1 May 2011
I saw Avengers Assemble and was so bored after an hour i gave up watching it. Oh i’ve seen the latest Die Hard film. I lost a bit of intelligence and rememberence after watching those.
Just forget what i posted above.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2013
Ya that isn’t a good show Avengers Assemble I couldn’t get past the first episode
I recommend instead The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes the show that Avengers Assemble replaced
28 May 2014
1 May 2011
I got thru that fifth Die Hard film only by my brain going to sleep after the first action scene. The whole thing started off ridiculous and ended up mind-blowingly stupid.
Hopefully thats it, i dont think the world could cope with a sixth.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
28 May 2014
meanmistermustard said
I got thru that fifth Die Hard film only by my brain going to sleep after the first action scene. The whole thing started off ridiculous and ended up mind-blowingly stupid.Hopefully thats it, i dont think the world could cope with a sixth.
They say it’s the last film. They krept dragging it on for whatr it’s worth. John McClane ain’t what he used to be.
By hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book.
1 December 2009
vonbontee said
I haven’t been a movie theatre since that third “Lord of the Rings” thing, of which I only missed about 5 minutes through sleeping, compared to the second one of which I missed 15-20 minutes for the same reason.More recently, I was all prepared to see “Taking Woodstock” and “A Serious Man” when my DVD player broke a coupla weeks ago. I’ll get around to buying another one (my FIFTH in six years for chrissakes!) one of these days.
Update 4 years later (and maybe another full DVD player? can’t remember): “Taking Woodstock” was pretty good, and “Serious Man” was pretty feckin’ excellent, dryly hilarious, probably in the top one-third of the 15 Coen Brothers films I’ve seen (and seen and seen) (haven’t seen #16 yet)
GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
8 November 2012
I saw Maleficent this week and enjoyed it. I’m not a big fan of the original film, but she’s probably my favorite Disney villain, and I was very pleased with the retelling.
21 November 2012
thisbirdhasflown said
meanmistermustard said
Wait , i saw The Muppets Movie which was ok tho i preferred the Muppets when Kermit was running from Miss Piggy.I’m not really a fan of the Muppets. I don’t really like any of their tv shws or films. Plus they ruined “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
I love the Muppets: A Christmas Carol though. Everytime it comes on at Christmas I watch it. I think that might even be the movie I’ve watched most often.
Anyway, finally found the time to watch some movies now it’s vacation, so I downloaded a bunch. The first one to finish was Trainspotting. And..I don’t know, it was underwhelming and I didn’t really love it. Plus the Scottish accents were pretty hard to understand sometimes. And the fact they showed a dead baby was err…surprising I guess. Good soundtrack though.
I think I’m going to watch another one, Soof. It’s a Dutch feelgood movie I’ve been wanting to see for a long time now.
21 November 2012
11 November 2010
1 November 2013
I just watched The Wicker Man (2006) and here are some thoughts about it
I liked Nicolas Cage’s acting he made the movie 100 times better. The character he played Edward a cop, is an idiot. He gets a letter in the beginning about a missing child on summers isle and and his cop friend is like “Let that be someone else problem”. Shouldn’t he and the rest of the cops be more concerned about a missing persons expensively a missing child case? They should have called an team of people to the island to determine if the girl is missing or not. Before he got the letter, he saw a mother and daughters car crash with a truck and both the mother an daughter die which affects him through the movie. Edward decides to go to the Island himself to investigate the potential missing child. One of the women on the island mentions that the island is in Washington and Edward works in California and he says that he doesn’t have jurisdiction in Washington state so he is breaking the law. He should of contacted police from Washington and got them to help out with the missing persons case. The natives of the island all act very suspicions and crazy and a lot of the scene are just of him asking questions and the natives being vague so nothing happens. Sometimes Edward has a pointless dream about the truck that ran over the mother and daughter. Edward police investigation skills are horrible. It took him a day to ask the women who sent the letter where was the last place she saw her daughter. Eventually the island people have a harvest festival and Edward thinking that the people are gonna sacrifice the daughter, beats up some people and frees the daughter but it is all a trap and Edward ended up being the person they were gonna sacrifice and burn him in a giant wicker man.
I felt this movie should have spent more time explaining and developing and less time trying to be creepy.
The main reason people remember the movie is the “not the bees” scene where the pour a bunch of CGI bees on Nicolas Cage’s head and I like that seen along with the one where Nicolas Cage dresses up as a bear and punches someone.
It’s not the worst movie I have seen but their are a lot better. I heard the original Wicker Man was better so you should see that instead. This movie reminded me a bit of Scooby Doo on Zombie Island which I think is a better movie
21 November 2012
I remember watching The Wicker Man, hated it.
Just watched a movie about a girl who has everything but then discovers she has cancer and will die. Can’t remember the title, Kate Hudson was starring in it. I thought it was a bit too predictable and overly sentimental, but I cried when she died anyway, because that’s what I do, crying whenever someone dies in a movie. Hated the ending too btw, it was rubbish.
12 November 2013
Linde said
I remember watching The Wicker Man, hated it.Just watched a movie about a girl who has everything but then discovers she has cancer and will die. Can’t remember the title, Kate Hudson was starring in it. I thought it was a bit too predictable and overly sentimental, but I cried when she died anyway, because that’s what I do, crying whenever someone dies in a movie. Hated the ending too btw, it was rubbish.
Well Nicholas Cage was in it. That is probably one reason why you hated it.
If children are studying the 20th century, I'm in their text books.
- Paul McCartney
1 November 2013
^ Nicolas Cage was the one good thing about the motive for me
12 November 2013
3 June 2014
Watching 21 Jump Street tonight. Anyone seen it? How is it, if you’ve seen it?
If you're lonely (or not!), you can talk to me. .....Hey! Are you a new member on this fine forum and don't know where to go to introduce yourself?
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15 May 2014
Hi, I thought of a “game” (not really a game) that some of us might enjoy, something in the area of “Nine random facts about you”. It’s about the ten movies we love the most, those few that we regret having seen, and those few we have chosen not to. I know this is a forum about music but I thought that for some it might be fun. I’ll begin; those of you who find this entertaining feel free to join.
Movies that I’ve loved:
- Shichinin no Samurai (“Seven Samurai”, Akira Kurosawa, 1954)
- Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
- The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock, 1963)
- Alphaville: une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (“Alphaville: A Strange Adventure of Lemmy Caution”, Jean-Luc Godard, 1965)
- Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979)
- Blade Runner (Ridley Scott, 1982)
- Mona Lisa (Neil Jordan, 1986)
- Wuthering Heights (Peter Kosminsky, 1992)
- The English Patient (Anthony Minghella, 1996)
- The Talented Mr. Ripley (Anthony Minghella, 1999)
Movies I’ve chosen not to watch:
- The whole Harry Potter saga
- The whole Twilight saga
- Titanic.
Movies I regret seeing:
- Avatar
“Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit” (“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to look back on even this”; Virgil, The Aeneid, Book 1, line 203, where Aeneas says this to his men after the shipwreck that put them on the shores of Africa)
21 November 2012
1 May 2011
I’ve never seen Avatar or any of the Harry Potter series, i dont care or have any interest in either. I saw about 15 minutes of Twilight (dont ask which one) and was hoping for a vampire to come and bite me as it would get my deep misery over with – it was unspeakable garbage of the highest order, an insult to my existence.
Movies I’ve Loved
Hitchcock’s Rope, Psycho and The Birds – brilliant films.
Disney’s Robin Hood and The Jungle Book- the best Disney films out there.
Bugsy Malone – the only musical i’ve ever gotten thru without wanting to smash the tv in thru annoyance.
Pulp Fiction – amazing, seen it so often and never get bored
The Dark Knight Trilogy – as good a film series as i can remember until the last 10 minutes of The Dark Knight Rises when the crappy sentimental Hollywood ending comes in Still annoys.
Titanic wasn’t a bad film, very long tho and only gets interesting when the boat begins to sink. Sadly they didnt both die.
There will be others that i cant think off (Beatles films go without saying surely).
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
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