1 November 2013
vonbontee cried with passion
Than. He Ahhh Girl, that’s interesting…but that doesn’t explain why Paulsbass’s old posts have vanished entirely. Maybe the programming or the procedures have changed or something…who knows?
There are two things about that
1 He got rid of his own posts
2 we do not speak his name here
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Mr. Kite, vonbontee3.26am
20 August 2013
Paulsbass deleted them himself before asking about deleting his account.
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20 August 2013
Paulsbass’s scorched-earth tactic is why Joe implemented the policy that only mods and admins can delete posts.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
vonbontee, parlance, BeatlebugCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 December 2009
lol amazing, I was gonna use the very term “scorched earth” when I referenced Paulsbass in that post!
The following people thank vonbontee for this post:
Ahhh GirlGEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
2 April 2014
11 November 2010
MrMoonlight said
Hey, I’m back for a little bit, but only because I have a request. For those who can make mashups better than I can, would it be possible to try and combine these?
I’d be forever grateful if someone were to make this for me. My favourite song would be made even better.
I’ll see what I can do.
I'm Necko. I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.
I'm also ewe2 on weekends.
Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017.
1 November 2013
I tried to combine Yellow Submarine ‘s vocals and sound effects with Yellow Submarine in Pepperland . It could be cool if someone else did that, because i really suck.
I’m not reintroducing because I come up about once a week.
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
1 November 2012
Hi, I joined 19 months ago, but my memory was wiped out an hour ago by the Richard Roundtree Parliament Funkadelic Rahsaan Roland Kirk Mothership — and now I’m a Ringo fan and not a Paul fan, and I like the fast version of “Revolution ” instead of the slow version and now I no longer like “Honey Pie ” in contradistinction to the prevailing fashion of Beatle fans!
However, as part of my recent wiping-out, I have not lost my ability to be a snarky satirist! And if you can’t figure out that I’m kidding you win a marionberry pie! And what else can I say to which I can affix exclamation marks…!
Over and out!
The following people thank Funny Paper for this post:
Mr. Kite, trcanberra, Egroeg Evoli, BeatlebugFaded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
4 February 2014
MrMoonlight said
Hey, I’m back for a little bit, but only because I have a request. For those who can make mashups better than I can, would it be possible to try and combine these?
I’d be forever grateful if someone were to make this for me. My favourite song would be made even better.
<br /
I will also attempt it for you. Hope you’re back soon!
And VB! Is it possible?! Will he return?
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
Egroeg Evoli9.37pm
14 December 2009
1 May 2011
15 June 2011
WOW – it’s really been a while since I last posted on this forum. It may even have been a year, I’m not quite sure. Despite that, what has certainly not been reduced in anyway since then is my love for the Beatles, and that’s what motivated me to get back on this forum that I once logged in to every day to discuss Beatly stuff.
But since then a few things have changed. The layout is different (I’ll have to get used to it), there are lots of new members (YAY – I welcome you all!!!) and I doubt that the old ones hardly even remember me. That’s why I figured out that I’ll have to re-introduce myself here.
(yay! the simileys haven’t changed!!!)
I’m a 16-year-old guy from Greece and a huge Beatles fan for many years now. They are the reason why I am a music freak now and that I play the guitar and bass. I am fortunate to have fellow Beatleaniacs as friends, but I hope the list will be extended here on this forum.
I’m glad to be back (in the USSR?)
The following people thank I Me Mine for this post:
MrMoonlightSont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble.
1 November 2013
Hey! Welcome back! Hope to see you around
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
I Me Mine4.22pm
17 December 2012
Welcome back to the fold @I Me Mine . How are things going in Greece, hope they’re getting better.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
I Me Mine"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
15 June 2011
Thanks for the welcoming!
@Ron Nasty, although I’m certainly not one of those who were hit the hardest by Greece’s financial crisis, I see and feel the many effects it has on an every-day basis. I think it’s rather sad to see that when I mention I am from Greece to non-Greeks this is what comes to their mind, even though their intentions are noble. At least we are currently happy on a nation-wide level about our national football/soccer team qualifying to the round of 16 in the world cup…
Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble.
28 May 2014
@I Me Mine It’s good to have you back! I hope things are Getting Better in Greece (not just for you but for everyone in Greece) and congratulations on the World Cup wins!
The following people thank thisbirdhasflown for this post:
I Me MineBy hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book.
20 August 2013
I Me Mine said
Thanks for the welcoming!
RN, although I’m certainly not one of those who were hit the hardest by Greece’s financial crisis, I see and feel the many effects it has on an every-day basis. I think it’s rather sad to see that when I mention I am from Greece to non-Greeks this is what comes to their mind, even though their intentions are noble. At least we are currently happy on a nation-wide level about our national football/soccer team qualifying to the round of 16 in the world cup…
Hi there, @I Me Mine . I vacationed in Greece (Mykonos, Santorini, and Athens) at the beginning of last month. I really enjoyed it. You have some beautiful scenery and awesome historical places and artifacts. You might like these posts (except for the parts that I kinda dissed on the museum workers).
Glad you have decided to start posting again!
EDIT: @DrBeatle, I just thought about you and your Greek heritage and wanted to make sure you got acquained (or reaquained) with I Me Mine who is Greek.
One more link for the fun of it
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
5 February 2014
My re-introduction. I’m Steve. I’m a 53-year old American male, born and raised in Chicago. Music has always been a big thing for me. I was fortunate to have entered this Earthly realm at what many consider to be the best time for music; before we had the ability to cherry-pick what songs we bought and you had to slog your way through entire LPs before finding those hidden gems that would become your favorites and well-before MTv started dictated terms and narrowing the field. These were the days spent listening to FM radio and when your street cred included what kind of stereo you had. My first concert was in 1976, if that’s any indication. T Rex and Golden Earring, if you’re curious. I was an avid record collector. I was also a Beatles fan from the get-go. I don’t recall watching The Beatles on Ed Sullivan because I was far too young, but I’m told it was on and I was glued to the set.
Toward the end of my teens, I joined the military and wound up seeing at least half the planet. I made a career out of it (retiring about 10 years ago) and actually living in places like The Philippines and South Korea for some years. I currently live and work in Japan.
As for how I got here, that’s a bit of a story; I was at a friend’s house during a party and the music was coming from one of those programs on a cable channel dedicated to classic rock. My friend and I wound up sitting with our backs to the screen and were in an impromptu contest to see who could name the song and artist the quickest. We were having a blast. While we ran neck-and-neck, it turned out I knew trivial facts about the artists that I’d go on about and someone mentioned that I should start a facebook page. That was an interesting idea, so I did, creating a page to post stuff about classic rock albums.
Not long after this, another friend made a comment that I should have called it some sort of Beatles page because of all the Beatles posts I was running. That ground down to a ‘spirited’ discussion, where one person said the Beatles were nothing but a bunch of drugged-out hippies (they were just pushing my buttons; the military will make you many things – especially anti-counterculture) and another that they were just a boy-band (that was uncalled for!), when my perception was (and still is) that they were an original Rock band and a damned good one! And their ‘tribal’ stuff (as Lennon liked to call it) was killer, once you got past all the ‘wooos’ and ‘ahhs.’ Their formation was birthed from Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly and American R&B – you know… the good stuff. I started looking for more details about their earlier years but soon realized I knew far less about their later years than I thought I did and I got on this kick to dive in and learn what I could. Eventually, I got here. At first, I lurked. Pretty soon, the discussions I read were far too interesting, too bright, to just idle on the sidelines and I registered.
Hello everyone. As part of the Fab Forum Summer Clean 2014 (too many threads, too many posts) we’re locking this thread.
We won’t be merging this thread with another, because the chronology will probably get confusing. Introductions new and old should probably be kept to the Introduce yourself to the forum! thread. If you’re wanting to go off-topic (as much of this seems to be) you can use The “Incredibly Impossible to Derail This Thread” thread.
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