14 June 2016
HMBeatlesfan said
Your father is stupid when it comes to media formats. Vinyl has great quality and some, including myself, consider it superior to CD’s whereas 8 tracks have shitty quality and suck balls. Here’s a little known fact about me, although I was born in 1967 and was the perfect age to have them, I never bought a single 8 track and the only reason there were even 8 tracks in my house was because my father had a car with an 8 track player in it so he had a couple of them.
Yeah, FSC loves 8 track for some weird reason. He also used to record all the Casey Kasem on 8 track. Every time he brings them up MSC talks about how terrible 8 tracks were. And actually since I’ve posted this FSC has broken down and let me listen to his records after MSC was all like “WSC is not gonna ruin them.”
Also, please don’t use the sticky sleeves, you’re better off not covering your vinyl at all, once I was working at a record store and I accidentally got the adhesive stuck to the cover of an album and it took me 2 hours to remove and the job wasn’t perfect.
Adhesive sleeves? I’ve never heard of those. I bought these. They’re litterally just like the old paper sleeves, except they’re a bit sturdier so they won’t tear or crumple as easily.
The following people thank William Shears Campbell for this post:
Beatlebug, HMBeatlesfan, HMBeatlesfan, HMBeatlesfan, HMBeatlesfan, HMBeatlesfanHere | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
29 March 2017
Hi All,
I think this is the best place for me to ask! I’m seriously thinking about getting back into vinyl again after, well never mind how many years, let’s just say it’s been a while.
I must be on a nostalgia trip as I’m recalling the whole experience from my teens. It wasn’t just the music, it was the feel of the disc sliding out of the cover, that sort of swishing noise and it was the smell of the record player too. It was an all encompassing experience that is lacking with CDs and digital. I remember getting a music centre in the late 60s, Sanyo I think (the memory ain’t what it used to be LOL) and was so excited. Mind you, I got into trouble with the neighbours as I used to have my bedroom window open and I guess the Beatles at full volume wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
I’ve noticed that there are a few folk on here playing vinyl and was wondering what turntables you were using? I’ve been researching on-line, but as is the norm, there is a lot of conflicting information about various models. The problem is that there are no music stores up here that I can visit for demos, so am totally reliant on the wonderful web.
The following people thank HappyHaggis for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug6.23am
1 January 2017
"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
Hi Trevor. I got back into vinyl in a similar way. I moved house a few years ago and was unpacking the LPs I’ve always carried from house to house, and realised I missed the whole thing about playing records. I play a mix of vinyl, CD and streaming now, but when playing albums it tends to be 90% vinyl.
The nostalgia thing you mention is funny. I can remember almost everything about the LPs I have that I bought in my teens – the artwork, where I bought them etc – but I don’t get the same feelings from newer vinyl purchases (maybe that’ll come in time). I’m a bit torn on expanding my collection tbh, because it’s inconvenient and takes up a lot of space, so I’m quite selective about the things I buy now. It’s easy to get caught up in paying over the odds for coloured vinyl and limited editions which look nice but are really just a cash grab from the labels.
HappyHaggis said
I’ve noticed that there are a few folk on here playing vinyl and was wondering what turntables you were using? I’ve been researching on-line, but as is the norm, there is a lot of conflicting information about various models. The problem is that there are no music stores up here that I can visit for demos, so am totally reliant on the wonderful web.
I have a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB in white, which I like very much. SB stands for speed box (ie you don’t have to lift the platter to change the speed). It’s not an all-in-one so I have a pre-amp and a Denon stereo I connect it to. Avoid Crosley and low-end turntables with no counterweight (eg Audio Technica LP-60) because they use too much tracking force and will wear down your records. It can be an expensive hobby but it’s worth investing in a good record deck. Pro-Ject, U-Turn, Rega, Audio Technica (LP-120) are all brands worth investigating.
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29 March 2017
Hi Joe,
There’s something special about vinyl that’s hard to explain. I remember stacking singles on the spindle and moving the arm across to hold them all in place! There was a resounding clunk when the next 45 went down on to the platter lol. Also, the old styli were a combo with a 78rpm on the other side with a chunky lever to change over.
LPs are certainly a lot more expensive now, especially the Beatles stuff, but as my wife said, it will give her something to buy me for birthdays and Xmas. Do you know any good sources for vinyl? I live in the wilds of Scotland, a long way from civilisation, so there are no record stores nearby, the nearest would probably be Edinburgh, some 300 miles away!
I am leaning towards the Project Essential IIIA and a suitable preamp. It seems to be the best option within my budget.
Many thanks for your suggestion.
14 February 2016
If you’re in the middle of nowhere, it looks like Ebay is your best bet. You just have to be careful about quality.
Beatles records will be expensive, but if you’re also into other classic rock, getting the vinyl version might be cheaper.
Before I bought records, I bought CDs of my Beatles stuff. I paid $14.99 cents for one CD, I could find a vinyl copies of Rubber Soul , Let It Be , and Meet The Beatles for $10.00 (and many other classic rock albums for $3-5!) Buying CDs was a grand was of money. I regret every single one.
Anyways, sometimes it’s cheaper to get the vinyl.
I use my Dad’s player and system (the system is mostly Yamaha stuff from the 90s), the turntable is a Sony something-or-other. It’s not the best, but you could find worse *cough*Crosley*cough*. Of course a good player is pretty much nothing if you don’t have good speakers and a pre-amp.
It’ll be expensive, but in my limited experience, I think it’s worth it. (I’m going on 130 records right now)
I am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
29 March 2017
@Evangeline many thanks for your reply. I’ve got most of The Beatles stuff on CD which I’ve ripped to flac and it’s fine for background listening, when I’m reading or on here! There are times when I want to listen for the sake of it, without distraction and think vinyl will be a more special experience.
I’ll take a look at eBay and see what’s available.
All the best
14 June 2016
I use Father Shears Campbell’s turntable’s which are a Denon DP-7F
This one is fully automatic, so it will play the record and move the needle if you press the button. I usually just use this one as a semi automatic table and move the needle myself.
Then the other one is an Ion TTUSB
This one is fully manual. I love this one, and I use it most of the time. You can also use it to digitize your records, but I haven’t had the need to do that and we’ve only ever used that feature once. I mostly just like that it’s fully manual.
The following people thank William Shears Campbell for this post:
HappyHaggisHere | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
12 November 2015
I’m quite a vinyl fan too and I’ve been very happy with my AT-LP120 for quite some time now. It had lots of great features and isn’t too terribly expensive. I’ve heard good things about the AT-LP60 too.
Whatever you end up doing, I recommend you do lots of research. The internet is your friend!
Also, welcome to forumpool!
The following people thank limitlessundyinglove for this post:
HappyHaggisGrooving some cookie spaghetti since 1968.
29 March 2017
14 June 2016
This may be just me personal preference, but I really like manual turntables versus any other type of automaticness. If you can get one at a good price, I’d say get it.
Here | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
29 March 2017
@William Shears Campbell a song as there is a cuing arm I’m more than happy with a manual too. I haven’t come across an auto in the price range I’ve looked at.
she-who-must-be-obeyed has already given the seal of approval, so I just need to finalise the model I want and order on Monday.
The following people thank HappyHaggis for this post:
Ahhh Girl, William Shears Campbell, William Shears Campbell, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, Martha11.16am
1 January 2017
Here’s all my other different records which aren’t Beatles in my record collection, just because I felt like it (Some of these I already showed in the ‘albums you recently bought’ thread):
Assorted Rock/Pop:
The Rolling Stones – Their Satanic Majesties Request (1967)
Pink Floyd – Dark Side Of The Moon (1973)*
Eddie Cochran – The Eddie Cochran Memorial Album (1963 compilation, recorded 1959 – 60)
Roy Orbison – The Collection (1989 compilation, recorded 1988?)
Roy Orbison – Greatest Hits (1962 compilation, 1967 reissue (I think), recorded 1959 – 62)
Dion – Sanctuary (1972, I haven’t actually heard this yet. I think @sigh butterfly is a fan…)
The Beach Boys – Best Of The Beach Boys (UK version of 1966 compilation, recorded 1962 – 1966)
The Beach Boys – Keepin’ The Summer Alive (1980)
Chuck Berry – Motorvatin’ (1977 compilation, recorded 1956 – 1964(? (I haven’t looked into this))
Michael Jackson – Thriller (12″, 1982)
Gerry And The Pacemakers – The Best Of (1982 compilation, recorded 1962 – 1965)
Duane Eddy – Have Twangy Guitar, Will Travel (1958)
Duane Eddy – Twangy Guitar, Silky Strings (1962)*
Comedy :
Steptoe And Son (1962, I am unsure if it is audio from the early series’s of the TV show, or something aired on radio)
Kenny Everett (as Sid Snot and Cupid Stunt) – The Snot Rap (12″, 1983)
Not The Nine O’Clock News (Mel Smith, Gryff Rhys Jones, Pamela Stephenson, Rowan Atkinson) – Not The Nine O’Clock News (1980, audio from the TV series)
The Rutles – The Rutles (1978)
The Bonzo Dog Band – Keynsham (1969, 1975 reissue)*
*Within my all time favourite albums!
The following people thank SgtPeppersBulldog for this post:
Martha, Beatlebug, Necko, WeepingAtlasCedars"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
14 February 2016
Just a little update, I’m not allowed to listen to my records anymore so I’m putting them into storage and I won’t be buying any.
Also I won’t be on the forum very often because of some heavy life events.
See y’all around.
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldogI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
26 January 2017
Evangeline said
Just a little update, I’m not allowed to listen to my records anymore so I’m putting them into storage and I won’t be buying any.
Also I won’t be on the forum very often because of some heavy life events.See y’all around.
Keep your head up Evangeline! We are here for you if you need us.
"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
1 January 2017
27 February 2017
If one of us can only do the smallest thing, we’ll be here! Never say die, Evangeline, hopefully, there will be better times to come soon. Wish you all the best!
Not once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
15 February 2015
Evangeline said
Just a little update, I’m not allowed to listen to my records anymore so I’m putting them into storage and I won’t be buying any.
Also I won’t be on the forum very often because of some heavy life events.See y’all around.
Ah, I’m sorry to hear that, Eve, truly. I hope things will get better for you soon.
…The only silver lining I can think of is that your records are less likely to get damaged and/or worn out if you’re not playing them.
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27 November 2016
11 April 2016
Oh no! Sending From Me To You , Evangeline. Hopefully it’s Getting Better soon.
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