1 November 2013
Hello LittleBeatleManic! Hope you find some good thingies here
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
8 September 2014
8 April 2014
8 September 2014
3 June 2014
I missed you at first, @LittleBeatlemaniac, but welcome! In real life, I don’t know anyone who loves the Beatles as much as me except MAYBE my dad… but I don’t think he’s quite on my level. Anyway, this means I don’t get many opportunities to talk about them, which is why I love this site, besides all the information on the main site.
The following people thank Bulldog for this post:
LittleBeatlemaniacIf you're lonely (or not!), you can talk to me. .....Hey! Are you a new member on this fine forum and don't know where to go to introduce yourself?
Well, you can do it here! Dig it?
11 September 2014
I’m Polythene Pam . Also, I’m new to the site. I’ve been watching this site from… “a far distance” until I decided to join, and, as far as I’ve seen, it was totally worth to register and make part of this.
Also, thanks to @StrawberryFieldsForever for telling to come here and introduce myself.
Why do you even bother in reading? There's nothing strange going on around here... Or is it?
1 November 2013
Hello and welcome to the site new person! Hope you stick around FOREVER!
(Just Kidding you can stay for as long as you want)
3 June 2014
Polythene Pam said
Hi!I’m Polythene Pam . Also, I’m new to the site. I’ve been watching this site from… “a far distance” until I decided to join, and, as far as I’ve seen, it was totally worth to register and make part of this.
Welcome @Polythene Pam ! Good song choice for your name. In all my three months of membership (
), I’ve found this site very useful and totally worth joining.
If you're lonely (or not!), you can talk to me. .....Hey! Are you a new member on this fine forum and don't know where to go to introduce yourself?
Well, you can do it here! Dig it?
11 September 2014
Annadog40 said
(Just Kidding you can stay for as long as you want)
As long as I want? I will stay forever then!
The following people thank Polythene Pam for this post:
Starr Shine?Why do you even bother in reading? There's nothing strange going on around here... Or is it?
20 August 2013
So you were wathcing us . I’m glad we passed the audition. I often wonder what outsiders think of us. I didn’t follow the forum very long before joining up.
Glad you are here!
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 November 2012
Welcome LittleBeatleManiac and Polythene Pam ! The song title of the latter is in a way to me the most musically satisfying number on Abbey Road (even though I like a few other songs better overall).
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
29 August 2013
Funny Paper said
Welcome LittleBeatleManiac and Polythene Pam ! The song title of the latter is in a way to me the most musically satisfying number on Abbey Road (even though I like a few other songs better overall).
Likewise – the welcome bit *wave*
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
14 April 2010
2 June 2014
20 August 2013
Hey Jude said
Ahhh Girl said
LittleBeatlemaniac, if you’ve been listening to the Beatles for two years, you are a little bit ahead of me, I’m a year and 4 months in.
Woah i thought you were a fan ever since the beginning
@Hey Jude !, I shall treasure your words as an ultimate compliment! Take a look at my biography in my profile. You’ll see my story.
I have so much still to learn about our dear Beatles.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Hey Jude !Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
8 April 2014
Welcome @Polythene Pam ! Hope you’ll enjoy it here!
I only became Beatles fan about 8 months ago and everyday I’m still learning new things about The Beatles, discovering new songs, thanks to this great forum and website!
The following people thank Beatleva for this post:
StrawberryFieldsForever, Polythene Pam5.24pm
19 September 2014
I got my first guitar when I was about age 9 or 10 for Christmas, 1959 or 1960. It was cheap little four string nylon guitar. But I started saving up for a Gretsch County Gentleman. I was saving up and almost ready to place a down payment. The music store owner would let me take it with half down and then weekly payments.
So then the Beatles show up on Ed Sullivan and unfortunately, literally, over night that guitar doubled in price. So I bought a Gretsch Corsair instead. It would be years before I could expand my guitar stable to its current modest size of a dozen. However, there were no hard feelings. Before I ever saw a photo of George playing the country gent I was already on my way to becoming a die hard beatles fan.
Currently I am a professor of Sound Engineering at SUNY Broome Community College. I operate a project recording studio and am active in shared governance at the college. I have enjoyed deconstructing the arrangements of the Beatles catalog and remained amazed at the simplicity and genius of their music.
The following people thank BobGreaves for this post:
Oudis, Mr. KiteProfessor of Sound Engineering SUNY Broome, Broadcast host for NCG
3 June 2014
Welcome @BobGreaves!
If you're lonely (or not!), you can talk to me. .....Hey! Are you a new member on this fine forum and don't know where to go to introduce yourself?
Well, you can do it here! Dig it?
1 November 2013
Good welcome hello @BobGreaves
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