30 December 2022
7 November 2022
15 February 2015
Neely said
haha. wanted to work on lead guitar because thats my weaknessgave up and learned the song on bass
i just like bass more. in denial over here
I do take enjoy playing lead guitar, but it’s definitely something I do because I like the results more than the process. With bass, I just straight up enjoy the heck out of playing it. Lead guitar is more of a musicianship thing to conquer/means of artistic expression, bass is more just plain fun.
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30 December 2022
I just don’t know what I want to study when i am in college.
I have been playing guitar longest.
I enjoy bass the most.
Flute is probably the best option because it is a classical instrument.
I also worry a lot about if i will be successful because i have never had a lesson in my life. everyone that i personally know that is a successful musician has had lessons. i will never get there tho.
Also i had to kick the middle school jazz band’s drummer out 3 days before festival… He couldn’t even get thru a song without crying that his arm hurts. i am 90% sure i got one of my friends from the high school to take over though.
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Richard, Rube8.28pm
15 February 2015
Neely said
I just don’t know what I want to study when i am in college.
You have plenty of time to figure it out.
I also worry a lot about if i will be successful because i have never had a lesson in my life. everyone that i personally know that is a successful musician has had lessons. i will never get there tho.
There are loads of successful self-taught musicians (including our very own boys!), and especially in this day and age of online tutoring and educational materials. You already know more about music theory and more instruments than many famous musicians I can think of! But if, when you get older and have more resources, you feel the need to take your playing/writing that extra step, you always can – it’s not like it’ll magically be too late once you turn x number.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Neely, Richard, Von Bontee, Rube([{BRACKETS!}])
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30 December 2022
30 December 2022
The tuba player you see in this video is 18 years old. He’s super great right. Today (the day before jazz festival) he got arrested for child pornography. So now we don’t have a tuba for jazz festival.
Due to this Mr. Hart texted me and asked me to leave the middle school two hours early just to do high school jazz band. Prior to asking me that I came up with an idea and said I could stay up all night and learn tuba’s part, play it on bass and quit my guitar part. Mr. Hart never texted me back to say if he wanted me on bass or guitar so I brought both: A les paul and jazz bass both in hard cases. Plus my 15lbs backpack. I am also 4’11….. so you can tell how bad my shoulders and ankles and hands hurt now.
Turns out we got a new tuba that used to sit in during rhythm’s sectionals that is covering the part and he’s really good so I think high school jazz is okay.
Jazz fest is tomorrow. I’m ready. But is everybody else?
You also have to remember I am in the middle school jazz band too… and they don’t have it together at all. I feel like I am the only one there that knows what they are doing. Mr. Hart said he would pray for them tonight lol.
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Richard, vonbontee, Rube, Beatlebug12.53am
6 May 2018
30 December 2022
Richard said
Thank you for showing us the video, @Neely.That’s quite a band – I didn’t realise there would be so many players!
Im the guitarist behind piano (you couldve guessed that) we are going to jazz festival tomorrow!!!
also my high school and middle school are the biggest in the entire state. so yeah theres a lot of people.
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Richard, Rube, Beatlebug12.26am
30 December 2022
We went to jazz festival today and both the middle school and high school bands got superior ratings. After the middle school’s gig one of the judges came up to me and was amazed with my skill and he asked my band director “Where did you find her? She’s phenomenal!” Then he went on about how I’m so young and what not (like usual).
Here is some images from the day! I asked permission from everyone and they agreed I could post them here.
Warm up room with the middle school band
idk why im not smiling im next to the kid in the hat (liam, drummer) this is the middle school band
My bass’ first gig!! I love that photo lol… one of my best as i am not the photogenic type. also sorry it’s sideways. (borderline macca pose ngl) middle school
idk why my grandfather only does photo ops for me. when i have the les paul that’s the high school band… also mr. hart walking past me lol. high school band
focused. high school. yessss quaven play that tuba!!!
we good. middle school. why do i subconsciously stand like paul when im playing bass tho.
im resting in this pic. high school. also warren is getting that drum solo.
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Rube, Richard, vonbontee1.02am
6 May 2018
30 December 2022
20 August 2013
I’m crying. My dog sitter just quit on me. Poor Sacher Torte is not going to understand. We are going to see a possible new sitter tomorrow. This person charges more. Going to have to tighten our belts even more.
My mother-in-law watched Sacher Torte from the time we got her until she passed away in October. Sacher Torte has just never been alone, and I don’t want to start leaving her alone now. I don’t think she’d understand.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
vonbontee, Neely, Rube, Richard, BeatlebugCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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17 June 2021
30 December 2022
17 June 2021
30 December 2022
My entire body still hurts from everything i did on friday and saturday
on friday i walked to the high school with my electric guitar and my bass and my backpack when i left school an hour early for high school jazz practice
saturday (festival day) it was both guitars i carried around and then the guitar strap digging into my shoulder when on stage.
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Richard, Beatlebug, Rube7.54pm
6 May 2018
15 February 2015
the one photo where you’re looking off to the side with the bass is very Savage Young Beatles haha
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Neely, Rube([{BRACKETS!}])
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30 December 2022
Beatlebug said
the one photo where you’re looking off to the side with the bass is very Savage Young Beatles haha
Ikr. that’s what i was thinking.
I showed my science teacher that one and she asked for me to send it to her. she said she’s going to print it off for me so i can have it as a memory
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