually are can be ridiculous.
Anyway, back on topic, anyone know if the extras on the blu-ray Help ! are any different to the DVD? To my mind, Apple have been very poor in that department. Look at the DVDs for Help !, Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine for extras – all Apple, and compare the extras on the 2-disc A Hard Day’s Night DVD that wasn’t Apple.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
3 May 2012
I bought something online a few months ago, and the amount of packaging used shocked and really annoyed me. We don’t need instructions in that many languages, nor do we need a box inside a box inside a bag inside a box to get to what we bought. It’s a waste.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
16 August 2012
mja6758 said
Anyway, back on topic, anyone know if the extras on the blu-ray Help ! are any different to the DVD? To my mind, Apple have been very poor in that department. Look at the DVDs for Help !, Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine for extras – all Apple, and compare the extras on the 2-disc A Hard Day’s Night DVD that wasn’t Apple.
Pretty much the same as the DVD release from a few years back. Still though… Beatles in HD. Can’t go wrong with that.
E is for 'Ergent'.
16 August 2012
I’ll give it a miss. I bought the Help ! DVD box set a year or so ago and it’s lovely, but it’s not the sort of film I’d watch all that often. I only really bought the box set for the extras (same with the MMT Blu-ray one).
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21 November 2012
1 May 2011
I don’t own the dvd and don’t have a blue ray player. The standard dvd was priced at £18! Apple can forget that. I’ll come across it one day second hand or on sale.
The whole film was on youtube but its now gone. Apple been up to their meddling again I suspect.
Instead here is some silent home movie footage taken during footage, I believe by (he who needs no name).
and a trailer (can I just add that I love that Help ! title design, always have).
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
25 August 2012
mja6758 said
Anyway, back on topic, anyone know if the extras on the blu-ray Help ! are any different to the DVD? To my mind, Apple have been very poor in that department. Look at the DVDs for Help !, Magical Mystery Tour and Yellow Submarine for extras – all Apple, and compare the extras on the 2-disc A Hard Day’s Night DVD that wasn’t Apple.
Um, what? The “Magical Mystery Tour ” Blu-ray had far more extras than I ever thought it would… especially considering it’s still the black sheep of the group’s output in many people’s minds (not mine, though ). I was more surprised “Yellow Submarine ” wasn’t given any additional extras that weren’t included on the original MGM DVD.
21 November 2012
16 August 2012
Watching in on Blu-Ray right now. In the interest of full-disclosure, I’ll admit that I’m watching the film in a similar mind-state that the Beatles were when they made it.
Stray real-time observations. If you watch the movie, refer to this as a mini-commentary:
– 04:53 – In hi-def the Technicolor really pops out. It looks very much ‘of its time’.
– 05:24 – Paul’s sheet music on the organ is a bunch of “Superman’s Pal – Jimmy Olsen” comics.
– 14:41 – In HD, you can see tiny dust particles swirling in the air around Ringo’s drums during “You’re Going To Lose That Girl “.
– 15:20 – First blatant weed joke. [Sound Guy] “Boys are you buzzing?”; [John] “No thanks, I’ve got the car”.
– 19:00 – Richard Lester deserves more credit for his role in the development of Slapstick Comedy.
– 23:40 – Watching the Beatles’ films with the subtitles on makes them even better, as so much of the fast-paced dialogue is nearly unintelligible.
– 30:00 – Heroin joke!
– 32:50 – “Sniffing Drugs” visual joke!
– 36:45 – Pointing a gun at John Lennon and pulling the trigger? Too soon…
– 49:45 – Is it fair to say that Richard Lester is the Father of the music video? Every musical performance in this film as well as ‘AHDN ‘ could easily be spliced into any reel of music videos from the last 40 years and not look out of place.
– 56:10 – I wonder if grass was ever that green, or if that’s something Lester did with the colour purposely…
– 1:12:20 – Dear bathing-suit manufacturers, make these again.
– 1:15:10 – Aww… It’s the intro from the Anthology. When’s that coming to Blu-Ray…?
– 1:22:05 – The film seems to have run out of narrative, and it’s just gotten weird. The soundtrack is in full Bond mode.
– 1:24:45 – Nobody ever played the straight-man better than Victor Spinetti.
– 1:26:30 – And then the film devolves into a purely Richard Lester-esque fit of pre-Monty-Python antics.
– 1:29:10 – The ‘sewing machine’ dedication securely ties the Beatles into the world of intelligent, ‘MAD magazine”-style farce.
– 1:26:30 – The end-credit music is from ‘The Barber Of Seville’. Of course it is. That makes sense.
Not a brilliant movie by any stretch. But it’s good ludicrous fun, packed with lots of great songs and iconic scenes.
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Von BonteeE is for 'Ergent'.
8 November 2012
^^ I didn’t realize there were so many drug jokes in the movie, haha. Thanks for your entertaining commentary.
3 May 2012
8 November 2012
SatanHimself said
– 56:10 – I wonder if grass was ever that green, or if that’s something Lester did with the colour purposely…
I found a used copy of the remastered DVD this week, and the answer is yes, he did. Lester talks in the accompanying documentary about experimenting frame-by-frame with different filters to get the colors he wanted. One thing that struck me is how well the color holds up in Help !, especially compared to other films of the decade.
Have to say I was disappointed that they didn’t actually show a deleted scene in the extras as much as show photos and talk at length about one.
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29 August 2013
The blu ray is VERY nice, and I was interested in hearing from the restoration team about how they were very careful in their frame-by-frame to make sure they kept the correct colour balance. I hadn’t watched the film for many years and must say I enjoyed it more than I thought I might, and my 14 year-old son REALLY liked it.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
15 January 2014
One part I find hilarious in this movie is when the guy splashes red paint all over Ringo an he just acts so sad. The trap door part with the tiger is also funny, as well as the bicycle scene; where Paul follows the red footprints and John tells George not to encourage him. The intermission is pretty gear as well.
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You know my name you know my number
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20 August 2013
@Beatles4ever, I hope you enjoy this thread
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1 December 2009
It bothers me that they cast all white actors to play the Indian parts, but I guess that’s just the way things generally were in 1965. And at least they seemingly pointed out the obvious hypocrisy of the practice by hiring English actors to play “actual fake Indians” for the restaurant scene.
As with “A Hard Day’s Night “, I really don’t care for the silly slapstick bits much at all. But Roy Kinnear and (as usual) Victor Spinetti are great as the inept scientists. I also really enjoyed the Inspector or constable or whatever he was – you know, the guy who’s overfond of the word “famous”.
Some fantastic, practically hallucinogenic colour photography in this film! Especially during the “Another Girl ” sequence. That plus the various location shooting and some wild set designs make it an enjoyable film to look at. (Many ‘biblers happy to see Paul naked except for a gum wrapper, no doubt, as well!)
3 stars!
GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
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