8 April 2014
14 April 2010
The following people thank Zig for this post:
chrisredditch, Mr. Kite, ewe2, Von Bontee, thisbirdhasflown, A Man Named Lear, BeatleSnutTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
15 February 2015
Hi, now I am 64 I finally found and joined this forum! Life long Beatles fan – not surprising as I was a teenager in the 60s. Electronic engineer by profession but retired now. I run a small recording studio and my particular interest is in how they achieved all those incredible sounds on the Beatles records.
This forum has a very odd layout. Took me ages to find how to make a new post – it’s quite different to other forums I am on. Now I just need to find the button to send this post!!
The following people thank ruffrecords for this post:
20 August 2013
Greetings, @ruffrecords. We are sure glad you found us and joined up. I’m glad you figured out how to make a post. Have a look around and let us know if you need any more help. We have lots of help guides in the Forum Rules and Help Guides section of the forum.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
thisbirdhasflownCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 November 2013
Hello @ruffrecords! Have fun on the forum!
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
29 August 2013
ruffrecords said
Hi, now I am 64 I finally found and joined this forum! Life long Beatles fan – not surprising as I was a teenager in the 60s. Electronic engineer by profession but retired now. I run a small recording studio and my particular interest is in how they achieved all those incredible sounds on the Beatles records.This forum has a very odd layout. Took me ages to find how to make a new post – it’s quite different to other forums I am on. Now I just need to find the button to send this post!!
Hi Ian, welcome aboard. Running a small studio sounds like a blast. Cheers, Tony.
The following people thank trcanberra for this post:
thisbirdhasflown==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
14 December 2009
14 April 2010
Welcome @ruffrecords. Where were you a teenager in the 60’s – UK, US, elsewhere? Any Beatles sightings, shows or stories? We’d love to hear them.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
thisbirdhasflownTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
15 February 2015
Hello, everyone!
My [nick]name is Doodle (or Doodlebug). I’m fourteen, and like many here, I’m a Beatlemaniac.
I first “met” the Beatles when I was about eight or so, through the very peculiar Yellow Submarine Songtrack . (I mean, I knew about them before, but that was when I really discovered them.) I was soon combing through the family music library for any Beatles album I could get my hands on, memorising and singing whole albums, the lot.
Then I sort of forgot about them for a couple years (please don’t revile my name! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!), until about a year and a half ago, when I started rediscovering them, which was as good as the first time, only better, because I was learning about awesome bass and groovy harmonies and things like that. And then I started adding to my album collection, and I got A Hard Day’s Write by Steve Turner, which I feel was an excellent introduction to Beatlemaniology. (I read it in one evening.) And the rest was history…
My favourite Beatle is Paul. But sometimes, my favourite Beatle is George. It depends on the weather.
I don’t can’t have a favourite Beatles song, and never met a self-respecting Beatlemaniac who did.
My favourite album is Revolver , but Rubber Soul and A Hard Day’s Night are pretty close second and third, respectively. My fourth favourite is all the rest, and my least favourite is the White Album . (Sorry, White Album fans. Great songs, but not very cohesive. Of course it’s the bleedin’ Beatles, so it’s good… just not my favourite.)
My other personal rubbish includes (but is not limited to) Sherlock Holmes, Shakespeare, old books, antique fashions, drawing, long words, instrumental music such as what I am loath to call New Age because it sounds so… lame… and all things English. (I’m an Anglophile, hence the British spelling and the eastern U.S. time zone.) My little sister, who is six, is my Beatlemaniac-in-training. \
I also love guitars, since I play myself (with the fab Beatles as my inspiration, of course).
Joe, your site is groovy… and your profile pic. It’s fab, though, innit?
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New to Forumpool? You can introduce yourself here.
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Hey BeatleBug. Welcome!
The following people thank Joe for this post:
thisbirdhasflown, BeatlebugCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
1 November 2013
Welcome to the site BeatlesBug! I am sure you will learn many things about the Beatles!
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
thisbirdhasflown, Beatlebug1.41pm
20 August 2013
Welcome, @Beatlebug. Beatles. Bugs. I am amused. Gear nickname.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
thisbirdhasflown, BeatlebugCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
8 April 2014
28 May 2014
8 November 2012
Welcome, ruffrecords and BeatleBug!
The following people thank parlance for this post:
8 November 2012
I was inspired to find my introduction post, and it’s funny to look back on. Looks like I posted around the same time as a couple of other active posters.
The following people thank parlance for this post:
thisbirdhasflown, Von Bontee4.06pm
1 November 2013
28 May 2014
I remember my first post was on the “You Know You’re A Hardcore Beatles Fan” thread. It was @Starr Shine? that told me to make a post on the introduction thread, and I did. Sadly, I don’t have the patience (or the nerve) to find it. Does anybody know which page it is?
By hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book.
8 November 2012
Just go to Google and paste in this: thisbirdhasflown site:beatlesbible.com/forum/all-together-now-song/introduction-thread
8 April 2014
@thisbirdhasflown, while looking for my introduction post I stumbled upon yours:
And here’s mine:
I thought it would be a horrible post, but it’s actually alright, considering that I had never been on a forum before…
The following people thank Beatleva for this post:
thisbirdhasflown, parlance2 Guest(s)