18 April 2013
Had a nice morning visit from @Ahhh Girl and Ahhh Mom. They saw where I’ve been living since my divorce and we watched Good Ol’ Freda on DVD.
Ahhh Girl and I were wearing the same shirt (mine was actually a gift from Ahhh Girl–hers was a different color).
By the way thanks again for the Elvis keychain–I need to send you something!
The following people thank Expert Textpert for this post:
meanmistermustard, Ron Nasty, The Hole Got Fixed, Beatlebug, Rube, vonbontee, WeepingAtlasCedars"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
17 December 2012
Would that have been a Dissenters shirt, @Expert Textpert?
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
20 August 2013
I just wish we could have visited longer, @Expert Textpert! Next time, we will plan a longer visit.
@Ron Nasty, yes, it was the Dissenters shirt. @Joe has one too
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
18 April 2013
18 April 2013
20 August 2013
Hello, Jeff!
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
25 February 2020
Rube said
I have been invited for a interview on Thursday with HMV as a Sales Assistant. They are opening a new store where I live.
good luck!
HMVs here became Sunrise Records and, I do think they’re a better chain overall, but I definitely miss HMV if only for the middle school CD buying nostalgia
20 August 2013
Best of luck on the job front, @Rube and @Vera Chuck and Dave
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Vera Chuck and Dave, RubeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
15 February 2015
Ahhh Girl and I said
Best of luck on the job front, @Rube and @Vera Chuck and Dave![]()
I need to start searching for a job myself.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Rube, Ahhh Girl([{BRACKETS!}])
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14 June 2016
I have been absent from the forum for most of the summer as I have been busy with other things in my life. I’ve been meaning to come back on, but every time I decide to catch up, I see the over 100 unread topics and decide to postpone catching up. I need to make a daily habit of logging on as I did in highschool. Maybe it will be another goal of mine. I’ve been pretty busy this summer with work and social happenings. I’ve fallen in and out of depression several times, but I’m surviving. One of my best buddies in the area that I’ve known since I moved here has started dating this gal that I got him together with which means I now hardly see him, making my options of people to hang out with limited. I’ve also done a number on my Beatles music collection, as I’ve shared in the CD collection thread, and should also share in the vinyl collection thread.
Beyond all that, the biggest news is I’ve been working on an album. That’s right, y’know the music kind I currently have 9 songs written and plan to write 5 more to make 14 track album like the old Beatles ones. It started back in October of 2020 when I wrote a song called Golden Saphire. Then in the space of then to May of this year, I wrote 3 more songs just for fun, one of which is a love lost number called “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub” after Rick’s catchphrase in Rick and Morty which means “I am in great pain”, and another is called “The Meadows”, which I think will be the title track of the album and as some of you may know is “Las Vegas” in English. Then I wrote a 5th song one night all at 1 in the morning. The whole song came together magically, and a week later I played it for a friend of mine, and they told me it was the saddest song they’d ever heard. That was about when I decided I wanted to make an album. Since then I’ve written 4 more songs, and have various unpolished ideas that may turn into the last 5.
Now the goal is to record the songs. I’ve recorded ukulele demos from my phone, but I want to make proper recordings of my songs as they all aren’t acoustic ukulele songs. For example “The Meadows” is supposed to be a bigger hard rock sort of number. The challenge is getting proper recording equipment. The stuff I would need to buy costs about $140 which isn’t a ton, but I want to do some practice mixes with my apple earbud mic to mess around with the art of music produdction before I drop the dough. I may share those when I get them polished.
The following people thank William Shears Campbell for this post:
meanmistermustard, QuarryMan, The Hole Got Fixed, Vera Chuck and Dave, Beatlebug, Rube, Von Bontee, WeepingAtlasCedarsHere | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
15 February 2015
@William Shears Campbell Oh my goodness that’s so exciting! I’m hyped for your album honestly, best of luck realizing your dream and getting it out!
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, William Shears Campbell, William Shears Campbell([{BRACKETS!}])
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1 May 2011
Am genuinely annoyed by how god damn atrocious ‘Free Guy’ is. A film that has the exact same basic storyline as so many spewed out Hollywood blockbusters do yet was made out to be original. I think that’s what’s pissed me off so much as the reviews I read made it out to be some original one-off. The film is abysmal crap that would have normal crap being smug about how much better it was tho.
Earlier I saw ‘The Courier’, an interesting film but never a thriller as it was described. About to see ‘Don’t Breathe 2’.
One other thing that annoyed me a lot was a notice after the trailers saying the film was about to start so turn your phones off etc only for another five minutes of adverts to follow. One of which was a two minute advert telling me why the cinema is so good I should go. I’m in the f*****g cinema, I don’t need to be be told how great it is.
I hate being bullshitted and have my time wasted by pointless garbage.
More positive news is that I’m booked to go to Aberdeen which will be the first overnight trip I’ve been on since December 2020.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
17 June 2021
My HMV interview went very well today. The people who did the interview were friendly and put me at ease. They asked me about my music, film, gaming and technology interests as well as questions about customer services. They were also very impressed with my preparation.
The following people thank Rube for this post:
Shamrock Womlbs, meanmistermustard, The Hole Got Fixed, Ahhh Girl, Vera Chuck and DaveWinner of Most Hardcore Beatles Bible Fan 2021
1 May 2011
Rube said
My HMV interview went very well today. The people who did the interview were friendly and put me at ease. They asked me about my music, film, gaming and technology interests as well as questions about customer services. They were also very impressed with my preparation.
Cool. Here’s hoping you get good news soon.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Rube"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
14 June 2016
I’ve been reading lots of books the year, and I’m still doing so. I feel like writing one of my own, even if just for my own enjoyment. I may start by listing all the elements I like from what I’ve read, and start laying out a plot sequence.
The following people thank Timothy for this post:
Rube1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
17 June 2021
meanmistermustard said
Rube said
My HMV interview went very well today. The people who did the interview were friendly and put me at ease. They asked me about my music, film, gaming and technology interests as well as questions about customer services. They were also very impressed with my preparation.
Cool. Here’s hoping you get good news soon.
Thank you. I hope to hear from them next week.
Winner of Most Hardcore Beatles Bible Fan 2021
1 May 2011
Timothy said
I’ve been reading lots of books the year, and I’m still doing so. I feel like writing one of my own, even if just for my own enjoyment. I may start by listing all the elements I like from what I’ve read, and start laying out a plot sequence.
No harm trying and never know what will come of it.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Timothy, Rube"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
In Aberdeen for tonight’s football. Love being in Aberdeen and such good timing to get away from normality after so long stuck in the same locality.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
14 June 2016
A group from an old workplace are talking about meeting up. I know how John felt about Beatles reunion talk. I’ve moved on and simply don’t feel like it, even though there’s no real bad blood there.
1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
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