5 November 2011
P3pperish said
unknown said
Annadog40 said
unknown said
Because , Peppy, I know things.Peppy? Is P3pperish pepperland now?
I thought that was already established
You planning to get me banned?
Are multiple IDs enough to get you banned here?
Well Vonbontee has yet to be banned
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
1 November 2013
Nope, but I don’t think they are encouraged.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Ahhh Girl12.02am
14 February 2016
Annadog40 said
Nope, but I don’t think they are encouraged.
Why wouldn’t they be? How would someone figure out if a person had another account anyway? Also @Starr Shine?, you seem to know a lot about the forum and other stuff why aren’t you a mod?
I am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
29 August 2013
KaleidoscopeMusic said
It’s great that there doesn’t seem to be any drama on the forum. That or I’m out of the loop, but the mods certainly do handle things well.
Oh, we have some ‘interesting’ moments – but thankfully nothing like most places on the net.
The following people thank trcanberra for this post:
Beatlebug==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
27 April 2015
Evangeline said
Annadog40 said
Nope, but I don’t think they are encouraged.Why wouldn’t they be? How would someone figure out if a person had another account anyway? Also @Starr Shine?, you seem to know a lot about the forum and other stuff why aren’t you a mod?
The IP address will give them away. If they use proxy, then they might get away with it.
For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the Sun
3 August 2012
27 April 2015
3 August 2012
1 May 2011
P3pperish said
Evangeline said
Annadog40 said
Nope, but I don’t think they are encouraged.Why wouldn’t they be? How would someone figure out if a person had another account anyway? Also @Starr Shine?, you seem to know a lot about the forum and other stuff why aren’t you a mod?
The IP address will give them away. If they use proxy, then they might get away with it.
Yip. The ip addresses can be seen, if any of the mods ever sense something off then we can check to see and then deal with it.
We’d far rather folk have one account when posting as it helps folk know who they are talking to and build and maintain a level of trust in the conversations. In real life you don’t walk out out the room, dress up in different clothes, call yourself another name, and then walk back in pretending to be someone else with no one knowing so why do it here? Its different if someone joins, forgets their log-in details and so starts another account to having two/three/four different accounts each with different user names and avatars trying to make it look like they are all different people. vonbontee’s other account is Von Bontee, not exactly a master disguise.
There are moments of different levels of forum drama. Some of the regulars have planned stuff for April 1st for the last couple of years, AD40, ASJ and others contribute on movies, and other things crop up every Now And Then . Spammers are quickly booted out as they are not welcome and given short thrift – there’s a sense of guilty pleasure in kicking them out. Folk who come to simply raise hell (and they have) are given the chance to quit it and leave on their own account or contribute in a pleasant manner, actions are taken behind the scenes; thankfully most members know not to bite and eventually the hellraisers leave to go annoy others elsewhere. Forum arguments do spark at times but usually are settled quickly and amicably. We mods tend to have the mindset of treating folk like adults and only step in if its felt necessary – tho we do discuss much thru email.
People come here to talk and learn Beatles, and other stuff, and enjoy themselves, and a friendly community spirit has grown over the years; its important that that is maintained and most regulars posters thankfully assist in that. One of the comments you see occassionally is that here isn’t like most forums as there isnt endless spam, tons of swearing and/or folk bitching all the time.
Joe has built a fantastic site and reference source and his work deserves a forum that reflects that.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
trcanberra, Beatlebug, Ahhh Girl, pepperland, Zig, Bongo"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2013
There are moments of different levels of forum drama. Some of the regulars have planned stuff for April 1st for the last couple of years, AD40, ASJ and others contribute on movies, and other things crop up every Now And Then .
So April Fools and the BBstories are a level of forum drama? (I can see the April Fools at some level)
1 May 2011
Annadog40 said
There are moments of different levels of forum drama. Some of the regulars have planned stuff for April 1st for the last couple of years, AD40, ASJ and others contribute on movies, and other things crop up every Now And Then .
So April Fools and the BBstories are a level of forum drama? (I can see the April Fools at some level)
You dont think so?
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 November 2013
meanmistermustard said
Annadog40 said
There are moments of different levels of forum drama. Some of the regulars have planned stuff for April 1st for the last couple of years, AD40, ASJ and others contribute on movies, and other things crop up every Now And Then .
So April Fools and the BBstories are a level of forum drama? (I can see the April Fools at some level)
You dont think so?
Maybe with April fools but not with BBstories other than that one thread by thisbirdhasflown.
1 May 2011
1 November 2013
meanmistermustard said
I was thinking more of the responses from others
That’s what I was thinking also. Even if there is some drama that I missed, it probably isn’t too bad.
1 May 2011
15 February 2015
@O Boogie whispered
I was always there
So you’re not the kind of Beautiful Girl who is lost or is found, you have always been there?
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
O Boogie([{BRACKETS!}])
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27 April 2015
Just to clear up any misunderstandings. Yes, I’m the only one who can delete an account. I can also assign it into a different groups, which is how the mods get extra powers. One of the groups is Guests, which is read-only but which allows people to thanks others, read PMs etc.
Normally when I delete an account the person’s posting history disappears with it. However, there are other options, such as assigning the posts to another user, or marking them as guest posts. I don’t use those options nowadays. In the earlier days, though, if someone had a long posting history and it would have been confusing if all their messages disappeared, I might just quarantine them in the guest group. That preserves their posts but doesn’t allow any more. I wish I’d done it with Paulsbass before he went rogue and deleted all his messages, because those threads make almost no sense nowadays.
Mods can delete individual posts but not accounts. We used to have warnings and suspensions but they proved a little unreliable so I removed them. That said, if someone misbehaves I could temporarily move them into the Guest group.
For the record, I don’t mind too much if people have multiple accounts, as long as it’s done with good intentions (ie you’re having a bit of fun rather than indulging in sock-puppetry or spamming). You can only have one account per email address.
Wow, this thread has gone off-topic, hasn’t it?
The following people thank Joe for this post:
Beatlebug, Little Piggy Dragonguy, Starr Shine?, natureaker, BeatleSnut, EvangelineCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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15 February 2015
Joe said
I wish I’d done it with Paulsbass before he went rogue and deleted all his messages, because those threads make almost no sense nowadays.
For the record, he missed a few. I found one or two buried deep in the dark back alleys of Forumpool.
Wow, this thread has gone off-topic, hasn’t it?
Perhaps a bit..
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14 February 2016
P3pperish said
Evangeline said
Annadog40 said
Nope, but I don’t think they are encouraged.Why wouldn’t they be? How would someone figure out if a person had another account anyway? Also @Starr Shine?, you seem to know a lot about the forum and other stuff why aren’t you a mod?
The IP address will give them away. If they use proxy, then they might get away with it.
Yes but, different devices are assigned different IP addresses, so you could still have multiple accounts for different devices, possibly without detection.
I am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
3 Guest(s)