17 December 2012
I like your sig more now. The gif is becoming easier to ignore!
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
17 January 2013
14 January 2013
oneafter909 said
I’ve got few…I absolutely hate text language. Well, in general.
And shopping for clothes and shoes, especially when it’s for me. I used to throw tantrums when I was a kid when my parents wanted to bring me clothes and shoe shopping. CDs and books are fine, though.
And… I hate it when people are happy ALL THE TIME. It just get’s on my nerves, a lot. Like how they’re always laughing. And smiling. It pisses me off.
I don’t mind happy people, but when people are constantly smiling or want me to smile….gah. I will smile one my own time, not yours. Smiling all the time will just make me look fake.
People constantly updating their facebook.
People constantly putting stuff about their kids or significant other on, particularly the kids part. I don’t care if you’re kid is smiling or took a s**t. If its walking ok, Im might like that or if its graduating or going to a sports event that’s ok too. But I don’t need to know every f’ing detail about your kid.
Beatles related:
I dislike when people think I only listen to The Beatles and then try to make a snide remark. Yes, I love The Beatles and listen to them a lot, probably more than other bands, but they’re not the only band I listen to. Or I try to bring up a band and they think I’m going to mention The Beatles.
People who say they love The Beatles,but only know a few songs.
When people say Imagine is a Beatles song.
When people say they hate The Beatles or they are overrated, yet they can sing a Beatles song and make an excuse.
17 January 2013
sky090909 said
People constantly putting stuff about their kids or significant other on, particularly the kids part. I don’t care if you’re kid is smiling or took a s**t. If its walking ok, Im might like that or if its graduating or going to a sports event that’s ok too. But I don’t need to know every f’ing detail about your kid.
Beatles related:
I dislike when people think I only listen to The Beatles and then try to make a snide remark. Yes, I love The Beatles and listen to them a lot, probably more than other bands, but they’re not the only band I listen to. Or I try to bring up a band and they think I’m going to mention The Beatles.
People who say they love The Beatles,but only know a few songs.
When people say Imagine is a Beatles song.
When people say they hate The Beatles or they are overrated, yet they can sing a Beatles song and make an excuse.
Ok, that part about peoples kid’s literally made me Laugh out loud! Love it.
I totally agree with all the Beatles stuff. I put a post on here about my sister bugging me about being “obsessed” with the Beatles. Like, mind your own business maybe? If my obsession was unhealthy, my live-in spouse would be the first one to let me know. Just to confirm that, I told him about what happened with her this morning, and he confirmed that I am indeed not crazy. Oh good!
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
1 November 2012
5 November 2011
Georgie said
As weird as it sounds, I hate it when people automatically assume that I’m some kind of genius because of my grades. I honestly don’t think they’re a good indicator of how intelligent someone is. I also have a college reading level but that by no means means I actually can read that sort of thing. Most of the other kids in my grade think of me as some sort of genius but I’m really not.
I totally get what you mean. I used to buy all that when my parents, grandparents, whoever would tell me I was really smart. Since then I have realized that I’m not really that smart; other people are just stupid. Which, brings me to my pet peeve, stupid people, or people who pretend to be stupid. There was a boy in one of my classes last year who claimed to not know his abc’s, days of the week, months of the year, or how to count to twenty. Seriously, you’re fourteen years old and a freshman in high school. You’re obviously know all of that and it’s not funny pretending otherwise, shut up!
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
5 November 2011
Just remembered something that really annoys me, which is when people dress their babies in Santa costumes for Christmas, or Christmas pictures. The worst, though, is when they dress the baby in a Santa suit to sit on Santa’s lap. I hate that, they’re on his lap, he’s in the picture, why?!
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
14 January 2013
LongHairedLady said
Ok, that part about peoples kid’s literally made me Laugh out loud! Love it.
Happy to entertain.
Let see..
I hate when people think The Beatles are bad people because they did drugs. Yes, there are a lot of people that do drug are bad. The Beatles did some amazing stuff on drugs though. Just because they did drugs, doesn’t mean you have to.
I hate: “Eww..The Beatles are old.” Yes, they are old, but that just proves something. There music has been around for 50 years, so it must be good. Another one:”Eww. Isn’t that like a bug?” Yes, but its spelled different, like a beat. And if you want to get technical the Volkswagen Beetle is spelled the same as the bug. How you feeling now?
I hate people who act dumb on purpose to be cute or popular. Or try to act funny. I deal with the act funny one on a daily basis at work. “Oh, you brought me a pizza. haha.” You know that was funny two years ago, but now its just stupid.
Unknown put about kids dressing up for Christmas. How about dressing up pets? I can’t say much cause my own mother does this, but I think its cruel unless the animal need protection from the cold. Pet Smart has where you can bring your pets to sit on Santa’s lap.
6 December 2012
sky090909 said
I hate: “Eww..The Beatles are old.” Yes, they are old, but that just proves something. There music has been around for 50 years, so it must be good. Another one:”Eww. Isn’t that like a bug?” Yes, but its spelled different, like a beat. And if you want to get technical the Volkswagen Beetle is spelled the same as the bug. How you feeling now?
Yes, I hate those too! And I hate “The Beatles? Aren’t they dead?” Nooooooo…. they’re not ALL dead! Paul and Ringo are still alive! And it also annoys me when people know that John and Paul were Beatles, but very few people know Ringo. And I haven’t met ANYBODY besides the Beatles Biblers and my family who knows about George. WHYYYYYY??????
There’s my rant.
Also known as Egg-Rock, Egg-Roll, E-George, Eggy, Ravioli, Eggroll Eggrolli...
~witty quote~
14 January 2013
Egroeg Evoli said
sky090909 said
I hate: “Eww..The Beatles are old.” Yes, they are old, but that just proves something. There music has been around for 50 years, so it must be good. Another one:”Eww. Isn’t that like a bug?” Yes, but its spelled different, like a beat. And if you want to get technical the Volkswagen Beetle is spelled the same as the bug. How you feeling now?
Yes, I hate those too! And I hate “The Beatles? Aren’t they dead?” Nooooooo…. they’re not ALL dead! Paul and Ringo are still alive! And it also annoys me when people know that John and Paul were Beatles, but very few people know Ringo. And I haven’t met ANYBODY besides the Beatles Biblers and my family who knows about George. WHYYYYYY??????
There’s my rant.
I forgot about that one.
Or sometimes I find that they only know John, they only know him because of “Imagine “, and that is the only reason why they like him. Some casual fans of The Beatles are like that too when you ask them who their favorite Beatle is.
1 May 2011
Standing in a queue whilst the staff either have a chat with each other or their neighbour, family member, vet or mistress who’s ahead of me. Sorry but im there to buy something, im doing your shop a service by spending my money so get a bloody move on! I trully dont give a fig that Ethel at number 21 was up all night with her cat or that Mrs Wilson’s son’s girlfriends sister’s auntie baked a potato when she is on a diet. SERVE ME, i have more important things to do like picking paint off a wall.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
20 January 2012
I’m accumulating more and more pet peeves as I age, which, I guess, will one day (maybe tomorrow) turn me into a genuine curmudgeon.
So the whole, “paper or plastic” bag thing: I bring my own bags into stores so that I don’t need to haul off the store bags. Despite this, the checkout kids just wanna, wanna, wanna somehow get me to carry out one of their plastic bags. They make assumptions instead of asking, putting an extra bag on something or deciding that an item won’t fit so stuffing it into a plastic bag….no, no, no, I carry in this bag because I don’t want one of yours! Ask first!
The worst of this is watching other people. Guy walks up with a large jug of laundry detergent. His only item. The bagger instantly pops it into a plastic bag, senses that it’s pretty heavy, so he double bags it. The bleeping jug already has a handle on it that’s much more comfortable for carrying than the handles on the stupid bags. The guy made it to the checkout counter carrying it by that very handle, now he needs two bags in order to get it to his car?
This sort of thing drives me insane.
Don’t get me started on drive-through windows…
It's gotta be rock and roll music if you wanna dance with me
1 May 2011
Totally agree about plastic bags – if you can carry it in your hands without dropping it or difficulty dont bag it. Its plainly simply. Do these people when carrying 1 or 2 objects around the house stick them in a plastic bag? No. So you dont need to one to watch to the car or home. And no i dont want one for a couple of apples and some milk i have hands, so dont put them in a bag for me. If i want one i will ask, until then leave me alone. Im all for a small charge of 5p per bag as it would mean more people would bring them when going shopping and i also would remember more. I hate forgetting them.
People who wait for 10 minutes for a bus just standing there mulling about and then when about to pay start searching for the money, travel pass etc. Get it ready before hand.
Folk who walk around with their jeans or trousers down showing their boxers, pants or whatever. Pull your trousers up or buy something to keep them up. No one wants to see your underwear.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
14 January 2013
meanmistermustard said
People who wait for 10 minutes for a bus just standing there mulling about and then when about to pay start searching for the money, travel pass etc. Get it ready before hand.
They do that for pizzas too. Its like I’m not going be here all day wait for you to get your damn money. You got 30 or more minutes, get your money and be ready.
When someone picks up their food we ask them their name. Some of them are like “uh…they didn’t ask me my name”. I didn’t ask you if they asked your name or not, I asked YOU for your name. Sometimes they can’t give me the right name. So, I have to ask what did they order. And sometimes they don’t know that either. When taking an order over the phone they some of them don’t know their address or phone numbers. How the hell did you get to your house? Did you just appear there one day? Gah, I hate working with the public sometimes.
1 November 2012
I have a lot of movie pet peeves.
I’m annoyed when movie directors use the same trick over and over. I must have seen this trick 100 times in the last 20 years in movies — especially thrillers or murdery mysteries:
Someone is on the street being followed, or on the lookout for someone. They see from across a busy street the creepy person just standing there, watching them ominously. They look again — then a truck passes by, and suddenly, in an instant, they vanish! No way a real person could disappear that fast.
Why use this same gimmick in so many different movies? By now, I already can predict when it’s going to happen a full 30 seconds before it does.
It was an interesting gimmick the first 17 times I saw it, but after #1,037, it’s getting old…
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
1 May 2011
Movie related – Films that shove on happy ever after moments at the end for no f#%$£ng reason but to please the moronic section who for some reason believe that everything has to end lovely and cant handle it if it not. Life isnt always wonderful, let the bloody hero die if it works, dont go all sugary so some brain-dead moron doesnt cry into their popcorn. The recent Batman trilogy was excellent, one of the best trilogies i’ve seen until the very end of The Dark Knight Rises. Im still thoroughly pissed off at that. Completely ruined it for me.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
5 November 2011
LongHairedLady said
Ok, that part about peoples kid’s literally made me Laugh out loud! Love it.
Happy to entertain.
Let see..
I hate when people think The Beatles are bad people because they did drugs. Yes, there are a lot of people that do drug are bad. The Beatles did some amazing stuff on drugs though. Just because they did drugs, doesn’t mean you have to.
I hate: “Eww..The Beatles are old.” Yes, they are old, but that just proves something. There music has been around for 50 years, so it must be good. Another one:”Eww. Isn’t that like a bug?” Yes, but its spelled different, like a beat. And if you want to get technical the Volkswagen Beetle is spelled the same as the bug. How you feeling now?
I hate people who act dumb on purpose to be cute or popular. Or try to act funny. I deal with the act funny one on a daily basis at work. “Oh, you brought me a pizza. haha.” You know that was funny two years ago, but now its just stupid.
Unknown put about kids dressing up for Christmas. How about dressing up pets? I can’t say much cause my own mother does this, but I think its cruel unless the animal need protection from the cold. Pet Smart has where you can bring your pets to sit on Santa’s lap.
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
27 December 2012
unknown said
LongHairedLady said
Ok, that part about peoples kid’s literally made me Laugh out loud! Love it.
Happy to entertain.
Let see..
I hate when people think The Beatles are bad people because they did drugs. Yes, there are a lot of people that do drug are bad. The Beatles did some amazing stuff on drugs though. Just because they did drugs, doesn’t mean you have to.
I hate: “Eww..The Beatles are old.” Yes, they are old, but that just proves something. There music has been around for 50 years, so it must be good. Another one:”Eww. Isn’t that like a bug?” Yes, but its spelled different, like a beat. And if you want to get technical the Volkswagen Beetle is spelled the same as the bug. How you feeling now?
I hate people who act dumb on purpose to be cute or popular. Or try to act funny. I deal with the act funny one on a daily basis at work. “Oh, you brought me a pizza. haha.” You know that was funny two years ago, but now its just stupid.
Unknown put about kids dressing up for Christmas. How about dressing up pets? I can’t say much cause my own mother does this, but I think its cruel unless the animal need protection from the cold. Pet Smart has where you can bring your pets to sit on Santa’s lap.
Don’t forget how people hate the Beatles because of their stand on religion. I have seen lots of posts dedicated about it, slideshows even.
5 November 2011
unknown said
LongHairedLady said
Ok, that part about peoples kid’s literally made me Laugh out loud! Love it.
Happy to entertain.
Let see..
I hate when people think The Beatles are bad people because they did drugs. Yes, there are a lot of people that do drug are bad. The Beatles did some amazing stuff on drugs though. Just because they did drugs, doesn’t mean you have to.
I hate: “Eww..The Beatles are old.” Yes, they are old, but that just proves something. There music has been around for 50 years, so it must be good. Another one:”Eww. Isn’t that like a bug?” Yes, but its spelled different, like a beat. And if you want to get technical the Volkswagen Beetle is spelled the same as the bug. How you feeling now?
I hate people who act dumb on purpose to be cute or popular. Or try to act funny. I deal with the act funny one on a daily basis at work. “Oh, you brought me a pizza. haha.” You know that was funny two years ago, but now its just stupid.
Unknown put about kids dressing up for Christmas. How about dressing up pets? I can’t say much cause my own mother does this, but I think its cruel unless the animal need protection from the cold. Pet Smart has where you can bring your pets to sit on Santa’s lap.
I definitely didn’t say this. I was quoting sky090909’s post, and I did respond with something, or, at least I thought I did..
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
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