14 January 2013
cbatcu said
sky090909 said
Sounds close to a crock pot to me.Hubby didn’t come with a crock pot. I don’t know the difference between these two kitchen appliances.
I tried looking it up and I really don’t know myself, other than they call a rice cooker a steamer. From what I can tell by the link mja6758 gave us they look like they could cook almost the same stuff. I just bought a mini crock pot last month and now that it, I bought I can’t believe it took me this long to buy one. Like a rice cooker, most of the time you can’t burn food.
16 July 2013
A crock pot is a “slow cooker” – pop stuff in it in the morning and it gently cooks it, anything from 6 to 10 hours, and you can cook casseroles, soups, corned beef, curries or even some desserts like custards and bread and butter pudding.
A rice cooker only cooks rice I think, with a few added extras if you want.
"Try to realise it's all within yourself - no-one else can make you change"
1 November 2012
When I was a college student, I roomed in a house with other students, and the owner of the house was a Puerto Rican guy who cooked his rice the Puerto Rican way. It seemed the best way and I’ve been doing it ever since: just get water boiling in a small frying pan (not a normal pot). When the water is at a “roiling boil” (as the Galloping Gourmet used to say) plunk in about 1 cup of white rice (Puerto Ricans don’t eat brown rice usually). Let it continue to boil without a lid for about 20 minutes. The water will bubble over the sides and make a mess, but that’s the price to pay for perfect rice. When the rice looks all “packed” in the pan and there appears to be no water left, turn off the heat and cover it.
The rice will be simultaneously soft yet not “gummy” nor will it be “flaky” — it will be perfectly dense yet chewy. To me, the test of well cooked rice is when you plunge your fork in and lift off, the rice doesn’t fall apart into individual grains all over the place — but neither is it too “gummy” either.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
14 January 2013
LadyBay said
A crock pot is a “slow cooker” – pop stuff in it in the morning and it gently cooks it, anything from 6 to 10 hours, and you can cook casseroles, soups, corned beef, curries or even some desserts like custards and bread and butter pudding.A rice cooker only cooks rice I think, with a few added extras if you want.
The link that mja6758 put showed all sorts of things.
1 May 2011
8 August 2013
3 May 2012
What’s a phobia of bananas called, Hannah? Do you know? This stuff fascinates me. Is it something that happened to you that triggered it or have you had it all your life?
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
14 April 2010
3 May 2012
As we’re doing images, I’m having another one of these lovely things:
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
23 May 2013
3 May 2012
8 August 2013
fabfouremily said
What’s a phobia of bananas called, Hannah? Do you know? This stuff fascinates me. Is it something that happened to you that triggered it or have you had it all your life?
I think it’s actually called bananaphobia! There was a little bit in the Metro (newspaper) about someone who had it, can’t remember why that was deemed newsworthy! I think I’ve only had it since I was a teenager I’m sure I ate them as a kid. I don’t know what it is, it’s the smell, the texture, the shape, everything! I work with a very mischievous man who is constantly taunting me about it, the other day I walked into the office and he said “catch” and threw something at me which I instinctively caught and it was a banana of course! He also put one on my keyboard and I made him swap keyboards with me! I’m a bit of a weirdo really!
8 August 2013
1 May 2011
8 August 2013
1 November 2012
There are different forms of banana:
a banana split (ice cream with slices of banana and chocolate syrup and nuts)
banana bread
fried banana (sometimes “flambé” — add cognac and light on fire).
banana dipped in chocolate.
In Mexico where I spent part of my childhood, they have big red bananas. Don’t know if that would be scarier or not…
While I like bananas, there is one thing about bananas that scares me: when they are in bunches straight off the tree, there can be big black spiders lurking amongst them, and I do have arachnophobia.
Finally, while we’re on the subject of strange phobias, when I was a little boy, I was actually afraid of butterflies…!
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
8 August 2013
29 August 2013
BrettB said
Simple-as-heckie peanut butter sandwich. Just peanut butter on bread. Two slices of bread. Folded over.I lead a very exciting life, don’t I?
You do – I had one of those yesterday. Do you do yours with butter/margarine and then the peanut butter, or just the peanut butter straight?
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
8 August 2013
20 August 2013
Hannah said
I’ve never tried peanut butter. Is that strange?
Since you asked that question, I have to tell this story. I didn’t eat peanut butter growing up. When I was 20, I babysat this little 3-year-old boy who loved peanut butter and jelly mixed together in bowl. One day he asked me, “Miss (my name), why don’t you eat peanut butter?” I said, “Because I don’t like it.” He said, “But Jesus wants you to like peanut butter.” For about a year I couldn’t eat enough of the stuff. I can eat it a little bit now, but it isn’t something I crave like I did that year.
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