29 August 2013
As mentioned elsewhere I am now the proud owner of a PS4 (and I also bought a Vita not long ago which prompted the PS4 purchase).
I’m loving them both; being able to turn on the PS4 upstairs with the Vita from my bed downstairs and play any of the PS4 games on the Vita is just amazing, as are some of the games we bought (loving CoD: Ghosts, Final Fantasy XIV and, surprisingly, Knack 2-player). The one we use to show off the graphics is inFamous: 2nd Son – it’s also a fun game.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
29 August 2013
29 August 2013
Bug Alert – 6 months after release ‘Battlefield 4′ still has major game-breaking bugs on all platforms. My son lost his entire campaign progress last night – the save game had just vanished – we searched on the net and the company responsible has it listed as a’known issue’ on its support page. 6 months and they can’t fix save game bugs – really poor on their behalf and the publisher (the much loved EA).
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 November 2013
That stinks. I once found a glitch in World of Warcraft where I could escape the worgan starting zone so I have lv 2s walking around stormwind
1 May 2011
Annadog40 said
That stinks. I once found a glitch in World of Warcraft where I could escape the worgan starting zone so I have lv 2s walking around stormwind
Who walking around where? What is an lv?
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Beatleva"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2013
1 May 2011
29 August 2013
^ ha ha – that’s how everyone else in the family feels when talking to my former partner about video games as well (and most likely how she feels when we try).
She was in our computer room last night trying to start up a conversation and asked me about a couple of games, both of which she had bought for me but was so not interested in them that she had forgotten.
^^ yes, the Worgen area was really glitched for quite a while. My son has decided to stick with Battlefield as the multiplayer is so good – hopefully they will fix the single-player campaign one of these years.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
29 August 2013
trcanberra said
Bug Alert – 6 months after release ‘Battlefield 4′ still has major game-breaking bugs on all platforms. My son lost his entire campaign progress last night – the save game had just vanished – we searched on the net and the company responsible has it listed as a’known issue’ on its support page. 6 months and they can’t fix save game bugs – really poor on their behalf and the publisher (the much loved EA).
We have given up on this game after the latest massive patch again failed to fix the save game glitches. Luckily the local store agreed to swap it for something else as I am a very big customer in there
We got Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag instead.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 November 2013
trcanberra said
trcanberra said
Bug Alert – 6 months after release ‘Battlefield 4′ still has major game-breaking bugs on all platforms. My son lost his entire campaign progress last night – the save game had just vanished – we searched on the net and the company responsible has it listed as a’known issue’ on its support page. 6 months and they can’t fix save game bugs – really poor on their behalf and the publisher (the much loved EA).We have given up on this game after the latest massive patch again failed to fix the save game glitches. Luckily the local store agreed to swap it for something else as I am a very big customer in there
We got Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag instead.
I played that game for a bit and it is fun. If you like the other AC games you’ll like this one
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
18 February 2014
I am a broke gamer. I used to play alot on my Xbox 360 until that got tooken away and my Ps2 until we got a new tv. Now I usually play games on my computer. I only play Minecraft and Team Fortress 2. If anyone has a Steam and you want to add me… my Steam is: durpehduckiee.
~George Harrison is my husband. <33
29 August 2013
SeraTheBeatle said
I am a broke gamer. I used to play alot on my Xbox 360 until that got tooken away and my Ps2 until we got a new tv. Now I usually play games on my computer. I only play Minecraft and Team Fortress 2. If anyone has a Steam and you want to add me… my Steam is: durpehduckiee.
Just tried to add you to my Friend list and it said it couldn’t find you – maybe search for mine which is TonyACT?
As an aside – downloading the Destiny beta on my PS4 as I type
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 November 2013
I can’t see yours or theirs does the look up work? Try mine at Annadog40
18 February 2014
trcanberra said
SeraTheBeatle said
I am a broke gamer. I used to play alot on my Xbox 360 until that got tooken away and my Ps2 until we got a new tv. Now I usually play games on my computer. I only play Minecraft and Team Fortress 2. If anyone has a Steam and you want to add me… my Steam is: durpehduckiee.Just tried to add you to my Friend list and it said it couldn’t find you – maybe search for mine which is TonyACT?
As an aside – downloading the Destiny beta on my PS4 as I type
I found you and added you. x3
The following people thank SeraTheBeatle for this post:
trcanberra~George Harrison is my husband. <33
29 August 2013
1 November 2013
I now am playing Octodad again and it is fun
1 November 2013
29 August 2013
1 May 2011
Annadog40 said
North Korea made a racing game. You can play it here.
I gave it a go. Quite a slow game and their streets are very quiet. Handy having so many petrol stations about tho.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2013
Hey, if anyone wants to add me on Xbox Live and maybe play me at Beatles: Rock Band (or regular Rock Band or assorted sports games), my gamertag is Eaglestrike79. (Just tell me you’re sending me a request so I know who you are)
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
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