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The Guitar Tips Thread for Players (Beatles or otherwise; tutorials, videos, suggestions, techniques)
1 July 2014
Alone in the clouds all blue...
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Mimi said
I bet you could find that. The sexy add is using a “white falcon” model, which is more expensive. But you could probably find those colors in a more affordable model. 

D’y’know, I was just looking at those. If my parents can find it cheap enough, they’re gonna try and get it for me!

2 July 2014
Left of greenland
Ed Sullivan Show
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Damn I’m jealous!a-hard-days-night-john-7a-hard-days-night-paul-11If you could find a deal on one of those definitely try and get it 

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8 July 2014
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Earlier this week a YouTube ad caught my eye. First time that’s happened. It was for this guy:…..3AybZypQfA

I’ve not delved deeply but he doesn’t seem to be selling anything. He’ll probably make a decent amount through adverts if the clips get enough eyeballs.

“My videos are really intended for accomplished guitarists who want to polish up their Beatles repertoire and can benefit from “seeing” how a song is played. If the various chords that I am playing are not familiar to you then I would suggest that you visit some of the many free guitar chord sites. I had to learn these songs by listening to vinyl records and watching live performances on tv”

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10 July 2014
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It’s really really getting on my nerves that I can’t play the F chord properly. I know how to play it, but it just sounds too weak. I’m pressing my index finger on the highest two strings as hard as I possibly can, but it’s just muting/buzzing them and it’s just really making me panic how I can’t do such a simple thing after so much practice

EDIT: I can play it fine on my electric, but it’s just not working with my acoustic even wen I’m pressing down as hard or as light or as adequately as I can.

10 July 2014
Left of greenland
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MrMoonlight said
It’s really really getting on my nerves that I can’t play the F chord properly. I know how to play it, but it just sounds too weak. I’m pressing my index finger on the highest two strings as hard as I possibly can, but it’s just muting/buzzing them and it’s just really making me panic how I can’t do such a simple thing after so much practice

EDIT: I can play it fine on my electric, but it’s just not working with my acoustic even wen I’m pressing down as hard or as light or as adequately as I can.

Try barring the whole fret and see if you still get the buzzing 

We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians

10 July 2014
Alone in the clouds all blue...
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Mimi said

MrMoonlight said
It’s really really getting on my nerves that I can’t play the F chord properly. I know how to play it, but it just sounds too weak. I’m pressing my index finger on the highest two strings as hard as I possibly can, but it’s just muting/buzzing them and it’s just really making me panic how I can’t do such a simple thing after so much practice

EDIT: I can play it fine on my electric, but it’s just not working with my acoustic even wen I’m pressing down as hard or as light or as adequately as I can.

Try barring the whole fret and see if you still get the buzzing 

Yeah, that works. It feels a little uncomfortable though.

10 July 2014
Left of greenland
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when you play it with your first finger on the top two strings, do you put your pinky down on the A string or just leave it off? 

We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians

10 July 2014
Alone in the clouds all blue...
Shea Stadium
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Mimi said
when you play it with your first finger on the top two strings, do you put your pinky down on the A string or just leave it off? 

I put it on.

10 July 2014
Left of greenland
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try it without your pinky and see if its easier 

also try it on like the 8th fret (that would be a C chord) since the frets are closer together higher on the neck and you can play it more easily 

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We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians

10 July 2014
Funny Paper
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The chord I have a problem with is the barred B chord — especially when I need to transition to it quickly from another chord.  I tend to opt for making it B7, which relieves a lot of the stress; but I don’t always want to play a B7…

I’m always amazed at how easy it is for Paul Simon to play difficult chords and move around from chord to chord — given how short and pudgy his fingers are!

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Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...

10 July 2014
Alone in the clouds all blue...
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Another major thing I’ve realised is getting in my way is my crappy amp. It either has no amp at all, or is in complete heavy-metal overdrive, which doesn’t allow bright, sustained, clean notes.

This guitar business is getting tricky. I’ve forgotten how to play F, I need to learn all these blues scales, I need to get an amp, sustain, research… damn, anxiety is awful.

10 July 2014
Left of greenland
Ed Sullivan Show
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MrMoonlight said
Another major thing I’ve realised is getting in my way is my crappy amp. It either has no amp at all, or is in complete heavy-metal overdrive, which doesn’t allow bright, sustained, clean notes.

This guitar business is getting tricky. I’ve forgotten how to play F, I need to learn all these blues scales, I need to get an amp, sustain, research… damn, anxiety is awful.

Don’t worry 

It took me a long time before I could get a good amp

The blues scale is just like the next theory thing you should probably learn at some point- take your time, don’t hurry

I just quoted lyrics from Nowhere Man without even intending too. Wow. Every Little Thing I say has Something to do With The Beatles

The following people thank Mimi for this post:

MrMoonlight, Mr. Kite, Bulldog, Beatlebug

We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians

14 July 2014
Mr. Kite
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@MrMoonlight said

Another major thing I’ve realised is getting in my way is my crappy amp. It either has no amp at all, or is in complete heavy-metal overdrive, which doesn’t allow bright, sustained, clean notes.

This guitar business is getting tricky. I’ve forgotten how to play F, I need to learn all these blues scales, I need to get an amp, sustain, research… damn, anxiety is awful.

I got my first electric guitar, the one that got me into playing that I still play now, at a yard sale with this little amp:
Image Enlarger

As far as amps and effects all I have is that and a talkbox I use as a distortion pedal.
It shouldn’t get in your way, you just need to work with what you have. You’re a beginner and from what you’ve put up you’re improving. You just need to keep learning…
And anyway, maybe it’s better to keep yourself limited, The Beatles wouldn’t have been so creative if they had 8 track machines or access to all the high end studio gear right away.
F is tricky too, by the way, bar chords take a while to master, but once you get them they’ll be very useful.

The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:

MrMoonlight, Mimi

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4 August 2014
Anywhere, cause I'm free as a bird
London Palladium
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Help with Dear Prudence ?

I can do the intro bit but when it comes to the D chords, I can’t do the second chord where my pinky has to go to the A string on the 3rd fret, because the edge of my hand keeps rubbing against it so no sound is coming out. Does anyone have any tips?? I’ve tried replacing positioning of the fingers to the same strings so it’s the same chord but played differently

I really want to learn this whole song, so please help!

Thanks :)

Favourite band: The Beatles
Favourite song: Yesterday
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16 August 2014
Sugarplum fairy
Royal Command Performance
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I’m just learning Dear Prudence as well.  It is a stretch for your little finger but if you make sure to fret the D chord with your hand a little further round the neck (so your fingers are more upright it helps.  As you mentioned, some people don’t try to use the little finger at all and simply use the second finger to fret the A string.  There are some good youtube lessons (and some less good ones!)  The isolated versions of John’s original playing are well worth a listen. 

The biggest problem for me has been the right hand!  Because I grew up hearing a lot of Folk music (Pete Seegar etc) I thought I already had the picking pattern.  This’ll be easy I thought, it’ll be like Freight Train…   Wrong!  Because it has three notes in the base I just couldn’t get my fingers to obey my brain.  In the end it was just the same as leaning it from scratch and I’m still not convinced about the opening run down.

Learning ‘Travis’ picking is like learning juggling or looking at those strange ‘magic eye’ pictures.  After hours and hours of trying (if you don’t give up) it suddenly comes.  Anyway, I’m nearly there now with DP so I’ll record it and put it up and maybe something in it will help you with your struggle!

It would be good to hear some others folks versions of this difficult song 🙂 


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16 August 2014
Funny Paper
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There’s a guy on YouTube who has a lot of helpful videos on Beatles guitar stuff, his name is “privettricker”.

Here’s his tube on Dear Prudence :

The following people thank Funny Paper for this post:

Sugarplum fairy, TheBeatlesJohn

Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...

16 August 2014
Sugarplum fairy
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 I’ve been subscribed to him for a few years. 🙂  There seems to almost nothing Beatles he can’t play.  I wouldn’t mind being that good!  I see he goes for the alternative fingering for the D chord with an A.  

16 August 2014
Anywhere, cause I'm free as a bird
London Palladium
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Thanks guys! You both helped a lot! :D Thanks to Sugarplum I now bring my arm more around the neck so all the sounds from the strings are coming out and thanks to Funny Paper I now replace the chord I was doing before with the chord the man is playing in the video, and with both of those techniques combined it is so much easier :)


Now I just have to learn how to sing that long falsetto note that Paul and George do! a-hard-days-night-ringo-10

The following people thank TheBeatlesJohn for this post:

Ahhh Girl

Favourite band: The Beatles
Favourite song: Yesterday
Favourite album: Rubber Soul
Favourite member: Paul McCartney

17 August 2014
Sugarplum fairy
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This is where I’ve got to so far..…..7-aug-2014

I’ve shortened it because obviously it’s a bit repetitive without any vocals etc coming in!  What does anyone think?  And which (out of all the mistakes!) is the most important bit to work on? 

17 August 2014
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I’ve been getting into some old school rock’n’rolling, and one particular thing about rhythm is bothering me. Look at this typical “chugga chugga” for example:

A  –  – 2  2 –  – 4  4 – – 5  5 –  –

E  –  – 0  0 –  – 0  0 – – 0  0 –  –


IS there any variations to this? I know you can pretty much play around it, but the most usual thing that EVERYONE used, and Beatles too, was something like this. Start this with A, move on to D, move back to A, one time to E, back to A. I know I’ve written this in a dumb way, but if you can’t understand, just grab a guitar and play it like this, only a string above/below.

That kinda annoys me, it’s a FANTASTIC rhythm and pretty much marks that age. However, I’d like to hear something more… experimental. Similar to that.

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