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7 June 2020
Starr Shine?
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Ron Nasty said
Stunning!!! And a most insightful critique of Trump may I say!!! a-hard-days-night-george-10a-hard-days-night-george-10a-hard-days-night-george-10ahdn_john_08_gifjohn-lennon-salute_gif


I agree, the whole part about not noticing change is needed is quite inspiring. The Gadsden flag is a nice visual touch that drives the message home. 


Nice guitar playing and vocal work.

Brainwashed by RadiantCowbells.

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7 June 2020
Find me where ye echo lays

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[To ASJ, whose post I didn’t notice was on the last page and had posts in between – if I’d used a ^ that would have been some kind of massive clusterFiddy a-hard-days-night-paul-10]

I filmed that outside at night (my folks were asleep) so that is in my screened porch and the flag is just outside. Hope that clears things up.

Ron Nasty said
Stunning!!! And a most insightful critique of Trump may I say!!! a-hard-days-night-george-10a-hard-days-night-george-10a-hard-days-night-george-10ahdn_john_08_gifjohn-lennon-salute_gif  

Lol… if that’s what it means to you, then I’ve succeeded. I certainly know what it means to me, but I tried to make it general enough to allow both sides to think it’s about the other side… ahdn_george_06

I’m very much not a fan of overtly political artwork in general, because I think what art does best is express the personal, not political, and it’s more effective when taking inspiration from politics and current events is to use those ideas as springboards to talk about larger themes of morality and human nature. Not sure I’m at that meta, Pink Floyd-esque* level yet but I’m certainly not going to start to try and reach for those heights by singing about CNN or Trump by name. ahdn_paul_01


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7 June 2020
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Political art is a risky business, since it seems to generally come across as either brilliant and insightful or just self-absorbed. Like, on the one hand you have ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised’, and on the other you have ‘American Idiot’ (seriously Green Day, you had the quagmire that was the Bush Jr administration on your hands and the best you could come up with was that?). 

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I've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound. 

7 June 2020
Dark Overlord
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To be fair, American Idiot is a great album.

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sir walter raleigh, Jules

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7 June 2020
sir walter raleigh
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Dark Overlord said
To be fair, American Idiot is a great album.


Jesus of Suburbia is one of the best songs  ever. 

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"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"

-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues

"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"

-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl

7 June 2020
In your wildest dreams
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Dark Overlord said
To be fair, American Idiot is a great album.


sir walter raleigh said
Jesus of Suburbia is one of the best songs  ever.


the watusi


the twist

7 June 2020
Ron Nasty
Apple rooftop

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I think Nasty was being a bit tongue-in-cheek. Still thinks it a good song though, very nice Everlys’ riff…

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"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty

To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966

19 June 2020
Dark Overlord
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I released this orchestral EP yesterday, i think i did a good job considering i’m fairly new to orchestral music.

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19 June 2020
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Dark Overlord said
I released this orchestral EP yesterday, i think i did a good job considering i’m fairly new to orchestral music.

I love that @Dark Overlord. That HIAWG re-interpretation is extremely well done. If you want my opinion overall I think it’s a very solid project. Not that I know a lot about classical, but hey, you got my attention. The percussion is probably your main flaw. Get some plug-ins, make them drums sound less artificial.

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Dark Overlord

the watusi


the twist

19 June 2020
sir walter raleigh
In our yellow (IN OUR YELLOW) submarine (SUBMARINE AHA!)
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Nice work. @Dark Overlord You were able to pull off some complicated harmony with pretty natural voice leading. I really enjoy how you interpreted Everything Is Fine

The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:

Dark Overlord

"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"

-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues

"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"

-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl

19 June 2020
Dark Overlord
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On both of those songs, i used a string quartet plus an acoustic guitar doing (mostly) arpeggios, which i think adds some really nice texture.

As for the drums, all instruments are straight from MuseScore and while The Hole Got Fixed was able to use the regular drum set on Rhapsody Of Horror, i was unable to properly do multiple notes simultaneously using that setting so i scored the drums individually, using the tambourine for the hi-hat.

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20 June 2020
The Hole Got Fixed
A Dock at Southampton

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Turned out well!paul-mccartney-thumb_gif

In terms of getting better (all the time) I do agree with Jules, that finding a better drum sound would help.

Also, it does get a little repetitive at times – some subtle variation would do wonders.

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#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
2016 awards: Username-Badge.png 2017 awards: The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2017.png 2018 awards:The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2018.png 2019 awards: Ringo-2019.png 2020 awards:The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2020.png 2021 awards:The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2021.png

22 June 2020
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Great sounding piece @Dark Overlord ! I like how you fused together almost gothic sounding dark sections and more happy snippets of melody. If I could offer one piece of constructive criticism, it would be to lose the drums, they make it sound like a great classical piece played over a rock beat which isn’t the best combination. A cymbal here and there would add to the drama nicely, but the kick drum, clapping and more straightforward beats messed up the tone a little, in my opinion. Still, it’s a great composition, and I’m looking forward to hearing the second side when I get around to it. 

The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:

The Hole Got Fixed

I've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound. 

22 June 2020
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Inspired as I always am whenever there’s new music in this thread, I’ve uploaded a song written and recorded this morning. Nothing special, just guitar and vocals, but I hope you enjoy! 

Edit: just finished another track so I thought I would share it, this is a shoegaze/noise-pop track. Another fairly crappy vocal, but I’m quite pleased with the instrumental and the lyrics so I kept it in. 

The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:

Jules, Getbackintheussr, sigh butterfly

I've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound. 

22 June 2020
Dark Overlord
Nowhere Land
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QuarryMan said
Great sounding piece @Dark Overlord ! I like how you fused together almost gothic sounding dark sections and more happy snippets of melody. If I could offer one piece of constructive criticism, it would be to lose the drums, they make it sound like a great classical piece played over a rock beat which isn’t the best combination. A cymbal here and there would add to the drama nicely, but the kick drum, clapping and more straightforward beats messed up the tone a little, in my opinion. Still, it’s a great composition, and I’m looking forward to hearing the second side when I get around to it.

I’m glad you liked it. As for the drums, that’s kind of what i was going for. I wanted an orchestral sound with a modern twist, to distinct the piece from other contemporary classical pieces.

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24 June 2020
The Hole Got Fixed
A Dock at Southampton

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QM, those are some very paul-mccartney-thumb_giftracks there! The guitars especially are spot on what i think you were going for. Rock on! 

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QuarryMan, vonbontee

#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
2016 awards: Username-Badge.png 2017 awards: The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2017.png 2018 awards:The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2018.png 2019 awards: Ringo-2019.png 2020 awards:The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2020.png 2021 awards:The-Hole-Got-Fixed-2021.png

24 June 2020
In your wildest dreams
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@QuarryMan Outstanding as usual. Hold On to the Little Things specifically I thought was a fantastically written piece. It sounds Bowie-esque in its progression and its low-key aspect (and short runtime) turn it more personal. Nice badge! a-hard-days-night-paul-5

The following people thank Jules for this post:

Getbackintheussr, QuarryMan

the watusi


the twist

24 June 2020
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Thanks, guys! Means a lota-hard-days-night-john-6heart

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I've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound. 

24 June 2020
Northern Ontario, same as Von Bontee
Apple rooftop
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QuarryMan said
Thanks, guys! Means a lota-hard-days-night-john-6heart


Fantastic stuff there again, Q! You’ve really got those post-punk guitar-pop sounds down. Rock isnt dead! Keep em coming…apple01

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GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty. 


25 July 2020
Find me where ye echo lays

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Have you ever listened to one or more of my parcels of harmonic noise and enjoyed it?

Have you ever read a thrilling description of my experiences playing live with the band of misfits I am proud to occasionally front and wished you could have attended?

Would you like to donate to a charitable restaurant in a city you’ve probably never been to?

If so, then this upcoming virtual attraction may be for you! ahdn_john_08_gif

It will be on Wednesday, 29 July, 2020, at 7 pm EST (4 pm PST and midnight GMT, sorry Brits, and 9 am Thursday, 30 July for people in major Eastern cities in Australia).

Information on the particulars of the livestream may be found here:……the-table/

Without giving too much away, I can confirm that there will be some amount of Beatles covering and original compositioning on the setlist! ahdn_george_06

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sigh butterfly, lovelyritametermaid

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