14 December 2009
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sigh butterflyPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
15 February 2015
I was just replying to SB in the “…listening?” thread about Stevie Nicks and I thought that’s who you were talking about and got my hopes up
I have a mad crush on Stevie Nicks
Anyway @Neely my vote is for banjo. While I’m on the subject of Fleetwood Mac, Lindsey Buckingham did some great things on guitar thanks to his banjo picking skills, and there’s banjo on “You Make Loving Fun” which is a really nice touch.
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30 December 2022
Beatlebug said
I have a mad crush on Stevie Nicks
Me too….
Anyway @Neely my vote is for banjo. While I’m on the subject of Fleetwood Mac, Lindsey Buckingham did some great things on guitar thanks to his banjo picking skills, and there’s banjo on “You Make Loving Fun” which is a really nice touch.
I always admired the picking skills in Never Going Back Again. I tried to learn it once. It is so hard to play!
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15 February 2015
Lindsey’s skills are insane. His production is genius too.
I must confess I’ve not yet attempted that song though. I saw this video titled something like “HARDEST FINGERPICKING SONG TO PLAY ON GUITAR?!?!!” or maybe “Fleetwood Mac’s hardest song?!” and it was Never Going Back Again… I should try it though. I do like a challenge</nos
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7 November 2022
I listened to Never Going Back Again and whoever said it’s the “HARDEST FINGERPICKING SONG TO PLAY” was evidently indulging in typical YouTube hyperbole (like when they post a podcast with the headline “Jordan Peterson ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS journalist!!!”). The fingerpicking in that song is something a typical Irish folksong guitarist could polish off half asleep before their morning coffee.
Now today I find, you have changed your mind
30 December 2022
Sea Belt said
I listened to Never Going Back Again and whoever said it’s the “HARDEST FINGERPICKING SONG TO PLAY” was evidently indulging in typical YouTube hyperbole (like when they post a podcast with the headline “Jordan Peterson ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS journalist!!!”). The fingerpicking in that song is something a typical Irish folksong guitarist could polish off half asleep before their morning coffee.
It’s hard for me though because I can only do travis picking. And that’s because of Dear Prudence . I really need to get better at fingerpicking. It was just never my focus.
15 February 2015
Of course it was hyperbole, that’s the name of the YouTube game, but his explanation of why it was hard seemed legit – not least because Lindsey also sings over it when performing the song live. I’m decent at fingerpicking, so I shall have to give it a try and report my findings.
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Sea Belt([{BRACKETS!}])
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7 November 2022
30 December 2022
My mom has been doing this thing where she forgets to pick me up after high school jazz band.
Tuesday – the rhythm sectional. The sectional ends. I have my acoustic and I go sit outside to wait for my mom. eventually she shows up (2 hours late because work). I sat outside and jammed Isn’t It A Pity and various other songs for the time. It was beautiful. I was alone, nobody around me just me and my guitar. (my favourite guitar)
Thursday – my mom forgot me again and the drum major had to take me home.
The following people thank Neely for this post:
sigh butterfly, Beatlebug7.36pm
30 December 2022
11 June 2015
The following people thank sigh butterfly for this post:
Neely, BeatlebugYou and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead
30 December 2022
sigh butterfly said
Neely said
My mom has been doing this thing where she forgets to pick me up after high school jazz band.
@Neely, whenever your mom is late I can’t help but picture you walking home down Beale Street. Even though I’ve never been there, I’ve thought about that place a thousand times.
I drive by Beale almost everyday. It’s too scary alone though. I love going with an adult though. memphis is just scary. people get killed everyday here. ive seen people get shot in a damn autozone. While live streaming it (Ezekiel Kelly)
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sigh butterfly8.17pm
11 June 2015
20 August 2013
I love Beale Street.
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NeelyCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
30 December 2022
15 February 2015
I love the album covers on the wall too!
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30 December 2022
Since it is impossible to derail this thread… I will put all of my walls on here. bad lighting i know. usually i keep it dark in my room (just lamp and natural light)
i don’t mind this side but i don’t like it either:
that record player was my grandma’s from her childhood. It’s a 1963 model:
the side of my room i am most proud of (ignore me in the mirror):
ran out of wall space for this… also slight nudity so it went on the closet door:
I don’t know what to put on the massive space:
i also have a les paul and another amp that are in alabama with my grandfather currently. I should be getting those back soon… I keep my fender bass amp at school for jazz band too.
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Richard, Beatlebug6.14pm
15 February 2015
Nice! I love all the hanging instruments, really looks like a musician’s den (which I guess it is)
All my guitars are on stands on the floor and I have a mandolin (indefinite loan from my friend’s brother who probably won’t play it ever) on the floor in a case. Your setup looks a little easier to clean up/sweep/dust
okay I’m going back to playing Muse basslines now
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30 December 2022
Beatlebug said
Nice! I love all the hanging instruments, really looks like a musician’s den (which I guess it is)All my guitars are on stands on the floor and I have a mandolin (indefinite loan from my friend’s brother who probably won’t play it ever) on the floor in a case. Your setup looks a little easier to clean up/sweep/dust
okay I’m going back to playing Muse basslines now
Since I got the new bass I’ve been doing all my favourite McCartney bass lines. some are really difficult though
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Richard, Beatlebug6.57pm
15 February 2015
Silly Love Songs is one of my favorites to play, so funky. The real challenge is singing over it – which, after MUCH practice, I can also do, albeit not as well as I would be able to sing if I wasn’t playing AN ENTIRE SEPARATE MELODY AT THE SAME TIME
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Richard, Neely([{BRACKETS!}])
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