11 April 2016
I had a dream that I was at a Led Zeppelin concert and they were all young and Bonzo was still alive (*cries* ). After they finished a song, they were calling out who would win a special contest to meet the band the next day…
…and Robert called out my name!!!!!
So, the next day I went to the place I was supposed to go to. Unfortunately before they entered the room, I woke up.
All I wanted to do was pet their luscious manes-uh I mean um meet four of my favourite people.
Yeah, those were my intentions…
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Beatlebug"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
15 February 2015
WeepingAtlasCedars sighed dreamily
All I wanted to do was pet their luscious manes-uh I mean um meet four of my favourite people.
I totally empathise. There are times when I have an unbearable longing to reach into the computer screen and run my fingers through George’s luxuriant mop. Particularly the early Seventies vintage– he just had SO MUCH HAIR, falling in perfectly layered waves about his face… *melts into puddle of fangirl drool*
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
WeepingAtlasCedars, Eleanor Macca([{BRACKETS!}])
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11 April 2016
Silly Girl continued
WeepingAtlasCedars sighed dreamily
All I wanted to do was pet their luscious manes-uh I mean um meet four of my favourite people.
I totally empathise.
There are times when I have an unbearable longing to reach into the computer screen and run my fingers through George’s luxuriant mop. Particularly the early Seventies vintage– he just had SO MUCH HAIR, falling in perfectly layered waves about his face… *melts into puddle of fangirl drool*
YESSSS!!! And I just love Georgie’s ’76 hair! The This Song video kills me every time… (especially the beginning when he’s being escorted to the courtroom. So much movement!!!
(And for others, if you’d just excuse us for a moment as we fellow Harriphiles do our thing. )
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
5 November 2011
I had a teacher in high school I liked a lot and I always wanted to touch his hair because it always looked so fabulous and soft, so one day I patted him on the head and I was not disappointed. His hair was super soft and felt like puppy fur.
The following people thank Little Piggy Dragonguy for this post:
Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedarsAll living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
6 April 2016
11 April 2016
Little Piggy Dragonfly said
I had a teacher in high school I liked a lot and I always wanted to touch his hair because it always looked so fabulous and soft, so one day I patted him on the head and I was not disappointed. His hair was super soft and felt like puppy fur.
That reminds me of a guy at my school who has long hair. T’is not very soft. But, long hair isn’t too much of a let-down anyway.
Okay now, enough with the derailing, Weepy C.
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Little Piggy Dragonguy, Beatlebug"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
3 August 2012
I dreamt that I walked out of school in the middle of a lesson and met up with @Beatlebug in the car park who got out an inflatable hot air balloon (the whole thing was inflatable, including the basket) out of her bag. (Do anyone else’s dreams actually make sense?) She then showed me something she’d drawed but I cannae remember what it was.
Yeah, it was pretty uneventful but I thought I should share it with you. Not as exciting as my earlier BB House zombie dream…
The following people thank pepperland for this post:
Beatlebug, Starr Shine?Times I find it hard to say / With useless words getting in my way
15 February 2015
What did @Beatlebug look like (if anything, I often find that in dreams people don’t look– they just are)?
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1 November 2013
pepperland said
(Do anyone else’s dreams actually make sense?)
Doubt it, last night I dreamed about being someone who was the president that could turn invisible and was being chased by some terrorists and had to run away to France with the lead chars two love interests.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Beatlebug, pepperland, WeepingAtlasCedars4.31pm
3 August 2012
Silly Girl said
What did @Beatlebug look like (if anything, I often find that in dreams people don’t look– they just are)?![]()
Oh don’t worry, you looked identical to your avatar.
No, you looked pretty much as I’m led to believe that you do, although your hair was a bit shorter if I recall correctly.
People always say that the characters in their dreams always look really different compared to the real people, but not with me, I refuse to follow conventions.
The following people thank pepperland for this post:
BeatlebugTimes I find it hard to say / With useless words getting in my way
15 February 2015
pepperland said
Oh don’t worry, you looked identical to your avatar.
No, you looked pretty much as I’m led to believe that you do, although your hair was a bit shorter if I recall correctly.
I look like George? I am flattered
People always say that the characters in their dreams always look really different compared to the real people, but not with me, I refuse to follow conventions.
For me it depends. Lately I’ve been dreaming quite a lot about a mate of mine for some reason, and he always looks exactly like him. But I’ve had dreams of *cough* certain people who didn’t look like them but still were them.
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11 November 2010
I had a dream that I was reading Rolling Stone and they used the same picture of Jimmy Page as WeepingAtlasCedars’ avatar to illustrate an article.
The following people thank Necko for this post:
Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedars, natureaker, BeatlebugI'm Necko. I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.
I'm also ewe2 on weekends.
Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017.
11 April 2016
Necko recalled
I had a dream that I was reading Rolling Stone and they used the same picture of Jimmy Page as WeepingAtlasCedars’ avatar to illustrate an article.
They made a great choice.
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Ahhh Girl"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
11 April 2016
I had the absolute worst nightmare I’ve ever had last night: I’d found out that Robert Plant had passed away. Nobody really seemed to notice, and hearing In My Time of Dying on the radio was the very last straw for me. I retreated to my room to be alone for a while, and in the dream I had a poster of him up on my wall. I looked up at it and just started crying. I was just able to reach my arm up to him and say “I love you..” to the poster. I finally woke up in the middle of the night after the ordeal, happy that it was over!
It was just so heartbreaking; I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. Now I’m just so thankful he’s still with us.
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Beatlebug"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
1 November 2013
had a dream where Joe replaced smileys with a reward based system where you are award a smiley instead of having them. Also that it was Christmas.
12 November 2015
I’ve been getting up early to go run for the past couple weeks (I’m a distance runner), and last night I dreamt about it. I was running in this highly industrialized area near the ocean and some cliffs. This was the weirdest part because I live in Kansas, and no place in Kansas looks anything like this. Anyway, the cliffs were really steep, and it was hard to run in that area. I got to a point where a car was waiting to take me up the cliff. I got in through the back, and just kind of sat there. After a couple minutes, I realized I should actually be driving the car, even though it was driving just fine on it’s own. I took the wheel and immediately crashed it.
Grooving some cookie spaghetti since 1968.
15 February 2015
I was at this school; class had just gotten out and the students were milling about, getting home. They were all much younger than I, elementary/primary school kids (my sister’s age and up). I was chatting with a couple of little girls, and followed them to their car (it was a small pickup truck identical to one my dad has), and somehow I got in and the driver started driving. With a creeping malaise, I said politely, ‘Excuse me, but my mother was going to take me home.’ In other words, get me outta here! The driver didn’t respond, but made a face of utmost creepy-person-ness at me, and I knew I was trapped.
‘Well,’ I said to the kids, affecting the most casual of tones, ‘it looks like I’m being kidnapped. How about you?’
‘Like a little kid?’ asked the smaller of the two.
‘Well, they kidnap big kids too, and I’ll always be a kid at heart…’ I responded glumly, continuing my search for an exit, and growing more worried as we drew further away from the school and where my mum was expecting me. She’d been calling me (in real life) and I thought, ‘This is a pretty damn good excuse for not showing up.’
Then the vehicle pulled up at a gas station, and I was about to try my luck with the window or something…
…when Silly Mum called me back to the waking world and I realised that I didn’t have that grand excuse for not coming anymore, and I’d better get my tail out of bed NOW.
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1 November 2013
^ You’re still a kid you know, or else you’d be Silly Lady.
If you are in a car after school, and the driver didn’t subdue you, you could take a piece of paper out and write help me and put it on the window when the driver ain’t looking.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
11 April 2016
I had a weird dream last night that me and meanmistermustard went to town to purchase tickets for a Beatles show of some kind. I stood outside whilst he went in to get them, and it turned out that they didn’t have any. He got really mad and we left. Then, we arrived at what I can only presume was the BB House and he told Ahhh Girl about the annoying ordeal.
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Ahhh Girl, Starr Shine?, Eleanor Macca, Beatlebug"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
20 August 2013
@Joe and @Ellie were travelling around the U.S. in a motor home/caravan. They had their two kids with them. I was living in the house that I grew up in. They parked their motor home under the carport at my house. They had backed it in and just the very front (windshield/windscreen and hood/bonnet were sticking out a little bit.) I don’t how in my dream I got most of it to fit under that little carport attached to that house. Anyway, I guess they decided to stay awhile because they put a tarp over the part that was sticking out and attached the tarp to the roof of the house (to make a little sun shield).
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