29 August 2013
I prefer to use a pick rather than finger pick. Finger picking sounds too weak for me (if you listen to the solos of Sultans of Swing, you’ll see what I mean.) I also think there’s a lot more you can do with a pick than you can do with your fingers.
"White Album - My joint-fave Beatles album along with Revolver. They show the two sides of Beatles. Revolver's very controlled - even though it's also very innovative. The White Album's playful and almost ramshackle. It's like a scrapbook kept by a genius. Fantastic stuff."
1 November 2013
5 May 2014
I’m a solid lead guitarist, and I never use a pick. There’s nothing that can be done with a pick that can’t be done finger style, plus you can do so much more finger style. I go back and forth between playing like a bassist and playing like a classical guitarist, but it works for me.
I play a Gretsch (semi-hollow body) , and have never owned another electric guitar, so I have not really tested how my technique would work on a solid body, except for occasionally playing a Strat when I am hanging around a guitar shop
The following people thank Mimi for this post:
ScrambledEggs, MrMoonlight, BeatlebugWe were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians
16 December 2013
I admire finger-style, partly because it looks and sounds much more complicated, and partly because it’s a challenge for me. I can only fingerpick my way through a rough number of twenty songs, and it is not always a perfect sound. Although it’s only easy songs I can play finger-style such as Tears in Heaven, Blackbird , Misguided Ghosts etc. as well as some improvisations, it is a style I prefer to listen to. Whenever I ask my dad to play something for me, it is always a finger-style song. I tend to use a pick mostly, though, because it’s easier to strum and sing, and it’s better whilst playing with large groups.
I have a cheap, old acoustic guitar which is perfectly preserved. I can’t even remember it’s name. All I know is that out of thirty people who have played on it, at least twenty-seven have asked to buy it. The sound it produces is just incredible and I wouldn’t trade it for any other guitar in the world. We’ve got a semi-acoustic Washburn which is difficult to play on, as well as an ancient guitar with plastic strings. My dad’s electric guitar is a Fender and I barely ever play it. All I need is my old, acoustic guitar (and love, of course).
The following people thank ScrambledEggs for this post:
MrMoonlight, Beatlebug4.27pm
2 April 2014
1 November 2012
MrMoonlight said
Call me inexperienced, but how are you meant to get that distorted, long sound for an electric guitar (see most guitar solos, i.e. WMGGW). I honestly have no idea how to get that lead sound – it just seems to last as long as a normal pluck. I don’t get it.
All I know is that Carlos Santana used to cultivate a sustained note by moving close to his amp to combine feedback with his note.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
4 February 2014
MrMoonlight said
Call me inexperienced, but how are you meant to get that distorted, long sound for an electric guitar (see most guitar solos, i.e. WMGGW). I honestly have no idea how to get that lead sound – it just seems to last as long as a normal pluck. I don’t get it.
To sustain a note you need vibrato.
I found a video for you, this’ll teach you how, or the beginning will just give you an example of what I mean if you don’t want to watch it all.
That feedback method might work, but it’d have to be up really loud. Vibrato is probably what’s used on WMGGW and will work without it up high.
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
2 April 2014
Mr. Kite said
MrMoonlight said
Call me inexperienced, but how are you meant to get that distorted, long sound for an electric guitar (see most guitar solos, i.e. WMGGW). I honestly have no idea how to get that lead sound – it just seems to last as long as a normal pluck. I don’t get it.
To sustain a note you need vibrato.
I found a video for you, this’ll teach you how, or the beginning will just give you an example of what I mean if you don’t want to watch it all.
That feedback method might work, but it’d have to be up really loud. Vibrato is probably what’s used on WMGGW and will work without it up high.
Brilliant, thanks! I’ve got most of it worked out now anyway after messing with gain and tone, although I’ll need to practice! Prince’s solo on that WMGGW I posted yesterday has inspired me.
5 May 2014
MrMoonlight said
Call me inexperienced, but how are you meant to get that distorted, long sound for an electric guitar (see most guitar solos, i.e. WMGGW). I honestly have no idea how to get that lead sound – it just seems to last as long as a normal pluck. I don’t get it.
it would be easier to diagnose the problem if you could make a quick video of you playing so that we/i can see it. There could be half a dozen things that are causing the problem, but it’s got to have something to do with left hand technique. Here’s something that might help, and you should make sure to do this anyway- Keep your left hand parallel to the neck, rather than your pinky pointing away from it.
Thats my hand by the way and my guitar and my left shoulder featured in the picture by the way
The following people thank Mimi for this post:
MrMoonlightWe were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians
2 April 2014
Mimi said
MrMoonlight said
Call me inexperienced, but how are you meant to get that distorted, long sound for an electric guitar (see most guitar solos, i.e. WMGGW). I honestly have no idea how to get that lead sound – it just seems to last as long as a normal pluck. I don’t get it.it would be easier to diagnose the problem if you could make a quick video of you playing so that we/i can see it. There could be half a dozen things that are causing the problem, but it’s got to have something to do with left hand technique. Here’s something that might help, and you should make sure to do this anyway- Keep your left hand parallel to the neck, rather than your pinky pointing away from it.
like thisThats my hand by the way and my guitar and my left shoulder featured in the picture by the way
Yeah, yeah, I get it. I think my biggest problem was the amp, if I’m honest, but I think what you’ve said’ll definitely help if I take note!
The following people thank MrMoonlight for this post:
4 February 2014
MrMoonlight said
Mr. Kite said
MrMoonlight said
Call me inexperienced, but how are you meant to get that distorted, long sound for an electric guitar (see most guitar solos, i.e. WMGGW). I honestly have no idea how to get that lead sound – it just seems to last as long as a normal pluck. I don’t get it.
To sustain a note you need vibrato.
I found a video for you, this’ll teach you how, or the beginning will just give you an example of what I mean if you don’t want to watch it all.
That feedback method might work, but it’d have to be up really loud. Vibrato is probably what’s used on WMGGW and will work without it up high.
Brilliant, thanks! I’ve got most of it worked out now anyway after messing with gain and tone, although I’ll need to practice! Prince’s solo on that WMGGW I posted yesterday has inspired me.
That was pretty amazing. I’m just curious as to where his guitar disappeared to.
2 April 2014
@Mimi, quick question since you’re “in the know”, as it were – would you recommend a Gretsch? I want a new guitar for my birthday in December (yeah it’s a while away but at least the wait will be excruciating exciting), and I immediately thought of you. Of course, it depends on the type – what sort do you have, and would you recommend it?
5 May 2014
MrMoonlight said
@Mimi, quick question since you’re “in the know”, as it were – would you recommend a Gretsch? I want a new guitar for my birthday in December (yeah it’s a while away but at least the wait will beexcruciatingexciting), and I immediately thought of you. Of course, it depends on the type – what sort do you have, and would you recommend it?
YES times a million!! If your going for that warm, rockabilly sound, than you definitely want a Gretsch. There’s a good model that’s popular right now, an “electromatic”. That’s the kind I have. It’s a more affordable and still looks and sounds great. If you do get a Gretsch, you should play it with a tube amp. Either a Vox or a Fender. I have a fender blues junior amp, and I don’t think it was too expensive.
Part of it depends on just personal preference. Some guitars, like a Strat, are really easy to play, but a Gretsch fights back a little more. I personally like that quality in a guitar, but you may not. I think you should go to a guitar shop and play some different types of guitars there so you know what you like. In the US, you can’t always count on a guitar shop selling Gretsch guitars. If that’s the case, just try playing any semi-hollow body electric guitar.
Get a Gretsch! I’m sure George would tell you the same thing!
The following people thank Mimi for this post:
MrMoonlightWe were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians
2 April 2014
That settles it – I’m getting a white and gold Gretsch (as well as that Hofner bass)! I’ll be sure to credit you when I’m famous – maybe I’ll let you perform on an album
But seriously though, I’m excited that I’m getting them, but I’m also really anxious because I have to wait for Christmas, going through exams and schoolwork and more anxiety and ughhhhhhhhh
The following people thank MrMoonlight for this post:
1 November 2012
This would be an “otherwise” — for finger-picking acoustic guitar. I learned this little trick from listening to James Taylor over the years. It can help in creating chord changes for a song you may be writing. Basically, it’s a transition chord from A (or A7) to Bm7 — it looks just like A7 but it has a Bb bass.
When I finger the A chord I use fingers 4-3-2 (numbering fingers 1-4 not counting the thumb — don’t worry, I’m not a Simpsons cartoonwith only four fingers), then when I want to do the transition chord, I lift up finger 3 and press on the Bb note (on the A bass string, of course) with my index finger (finger 1); then a transition to the Bm7 chord with a little deft adjustment of my hand.
I probably never would have thought of bassing A7 with a Bb note on my own (that would be too dissonant, right?).
His “Shower the People” uses this in the context of a nice overall chord change:
A –
A7/Bb –
Bm7 –
A –
G –
D/F# –
Em7 – A7
(then continues a long pattern of Em7 to A7 — what I have called “Treat chords“).
The following people thank Funny Paper for this post:
MimiFaded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
5 May 2014
I’m honored!
I’m hoping to get a Hofner for my birthday which is in October. I got my Gretsch for my last birthday, and I’d be good at bass I think, I just really need to own a good one. Maybe my parents will agree that a nice Hofner is a good way to celebrate my sixteenth.
This is more or less what my Gretsch looks like, but mine is a little darker, perhaps due to the incessant poloshing it receives.
I assume you have been playing with a pick? I recently started playing with a pick in addition to finger style. It’s not very hard but certainly takes some getting used to. But not many people can do both so at least I have bragging rights in that regard.
The following people thank Mimi for this post:
MrMoonlightWe were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians
2 April 2014
Mimi said
MrMoonlight said
That settles it – I’m getting a white and gold Gretsch (as well as that Hofner bass)! I’ll be sure to credit you when I’m famous – maybe I’ll let you perform on an album
But seriously though, I’m excited that I’m getting them, but I’m also really anxious because I have to wait for Christmas, going through exams and schoolwork and more anxiety and ughhhhhhhhh
I’m honored!
I’m hoping to get a Hofner for my birthday which is in October. I got my Gretsch for my last birthday, and I’d be good at bass I think, I just really need to own a good one. Maybe my parents will agree that a nice Hofner is a good way to celebrate my sixteenth.
Don’t you mean that you’re… wait for it… Hofnered?!
oh god i crack myself up
Happy early birthday! My parents are pitching in for my guitar for Christmas/birthday-happy (my birthday’s five days after Christmas but I don’t know which one I’m actually getting it/them on. All I have to do is wait patiently… which is a harder task than seems, especially with waiting through school and exams and it makes me really anxious knowing how long I have to wait – six months is a hell of a long time. My extended family are all pitching in for the bass, which I’m equally excited for; it’s a beautiful instrument and I know many people would be very jealous. I’d have the full ensemble in the space of a year – maybe I’ll have a band by then. I’m alright at bass so far; my only one has a missing lowest string but it’s good to practice on.
Seriously though, in terms of being honored – you’ve not only helped me with guitar, but you’ve given me confidence in my singing, which is something I’ve never liked in terms of myself, so thank you for both of those!
5 May 2014
MrMoonlight said
Mimi said
MrMoonlight said
That settles it – I’m getting a white and gold Gretsch (as well as that Hofner bass)! I’ll be sure to credit you when I’m famous – maybe I’ll let you perform on an album
But seriously though, I’m excited that I’m getting them, but I’m also really anxious because I have to wait for Christmas, going through exams and schoolwork and more anxiety and ughhhhhhhhh
I’m honored!
I’m hoping to get a Hofner for my birthday which is in October. I got my Gretsch for my last birthday, and I’d be good at bass I think, I just really need to own a good one. Maybe my parents will agree that a nice Hofner is a good way to celebrate my sixteenth.
Don’t you mean that you’re… wait for it… Hofnered?!![]()
oh god i crack myself up
Happy early birthday! My parents are pitching in for my guitar for Christmas/birthday-happy (my birthday’s five days after Christmas but I don’t know which one I’m actually getting it/them on. All I have to do is wait patiently… which is a harder task than seems, especially with waiting through school and exams and it makes me really anxious knowing how long I have to wait – six months is a hell of a long time. My extended family are all pitching in for the bass, which I’m equally excited for; it’s a beautiful instrument and I know many people would be very jealous. I’d have the full ensemble in the space of a year – maybe I’ll have a band by then. I’m alright at bass so far; my only one has a missing lowest string but it’s good to practice on.
Seriously though, in terms of being honored – you’ve not only helped me with guitar, but you’ve given me confidence in my singing, which is something I’ve never liked in terms of myself, so thank you for both of those!
*desperately tries to think of a Gretsch-related pun*
We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians
2 April 2014
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