5 November 2011
15 October 2011
This is la la la la love! – George Harrison
Please! Tell me what you think! and I hope you won't laugh haha.
"Que en el planeta tanto ande mal; Que el hombre agreda al hombre, que el hombre agreda al animal, al vegetal."
16 February 2011
5 November 2011
15 October 2011
minime said:
Nicaragua isn't that unknown, I think
But it's cool we have different nations here
Well, when I went to study in SF almost nobody knew my country. Everyone thought I was Mexican because I spoke spanish the ones who kind of knew, were the people from Central America who spoke spanish too.
mrs.McHennon said:
ummm … I'm not sure, too. I think that Slovenia is smaller.
*Google maps again*
yeah, Nicaraugua is about as twice as big than Slovenia.
Really? how small that's cool
This is la la la la love! – George Harrison
Please! Tell me what you think! and I hope you won't laugh haha.
"Que en el planeta tanto ande mal; Que el hombre agreda al hombre, que el hombre agreda al animal, al vegetal."
16 February 2011
Vale:) said:
minime said:
Nicaragua isn't that unknown, I think
But it's cool we have different nations here
Well, when I went to study in SF almost nobody knew my country. Everyone thought I was Mexican because I spoke spanish
the ones who kind of knew, were the people from Central America who spoke spanish too.
mrs.McHennon said:
ummm … I'm not sure, too. I think that Slovenia is smaller.
*Google maps again*
yeah, Nicaraugua is about as twice as big than Slovenia.
Really? how small
that's cool
Ok, then maybe it has something to do with the fact that Finland has some co-operation with it that I have heard of it. I thought it was located somewhere in the southern America, though.
15 October 2011
minime said:
Ok, then maybe it has something to do with the fact that Finland has some co-operation with it that I have heard of it. I thought it was located somewhere in the southern America, though.
You don't live in America? …Well, I don't know about that haha. I'll ask my mom.
No, close though
This is la la la la love! – George Harrison
Please! Tell me what you think! and I hope you won't laugh haha.
"Que en el planeta tanto ande mal; Que el hombre agreda al hombre, que el hombre agreda al animal, al vegetal."
5 November 2011
Vale:) said:
minime said:
Nicaragua isn't that unknown, I think
But it's cool we have different nations here
Well, when I went to study in SF almost nobody knew my country. Everyone thought I was Mexican because I spoke spanish
the ones who kind of knew, were the people from Central America who spoke spanish too.
mrs.McHennon said:
ummm … I'm not sure, too. I think that Slovenia is smaller.
*Google maps again*
yeah, Nicaraugua is about as twice as big than Slovenia.
Really? how small
that's cool
yeah, it's small. and our population is only about 2 millions. but it's interesting because we have many tourists here, even though Slovenia's small – Lipica is very popular, Bled is popular, too, and you can hear alot of Spanish and English tourists in Ljubljana. last year we went to city centre with school and we had to ask tourists where are they from etc. and I was very suprised by the number of tourists here … I sometimes ask myself where the f**k do they hear for Slovenia.
15 October 2011
mrs.McHennon said:
yeah, it's small.
and our population is only about 2 millions. but it's interesting because we have many tourists here, even though Slovenia's small – Lipica is very popular, Bled is popular, too, and you can hear alot of Spanish and English tourists in Ljubljana. last year we went to city centre with school and we had to ask tourists where are they from etc. and I was very suprised by the number of tourists here … I sometimes ask myself where the f***k do they hear for Slovenia.
I'm not sure how many people live here
I can imagine, I would love to go to Slovenia, I love places that aren't really common. Well, I've heard the cpuntry Slovenia a lot, it's not very rare to hear the name, really, I don't find it very uncommon.
But I ask myself that sometimes, when I travel out of the country I return and the plane is full
This is la la la la love! – George Harrison
Please! Tell me what you think! and I hope you won't laugh haha.
"Que en el planeta tanto ande mal; Que el hombre agreda al hombre, que el hombre agreda al animal, al vegetal."
1 May 2010
15 October 2011
How cool
Well, a friend of mine went to Mexico for some time… Hmmm coincidence?
and it was 4 years ago!! or something like that haha
This is la la la la love! – George Harrison
Please! Tell me what you think! and I hope you won't laugh haha.
"Que en el planeta tanto ande mal; Que el hombre agreda al hombre, que el hombre agreda al animal, al vegetal."
5 November 2011
Vale:) said:
mrs.McHennon said:
yeah, it's small.
and our population is only about 2 millions. but it's interesting because we have many tourists here, even though Slovenia's small – Lipica is very popular, Bled is popular, too, and you can hear alot of Spanish and English tourists in Ljubljana. last year we went to city centre with school and we had to ask tourists where are they from etc. and I was very suprised by the number of tourists here … I sometimes ask myself where the f**k do they hear for Slovenia.
I'm not sure how many people live here
I can imagine, I would love to go to Slovenia, I love places that aren't really common. Well, I've heard the cpuntry Slovenia a lot, it's not very rare to hear the name, really, I don't find it very uncommon.
But I ask myself that sometimes, when I travel out of the country I return and the plane is full
it's nothing special, I think. it is okay, but there are lots of more beautiful countries. but if you look at the coments on the website, there's a lot of people who would like to come here during the holidays.
Nicaragua is much nicer, as I can see from pictures on Google.
5 November 2011
It's true that even my teachers, my friends, my parents, my sisters, no one love The Beatles the way I do. And it's great to hang out here. See the manic here make me excited.
Recently I met a new friend just as crazy as me about them. And because of that we strongly connected to each other. The Beatles brought two strangers together.
Their music will be going on and on forever. Because I will make their music to be pre-natal education for my baby one day.
My friend said, “The Beatles is the best thing I can give to my kids.” I love what he said.
5 November 2011
Quite a lot of fans here is around 20+ years old? I myself is 22 this year. So glad that there is young people appreciates the real music.
I wish one day I could be one of the member of All-Starr-Band.I wish I know Ringo.
And I am always thankful for one thing, inheritance.
Looking at Dhani Harrison and Julian Lennon. It makes you feel like George and John are all well alive.
I wish I day I would meet them in heaven.
5 November 2011
20 September 2011
Jenny, you're right. Particularly with Dhani because he looks like George's second coming, it's almost like having his father again. Thank god for Beatle offspring.
"Now and then, though, someone does begin to grow differently. Instead of down, his feet grow up toward the sky. But we do our best to discourage awkward things like that."
"What happens to them?" insisted Milo.
"Oddly enough, they often grow ten times the size of everyone else," said Alec thoughtfully, "and I’ve heard that they walk among the stars."
–The Phantom Tollbooth
9 November 2011
19 September 2010
15 October 2011
mrs.McHennon said:
it’s nothing special, I think. it is okay, but there are lots of more beautiful countries. but if you look at the coments on the website, there’s a lot of people who would like to come here during the holidays.
Nicaragua is much nicer, as I can see from pictures on Google.
Well, Slovenia looks stunning, you live in such beautiful country
And thank-you
Big Welcome to you Jenny Chai and pandaprotector23!
This is la la la la love! – George Harrison
Please! Tell me what you think! and I hope you won't laugh haha.
"Que en el planeta tanto ande mal; Que el hombre agreda al hombre, que el hombre agreda al animal, al vegetal."
5 November 2011
Vale:) said:
mrs.McHennon said:
it's nothing special, I think. it is okay, but there are lots of more beautiful countries. but if you look at the coments on the website, there's a lot of people who would like to come here during the holidays.
Nicaragua is much nicer, as I can see from pictures on Google.
Well, Slovenia looks stunning, you live in such beautiful country
And thank-you
Big Welcome to you Jenny Chai and pandaprotector23!
ohh thanks.! & you're welcome
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