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Being an Old Soul - Blessing Or Curse?
4 June 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
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I think most of us teens have been called this – an old soul. So, blessing or a curse? Are we cursed in an era where we are anomalies, or are we blessed in our uniqueness? I have my response, but I think I’ll wait a little while before delivering.

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

4 June 2011
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I have never been called an old soul. I’ve been called weird for my music taste. But people don’t understand why I prefer older music. Not even adults really understand my love of the music they grew up with. It’s a lonely club but it’s neither a blessing nor a curse. I dont understand what my friends talk about most of the time and they don’t understand me. No harm no foul. Listening to this kind of music only makes me wish I was born in another time. It also gives me a greater appreciation for history.

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Well we all shine on like the moon, the stars, and the sun.

4 June 2011
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It is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because liking older music has gotten me closer to both my parents and my grandmother… it also leads to fewer fights over control of the car radio. My amazing math teacher (who has a record player and several dozen records in his classroom) let's me play “Sgt. Pepper 's” sometimes, and also let's me use his headphones during class. That's the fun part.

It's a curse because I occasionally feel misunderstood, and sometimes out of place. Also, it's rather telling that when my friends listed the inventions they look forward to in the future, my number one was a time machine…

I've grown used to it, though.

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Because the wind is high, it blows my mind.
4 June 2011
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I think I was an old soul but not anymore. But the thing is that if you like old movies or old music, it's normal you want to live in that era. But old souls? Unless you feel sad and depressed.


I don't think you're old souls. Just young men and girls with excellent good taste.

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

4 June 2011
Sitting on a Corn Flake
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mithveaen said:

I don't think you're old souls. Just young men and girls with excellent good taste.


Why thank you 🙂

But I don't think being considered an old soul is necessarily a bad label to have. Better than, say, being The Fool On The Hill .

Because the wind is high, it blows my mind.
4 June 2011
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I think it's interesting to be a little bit different than the rest of your age group. Tonight is a great example for me. Being a 23 year old, you're expected to do these horrible things like go out and get drunk and my friends think I'm weird for not wanting to go out with them. Tonight, instead of going to a bar and gulping down magaritas like I was supposed to do, I went into a secret back entrance of our local metro park and just walked around the entire place in the dark. It was fantastic, there's this boardwalk down by a river and I just sat there and listened. I didn't take my cell phone and when I got back I had like 5 messages saying “where are you?!?!?!” and all this ridiculous nonsense.

I'm not sure if this makes me an “old soul” or just antisocial, but I find myself not interested in technology and other things my friends are interested in. I don't have a nice tv or computer, my cell phone is from 2005, and I no longer have any interest in going out and getting plastered.

I do find it isolating when I'm around certain friends because they talk about things that I have no interest in like gossip. But then I think to myself, all I want to talk about is Gulliver's Travels (which is a fantastic book btw) and I feel a bit silly.

So I don't know, I think that as long as you can make yourself happy, being labeled an old soul shouldn't really matter because you're just living your life in a slightly different way, and once you realize that no one can tell you how to live your life it's quite a freeing experience. So I think we should all be thankful that we found the Beatles and whatever else because it's enabled us to clear out some cluttered space in our brains that others of our generation haven't.

Ask yourself this, if you feel different, would you want to be like the rest of your friends? There's no way I want to be like the rest of mine.

I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine

4 June 2011
Sitarday's room
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Excellent post Gniknus apple01

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

4 June 2011
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I think when you’re young (I suppose pre-18) people generally expect you to be into modern music, films, fashion, tech or whatever. If you don't grab whatever’s new you’re likely to be considered something of an anomaly.

When people get older they generally stop following fads and fashions so eagerly, and pick and choose the best from any era. So, a 14-year-old watching Casablanca might seem a little strange, but a 24-year-old doing the same is nothing remarkable.

Sometimes it’s not much fun to be out of place, but it’s probably better to follow your heart. When I was a teenager I wasn't interested in My Bloody Valentine, The Stone Roses and all the other early 90s stuff my friends were listening to, because I was discovering The Beatles and Bowie (and Pixies, Nirvana and some other newer stuff). When I got a bit older I went back and picked up on what I’d missed when I’d had my head buried in a copy of Abbey Road . I think I missed out a little by being closed-off to new music, but it’s OK.

There’s good and bad in every generation, you just have to look for it. That’s why I sometimes think it’s a shame when teenagers write off new music and prefer older stuff – there was never a golden age, and for every Beatles there was a Cilla Black or Herman's Hermits. Pick and choose what’s good, keen an open mind and like something for what it is rather than what it represents, and you’ll be set for life. You never know, in years to come you might hear Kanye or Gaga on the radio and think, actually that was pretty good in its own way (seriously, it’s happened to me with music I’d once hated). It doesn’t mean you have to try to like it now though. A bit of perspective can work wonders.

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4 June 2011
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a-hard-days-night-ringo-8I think Joe's right.  Example:I had no idea who the Foo Fighters were a couple months ago, because I was too busy thinking The Beatles were all I needed to listen to to be happy.  I shut out the world of new modern music.  That was until Ryan showed me them and I've regretted I hadn't heard about the Foo Fighters sooner.  “Not all new music is bad” is now my only thought when listening to something new.

ANYWAYS: For me, it's a blessing and curse.  Blessing because I have taught some of my friends to love older(and some new), better, REAL music, so I don't have as many people Look At Me strange and call me an “oldie” (and yes this has happened too many times to count).  A Curse because most of the time it's just the fact that people don't know The Beatles or Van Halen or Nirvana or Green Day or something like that, so they don't understand what I'm saying at all when I reference some band.  Also the fact is when I'm playing “my music” (everyone says this to me because I'm the oddball with a different musical taste), most of my friends don't know who the heck is on the radio.  I can't talk music with them, like about upcoming concerts, new albums, changes in vocal style.  I'm glad I have people like my friend Ryan that appreciates older (and new) material.    

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

–John Lennon

4 June 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
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For me, it’s completely a blessing. I am certainly unique (mostly), but there is good music out today. I mean, it might not be Rebecca Black (although I think most of us will stop hating that as we get older), but there is plenty of great music, but you need a little searching. For me, all the alternative stuff is more my style. You can find it, but it might not be open.

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

4 June 2011
The Toppermost of the Poppermost
Apple rooftop

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I learned a long time ago that age means nothing to people who share the same interests. This site is a perfect example. We have people contributing from all over the globe from all age groups.

I used to worry about getting old. Now I don't. That's because I know I'm going to grow old, but I won't “get” old.

A dear friend who recently passed away said something I'll never forget. “Whenever someone asks me if I feel old, I tell them I feel like me.” She was in her 80's when she said it. She was young at heart and in soul.

If that's what I have to look forward to, I'm pumped because I feel like a Beatles fan. 

To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.

4 June 2011
Nowhere Land
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I don't even know what it means when people say you're an “old soul”– the phrase never made any sense to me!

I don't think it really matters, though. I don't really care for Lady Gaga, or Katy Perry, or Rebecca Black (who does?). And I don't mind. (shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine a-hard-days-night-john-6) When my friends are talking about the latest Katy Perry or Lady Gaga music video or whatever, I just tune out. And when they talk about something I'm interested in, I rejoin the conversation. 

I like GniknuS' point about it not mattering whether you fit in with others in your age group. I also like what Joe said about teenagers being more expected to follow trends. I don't really care for new music, movies (except “Inception,” but that's just because I heard it's a good movie), or fashion (I prefer to dress in a hippyish way — loose pants [pulled up to my waist, thank you], lots of colors, etc.), but I do like to “keep up” with technology. (We have an iPad, and I'd like an iPod touch) Plus, Zig's “you're only as old as you feel” is an oldie but a goldie. 

Plus, last year in school (or is it the year before last now?), none of the kids at my school had any interest in the Beatles whatsoever. They made fun of me, and they had all sorts of misconceptions. This year (last year?), almost everyone both knew who the Beatles are and liked them. Sure, there are a couple of kids who don't like the Beatles, but they're the exceptions now. I don't know if it's because I'm in high school now, or because it's a different school, but it was certainly a relief to find that a teenager who listens to the Beatles is not a freak. 

Let's just say that whatever way the wind blows doesn't matter much to me. 

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

4 June 2011
On the Hill with the Fool
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I don't find it to be a curse, but that's mainly because I keep my feet in both waters of new and old music. Yes I prefer the older ones to the newer ones, but I still know enough about things going on now that I can converse with my friends. (Well not really since most of them listen to Christian music and I can't stand that stuff.) For example I do enjoy some Lady Gaga every Now And Then and even I sometimes turn on our pop music station that keeps up with most of the popular new songs. But being an “old soul” for me will never be a curse, always a blessing. I like that I”m a bit different from most of my peers by liking older things. It makes me feel just a little bit unique and I enjoy that feeling.

"I am definitely a mad man with a box."- Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor of Doctor Who (Episode 1 Season 5: The Eleventh Hour)

6 June 2011
In the middle of the roundabout
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Paul McCartney said: 

I know others dosen't think sentimentalism is cool.

I see it as something worthful.

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6 June 2011
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Wow, that's some misquote. Worthful?

I know a lot of people look on it as uncool. I see it as a pretty valuable asset.

He's talking about sentimentality, though, which is slightly off-topic.

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6 June 2011
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I've felt out of the loop because of my older taste in music before, but hey, its not like I'm expecting people to like me purely because of what I listen to. Although, I hate to think that when I have children and they want to know about music when I was growing up, I wont be able to share as much as I'd like to..but then again they will definitely be well educated on music from the 60's!

"Fighting for peace is like f—ing for virginity." John Lennon

7 June 2011
In the middle of the roundabout
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Joe said:

Wow, that's some misquote. Worthful?

I know a lot of people look on it as uncool. I see it as a pretty valuable asset.

He's talking about sentimentality, though, which is slightly off-topic.


,did not find english version.

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9 June 2011
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Jello said:

a-hard-days-night-ringo-8I think Joe's right.  Example:I had no idea who the Foo Fighters were a couple months ago, because I was too busy thinking The Beatles were all I needed to listen to to be happy.  I shut out the world of new modern music.  That was until Ryan showed me them and I've regretted I hadn't heard about the Foo Fighters sooner.  “Not all new music is bad” is now my only thought when listening to something new.

I quite enjoy this cover.

The Foo's, in my opinion, are the best band of the past 10 years. 

Could be the fact that Nirvana is right under The Beatles for bands I love, and Dave Grohl is Nirvana's drummer/Foo Fighters guitarist, singer, songwriter. 

As for myself, I love being an old soul.   


7 July 2011
An English garden
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Both. Definately. I've been called an old soul a few times. And also a hippy.a-hard-days-night-george-8

Good- I can look at anything without age prejudice (which is what I think affects most other middle school aged kids) and I have a wider view on almost everything than kids my age.


Bad- I'm one of two people in my grade that's announced their love for The Beatles. So I get pretty lonely in my music tastes. My friends are all into either christian music, rap or country (and not even the better pre-80s country) and I can't stand to listen to it. But it's putting up with that is worth it for the Beatles.

"We don't die completely until the last person on Earth who remembers us has also died."

                                          – John Lennon

7 July 2011
London Palladium
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Georgie said:

Bad- I'm one of two people in my grade that's announced their love for The Beatles. So I get pretty lonely in my music tastes. My friends are all into either christian music, rap or country (and not even the better pre-80s country) and I can't stand to listen to it. But it's putting up with that is worth it for the Beatles.

You are not alone a-hard-days-night-george-9  Except I'm the only one who did that in my schoola-hard-days-night-paul-1

Now for what I was gonna write:

I actually realized today, thinking back on last year, that I love being an “Old Soul” or “Hippy”.  I mean, I took a love for the Beatles because I wanted to get away from the modern music scene.  People at my school were getting too involved with Pop and Rap.  They were playing it everywhere; on the bus, on a phone ringer, blasting it out from their car radios.  I was seeing it on iTunes at the top of the charts every single day.  No one was coming out with new albums that were actually successful.  All of that junk sounded the same: auto-tuned, synths, and a rapper for the bridge of the song.  I was finding that I didn't care for pop artists because they just looked so full of themselves at press meetings, on stage at the Grammys, wearing ridiculous outfits, and lip synching at live concerts.  I wanted an escape, something that would make me different from anyone else.  I have always tried to be different and my own free spirit throughout my life.  I would wear neon orange Converse when everyone wore black or brown Etnies, I would wear big feather earrings when everyone else wore studs, I would have crazy pattern clothes when everyone else wore solid colors.  I played guitar when everyone thought chorus was the best thing ever.  So I listened to the Beatles when everyone else listened to Ke$ha and Niki Minaj.  I listened to rock CDs when everyone had MP3s.  I had a big Kurt Cobain poster in my room when everyone else had a Justing Beber poster in their room.  I love being different than everyone else, especially in this cookie cutter world of today.  Take me the way I am, or don't talk to me.  I'm a Hard Rocker and I'm proud!

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

–John Lennon

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