1 May 2011
Why am i mistakenly believing that No Reply is my favourite song (considering im the only to have said that Wildcat must be speaking about me above)? Is there something i should be aware of. I havent said their best song, or have I?
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
19 April 2010
Von Bontee said
http://ultimateclassicrock.com…..-drummers/$300 million! (estimated)
Also, Robert, isn’t music publishing only a portion of songwriting income – separate from the songwriting royalties themselves? Or am I misunderstanding that?
Well. $300 million doesn’t buy what it used to. joking – That’s the first report I ever heard and if true it puts Ringo in a good place. In terms of publishing etc, I believe songwriting is a portion of the overall publishing. Publishing can include the arranger, marketing, producers, the Dick James types who sell the music (like to movies etc), the sheet music, and even the recorded performance (when people record songs others wrote – the performers can still get a cut). The pie gets cut up pretty small, and The Beatles lost almost all their pieces of the pie.
Interesting, my guess is Ringo and George kept most of their songs which were outside the Maclen catalogue.
"She looks more like him than I do."
1 May 2011
29 November 2012
meanmistermustard said
Is this how Let It Be should be released (the stones new limited edition dvd release Charlie is my Darling, Ireland). If it was i would be drooling.
I’d be down with that. Honestly, for all the reasons you all stated above, it is in a completely different spirit than their other films, which is why they don’t want it released. I remembed watching it for the first time in the mid-1980s on my uncle’s bootleg VHS of it and I was physically uncomfortable when Paul berated George about his guitar playing (the famous “I’ll play whatever you want me to play, or I won’t play at all, whatever it is that will make you happy, I’ll do it”). Paul is my favorite Beatle but he was a massive a-hole in that film, John and Yoko were obnoxious and on H the whole time, Ringo looks bored, and George looks absolutely miserable. The joy of the rooftop concert at the end is in such a contrast to the rest of the preceding film that it’s almost jarring.
No wonder they aren’t in any rush to release it (officially) on DVD!
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
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8 January 2014
how i think of “Let It Be “… you know how these reality shows are popular now. well, thats how i think of the “Let It Be ” film as a “Beatles Reality Show”, but thats the whole problem isnt it. Going by a 1970 John Lennon interview i heard once, Beatles and reality can not really coexist. but then again they seem to in “Let It Be “, which is something that the “Beatle-myth” (John’s term) can not allow.
29 August 2013
1 November 2013
Who needs official releases? We know we allllll have bootlegs.
No, but really, it’d be great just for what might come with it.
Edit: Oh, wow, I passed 200 posts and didn’t even notice. Posts fly when you’re having fun!
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
10 September 2013
Most people wouldn’t care for it, but it would certainly help my project.
"All the world's a birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much." - George Harrison
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22 December 2013
ledzepfilm said
Most people wouldn’t care for it, but it would certainly help my project.
As with ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘, I think that many have grown to appreciate the ‘Let It Be ‘ film over the ages. It was too painful for many to watch while The Beatles were officially disbanding, and lacked the polish and enthusiasm expected of them, largely due to 1969’s ‘Abbey Road ‘ brilliance. With today’s technology and remastering capabilities, I’d have to think that there’d be quite a buzz about an upgraded ‘Let It Be ‘ DVD with many potentials for ‘Extras’. The Rooftop Concert in 5.1 would be most enticing, especially after the disappointing reworking of the ‘Let It Be Naked’ project. Have you seen this before?
This ‘Get Back ‘ Promo is a bit different from the one officially released to coincide with the ‘Naked’ album, it’s the one that you unlock during ‘The Beatles RockBand’ and gives you a little taste of some of the potential spoils that could be included with a ‘Deluxe Let It Be ‘ DVD Set…:-)
1 May 2011
I doubt even with today’s technology you can make what is a pretty dispirited film much brighter without re-editing it and under no circumstances do i want to see a revisionised (“that’s not even a word!”) Let It Be . If there is to be a re-imagining (that should please Yoko – Imagine you’re Let It Be and happiness solidifies in your soul) then put it on as an extra.
Just give us the film as it was originally released, remastered with the best sound (is 5.1 still the best available?) and a bonus dvd with the complete Rooftop Concert, promo’s and outtakes. For any other company it wouldn’t be that hard to do, with Apple it’s harder than solving the meaning of human existence.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2013
meanmistermustard said
I doubt even with today’s technology you can make what is a pretty dispirited film much brighter without re-editing it and under no circumstances do i want to see a revisionised (“that’s not even a word!”) Let It Be . If there is to be a re-imagining (that should please Yoko – Imagine you’re Let It Be and happiness solidifies in your soul) then put it on as an extra.Just give us the film as it was originally released, remastered with the best sound (is 5.1 still the best available?) and a bonus dvd with the complete Rooftop Concert, promo’s and outtakes. For any other company it wouldn’t be that hard to do, with Apple it’s harder than solving the meaning of human existence.
Hey, guys, is it just me, or is mmm not Apple’s biggest fan?
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
29 August 2013
I’m not too bothered that it hasn’t been released officially, it’s floated round the internet for months. I was expecting the dark inner turmoil of the final years when It’s just 120 minutes of blather.
"White Album - My joint-fave Beatles album along with Revolver. They show the two sides of Beatles. Revolver's very controlled - even though it's also very innovative. The White Album's playful and almost ramshackle. It's like a scrapbook kept by a genius. Fantastic stuff."
1 May 2011
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
meanmistermustard said
I doubt even with today’s technology you can make what is a pretty dispirited film much brighter without re-editing it and under no circumstances do i want to see a revisionised (“that’s not even a word!”) Let It Be . If there is to be a re-imagining (that should please Yoko – Imagine you’re Let It Be and happiness solidifies in your soul) then put it on as an extra.Just give us the film as it was originally released, remastered with the best sound (is 5.1 still the best available?) and a bonus dvd with the complete Rooftop Concert, promo’s and outtakes. For any other company it wouldn’t be that hard to do, with Apple it’s harder than solving the meaning of human existence.
Hey, guys, is it just me, or is mmm not Apple’s biggest fan?
It’s difficult to like a company who like to make money from the Beatles (fair enough, its why they exist) yet release so fuckin’ little. Who can’t seem to get off their arses, put down the tea and biscuits, and have either an original decent thought in their heads or manage to get the simple everyday bog-standard releases right. They f****d up Live At The BBC (they admitted it when they reworked it for On Air Volume 1), they f****d up Anthology, they f****d up what became Let It Be Naked and they are about to f**k up The US Albums. They took 22 years to remaster the UK albums, despite them sounding murky for 10 of them, and they can’t even put out their own openly bootlegged available material to keep it all in copyright – and would have made them some money (which leads us back to the start so they f****d up that too). Oh and they announced a Live Project that no sooner vanished and was dropped.
Yet when it comes to shitty merchandise that no-one ever wants, needs or thought would exist, they are the masters at licensing such s**t at rip-off prices. Putting out a promo dvd is not on but a limited edition ink-pad that sings 3 seconds of She Loves You when you open and close it is.
Let It Be was meant to be released at the same time as Let It Be Naked, that was over 10 years ago. One of the reasons given was the discovery of new footage and going thru it to see what could be used for the re-release, a one-legged blind caterpillar could have done a quicker job – and i bet a superior job to Apple.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
10 August 2011
Nice clip, Billy Rhythm.
What disagreements?
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
20 August 2013
meanmistermustard said
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
meanmistermustard said
Just give us the film as it was originally released, remastered with the best sound (is 5.1 still the best available?) and a bonus dvd with the complete Rooftop Concert, promo’s and outtakes. For any other company it wouldn’t be that hard to do, with Apple it’s harder than solving the meaning of human existence.
Hey, guys, is it just me, or is mmm not Apple’s biggest fan?
It’s difficult to like a company who like to make money from the Beatles (fair enough, its why they exist) yet release so fuckin’ little. Who can’t seem to get off their arses, put down the tea and biscuits, and have either an original decent thought in their heads or manage to get the simple everyday bog-standard releases right. They f****d up Live At The BBC (they admitted it when they reworked it for On Air Volume 1), they f****d up Anthology, they f****d up what became Let It Be Naked and they are about to f**k up The US Albums. They took 22 years to remaster the UK albums, despite them sounding murky for 10 of them, and they can’t even put out their own openly bootlegged available material to keep it all in copyright – and would have made them some money (which leads us back to the start so they f****d up that too). Oh and they announced a Live Project that no sooner vanished and was dropped.[snip]
Let It Be was meant to be released at the same time as Let It Be Naked, that was over 10 years ago. One of the reasons given was the discovery of new footage and going thru it to see what could be used for the re-release, a one-legged blind caterpillar could have done a quicker job – and i bet a superior job to Apple.
From my understanding of the little bits and pieces that I’ve read so far, Apple has been a failure in so many ways right from the inception of the company. Am I getting that right?
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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8 November 2012
Ahhh Girl said
From my understanding of the little bits and pieces that I’ve read so far, Apple has been a failure in so many ways right from the inception of the company. Am I getting that right?
Definitely. If you have a chance to read The Longest Cocktail Party, you’ll get an insider view in how slapdash the organization was, albeit in a humorous light.
I get the impression though, that Apple is frustrating nowadays for completely opposite reasons. They’re so preoccupied with preserving the legacy in just the right away that they move at the speed of an iceberg in making decisions, and the chain of command is seemingly endless.
1 May 2011
Its very difficult to get anything passed the four Executive who must sanction any and all releases, ensuring it meets their objectives of making them look good. All Things Must Pass – fat chance.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
20 August 2013
meanmistermustard said
Its very difficult to get anything passed the four Executive who must sanction any and all releases, ensuring it meets their objectives of making them look good. All Things Must Pass – fat chance.
Got ya, mmm.
And thanks, parlance.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
10 September 2013
Billy Rhythm said
ledzepfilm said
Most people wouldn’t care for it, but it would certainly help my project.Have you seen this before?
This ‘Get Back ‘ Promo is a bit different from the one officially released to coincide with the ‘Naked’ album, it’s the one that you unlock during ‘The Beatles RockBand’ and gives you a little taste of some of the potential spoils that could be included with a ‘Deluxe Let It Be ‘ DVD Set…:-)
Of course! It’s a nice little clip and it continues to impress me how Apple releases new footage more often on little things like video games, rather than recycling old footage.
"All the world's a birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much." - George Harrison
If you're also interested in Led Zeppelin, check out my youtube channel:
22 December 2013
I like that clip a lot, but as enjoyable as it is, it’s not at all an accurate depiction of the mood of the times. It appears that a reissue of the ‘Let It Be ‘ film could rekindle the same fire that first scarred the album’s release back in 1970. The original concept of issuing an album of unedited, no overdubbed tracks was rejected by The Beatles because they themselves weren’t happy with the material, yet when someone came in (Phil Spector) and abandoned that “original concept” in order to produce a listenable product, it was met with much criticism. What are they to do here? Reissue an unaltered film which isn’t really that much fun to watch over and over again, or give it an overhaul (ala Spector), or a “revisionism” as meanmistermustard so eloquently likes to put it, so as it may appeal to a broader demographic than just the hardcore fans who actually want to hear George & Paul argue.
The other alternative is to try and do both by having the unaltered film on one disc and the “revisionism” on the other, but that may hurt sales for it likely means a more expensive package, for both the consumer and distributor. Also, a direct comparison between the two would likely make the original film look worse than it all ready is in a lot of people’s eyes. I personally would just prefer a ‘Beatles Live’ DVD with the ‘Washington 1964’, ‘Shea Stadium 1965’, ‘Tokyo 1966’ & ‘Apple Rooftop 1969’ shows all refurbished to the best visual/audio possible with today’s technology, and all the bickering in and around the January 1969 studio sessions? They should just ‘Let It Be ‘…:-)
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