Note by Ahhh Girl 9 November 2014: post 8 was the original first post in this thread. I merged post 1-7 into this one.
Ello fellow Beatlesbible buddies!
Well I haven’t posted or been on here in awhile, so the reason of me creating this little thread is just to say hi to everyone and that I am back on here!
Yeah I know, I’m cheesy and corny, but I just felt like making a greeting to everyone, nothing wrong with that…
Thursday night your stockings needed mending.
13 November 2009
1 May 2010
Sunii said:
Ello fellow Beatlesbible buddies!
Well I haven’t posted or been on here in awhile, so the reason of me creating this little thread is just to say hi to everyone and that I am back on here!
Yeah I know, I’m cheesy and corny, but I just felt like making a greeting to everyone, nothing wrong with that…
Hiya there
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
21 August 2009
9 June 2010
I haven’t found any duplicate threads, so either I’m not looking hard enough or I’ve actually had an original idea.
This thread is for people coming back from a long hiatus, people who’ve changed since they first joined… oh, what the hell, let’s just say this is a thread for everyone.
Hi’ I’m MeanMrsMustard. I’m seventeen years old and a senior in high school. In the autumn, I’ll be heading north to Utah State University, where I plan to major in mathematics. I’ve been a Beatles fan since around September 2009 and joined this forum the day before my fifteenth birthday. Since I first joined, I’ve gotten into several fandoms: Avatar: the Last Airbender, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Order of the Stick, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Xiaolin Showdown, among others. I’ve started making digital art, which I’d like to say I’m good at.
What about you?
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
18 March 2013
Hey it’s M3 I was a stalker on this forum since October 2012 and only decided to make an account this year.
I’m AppleScruffJunior or Katie (we still haven’t come up with a nickname yet ) I overuse smileys and I am a 15 year old student/semi professional actress. When I finish school I hope to do either Commerce+French or Commerce+German as I love languages. I live in the west of Ireland and I’ve been a Beatles ever since I was a little curly-haired 6 year old but I didn’t really get “into them” until I was 12. My favorite Beatle is George, I love him it’s ridiculous
Oh and brohoof /)
INTROVERTS UNITE! your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
1 November 2012
Hi Mrs. Mustard and Apple, I hope the two of you will contribute to a topic I plan to create soon.
Anyway, back on topic here, I became musically conscious in about the early 1970s. I was too young to experience the Beatles while they were around. It was only after they broke up that I found out about them. In about 1973 a friend from high school invited me to some event he and other high school friends of his were doing (he was more popular than I was and had more friends) — it was some kind of after-school deal where high school kids were invited to a horse ranch outside of the city, where we could walk around the farm, and occasionally ride a horse etc.
At some point during the day, the main house on the farm had these giant speakers set out blasting some album. The music blew me away. They had the LP album set out on the front porch, and I made note of that. I knew that as soon as I could get some money I would buy that album.
That album was Ram .
After I bought it and played it like a thousand times, I went and bought Paul’s previous album, McCartney. My older sister had already been a Beatles fan (she was 13 when the Beatles became famous in the US), and I guess I kind of picked up from her by osmosis how good they are. She kept mentioning something called “the White Album ” so I finally bought that too.
The rest is history.
As I slowly evolved into a Beatles fan as the 70s turned into the 80s, I also became, on a parallel track, a McCartney fan. But after Venus And Mars , Paul really disappointed me and I stopped buying his albums, which didn’t seem to have the magic and substance of his first five albums. I like individual songs he comes up with Now And Then (like “Ballroom Dancing” and “Take It Away” and “Dance Tonight” and “That Was Me”), but no entire album of his since that time has wowed me.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
6 December 2012
My name is Autumn. I was born in America and I live in America and I’ve never left America and I really wish I traveled more. I didn’t like (or really even know about) the Beatles until I was 11 or 12, but ever since then I’ve been a complete Beatles nut. I guess I have to thank my mom for that because one day she randomly put the White Album in the CD player and I was like, “Whoa, this is great! Who is this?” And then I was obsessed. My favorite Beatle is George because his music and lyrics are amazing (both with the Beatles and in his solo career) and he was a very interesting person (and IMO he was the best-looking of the Fab Four). My favorite Beatles album is Abbey Road , but Revolver and the White Album and Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band and Rubber Soul are all really close. I’m not sure of the exact order. It changes. My favorite Beatles song is (does this count?) the medley on Abbey Road (from You Never Give Me Your Money to The End ). If that doesn’t count, then my favorite is either Something or The End . My favorite thing about the Beatles is the diversity of their music. They go from Love Me Do to Norwegian Wood to Taxman to Penny Lane to Within You Without You to Rocky Raccoon to Don’t Pass Me By to Honey Pie to Revolution 9 to The Long And Winding Road to Octopus’s Garden and it’s just amazing.
I love technology, music, reading and writing, drawing, and being annoyingly confusing and random, sometimes by being too logical (the universe is impossible because it can’t go on forever but there can’t be an end to it unless there’s something on the other side of it and I don’t know what that would be perhaps Heaven but I’m not very religious no offense anyway how can the universe be ever-expanding what is it expanding into? And time is impossible because how could it start what was before it how could it be nothing and then suddenly time yet how could there have been time forever and what is forever anyway?). I do pretty well in school, so I guess I could kinda be considered smart. I play the piano and I’m a singer. I have written several songs but none of them are that good. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I keep a dream journal, and dreams and the meanings of them really interest me. I also like stuff that involves thinking outside of the box, like brainteasers and riddles and stuff. I speak Pig Latin fluently.
My favorite holiday is Christmas because I love spending time with my family. (It also doesn’t hurt that I get gifts.) My favorite colors are blue and green because they remind me of nature, which I really care about. My favorite food is chocolate cake. My favorite beverage is root beer. My favorite seasons are spring, because of the weather, and autumn, because the weather is nice in early autumn, plus it’s my name. My favorite animals are turtles, cats, and owls. My favorite type of chocolate is dark chocolate. My least favorite holiday is New Year’s Day because I hate making resolutions. My least favorite color is really bright neon orange because it reminds me of construction sites and stuff like that. My least favorite food is pistachio pudding. My least favorite beverage is anything cherry-flavored because I hate artificial cherry flavoring. My least favorite season is… none, really. My least favorite animal is… none. My least favorite type of chocolate is white chocolate.
What? No, of course I didn’t just copy and paste my original introduction into this thread! *nervous laugh*
Also known as Egg-Rock, Egg-Roll, E-George, Eggy, Ravioli, Eggroll Eggrolli...
~witty quote~
18 March 2013
6 December 2012
14 January 2013
‘Ello, I’m Katie as well, but people on the board call me sky after my username. I’m a 23 year old college student living two hours from New Orleans in the US. My original major was art, but now I’m going for a Bachelors in General Studies because I changed my majors so much and just want to get out of school. Although, I’m not the best student, I do believe education is important. When I’m not at school or working I’m on here, listening to music, reading, or watching tv like Mad Men. I am also a huge fan of Harry Potter, although not as much as I use to be. When I first began I did not know how long I was going to be on here; furthermore, I lurked on here for about year before joining. I was afraid to join at first, mostly because of my dyslexia, but now…no regrets. I finally feel like have a place to belong with my Beatle obsession. Sure, there others in everyday life who like The Beatles, but they become annoyed with me talking about them for so long.
I grew up listening to The Beatles pretty much my whole life; however, I stopped listening to them from the ages of 10 to 14 other then when I randomly heard a song. At 14 I was reintroduced into The Beatles and gradually became a fan from there. I did not become obsessed with them until recent years such as when the remasters were coming out. Paul is my favorite Beatle, but I do love all the Beatles. My favorite albums are Abbey Road , The White Album , Revolver , Magical Mystery Tour , Sgt Pepper , Rubber Soul and Let It Be in no particular order except Abbey Road which is my #1 favorite. I have a tattoo on my left upper arm that says All You Need Is Love . I love the meaning not just the song. —Thats pretty much it
14 January 2013
AppleScruffJunior said
I’m AppleScruffJunior or Katie (we still haven’t come up with a nickname yet)
I will call you Apple Scruff. There maybe another person with that name, but none that I can think of right now. If otherwise when talking to you, I will just use the quote box so, you will know.
18 March 2013
14 January 2013
14 December 2009
Welcome back MeanMrs.M, we’ve missed you!
Since we’re all giving our “proper” names, I’ll divulge mine: Scott. But there’s no real reason to use it, now, is there?
Nice to know there’s a coupla Katies on these boards! I have a personal special fondness for the name, since one of my favourite little persons in the world shares it: My adorable 4-year old niece.
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
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