5 November 2011
LongHairedLady said
Yeah… have to disagree on many points here. I’ve drank, and I have smoked.. lots. Drinking doesn’t alter your brain like marijuana, really? I’m sorry to sound pretentious here, but I have BIG a problem with people that don’t do it, or have only done it a few times talking like they know about it. Sorry, but if you haven’t, then you really have no idea.
If somebody has one beer, then for many people, no. I’m not talking people who drink to get drunk, if I was, then I wouldn’t have said that. Alcohol causes way more problems than marijuana ever will. I’m talking people who drink once in a while, but know their limits. So you smoke weed everyday you know so much, and just because I don’t smoke it everyday I know nothing about it. A few is seven, and it might have been more than that. I know people who do and people who used to smoke it everyday, and a lot of what they would say about marijuana was drivel; the biggest one being that you can’t become addicted to it, so even if you do, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have any idea.
You should not drink and drive, just like you should not drive stoned. In my opinion, driving drunk is way worse. I have never done it, but I admit I used to drive stoned a lot in my younger days.. and I am NOT excusing it, I’m just saying it’s different,but it’s still bad. No you can’t stop people from doing it, just like you can’t stop all of the drunk drivers! Same thing, people are going to do it whether it’s legal or not.
I will agree on one thing though… it is addictive. That is very true.
Drunk driving is obviously worse, and though people do it anyways, when people get caught, they could have their license suspended, or have to go to jail. There’s no way to tell if somebody is driving while high, except the eyes, which really isn’t a good way to tell.
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
17 January 2013
Yes, of course I would know more about marijuana that you do. I’ve smoked it daily for over ten years… mathematically that’s 1000 times more than 7 times… so it’s completely logical that I would be more educated. It would be impossible not to be. That doesn’t mean that you are not entitled to your opinion! It’s just that sometimes you state your opinion like it’s a fact. Fact and opinion are two very different things. I’m the kind of person where if I don’t know much about something based on experience and/or knowledge, I just leave it to those that know about it. Again, everyone is entitled to their opinion, experience or not.
Also I agreed with you about it being addictive, I think you may have misunderstood that.
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
5 November 2011
Yeah, I got that you were agreeing with me on the addictive part, I was just using that as an example.
If somebody says something, it’s implied that it’s that person’s opinion; there is no need to say “I think,” or “in my opinion” everytime I say something. Doing that would come off as infantile, which is why I don’t do that.
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
17 January 2013
unknown said
Yeah, I got that you were agreeing with me on the addictive part, I was just using that as an example.If somebody says something, it’s implied that it’s that person’s opinion; there is no need to say “I think,” or “in my opinion” everytime I say something. Doing that would come off as infantile, which is why I don’t do that.
Allright Allright, so in my opinion that’s not infantile.
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
10 August 2011
A lot of good points here, which is why this argument will not be won 4-0 (to use a football/soccer analogy).
It will be won 6-5 by one side or the other.
LongHairedLady said, “I have BIG a problem with people that don’t do it, or have only done it a few times talking like they know about it.”
I think LongHairedLady (LHL) is equating experience with scientific knowledge. You can have smoked pot your entire life and be extremely experienced and still have no knowledge of what the stuff does to you (other than make you stoned).
And vice versa.
In the days when I researched this, I found that pot smokers had no idea of what was already known back then. In short, they were not informed consumers. That’s a problem when you’re ingesting a substance that stays in your body for weeks.
I considered that ironic considering the intense efforts on the part of these very same people to remove additives and the like from their foods.
This being the Beatlesbible Forum, we can debate whether the Beatles wrote great music thanks to pot or in spite of pot and whether that should have any impact whatsoever on public policy.
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
17 January 2013
On the topic of the Beatles, I don’t think their music would have been the same without the pot influence. It expanded their minds.
I may not have as much scientific knowledge as some do, but I have personal experience. If you want to put those in different categories then go right ahead.
I’m pretty much done talking about this now, it’s the same tired debate and I’m not passionate enough about it to keep defending it. I do it, and that’s my choice. I am neither proud nor ashamed of it.
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
1 December 2009
Was pot a factor in the band’s changing music? Absolutely. Should that be a factor in the legalization question (which I am completely in favour of)? Hell, no!
GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
17 December 2012
Been trying to think where to put this for over a week, and this seems a pretty appropriate place.
For those not too familiar with American politics, elections (State, Congress, Senate, Presidential) often have running alongside them referendums for that State which are known as Propositions. These are the reason that we have seen many States changing their approach to the governance of marijuana.
California has already allowed for the medical use of marijuana via a Proposition several years ago, and during this year’s Presidential vote on 8 November, they will be a referendum on full legalisation within the State. It is know as Prop. 64.
This has inspired some of those campaigning in support, and with reference to Paul’s 1980 Japan bust, to create this (IMO) fantastic rewrite of When I’m 64:
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Ahhh Girl"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
23 July 2016
In my opinion, we should stop thinking about legalizing weed and focus on making alcohol and tobacco legal for all ages. Even if they just lower the drinking age to 18, I will be jumping with joy, as I think it’s stupid as s**t to have the drinking age at 21 but the voting, smoking, and military age at 18 and the driving age at 16.
The following people thank HMBeatlesfan for this post:
sgtpepper63Maybe you should try posting more.
5 November 2011
HMBeatlesfan said
In my opinion, we should stop thinking about legalizing weed and focus on making alcohol and tobacco legal for all ages. Even if they just lower the drinking age to 18, I will be jumping with joy, as I think it’s stupid as s**t to have the drinking age at 21 but the voting, smoking, and military age at 18 and the driving age at 16.
It’s because of how long it takes for the brain to fully develop. Cigarettes don’t effect the brain in the same way alcohol does. Having just one drink can cause permanent brain damage, and alcohol can also sometimes lead to psychosis and schizophrenia. But yeah, it should totally be legal for parents to be giving their babies alcohol in a bottle. Are you really in favor of that?
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
1 November 2013
Also alcohol has one of the worst withdrawals from what I read and it impaires the user far more than cigarettes.
23 July 2016
Little Piggy Dragonguy said
It’s because of how long it takes for the brain to fully develop. Cigarettes don’t effect the brain in the same way alcohol does. Having just one drink can cause permanent brain damage, and alcohol can also sometimes lead to psychosis and schizophrenia. But yeah, it should totally be legal for parents to be giving their babies alcohol in a bottle. Are you really in favor of that?
Of course I am, my mother says she gave me a small amount of it when I was a baby for teething. There are things that babies are around that are more important to be worried about than alcohol, such as bottle rot, which is why I think my friend Steve is missing his front teeth.
Maybe you should try posting more.
5 November 2011
HMBeatlesfan said
Of course I am, my mother says she gave me a small amount of it when I was a baby for teething. There are things that babies are around that are more important to be worried about than alcohol, such as bottle rot, which is why I think my friend Steve is missing his front teeth.
You’re probably in favor of it due to the brain damage your mother caused you as an infant.
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
23 July 2016
Starr Shine? said
Also alcohol has one of the worst withdrawals from what I read and it impaires the user far more than cigarettes.
That’s because tobacco doesn’t impair people, it just relaxes them. Also, Alcohol impairs people less than things such as Heroin or LSD which make you high and hallucinate, it’s helps you more to see everything blurry than to see random colors flashing around. I’ll take the vision of John Lennon over Stevie Wonder anyday.
Maybe you should try posting more.
23 July 2016
5 November 2011
18 May 2016
Little Piggy Dragonguy said
You’re probably in favor of it due to the brain damage your mother caused you as an infant.
Calm your ass the hell down. I don’t know what sort of politically correct f****d up bullshit you’ve been taught in school, but using a small amount of alcohol on a baby for teething does not make your child mentally retarded. Hell, my mother dipped our pacifiers in alcohol when we were teething and both me and my older brother have done the same thing to all of our children and they all turned out fine, so I wouldn’t be stupid enough to get so pissed off about it.
The following people thank sgtpepper63 for this post:
23 July 2016
sgtpepper63 said
Calm your ass the hell down. I don’t know what sort of politically correct f****d up bullshit you’ve been taught in school, but using a small amount of alcohol on a baby for teething does not make your child mentally retarded. Hell, my mother dipped our pacifiers in alcohol when we were teething and both me and my older brother have done the same thing to all of our children and they all turned out fine, so I wouldn’t be stupid enough to get so pissed off about it.
Thanks man. I’ve gotten pissed off enough from my grandparents (and occasionally father) calling me gay when I was a kid for not being into girls and I don’t want to be called a retard, although I am unsure if that was Little Piggy Dragonguy’s intentions or not. Dipping pacifiers in whiskey is pretty common for small children who are teething, especially from mothers who had their children at a young age and I don’t know why it caused such outrage. It’s not like I was encouraging sticking Budweiser or Jack Daniels in the baby’s bottle instead of formula.
Maybe you should try posting more.
23 July 2016
Thinking about it, it is it just me, or does it seem that when The Beatles started getting into drugs, their music became more children oriented. I mean Sgt. Pepper , Magical Mystery Tour , and Yellow Submarine were clearly aimed at 5 year olds, as you’d be stupid as hell to go walking around in stupid walrus costumes singing about being a walrus if you’re aiming at teenagers. And Yellow Submarine is undoubtedly aimed at children, yet it seems like they were on LSD when they made it.
Maybe you should try posting more.
18 May 2016
HMBeatlesfan said
Dipping pacifiers in whiskey is pretty common for small children who are teething, especially from mothers who had their children at a young age and I don’t know why it caused such outrage.
My mother was 13 when she had my older brother and 14 when she had me, so would’ve definitely been with the group of mothers who had their children at a young age. Even when she had my sister she was only 20.
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