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How Did You Get Your Username (nickname)?
30 May 2013
Another One
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Hello to every one,

three years ago I was looking for a name for my bluetooth,I thought of Queen’s Another One Bites the Dust and I select Another One for my bluetooth and then I took it as my user name in this forum.

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5 January 2014
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I’ve seen some interesting names around the forum, and I’d like to see if there’s an interesting back story.

The word ‘Faceo” is a word I made up when I was 11, and it’s in every username I have. Hockey site? PensFaceo, Doctor Who site? TARDISfaceo. So, when I created my account, I tried to think of a Beatles song containing the word ‘Face’, and there it was. And I’veJustSeenAFaceo was born. If there hadn’t been one, it probably would have been something like BeatlesFaceo or FabFourFaceo. 

Oh, and my avatar will always be some parody of the Abbey Road  cover. Love the cover, and there’s so many parodies. I’m using the Silence from Doctor Who right now.

So, what’s the story behind your name/avatar?

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5 January 2014
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Mine is pretty dull.  I live in Canberra and the first initials of my Christian names are T and R.  I use this here and there on the web and occasionally TonyACT (first name and the territory where Canberra is).  And NO – it is Tony and NOT Anthony!!  :)

==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==

5 January 2014
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Long Haired Lady is my favourite song on RAM, and probably my favourite solo song of Pauls.

I also am a Long Haired Lady myself, being a female with hair that is quite long.  a-hard-days-night-john-1

"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been..  I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene..  Banjos!  Banjos!  All the time, I can't forget that tune..  and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"


5 January 2014
Apple rooftop

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LongHairedLady said
Long Haired Lady is my favourite song on RAM, and probably my favourite solo song of Pauls.

I also am a Long Haired Lady myself, being a female with hair that is quite long.  a-hard-days-night-john-1

And a nice avatar too – perfect all around :)


==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==

5 January 2014
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My story is simple; I love how the song Scrambled Eggs evolved in to the masterpiece Yesterday .

5 January 2014
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Don’t we already have a thread for this?

Anyhoo my favourite Beatle is George, George wrote a song called ‘Apple Scruffs ‘. The Apple Scruffs were the hardcore Beatles fans who stayed outside Abbey Road Studios, Apple Corps’ main building and Paul’s house. Somebody had already taken ‘AppleScruff’ as a username and I am one of the youngest users on here so I’m ‘Junior’ – Hence ‘AppleScruffJunior’

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"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison

5 January 2014
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trcanberra said

LongHairedLady said
Long Haired Lady is my favourite song on RAM, and probably my favourite solo song of Pauls.

I also am a Long Haired Lady myself, being a female with hair that is quite long.  a-hard-days-night-john-1

And a nice avatar too – perfect all around :)


Why thank you!  a-hard-days-night-george-10

I guess I didn’t win that award for nothing!  a-hard-days-night-john-1

"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been..  I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene..  Banjos!  Banjos!  All the time, I can't forget that tune..  and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"


5 January 2014
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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LongHairedLady said

trcanberra said

LongHairedLady said
Long Haired Lady is my favourite song on RAM, and probably my favourite solo song of Pauls.

I also am a Long Haired Lady myself, being a female with hair that is quite long.  a-hard-days-night-john-1

And a nice avatar too – perfect all around :)


Why thank you!  a-hard-days-night-george-10

I guess I didn’t win that award for nothing!  a-hard-days-night-john-1

That’s right. And we expect you to keep us entertained again this year. apple01heartapple01


5 January 2014
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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*SOMEONE* (you a-hard-days-night-ringo-15 know who you are a-hard-days-night-john-6heartapple01 & thank you) gave me a chance to pick a good Beatley name. I love the sound of John sucking air on Girl so I went with what he sings right before that sound. Ahhh girl…


5 January 2014
The Netherlands
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I believe we indeed do have a thread for this already.


Anyway, I chose Linde, because…behold is my name.

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Mr. Kite
5 January 2014
Funny Paper
Candlestick Park
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I was going to make a pun about déjà vu (since many of us went through this many moons ago) using a Beatles song that begins with a “V” — then I find out for the first time that no Beatles song starts with a “V”!

I always like to try to come up with something recondite and clever, rather than too obvious.  So I thought of that phrase about “funny paper” from “You Never Give Me Your Money “.

Random comments about some of the above:  I read something a few months ago somewhere about George’s “apple scruffs” that was a little more… ahem risqué than the above description…a-hard-days-night-george-4blue-meanie

Many years ago when I joined the “Macca Central” discussion forum, I chose the name “Scrambled Eggs” for the same reason (I eventually quit that forum because it was way too busy, though I will always fondly remember someone there helping me out when I cracked a joke about how Paul is looking more and more like Angela Lansbury these days, by posting giant photos side by side of both of them that gloriously illustrated my point blue-meaniepaul-mccartney).

To “AhhhGirl” — you could have tried a nickname spelled “FFFFFSSSSSSSSS” …

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5 January 2014
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I had an interest in Steampunk and thought the username LikeaSir might reflect that steampunky feel of dandyness…

"White Album - My joint-fave Beatles album along with Revolver. They show the two sides of Beatles. Revolver's very controlled - even though it's also very innovative. The White Album's playful and almost ramshackle. It's like a scrapbook kept by a genius. Fantastic stuff."

5 January 2014
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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Funny Paper said

To “AhhhGirl” — you could have tried a nickname spelled “FFFFFSSSSSSSSS” …

That’s a good spelling for it, FP. It would have been yet another thing I did that made people go hummm if I hadn’t told them what it was. 

John Sucks and JohnSuckingAir just didn’t seem like a good nicknames.

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5 January 2014
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I thought there would be a thread for this already, but I couldn’t find it in the search. Mods, could you merge?

(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)

5 January 2014
Apple rooftop
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I gave it to myself. It should be fairly self-explanatory, but, if it isn’t, read the signature block. 


I'm Necko.  I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.

I'm also ewe2 on weekends.

Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017. 

5 January 2014
Starr Shine?
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Back in 2004 I wanted to come up for a name for a Neopets account and My name Is (here’s a shocker) Anna then I thought of dogs (weird since I am more of a cat person) Unfortunately Annadog was already taken and Neopets gave me some options for numbers at the end and I picked 40 cause I thougt that was my mom’s age. Thus I am Annadog40 on pretty much every site I make an account on.


My profile pic originally was some random dog picture I found on the internet. Then after watching the Beatles cartoon I saw cartoon John making that face and feeling that it fit more with this site I changed it to that and ya.

Brainwashed by RadiantCowbells.

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6 January 2014
Ahhh Girl
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Linde said
I believe we indeed do have a thread for this already.


Anyway, I chose Linde, because…behold is my name.

I think your name is quite beautiful, Linde. Is it pronounced in Dutch the way I’m thinking of it being pronounced : “Lind” would rhyme with “send” and then a long “e.” May be a no-brainer question, but, hey, thought I’d ask.


6 January 2014
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Annadog40 said
Back in 2004 I wanted to come up for a name for a Neopets account and My name Is (here’s a shocker) Anna then I thought of dogs (weird since I am more of a cat person) Unfortunately Annadog was already taken and Neopets gave me some options for numbers at the end and I picked 40 cause I thougt that was my mom’s age. Thus I am Annadog40 on pretty much every site I make an account on.


My profile pic originally was some random dog picture I found on the internet. Then after watching the Beatles cartoon I saw cartoon John making that face and feeling that it fit more with this site I changed it to that and ya.




Well, it’s also a nice coincidence that the Beatles did record a song called Anna. My family has Beatle connections all around. Only me and one of my brothers aren’t mentioned in a Beatles song. My dad and mom are Dan (Rocky Racoon) and Valerie (Maxwell’s Silver Hammer ), and my two brothers are James (Paul’s first name) and Jude (no explanation needed).

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Von Bontee

(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)

6 January 2014
Apple rooftop
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Necko said
I gave it to myself. It should be fairly self-explanatory, but, if it isn’t, read the signature block. 


Oh, and as an additional note, it’s been my real-life nickname since I was eleven years old (twenty-one now).

I'm Necko.  I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.

I'm also ewe2 on weekends.

Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017. 

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