8 January 2015
Personally I don’t buy the audiophile debate between vinyl and CD. You can make a crappy master on both. I think hifi was more warranted decades ago when it was needed, these days you have much better options. Having said that, I do have vinyl and a player I can hookup through a USB interface which makes headphone listening and digitizing pleasant, because it has a built-in preamp and a proper needle. I haven’t ever actually owned Beatles vinyl, my mum’s copy of Beatles For Sale and cassettes of the Red/Blue were my childhood experience.
But lo! There came upon the internets a website called discogs and a NM White Album is very attainable, to begin with.
The following people thank ewe2 for this post:
Necko, William Shears Campbell, BeatlebugI'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
23 July 2016
11 November 2010
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William Shears Campbell, ewe2, HMBeatlesfan, HMBeatlesfan, HMBeatlesfan, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars, sir walter raleighI'm Necko. I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.
I'm also ewe2 on weekends.
Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017.
23 July 2016
If that’s the case, then you’re type of music must be classical music and you should be on the Beethoven forum because wax cylinders are so obsolete that The Beatles never released a single recording on them, nor did Elvis Presley, nor did Robert Johnson, not even 1920’s Jazz combos recorded onto these things because vinyl records are so better and everybody knew it.
The following people thank HMBeatlesfan for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldogMaybe you should try posting more.
15 February 2015
@Evangeline said
I was thinking (not always a bad thing) and looking through my record collection. And just flipping through them made me feel depressed.As I discover more and more artists and start to want all their records. I realised I will never truly have every record I want. There will always be some that I’m missing.
I’ll be wasting tons of money (I’ve spent 100$ on my Beatles records alone.) on a record collection that will never be complete.
The more I think about it, the sadder I get.
Life is like a record collection: It’s never complete until you’re dead.
I think the point of both is to appreciate what you have while you have it. Why would the money be a waste if you enjoy the records you’ve bought with it? Unless you’re one of those sorts who listens to something a few times and then moves on, in which case I recommend a streaming service.
@William Shears Campbell said
I find vinyls to be fun to listen to and handle, but for convenience and compactness I’d go with CD’s
I concur. How do I vote for both?
The question is too vague, in my opinion. Is it ‘Vinyl vs CD: Which do you like best’ or ‘Vinyl vs CD: which is more convenient’ or what?
I guess I’ll vote CD… just to spite HMBeatlesfan.
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11 January 2017
There is nothing better than vinyl, there doesn’t even need to be a vote on it, would you rather be a baby and listen to a puny CD, or would you rather man up, get some beer, invite your friends over, crank up the volume to 100, and listen to a big giant vinyl record. Although CD’s do have their advantages, vinyl is an analog format and was the format many bands intended their music to be listen on, including The Beatles, The Monkees, The Beach Boys , Bob Dylan, Simon And Garfunkel, and Queen, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
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15 February 2015
@Starr Test said
There is nothing better than vinyl
For the experience, sure.
there doesn’t even need to be a vote on it, would you rather be a baby and listen to a puny CD
CDs are not puny
or would you rather man up, get some beer, invite your friends over, crank up the volume to 100, and listen to a big giant vinyl record.
That’s only slightly gender/age-biased…
What if you’re a girl (preferably silly) who is under legal drinking age and/or just doesn’t drink, and whose friends might be diabetic and/or don’t/can’t drink, and who prefers not to go deaf before the age of 23?
…Just being pedantic.
Although CD’s do have their advantages, vinyl is an analog format and was the format many bands intended their music to be listen on, including The Beatles, The Monkees, The Beach Boys , Bob Dylan, Simon And Garfunkel, and Queen, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Well, sure. And the Beatles never intended I’ve Just Seen A Face to be the opening track to Rubber Soul , yet many American fans (including one of you three, I don’t recall which of ye) won’t accept any less.
I don’t think I’m trying to make a particular point… just thought I’d throw that out there.
I like vinyl. CDs are good too. Peace, love, and music — no matter how it gets into your ears.
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2 November 2016
We have an entire bookshelf that’s full of vinyl records.
All of said records were either gotten for free from family members or found cheap at Goodwill/yard sales over the years. I wish I could afford to buy records at any time, but they’re so expensive nowadays that it’s pretty much impossible.
The most frustrating thing? I haven’t been able to get my hands on a single Beatles album. At least I can torture myself with McCartney II if I ever feel the need.
The following people thank moriz for this post:
Ahhh Girl, William Shears Campbell, Evangeline, Beatlebug10.17am
14 February 2016
I have no idea where to put this, anyway…
My dad somehow struck a goldmine and has a secret stash of every single Beatles record. EVERY ONE.
I get two every time I wash my Mom’s car. (I usually would get 15$.) He’s given me 4 so far; Beatles IV, The Early Beatles, Yesterday … And Today, (just a trunk cover) and The Beatles Second Album.
I have no idea where they come from, and it’s driving me mad!
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedarsI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
1 January 2017
I was quite happy to find one of the two MMT EPs last time I went to the record shop (this was at the beginning of the month, I still haven’t been since ). It’s the one with Magical Mystery Tour and Your Mother Should Know on the A side and I Am The Walrus on the B side. The only thing that bothers me about it is that there is a scratch towards the end of YMSK
. From the singles of mine I have heard, there are scratches on Goodnight Tonight
which was a shame, as it was halfway through good bit and I was drifting off with it. There’s also a scratch on my Lady Madonna single, but thankfully it’s several seconds after the song finishes.
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Beatlebug"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
23 July 2016
Silly Girl said
Well, sure. And the Beatles never intended I’ve Just Seen A Face to be the opening track to Rubber Soul , yet many American fans (including one of you three, I don’t recall which of ye) won’t accept any less.
I hate how Capitol butchered the US releases instead of just releasing them as is here, it’s sad how there can be a Rubber Soul without Nowhere Man or a Revolver without I’m Only Sleeping , or a Help ! with it’s B-side removed and scattered with orchestral tracks that include a session sitarist.
SgtPeppersBulldog said
I was quite happy to find one of the two MMT EPs last time I went to the record shop (this was at the beginning of the month, I still haven’t been since<img class=”spSmiley” style=”margin:0″ title=”a-hard-days-night-ringo-14″ alt=”a-hard-days-night-ringo-14″ src=”https://www.beatlesbible.com/wp/wp-content/forum-smileys/ahdn_ringo_14.gif” />). It’s the one with Magical Mystery Tour and Your Mother Should Know on the A side and I Am The Walrus on the B side. The only thing that bothers me about it is that there is a scratch towards the end of YMSK
<img class=”spSmiley” style=”margin:0″ title=”paul-mccartney” alt=”paul-mccartney” src=”https://www.beatlesbible.com/wp/wp-content/forum-smileys/paul_12.gif” />.
Nothing pisses me off quite like finding only one record, ever tried combining the disc 1 of one White Album found in the dumpster with the disc 2 of another.
The following people thank HMBeatlesfan for this post:
Beatlebug, SgtPeppersBulldogMaybe you should try posting more.
12 November 2015
@SgtPeppersBulldog My friend got himself a copy of Yessongs but because he was stupid, he didn’t notice that the 2nd of the 3 discs was missing. (Luckily though, the 2nd disc is also the worst of the three )
Anyway, here’s something that happened to me not too long ago:
I was happily sitting in my room, listening to my copy of John’s Walls and Bridges, which is in perfect shape, and suddenly the record made a really strange noise during #9 Dream, and then proceeded to play the rest of the song very quietly. I looked at my sound system in utter disbelief! How could this happen?! I tried the record again, starting over side 2. It made it through #9 Dream okay, but halfway through the next song (I forget which one it is) the needle made a similar sound and sped super quickly through the rest of the song. So, after checking the record, the speakers, and the receiver, I determined that it must have been a problem with the needle. It looked kinda dusty, so I got a Q-tip and dusted it off. Also, I started putting the plastic needle cover back on after playing a record. In hindsight, it may have been an issue with the tracking force or something.
Anyway, I never had this problem again, but one day, I wasn’t paying attention when putting on the case, and I accidentally snapped the needle right off! So, I decided to take it into my local record store, and bought a whole new cartridge. It cost me like $45, but hey, at least I have a working record player again. As a bonus, this new cartridge is better than the old one too.
Also, since I haven’t posted about my vinyl-collecting adventures lately, here are some highlights of what I’ve picked up recently
The following people thank limitlessundyinglove for this post:
Beatlebug, ewe2, sir walter raleigh, SgtPeppersBulldogGrooving some cookie spaghetti since 1968.
8 January 2015
Red on vinyl eh? I’ve been thinking about buying the remaster, because the DVD has the original master in super-dooper quality and videos of the songs.
I'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
12 November 2015
14 June 2016
Father Shears Campbell has three shelves full of vinyls, as well as a juice maker box filled with 7″‘s He doesn’t want to play most of his 12″ because “playing the records ruins them.” I mean to some extent he’s correct, but considering most of his 12″‘s were played once ever so that he could record them onto 8 track, a second play isn’t going to ruin them. Yes that’s right, he would record all of his vinyls onto 8 track. He always goes on and on about how great 8 track is. However, he doesn’t care about his 7″ considering about half of them were sleeveless in the box until a couple weeks ago when I ordered a set of sleeves for them on amazon.
The following people thank William Shears Campbell for this post:
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"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
14 February 2016
William Shears Campbell said
Father Shears Campbell has three shelves full of vinyls, as well as a juice maker box filled with 7″‘s He doesn’t want to play most of his 12″ because “playing the records ruins them.” I mean to some extent he’s correct, but considering most of his 12″‘s were played once ever so that he could record them onto 8 track, a second play isn’t going to ruin them. Yes that’s right, he would record all of his vinyls onto 8 track. He always goes on and on about how great 8 track is. However, he doesn’t care about his 7″ considering about half of them were sleeveless in the box until a couple weeks ago when I ordered a set of sleeves for them on amazon.
Aaahhhhh! It’s impossible to pluralise the word vinyl!
Tell him that’s stupid. Why own them if they don’t get played, records are meant to be played! All used records I’ve gotten from one of my friends (who played them incessantly,) play perfect. No sound quality reduction or weird noises.
Heck, I’ve played all of my records at least 10 times each, and they sound the same as ever (which is pretty dang good.)
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
Beatlebug, William Shears Campbell, sir walter raleigh, ewe2, WeepingAtlasCedarsI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
14 February 2016
Once a year there’s a record show that I go to. I’ve been looking forward to going for around 5 months.
Well, I freaking forgot that it was today, and now I’ll have to wait a whole YEAR for the next one.
This was so important to me. I’m so mad at myself right now.
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, Beatlebug, HMBeatlesfan, HMBeatlesfanI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
27 November 2016
Oh Evangeline.. That’s what calendars are for!
[Image Can Not Be Found]
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11 April 2016
^^^ It’s ok, Evangeline, there’s always next year.
That reminds me, I think there’s a record fair coming up here in April. I’ll make sure to write in down!
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2016 & 2017:
23 July 2016
William Shears Campbell said
Father Shears Campbell has three shelves full of vinyls, as well as a juice maker box filled with 7″‘s He doesn’t want to play most of his 12″ because “playing the records ruins them.” I mean to some extent he’s correct, but considering most of his 12″‘s were played once ever so that he could record them onto 8 track, a second play isn’t going to ruin them. Yes that’s right, he would record all of his vinyls onto 8 track. He always goes on and on about how great 8 track is. However, he doesn’t care about his 7″ considering about half of them were sleeveless in the box until a couple weeks ago when I ordered a set of sleeves for them on amazon.
Your father is stupid when it comes to media formats. Vinyl has great quality and some, including myself, consider it superior to CD’s whereas 8 tracks have shitty quality and suck balls. Here’s a little known fact about me, although I was born in 1967 and was the perfect age to have them, I never bought a single 8 track and the only reason there were even 8 tracks in my house was because my father had a car with an 8 track player in it so he had a couple of them. Also, please don’t use the sticky sleeves, you’re better off not covering your vinyl at all, once I was working at a record store and I accidentally got the adhesive stuck to the cover of an album and it took me 2 hours to remove and the job wasn’t perfect.
Maybe you should try posting more.
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