8 April 2010
11 February 2010
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
14 April 2010
Topsham, Maine, USA, North America, Western Hemisphere, Earth
Joe asked for interesting facts about where we live.
Topsham was named (as a lot of New England towns are) after a city (Town?) in England.
As a matter of fact Joe, the city next to mine is also called Bath. It is known as the “City of Ships”. Bath Iron Works builds and repairs US Naval warships.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
15 February 2010
5 April 2010
13 November 2009
27 April 2010
From Asheville North Carolina USA. Currently living in northeastern Tennessee. I love it here in the Appalachian Mountains. Snowy winters and nice and warm in the summer, but not too hot and not full of mosquitos like lots of the deeper south. I still work in western North Carolina and commute 60 or so miles one way about 2-3 times a week.
Bringing you the best and worst of The Beatles, since 2007.
21 August 2009
I’m from Waterdown, Ontario, Canada. (Are there anymore Canadians? There used to be…)
I live right in the heart of suburbia, and it’s heaven.
I’m still waitin’ around for my years to catch up with me so I can move and get out of here. Europe, I’ll be seeing you soon!
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
1 May 2010
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
4 April 2010
18 March 2010
mithveaen said:
I’m from Tampico Tamaulipas Mexico. An interesting fact? John Huston’s The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was filmed in here. Do you see the building in the back? I have just walked in front of it 2 hours ago.
I love Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
“Badges? We ain’ got any badges. We don’ need no stinking badges!!!”
I grew up in a farming town in South Florida. I currently live near Orlando.
27 February 2010
I’m from the suburbs of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We have Tango, mate, football (soccer), some of the best rock bands in spanish languaje, lots of beatles-homage-bands and the greatest concentration of a******s in the Western Hemisphere.
I'd like to say "thank you" on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we passed the audition.
John Lennon
8 April 2010
Marcelo said:
I’m from the suburbs of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We have Tango, mate, football (soccer), some of the best rock bands in spanish languaje, lots of beatles-homage-bands and the greatest concentration of a******s in the Western Hemisphere.
You know, that’s one of the things I don’t like about Australia. Most people prefer AFL to the real football (and claim that they had the name football first). There are still quite a few football fans, but nowhere near as many as in South American and European countries.
I went to a Socceroos (nickname for the national team; I suppose Footballroos doesn’t have the same ring to it) match last night, the farewell game before the World Cup, and no-one I knew went to the game.
Also, on an unrelated note, there are some new emoticons!
21 May 2010
Paul McCartney said:
I’m from Australia.
I am also from Australia, the same place as you, conincidently.
I'd like to be, under the sea, in an octopus's garden, with you.
4 September 2009
MrBig said:
Watertown, Wisconsin. Fat people capital. Also, the first kindergarten was here.
Having grown up in Carondelet, Mo, we were taught that the first kindergarten was there. The middle school I went to was named after the woman that started the kindergarten. I was fixing to call you on it, but after some research, you are correct. The first kindergarten in the USA was in Watertown, WI. The first “publically financed” kindergarten was in Carondolet, MO. (learn something new everyday)
Look Up The Number
1 May 2010
Celebrated_Mr_K said:
mithveaen said:
I’m from Tampico Tamaulipas Mexico. An interesting fact? John Huston’s The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was filmed in here. Do you see the building in the back? I have just walked in front of it 2 hours ago.
I love Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
“Badges? We ain’ got any badges. We don’ need no stinking badges!!!”
I grew up in a farming town in South Florida. I currently live near Orlando.
Isn’t it a great film? I might do in my Summer vacations a little story about Sierra Madre locations and how they look today. Some of them are gone, but some of them look almost the same.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
21 May 2010
18 April 2010
I’m from a small town called Yreka, CA and we don’t really own up to anything! Our town is really small seeing as it’s less than 10 square miles! And Yreka has been on the Top 100 Small Communities in th US since 1990! I can’t wait to get out of here! I hope to move to Weed for community college (cool fact is it’s name) and then to Ashland, OR to further my education. Ashland is home to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
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