3 July 2020
vonbontee said
Welcome, Kyle, glad to have you! Stick around, explore the threads, contribute your thoughts!
(Another SW fan here, although it’s primarily the 1977 original film that I obsess over, more than any other product of the franchise; I’m old enough to have seen it upon release, age 10.)
Thank you! Already love the Forum. So many great People! I cant imagine how it must have been watching that movie on the big Screen back in 1977. Magic happening
sir walter raleigh said
Big star wars fan here. Big Batman guy as well. I’m really looking forward to the new Clone Wars spinoff that was recently announced, The Bad Batch
Yeah. I loved them in the last TCW Season. Still hoping for a Bluray Release here…
Batman is great too. Played the Arkham Series lots of times and love all the lore and Detail there.
Jules said
Beside that I love STAR WARS, Harry Potter and movies in General. Iam a huge Soundtrack buff and work out alot. I use the time at the gym to check out new Music and audiobooks and relax from work.
Big movie fan as well, I’m on the Harry Potter end of things for that matter, but have seen the Star Wars films and own the original trilogy and the prequels. I love soundtracks as well, and I assume you heard of Morricone’s passing recently, to whom I dedicated a long-ass speech on here. We’ve got stuff in common, I usually work out to albums I haven’t heard before, shooting two birds in one shot. Welcome to the forum @KyleKartan.
I’ve come late to the Party of Harry Potter, in my early Twenties when Deathy Hollows 1 was released in Cinema. But my Passion for the Franchise has grown ever since.
Yeah I was sad about Morricones passing. He’s not my favorite considering scores, the top spot will always be reserved for the Maestro John Williams. But Morricone is a legend of his own and he as a great legeacy movie composeres have to live up to.
Ahhh Girl said
vonbontee said
Welcome, Kyle, glad to have you! Stick around, explore the threads, contribute your thoughts!
(Another SW fan here, although it’s primarily the 1977 original film that I obsess over, more than any other product of the franchise; I’m old enough to have seen it upon release, age 10.)
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since the very beginning too. I wish I could have been there for the beginning of the Beatles…for Beatlemania
Lots of Star Wars fans on here, @Joe
@KyleKartan, have you seen this video before?
Haha THX for the vid! Great stuff. I’ve joined SW when I was 10 back in 1997. The Special Editions were released and the Trailer looked very interesting. My parents had never seen SW due to them growing up in the east part of Germany (the socialist one) where western stuff wasnt released until much much later. So they never had any Connection to stuff like that and I had to discover that myself.
Can you imagine beeing around for Beatlemania and exploring the Beatles Musical Evolution as it actually happened. Must have been amazing. Must have feltr great to experience that Beatlemania for yourself.
The following people thank KyleKartan for this post:
Jules, Jules, Ahhh Girl3.50am
8 August 2019
KyleKartan said
I’ve come late to the Party of Harry Potter, in my early Twenties when Deathy Hollows 1 was released in Cinema. But my Passion for the Franchise has grown ever since.
Luckily I grew through the whole thing, when I was born, the first film had already came out and it had been a big hit. My older brother loved them films so I was naturally interested. The first HP film I saw in theaters was Order of the Phoenix when I was 5 (yeah). The last film came out when I was 9, and by then I had already seen the rest on VHS. Anyway, what I’m saying is, as a toddler I loved the action, and as a teenager when I got into the books during high school I really started appreciating the story arcs and the evolution of the story and I’ve always defended the saga even if it was for nostalgia reasons as much as I still believe it’s some of the finest fantasy films there are (+ the whole watching the actors growing up/Boyhood side of the films which I think is unprecedented) so I’ve always standed by the saga, having so many criticisms made mostly by LotR fans that feel threatened (Lord of the Rings is genius tho, just the fans are a little over their heads is what I’m saying).
Yeah I was sad about Morricones passing. He’s not my favorite considering scores, the top spot will always be reserved for the Maestro John Williams. But Morricone is a legend of his own and he as a great legeacy movie composeres have to live up to.
I have it reversed, but it is completely a sentimental reason. Morricone will always be first for me, even if technically Williams has made more and more iconic music across the board (almost every iconic soundtrack ever was made by him). I have Williams in a second realm, fighting next to Bernard Hermann and Alan Silvestri (I mean Back to the Future is enough for a top spot). But again, my placing of Morricone has to do with how much I connect to his European style of sentimentality and I know I’m completely biased by my love for westerns, plus the man just died, but I really do love him that much.
Anyway I can’t wait for you to get into the forum, cheers.
The following people thank Jules for this post:
vonbontee, KyleKartanthe watusi
the twist
1 December 2009
KyleKartan said
vonbontee said
Welcome, Kyle, glad to have you! Stick around, explore the threads, contribute your thoughts!
(Another SW fan here, although it’s primarily the 1977 original film that I obsess over, more than any other product of the franchise; I’m old enough to have seen it upon release, age 10.)
Thank you! Already love the Forum. So many great People! I cant imagine how it must have been watching that movie on the big Screen back in 1977. Magic happening
Yes it was…In NO way was I (or anyone else in 1977) prepared for that huge Star Destroyer passing overhead. OMG IT’S GONNA CRUSH US ALL!!
I’ve mentioned here before how much I love the parallels between the opening shots of SW and AHDN – and the two films shared the same cinematographer, of course.
The following people thank vonbontee for this post:
QuarryMan, Ahhh Girl, KyleKartanGEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
26 January 2017
Ahhh Girl said
Lots of Star Wars fans on here, @ joe
@ kylekartan, have you seen this video before?
GROCERY STORE WARS!!! I remember watching that with my brother years ago. Thanks for posting that, AG, really put a smile on my face watching it again
And welcome to the forum, Kyle! Good to have you here
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
Ahhh Girl, KyleKartanI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
3 July 2020
vonbontee said
KyleKartan said
vonbontee said
Welcome, Kyle, glad to have you! Stick around, explore the threads, contribute your thoughts!
(Another SW fan here, although it’s primarily the 1977 original film that I obsess over, more than any other product of the franchise; I’m old enough to have seen it upon release, age 10.)
Thank you! Already love the Forum. So many great People! I cant imagine how it must have been watching that movie on the big Screen back in 1977. Magic happening
Yes it was…In NO way was I (or anyone else in 1977) prepared for that huge Star Destroyer passing overhead. OMG IT’S GONNA CRUSH US ALL!!
I’ve mentioned here before how much I love the parallels between the opening shots of SW and AHDN – and the two films shared the same cinematographer, of course.
I remember watching Episode IV for the first time in 1997 with my grandpa with whom I went into movies regulary at the time. I was MIND BLOWN when the SD went over my head.
I didnt know they shared the same cinematographer. I wonder if Mark Hamill asked him about the Shooting of AHDN …as MH is a HUGE Beatles Fan.
Jules said
KyleKartan said
I’ve come late to the Party of Harry Potter, in my early Twenties when Deathy Hollows 1 was released in Cinema. But my Passion for the Franchise has grown ever since.
Luckily I grew through the whole thing, when I was born, the first film had already came out and it had been a big hit. My older brother loved them films so I was naturally interested. The first HP film I saw in theaters was Order of the Phoenix when I was 5 (yeah). The last film came out when I was 9, and by then I had already seen the rest on VHS. Anyway, what I’m saying is, as a toddler I loved the action, and as a teenager when I got into the books during high school I really started appreciating the story arcs and the evolution of the story and I’ve always defended the saga even if it was for nostalgia reasons as much as I still believe it’s some of the finest fantasy films there are (+ the whole watching the actors growing up/Boyhood side of the films which I think is unprecedented) so I’ve always standed by the saga, having so many criticisms made mostly by LotR fans that feel threatened (Lord of the Rings is genius tho, just the fans are a little over their heads is what I’m saying).
Yeah I was sad about Morricones passing. He’s not my favorite considering scores, the top spot will always be reserved for the Maestro John Williams. But Morricone is a legend of his own and he as a great legeacy movie composeres have to live up to.
I have it reversed, but it is completely a sentimental reason. Morricone will always be first for me, even if technically Williams has made more and more iconic music across the board (almost every iconic soundtrack ever was made by him). I have Williams in a second realm, fighting next to Bernard Hermann and Alan Silvestri (I mean Back to the Future is enough for a top spot). But again, my placing of Morricone has to do with how much I connect to his European style of sentimentality and I know I’m completely biased by my love for westerns, plus the man just died, but I really do love him that much.
Anyway I can’t wait for you to get into the forum, cheers.
I became curious about HP when I saw the tariler of Half Blood Prince. The movie looked very very interesting. Beside that I very good pal of mine which I knew for some months was a huge HP fan and that too got me curious. Before that I’ve heard about it but never really cared for it. Another Point was probably that I was opening up to other stuff when I was almost “ONLY STAR WARS/LUCAS” back in my Teens and by the time Halblood Prince was released I was more open to other Things.
Concerning Morricone: I totally understand, for me its the same with Williams for similar reasons. So many of the movies I watched as kid and teen have his movies: STAR WARS, Indy, Hook, Jurassic Park, Superman, Schindlers List, Home Alone. The first live footage film I remember watching was Hook and the movie there was magical for me. Williams has been with me from a very very early age on until now so my affection for him is very deep and I’ve loved him unknowingly even when I didnt even knew his Name. His legacy for me personally is gigantic.
@QuarryMan thank you 🙂
The following people thank KyleKartan for this post:
CakeMaestor, Jules, QuarryMan10.32pm
18 April 2013
8 August 2019
16 August 2020
Lifelong Beatles fan, Hey Jude Baby, also likes a lot of post-Beatles music, solo or from duets, bands, etc featuring any of the Fab Four, from Wings to The Travelling Wilburys, and beyond.
As a lifelong fan, I may well get involved in various discussions here, but as of now, my primary reason for coming here is to update anyone who may be interested in the 1972 Wings Tour Bus; the double-decker open-top tour bus used on the European Tour that Summer.
I wrote a couple of blogs (here and here) about its curious if not extraordinary history, and am in contact with the current owner, who has also now set-up web/social media pages for the ongoing story of the bus.
See 1972wingstourbus.com.
I see that there is an old thread for the bus on here, so I’ll probably post more there.
24 June 2019
8 August 2019
1 July 2020
15 February 2015
Glad to meet you @Magill.
New to Forumpool? You can introduce yourself here.
If you love The Beatles Bible, and you have adblock, don't forget to white-list this site!
16 October 2020
Hello everyone. I live in Central New York in the United States of America. I’ve been a big Beatles fan since I heard them for the first time when I was just a youngin. Started collecting their albums and singles right after. I’m retired now and want to spend some time finishing my collection. Where can I print a list of all the albums The Beatles ever recorded? Thank you and I love this site!
27 November 2016
Nice to ‘meet’ you, Magill.
Welcome @Papa1957. You might find this page useful: https://www.beatlesbible.com/albums/
#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
2016 awards: 2017 awards:
2018 awards:
2019 awards:
2020 awards:
2021 awards:
19 October 2020
Hi everyone, my name is Paige and I’m very happy to be here. I’m 23 and have liked the Beatles ever since I was a kid, but only in the past few years have I listened to their full albums in their entirety and became a huge fan. I was introduced to their music by my dad, who unfortunately passed away last month. Listening to the Beatles has made me feel better in these difficult times.
I look forward to getting to know lots of you and participate in discussions! See you soon!
The following people thank octopaige_garden for this post:
lovelyritametermaid, kelicopter"Smoke weed everyday." - Paul McCartney, 1966
5 December 2019
Welcome @octopaige_garden! I hope you find our corner of the interwebs as welcoming and lovely as we have! I very much look forward to seeing you around!
I’m so sorry to hear about your dad, 2020 has been full of so much awfulness, however at least he got to share with you something he loved before he left us The music of the Beatles, too, has been very very therapeutic for me in dark and difficult times, and continues to be a source of comfort.
The following people thank lovelyritametermaid for this post:
octopaige_garden"....When I cannot sing my heart, I can only speak my mind...."
"....This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around...."
||She/They ||
20 October 2020
Hello everyone,
I’m Daniel, musician and film composer from Germany now living in Los Angeles for over 10 years. Great to meet you all! Very excited about this website.
I have a masters in Jazz drums and vibes, as well as one for film scoring. Then when I moved to LA, I went to USC’s film scoring program.
Currently working on a Beatles Songwriting book/ workshops. Obviously I’m a huge Beatles fan, that goes without saying. I’m thinking about new ways to deconstruct the songs for different age groups.
And also I have a huuuuge suprise for all of you, but I cannot talk about it yet 😉 You will be thrilled, I promise.
Much love to all of you, hope this message finds you in good health and a serene state. Love and Peace
The following people thank danielwehr for this post:
Shamrock Womlbs, lovelyritametermaid, QuarryMan7.01am
1 July 2020
20 August 2013
Nice to meet both of you, @octopaige_garden and @danielwehr. This is the place to let your hair down and show off your Beatlemania.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
octopaige_garden, lovelyritametermaidCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
27 September 2020
Hello people there!!, I’m a newbie here, but I already love this Forum, I’m from Mexico and I’m glad to be here with you, I hope we all can be friends and share this love for the Beatles together. When I come here I feel like I’m home. I even don’t know anyone of you but I love y’all uwu
The following people thank Sexy Sadie for this post:
sigh butterfly, The Hole Got Fixed, lovelyritametermaid, kelicopter, Beatlebug, QuarryMan, SgtPeppersBulldog, jamessickWould you like to do it too, may?, Would you like to do it too?
Me oh my, country dreamer, Make a country dream come true
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