29 August 2013
Ahhh Girl said
I dreamed that hongkonglady and trcanberra were getting married in The Netherlands. jpm-fangirl was definitely going to the wedding. linde was trying to arrange to go, but it didn’t work out for her.
Hmm – a spring wedding in Europe rather than an autumn one here? It has possibilities 😉
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HongKongLady==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 May 2011
trcanberra said
Ahhh Girl said
I dreamed that hongkonglady and trcanberra were getting married in The Netherlands. jpm-fangirl was definitely going to the wedding. linde was trying to arrange to go, but it didn’t work out for her.Hmm – a spring wedding in Europe rather than an autumn one here? It has possibilities 😉
You could do it in Scotland. Plan for rain and then if it doesn’t you can put the umbrellas down, marinade yourselves in midge repellent for 20 minutes and have the wedding outside.
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trcanberra, Beatlebug, HongKongLady, Mr. Kite"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
29 August 2013
“Plan for rain and then if it doesn’t you can put the umbrellas down, marinade yourselves in midge repellent for 20 minutes“
I recall having to do both within the space of about 45 minutes when we visited Loch Lomond some years back.
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HongKongLady==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
18 March 2013
trcanberra said
“Plan for rain and then if it doesn’t you can put the umbrellas down, marinade yourselves in midge repellent for 20 minutes“I recall having to do both within the space of about 45 minutes when we visited Loch Lomond some years back.
Never go to Camus in Galway during the summer. Midges don’t appear to like me (mosquitos love me though) so I didn’t get bitten but I went with 10 other people there for a week and everyone else was bitten from head-to-toe.
It is hell!
And….have your wedding in Ireland, yap yap.
You can have your wedding in Castle Leslie where Paul and She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named got married….wouldn’t really recommend it though, place could be cursed!
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Beatlebug, trcanberra, HongKongLady
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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
21 November 2012
20 August 2013
Sorry about that, Linde. Hopefully things will turn out better for you in one of my future dreams.
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15 February 2015
Last night I dreamt a very detailed and realistic dream about how I was to be in a film, as was Little Girl.
When it began, I was standing in this rather ornate house, wearing my favourite Beatles T-shirt; I was being introduced to one of my co-stars, who was a few years older and a bit of a veteran; as I recall, she had blond hair and a sort of movie-star pout. I had to help her get out of a precarious position for some reason.
Then I was whisked off to have my hair done. I remember looking into the mirror and thinking, ‘Is that a face that could be on film?’ I concluded it could be, with some makeup perhaps. I despise makeup, but it was a film.
Then my hairdresser/makeup artist/costumer/general assistant arrived, a smallish bossy African-American lady with perfectly neat cornrows, who looked at my hair, loose and fluffy and tumbling round my shoulders, somewhat dubiously and said, ‘Do you just wear it loose at home?’ To which I responded, ‘I braid it, usually.’ And she said, ‘So I heard.’ Therefore I suspected she’d been talking with my mum. I was worried she might wish to cut it, which would be a no-no.
The movie people were concerned about my braces: namely, actors generally don’t have them. Which they ought to have thought of when they chose me. Myself, I was worried that they might get someone else to play the part, which I did not want, despite not exactly knowing what part I was to play, or even what the film was. They even brought my orthodontist in to consult; why, I don’t know, but there you have it.
Meanwhike, Little Girl had gotten blue and purple stripes in her hair, and I was concerned that she’d be walking about with blue and purple hair for years, but the chap who had done it told me it would fade in a few months.
I was,at this point, trying desperately to remain asleep and dreaming, but at that point I knew it was hopeless, so I woke up.
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1 November 2013
Last night I dreamt that @AppleScruffJunior, @Beatlebug and I were helping out with theater and were sweeping the stage. Then we had to check on the lights and on the way down my phone fell and cracked.
Wen that happened, I was sad then I was like oh this doesn’t matter, it’s only a dream but AppleScruffJunior was yelling this is real. (Silly Girl disappears after I say this)
Then we teleport to Ireland where AppleScruffJunior is building seaswamps and we are arguing about the environmental impact and then a frog jumps out of the swamp and jumps around landing on my face at one point. Eventually it hops to the wrong spot and ASJ accidental swashes it.
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18 March 2013
Annadog40 said
Then we teleport to Ireland where AppleScruffJunior is building seaswamps and we are arguing about the environmental impact and then a frog jumps out of the swamp and jumps around landing on my face at one point. Eventually it hops to the wrong spot and ASJ accidental swashes it.
Oh dear now I’m sad, I raised some tadpoles when I was 11, into frogs. I started off with about 200 tadpoles and ended up with around 10 little frogs, very cute. Unfortunately, I was gone for a week and my froggies had reached maturity where they should be put back into their birth pond. I told my mam to put then back but she never got around to it and my little frogs died 🙁
One of them had a strange mutation that could have been due to freak changes in his frogspawn state, he had one extremely long back leg and three normal legs.
I used to feed them fish food and they loved it.
Anyways getting back on topic, what a strange dream. I had a shooter related dream last night, hint: hiding in the bathroom is not a good idea. I died.
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KaleidoscopeMusic, Beatlebug
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
15 February 2015
AppleScruffJunior said
Anyways getting back on topic, what a strange dream. I had a shooter related dream last night, hint: hiding in the bathroom is not a good idea. I died.
So your ghost is now haunting us?
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1 November 2013
Silly Girl said
AppleScruffJunior said
Anyways getting back on topic, what a strange dream. I had a shooter related dream last night, hint: hiding in the bathroom is not a good idea. I died.
So your ghost is now haunting us?
Maybe she haunts people’s dreams when the forum is slow.
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15 February 2015
I just realised that I dreamt of David Bowie again last night.
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1 November 2013
I has another weird dream were Silly Girl’s folks were having a party and I was there and for some reason, she had 3 younger brothers in my dream.
There was guitar hero the n Little Girl was their and she was blonde the we looked at the forum then their was bacon then I woke up.
It’s strange how even though I was at Silly Girl’s house, I didn’t interact much with Silly Girl.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Beatlebug, pepperland8.02pm
15 February 2015
I had a Pink Floyd dream last night…
It started quite sensibly: It was evening, and Little Girl and I were at the kitchen table, eating something. Silly Dad was on the living-room sofa, on his laptop. Then he began to play ‘Fearless‘. (I don’t think it was actually ‘Fearless’, but it was in my dream. I guess I don’t know it well enough yet to dream of it and it be the real thing.) I thought, ‘Oh, cool, he’s found out about Meddle.’
Then it became a music video (which in retrospect was probably inspired by the Alps scenes of Help ! and the music video for ‘See Emily Play’.) It featured the Floyds frolicking round in a field (‘See Emily Play’ style) on a breezy spring day, wearing these preposterous capes and peacoats (Help ! style). I remember sort of bounding around above them, and as I was quite warm, I took off my wraps and tossed them to the band (who seemed chillier than I). I remember I gave one fingerless mitt (I didn’t have a pair) to Dave Gilmour and my gloves (for some reason I had both mitts and gloves) to Roger Waters (who, oddly enough, had exceptionally long acrylic nails), thinking, ‘Ooh, when I get them back I’ll be able to brag that they were worn by a member of Pink Floyd’. I may have given Nick Mason my scarf but I don’t remember. Then I tossed my hat down (presumably for Rick Wright) and flew up into the sky, feeling as though I were on ‘A Pillow Of Winds‘, which started playing as I thought this. (As with ‘Fearless’ it probably wasn’t the real thing.)
I flew about for a while, bounding about on the squishy breeze (I guess I’m not as crazy a diamond as I think, because I didn’t sail on a steel breeze– I bounced upon a squishy pillow of winds).
Then the song ended and (forgetting ‘Seamas’ and ‘San Tropez’, which I don’t even like that much anyway) I thought, ‘OOH, “Echoes” time. I shall have to go from flying high upon pillowy winds to deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of coral caves, and change springy meadow to everything-is-green-and-submarine.’In retrospect I could have been the albatross hanging motionless upon the air… But before I could, I woke up.
This post probably makes very little sense to anyone who is not familiar with Pink Floyd and Meddle in particular.
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1 November 2013
I had a dream that it was Christmas today. I woke up disappointed.
1 November 2013
I had yet another weird dream where I was at a family gather that also had non family people and pepperland, Silly Girl and Merch were there and we were talking about the Pink Flyod forum. Then they had to leave and since it was a family gathering, Little girl and Silly girl’s three younger brothers were there, Little Girl had brown hair this time.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Beatlebug, pepperland8.41am
15 February 2015
I had a lot of nutty Floyd dreams which I don’t remember. One thing I do recall is that I heard Nick Mason had died, but it turned out to be just an internet rumour.
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5 November 2011
1 November 2013
I had a dream last night where I was at a fancy restaurant and HongKongLady was getting really mad a some posters post and then I introduced trcamberra’s sister to HKL and at first she thought she was his sister in law since I mispronounced the word a few times.
15 February 2015
I dreamt I was in a grocery shop and ‘Any Road’ came on the radio. Happy SG #1. Then I went into another shop and ‘Comfortably Numb’ was on– I recognised the guitar solo Happy SG #2.
What pleasant dreams…
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