29 March 2017
When I’m in an unforgiving mood, this one always springs to mind.
I turn on the tube and what do I see
A whole lotta people cryin’ “Don’t blame me”
They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else
Spend all their time feelin’ sorry for themselves
Victim of this, victim of that
Your momma’s too thin; your daddy’s too fat
Get over it
Get over it
All this whinin’ and cryin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it
You say you haven’t been the same since you had your little crash
But you might feel better if they gave you some cash
The more I think about it, Old Billy was right
Let’s kill all the lawyers, kill ’em tonight
You don’t want to work; you want to live like a king
But the big, bad world doesn’t owe you a thing
Get Over It – The Eagles
The following people thank HappyHaggis for this post:
William Shears Campbell, SgtPeppersBulldog3.11pm
18 September 2016
Roxy Music The Thrill Of It All
Every time I hear
The latest sound
It’s pure whiskey
Reeling round and around
My brain
Oh and all o’ that jive
It’s driving me wild –
The dizzy spin I’m in
Joy Division New Dawn Fades
A change of speed, a change of style
A change of scene, with no regrets
A chance to watch, admire the distance
Still occupied, though you forget
Different colours, different shades
Over each mistakes were made
I took the blame
Directionless so plain to see
A loaded gun won’t set you free
So you say
We’ll share a drink and step outside
An angry voice and one who cried
“We’ll give you everything and more
The strain’s too much, can’t take much more”
Oh, I’ve walked on water, run through fire
Can’t seem to feel it anymore
It was me, waiting for me
Hoping for something more
Me, seeing me this time
Hoping for something else
The Band Whispering PInes
Let the waves rush in, let the seagulls cry
For if I live again, these hopes will never die
I can feel you standing there
But I don’t see you anywhere
The Smiths How Soon Is Now
When you say it’s gonna happen “now”
Well when exactly do you mean?
The following people thank penny lane for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, William Shears Campbell, Necko“I know, Jerry, that you are as human as the rest of us, if not more so."
14 February 2016
“I was justified when I was five
Raising cane, I spit in your eye
Times are changing, now the poor get fat
But the fever’s gonna catch you when the bitch gets backEat meat on Friday that’s alright
Even like steak on a Saturday night
I can bitch the best at your social do’s
I get high in the evening sniffing pots of glueI’m a bitch, I’m a bitch
Oh the bitch is back
Stone cold sober as a matter of fact
I can bitch, I can bitch
`Cause I’m better than you
It’s the way that I move
The things that I doI entertain by picking brains
Sell my soul by dropping names
I don’t like those, my God , what’s that
Oh it’s full of nasty habits when the bitch gets back.”
The Bitch Is Back- Elton John.
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Von BonteeI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
1 May 2011
Don’t blame me just because I am bored
I’m needy, I need to taste it all
Don’t doubt me just because I am quiet
I’m thinking, thinking about it allI’m helpless about the way of me
I’m thinking, thinking about it all
I’m sorting everything insideI’m looking in the space
This time, this void
I’m making my way through the muddy minutes
The pull is in my muscle
The ache is in my bones
It’s hard to be aloneBreathe, breathe
It Won’t Be Long now
Breathe, breatheSee through me when I put up a fight
Like you to see the things I hide
Go deeper than I won’t let you know
I’m frightened but I won’t let it showI’m helpless about the way of me
I’m thinking, thinking about it all
I’m sorting everything insideI’m looking in the space
This time, this void
I’m making my way through the muddy minutes
The pull is in my muscle
The ache is in my bones
It’s hard to be aloneBreathe, breathe
It Won’t Be Long now
Breathe, breathe(‘Breathe’ – Kylie)
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 January 2017
Here are some more favourite lyrics of mine –
It’s So Hard to follow a dream
Dreams are following me
Hard on my heels they come…
Neil Innes – Dream On (1973, released 1994)
Woke up in a panic,
Like somebody fired a gun
I wish I could be dreaming,
But the nightmare’s just begun.
There’s flooding in the basement,
There’s water all around.
There’s woodworm in the attic
And the ceiling just fell down.
The Kinks – State Of Confusion (1983)
"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
24 March 2014
The gift by The velvet underground
Waldo Jeffers had reached his limit. It was now Mid-August which meant he had
been separated from Marsha for more than two months. Two months, and all he had
to show was three dog-eared letters and two very expensive long-distance phone
calls. True, when school had ended and she’d returned to Wisconsin, and he to
Locust, Pennsylvania, she had sworn to maintain a certain fidelity. She would
date occasionally, but merely as amusement. She would remain faithful.
But lately Waldo had begun to worry. He had trouble sleeping at night and when
he did, he had horrible dreams. He lay awake at night, tossing and turning
underneath his pleated quilt protector, tears welling in his eyes as he
pictured Marsha, her sworn vows overcome by liquor and the smooth soothing of
some neanderthal, finally submitting to the final caresses of sexual oblivion.
It was more than the human mind could bear.
Visions of Marsha’s faithlessness haunted him. Daytime fantasies of sexual
abandon permeated his thoughts. And the thing was, they wouldn’t understand how
she really was. He, Waldo, alone understood this. He had intuitively grasped
every nook and cranny of her psyche. He had made her smile. She needed him, and
he wasn’t there (Awww…).
The idea came to him on the Thursday before the Mummers’ Parade was scheduled
to appear. He’d just finished mowing and etching the Edelsons lawn for a dollar
fifty and had checked the mailbox to see if there was at least a word from
Marsha. There was nothing but a circular from the Amalgamated Aluminum Company
of America inquiring into his awing needs. At least they cared enough to write.
It was a New York company. You could go anywhere in the mails. Then it struck
him. He didn’t have enough money to go to Wisconsin in the accepted fashion,
true, but why not mail himself? It was absurdly simple. He would ship himself
parcel post, special delivery. The next day Waldo went to the supermarket to
purchase the necessary equipment. He bought masking tape, a staple gun and a
medium sized cardboard box just right for a person of his build. He judged that
with a minimum of jostling he could ride quite comfortably. A few airholes,
some water, perhaps some midnight snacks, and it would probably be as good as
going tourist.
By Friday afternoon, Waldo was set. He was thoroughly packed and the post
office had agreed to pick him up at three o’clock. He’d marked the package
“Fragile”, and as he sat curled up inside, resting on the foam rubber
cushioning he’d thoughtfully included, he tried to picture the look of awe and
happiness on Marsha’s face as she opened her door, saw the package, tipped the
deliverer, and then opened it to see her Waldo finally there in person. She
would kiss him, and then maybe they could see a movie. If he’d only thought of
this before. Suddenly rough hands gripped his package and he felt himself borne
up. He landed with a thud in a truck and was off.
Marsha Bronson had just finished setting her hair. It had been a very rough
weekend. She had to remember not to drink like that. Bill had been nice about
it though. After it was over he’d said he still respected her and, after all,
it was certainly the way of nature, and even though, no he didn’t love her, he
did feel an affection for her. And after all, they were grown adults. Oh, what
Bill could teach Waldo – but that seemed many years ago.
Sheila Klein, her very, very best friend, walked in through the porch screen
door and into the kitchen. “Oh gawd, it’s absolutely maudlin outside.” “Ach, I
know what you mean, I feel all icky!” Marsha tightened the belt on her cotton
robe with the silk outer edge. Sheila ran her finger over some salt grains on
the kitchen table, licked her finger and made a face. “I’m supposed to be
taking these salt pills, but, ” she wrinkled her nose, “they make me feel like
throwing up.” Marsha started to pat herself under the chin, an exercise she’d
seen on television. “God , don’t even talk about that.” She got up from the
table and went to the sink where she picked up a bottle of pink and blue
vitamins. “Want one? Supposed to be better than steak, ” and then attempted to
touch her knees. “I don’t think I’ll ever touch a daiquiri again.”
She gave up and sat down, this time nearer the small table that supported the
telephone. “Maybe Bill’ll call, ” she said to Sheila’s glance. Sheila nibbled on
a cuticle. “After last night, I thought maybe you’d be through with him.” “I
know what you mean. My God , he was like an octopus. Hands all over the place.”
She gestured, raising her arms upwards in defense. “The thing is, after a
while, you get tired of fighting with him, you know, and after all I didn’t
really do anything Friday and Saturday so I kind of owed it to him. You know
what I mean.” She started to scratch. Sheila was giggling with her hand over
her mouth. “I’ll tell you, I felt the same way, and even after a while, ” here
she bent forward in a whisper, “I wanted to!” Now she was laughing very loudly.
It was at this point that Mr. Jameson of the Clarence Darrow Post Office rang
the doorbell of the large stucco colored frame house. When Marsha Bronson
opened the door, he helped her carry the package in. He had his yellow and his
green slips of paper signed and left with a fifteen cent tip that Marsha had
gotten out of her mother’s small beige pocketbook in the den. “What do you
think it is?” Sheila asked. Marsha stood with her arms folded behind her back.
She stared at the brown cardboard carton that sat in the middle of the living
room. “I dunno.”
Inside the package, Waldo quivered with excitement as he listened to the
muffled voices. Sheila ran her fingernail over the masking tape that ran down
the center of the carton. “Why don’t you look at the return address and see who
it’s from?” Waldo felt his heart beating. He could feel the
vibrating footsteps. It would be soon.
Marsha walked around the carton and read the ink-scratched label. “Ah, god,
it’s from Waldo!” “That schmuck!” said Sheila. Waldo trembled with expectation.
“Well, you might as well open it, ” said Sheila. Both of them tried to lift the
staple flap. “Ah sst, ” said Marsha, groaning, “he must have nailed it shut.”
They tugged on the flap again. “My God , you need a power drill to get this
thing open!” They pulled again. “You can’t get a grip.” They both stood still,
breathing heavily.
“Why don’t you get a scissor, ” said Sheila. Marsha ran into the kitchen, but
all she could find was a little sewing scissor. Then she remembered that her
father kept a collection of tools in the basement. She ran downstairs, and when
she came back up, she had a large sheet metal cutter
in her hand. “This is the best I could find.” She was very out of breath.
“Here, you do it. I-I’m gonna die.” She sank into a large fluffy couch and
exhaled noisily. Sheila tried to make a slit between the masking tape and the
end of the cardboard flap, but the blade was too big and there wasn’t enough
room. “God damn this thing!” she said feeling very exasperated. Then smiling,
“I got an idea.” “What?” said Marsha. “Just watch, ” said Sheila, touching her
finger to her head.
Inside the package, Waldo was so transfixed with excitement that he could
barely breathe. His skin felt prickly from the heat, and he could feel his
heart beating in his throat. It would be soon. Sheila stood quite upright and
walked around to the other side of the package. Then she sank down to her
knees, grasped the cutter by both handles, took a deep breath, and plunged the
long blade through the middle of the package, through the masking tape, through
the cardboard, through the cushioning and (thud) right through the center of
Waldo Jeffers head, which split slightly and caused little rhythmic arcs of red
to pulsate gently in the morning sun.
The following people thank Shamrock Womlbs for this post:
Martha, Von Bontee"I Need You by George Harrison"
26 January 2017
“But like Louise always says, “Ya can’t look at much, can ya man?,” As she, herself, prepares for him.
-Visions of Johanna
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
Von Bontee"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
26 January 2017
Thirty-Three by The Smashing Pumpkins contains my favourite lyrics.
Speak to me in a language I can hear
Humour me before I have to go
Deep in thought I forgive everyone
As the cluttered streets greet me once again
I know I can’t be late, supper’s waiting on the table
Tomorrow’s just an excuse away
So I pull my collar up and face the cold, on my own
The earth laughs beneath my heavy feet
At the blasphemy in my old jangly walk
Steeple guide me to my heart and home
The sun is out and up and down again
I know I’ll make it, love can last forever
Graceful swans that never topple to the earth
And you can make it last, forever you
You can make it last, forever you
And for a moment I lose myself
Wrapped up in the pleasures of the world
I’ve journeyed here and there and back again
But in the same old haunts I still find my friends
Mysteries not ready to reveal
Sympathies I’m ready to return
I’ll make the effort, love can last forever
Graceful swans that never topple to the earth
Tomorrow’s just an excuse
And you can make it last, forever you
You can make it last, forever you
I've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
27 February 2017
Breathe, breathe in the air
Don’t be afraid to care
Leave but don’t leave me
Look around and choose your own ground
For long you live and high you fly
And smiles you’ll give and tears you’ll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be
Breathe (In the Air) – Pink Floyd (the bold ones I especially like)
So don’t get any big ideas
They’re not gonna happen
You’ll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking
Nude – Radiohead
The following people thank Martha for this post:
Pineapple Records, BeatlebugNot once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
15 May 2015
He doesn’t know when to rise
He closes his weary eyes upon the day
Look at him yawning
Throwing his morning hours away
He knows how to ease down slowly
Everything is fine in the end…
That Sunny Skies hasn’t a friend.
It doesn’t much matter why
I guess he just has to cry from time to time
Everyone’s leaving
And Sunny Skies has to stay behind
Everything is fine in the end…
That Sunny Skies hasn’t a friend.
He doesn’t know when to rise
He closes his weary eyes upon the day
And throws it all away.
Outside my window
Looking at the things that passed me by
Wondering if where I’ve been is worth
The things I’ve been through…
The following people thank Pineapple Records for this post:
Beatlebug, sir walter raleigh, WeepingAtlasCedarsA ginger sling with a pineapple heart,
a coffee dessert, yes you know it's good news...
15 February 2015
WeepingAtlasCedars said and I concur completely
Some of my favourite lyrics from one of my favourite Led Zeppelin songs; That’s the Way.
“And yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers
But all that lives is born to die
And so I say to you that nothing really matters
And all you do is stand and cry
I don’t know what to say about it
When all your ears have turned away
But now’s the time to look and look again at what you see
Is that the way it ought to stay?”
A beautiful tune, even without looking at the lyrics.
Though everywhere I look there’s variations of certain lines (
), the entirety of Ten Years Gone by Led Zeppelin is just true poetry; I especially love the bits about eagles. Kudos to you, Percy!
(Sidenote: the instrumentation is equally as beautiful, so I highly recommend giving it a listen!
“Then as it was, then again it will be
An’ though the course may change sometimes
Rivers always reach the seaBlind stars of fortune, each have several rays
On the wings of maybe, down in birds of prey
Kind of makes me feel sometimes, didn’t have to grow
But as the eagle leaves the nest, it’s got so far to goChanges fill my time, baby, that’s alright with me
In the midst I think of you, and how it used to beDid you ever really need somebody, And really need ’em bad
Did you ever really want somebody, The best love you ever had
Do you ever remember me, baby, did it feel so good
‘Cause it was just the first time, And you knew you wouldThrough the eyes an’ I sparkle, Senses growing keen
Taste your love along the way, See your feathers preen
Kind of makes makes me feel sometimes, Didn’t have to grow
We are eagles of one nest, The nest is in our soul*Vixen in my dreams, with great surprise to me
Never thought I’d see your face the way it used to be
Oh darlin’, oh darlin’
I’m never gonna leave you. I never gonna leave
Holdin’ on, ten years gone
Ten years gone, holdin’ on, ten years gone”
*This is my favourite line.
By the same, also ‘The Rain Song’
It is the springtime of my loving
The second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing
So little warmth I’ve felt before
It isn’t hard to feel me glowing
I watched the fire that grew so low, ohIt is the summer of my smiles
Flee from me, keepers of the gloom
Speak to me only with your eyes
It is to you I give this tune
Ain’t so hard to recognize, oh
These things are clear to all from time to time, ooh…I felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go
I cursed the gloom that set upon us…
But I know that I love you so
Oh, but I know
That I love you soThese are the seasons of emotion
And like the wind, they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion
I see the torch
We all must hold
This is the mystery of the quotient, quotient
Upon us all, upon us all a little rain must fall
Just a little rain…
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
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26 January 2017
Pineapple Records said
Sunny Skies sleeps in the morning
He doesn’t know when to rise
He closes his weary eyes upon the day
Look at him yawning
Throwing his morning hours away
He knows how to ease down slowly
Everything is fine in the end…And you will be pleased to know
That Sunny Skies hasn’t a friend.Sunny Skies weeps in the evening
It doesn’t much matter why
I guess he just has to cry from time to time
Everyone’s leaving
And Sunny Skies has to stay behindStill he knows how to ease down slow, no
Everything is fine in the end…And you will be pleased to know
That Sunny Skies hasn’t a friend.Sunny skies sleeps in the morning
He doesn’t know when to rise
He closes his weary eyes upon the day
And throws it all away.Looking at the snow and trees that grow
Outside my window
Looking at the things that passed me by
Wondering if where I’ve been is worth
The things I’ve been through…Ending with a friend named Sunny Skies.— James Taylor
Oh yeah! I posted this one a while back. My favorite line is “sunny skies weeps in the evening, it doesn’t much matter why. I guess he just has to cry from time to time.
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
26 January 2017
She reads the leave and she leaves the life
that she learned so well from the old wives
its so strange to arrange it, you know I wouldn’t change it
but hear me, if you’re near me, can I just rearrange it?
-The Band, Caledonia Mission
online lyrics sights say “she leads the life,” however I was initially struck by the double meaning in ‘leaves’
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
25 December 2017
“Now My Empty Cup Tastes as Sweet as The Punch” -“Along Comes Mary” by The Association
Do As I Day Not As I Do because the s***s so Deep You can’t run away- “Walking Contradiction by Green Day
The following people thank PurplishRain for this post:
Von Bontee"Dinner with Delores Must be some kind of sin
Like a Brontosaurus She was packin' it in" -Prince
15 November 2018
15 February 2015
So proud of ye @50yearslate
Also, I see I haven’t posted here in a while, so here’s some more Bowie:
I’m not a prophet or a stone-age man
Just a mortal with the potential of a superman
I’m living on
I’m tethered to the logic of Homo Sapien
Can’t take my eyes from the great salvation
Of bullshit faith
If I don’t explain what you ought to know
You can tell me all about it on the next Bardo
I’m sinking in the quicksand of my thought
And I ain’t got the power anymoreDon’t believe in yourself, don’t deceive with belief
Knowledge comes with death’s release(excerpt from ‘Quicksand’, 1971)
and this entire song I adore:
‘This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)’ – Talking Heads (1983)
Home is where I want to be
Pick me up and turn me around
I feel numb, born with a weak heart
I guess I must be having fun
The less we say about it the better
Make it up as we go along
Feet on the ground, head in the sky
It’s okay, I know nothing’s wrong,
Oh! I got plenty of time
Oh! You got light in your eyes
And you’re standing here beside me
I love the passing of time
Never for money, always for love
Cover up and say good-night, say good-night
Home, is where I want to be
But I guess I’m already there
I come home, she lifted up her wings
I guess that this must be the place
I can’t tell one from the other
I find you, or you find me?
There was a time before we were born
If someone asks, this is where I’ll be, where I’ll be
We drift in and out
Oh! Sing into my mouth
Out of all those kinds of people
You got a face with a view
I’m just an animal looking for a home and
Share the same space for a minute or two
And you love me till my heart stops
Love me till I’m dead
Eyes that light up
Eyes look through you
Cover up the blank spots
Hit me on the head I got
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
TheWalrusWasBrian, 50yearslate([{BRACKETS!}])
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18 December 2017
Beatlebug said
So proud of ye @50yearslate
i second this.
Also, I see I haven’t posted here in a while, so here’s some more Bowie:
I’m not a prophet or a stone-age man
Just a mortal with the potential of a superman
I’m living on
I’m tethered to the logic of Homo Sapien
Can’t take my eyes from the great salvation
Of bullshit faith
If I don’t explain what you ought to know
You can tell me all about it on the next Bardo
I’m sinking in the quicksand of my thought
And I ain’t got the power anymore
Don’t believe in yourself, don’t deceive with belief
Knowledge comes with death’s release
(excerpt from ‘Quicksand’, 1971)
that part always gets me feeling stuff.
The following people thank TheWalrusWasBrian for this post:
50yearslate, Beatlebug|
| I don’t know how to put it here. hello for the love of god hello
The Concert for Bageldesh
Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.
15 November 2018
Beatlebug said
So proud of ye @50yearslateAlso, I see I haven’t posted here in a while, so here’s some more Bowie:
I’m not a prophet or a stone-age man
Just a mortal with the potential of a superman
I’m living on
I’m tethered to the logic of Homo Sapien
Can’t take my eyes from the great salvation
Of bullshit faith
If I don’t explain what you ought to know
You can tell me all about it on the next Bardo
I’m sinking in the quicksand of my thought
And I ain’t got the power anymore
Don’t believe in yourself, don’t deceive with belief
Knowledge comes with death’s release
(excerpt from ‘Quicksand’, 1971)
Hey, I heard that song today!
You’re right, they are lovely lyrics. That last line sounds almost Georgish.
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
TheWalrusWasBrian, BeatlebugLove one another.
- - -
(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
- - -
2018: 2019:
18 December 2017
Am i allowed to put this?
alan’s psychedelic breakfast (pink floyd)
Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes.
Toast, coffee. Marmalade, I like marmalade.
Marmalade, I like marmalade.
Porridge is nice.
Any cereal, I like all cereal.”
No reply.”
No, I’ve got a terrible back.
When I work, it hurts me.
Do you know Elton John?
Why he sort of a…
When drivin’ on the radio to sleep, getting ready for a gig.
I don’t know.
He does that electrical stuff, I can’t follow that.”
Toast, coffee.
Marmalade, I like marmalade.
I don’t like coffee.
Porridge is nice.
Any cereal, I like all cereal.
What a day!
My head’s a blank.”
The following people thank TheWalrusWasBrian for this post:
| I don’t know how to put it here. hello for the love of god hello
The Concert for Bageldesh
Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.
15 February 2015
He also says something like ‘Kickoff at ten’ and ‘Oh, Gawd’ at some point in Morning Glory, doesn’t he?
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