5 November 2011
14 November 2011
1 May 2011
5 November 2011
20 September 2011
Pasta. except maybe if the pizza is bacon and onion.
Black and white or color photos?
"Now and then, though, someone does begin to grow differently. Instead of down, his feet grow up toward the sky. But we do our best to discourage awkward things like that."
"What happens to them?" insisted Milo.
"Oddly enough, they often grow ten times the size of everyone else," said Alec thoughtfully, "and I’ve heard that they walk among the stars."
–The Phantom Tollbooth
23 November 2011
9 June 2010
19 September 2010
1 May 2011
5 November 2011
20 September 2011
Russell Brand. Not that I particularly like him, but I can't STAND Larry King. That interview with Paul and Ringo…shudders.
Do you like gravy or cranberry sauce on your (cold?) turkey?
"Now and then, though, someone does begin to grow differently. Instead of down, his feet grow up toward the sky. But we do our best to discourage awkward things like that."
"What happens to them?" insisted Milo.
"Oddly enough, they often grow ten times the size of everyone else," said Alec thoughtfully, "and I’ve heard that they walk among the stars."
–The Phantom Tollbooth
14 November 2011
1 May 2011
23 November 2011
16 February 2011
70s. Personally I think 80s was the time fashion hit rock bottom,and luckily it hasn’t reached it afterwards. Everything was so exaggerated, big, frizzled hair, horrible neon colors, high waist jeans, tacky makeup, overalls-you name it. Although I prefer 60s over 70s, at least some, well, simplicity survived.
Imagine or Looking Back in Anger?
1 May 2011
Never heard of Looking Back in Anger but would still select it over Imagine . Ive grown bored and completely sick of Imagine thanks to Yoko constantly shoving it down my throat. Can we please get one release or project or reminder of Johns work without that being the selling point. Half expect ever damn album reissue, regardless of which one, to have it as a bonus track track nowadays. For me Imagine = red rag to bull.
Hippo v wildebeest?
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
16 February 2011
*major fail* I meant Dont look back in anger of course. I’m sorry, all Oasis fans. And I’m sorry you have begun to hate Imagine , mustard, for it’s a great song, albeit a hypocritical one.
19 September 2010
And, to add to meanmistermustard, what the hell did John achieve, other a budget increase for INS? Veitnam ended 4 years after Give Peace A Chance , and he was silent (which shocks me that he stayed silent) after the worst action a President may have ever done, the Kent State Shootings. When he spoke he was useless… when he didn’t his voice was needed. He could have written Ohio, he could have been the man who protested Nixon through music. It ended up as Neil Young. John should’ve said something.
Hippo. No reason, but hippo.
If you were given a free plane fare, hotel and passes to all the museums, London or Paris? (For me, Paris. No, London. No Paris. No, London! Can’t decide!!)
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
1 May 2010
13 September 2010
M&M's because they all taste relatively the same. Unlike with Jelly Beans were you can get some nasty tasting ones.
Really a hair color question? That's not really fair, because gingers don't have souls. (I really shouldn't say anything I am one myself. I'm too used to jokes about gingers by now.)
New York or Chicago?
"I am definitely a mad man with a box."- Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who (Episode 1 Season 5: The Eleventh Hour)
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