20 August 2013
TheWalrusWasBrian said
Here we go.(Snip)
3. I like to believe I’m English even though I’m American.
Oh, @Beatlebug.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
TheWalrusWasBrian, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars, Pineapple Records, ewe2Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
15 February 2015
^Hahaha, yes. I used to do that a lot; now I don’t actually walk around affecting an English accent anymore (major cringe ), but I still use British spelling and am an Anglophile still.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
TheWalrusWasBrian, Pineapple Records([{BRACKETS!}])
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14 November 2017
1) I’m 32 years old
2) I’m from Liverpool
3) I hate mushrooms
4) I don’t drink tea or coffee
5) I passed my driving test first time
6) I love football (soccer for our American posters)
7) I wear glasses
8) I’ve been told that when I grow a moustache, I look like John
9) my favourite colour is red
The following people thank Father McKenzie for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, Beatlebug, TheWalrusWasBrianStill writing the words to the sermon that no one will hear......
18 March 2013
Silly Girl said
^Hahaha, yes. I used to do that a lot; now I don’t actually walk around affecting an English accent anymore (major cringe), but I still use British spelling and am an Anglophile still.
Ha, was it any good of an accent? Did you go ‘posh’ or full-Scouse?
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
15 February 2015
AppleScruffJunior said
Ha, was it any good of an accent? Did you go ‘posh’ or full-Scouse?
I dunno, I guess it was all right. I didn’t Scouse, unfortunately; that was later when I started developing the Liddypool, which I also got fairly good at.
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18 December 2017
Silly Girl said
^Hahaha, yes. I used to do that a lot; now I don’t actually walk around affecting an English accent anymore (major cringe), but I still use British spelling and am an Anglophile still.
I can’t do accents AT ALL, thank god I don’t take it that far, every time I try to do any type of accent I scare everyone in the room. But I do love tea and getting annoyed when people spell colour wrong.
The following people thank TheWalrusWasBrian for this post:
Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars, SgtPeppersBulldog|
| I don’t know how to put it here. hello for the love of god hello
The Concert for Bageldesh
Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.
15 May 2015
Silly Girl said
^Hahaha, yes. I used to do that a lot; now I don’t actually walk around affecting an English accent anymore (major cringe), but I still use British spelling and am an Anglophile still.
the great American poet T.S. Eliot was that way too; he practically became an Englishman in his last years.
The following people thank Pineapple Records for this post:
TheWalrusWasBrian, BeatlebugA ginger sling with a pineapple heart,
a coffee dessert, yes you know it's good news...
18 December 2017
Pineapple Records said
the great American poet T.S. Eliot was that way too; he practically became an Englishman in his last years.
I’ve read some of his work and I always thought he was English. Hm.
The following people thank TheWalrusWasBrian for this post:
Pineapple Records, Beatlebug|
| I don’t know how to put it here. hello for the love of god hello
The Concert for Bageldesh
Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.
17 December 2012
While Eliot (one of my favourite poets) may have been born in America, he came to England in 1914. He was 25. Settling here, he worked for Faber and married here, and in 1927, at the age of 39, he gave up his American citizenship and became a British citizen. So, though born American, Eliot considered himself very much as being British.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
WeepingAtlasCedars, Pineapple Records, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
15 May 2015
Ron Nasty said
While Eliot (one of my favourite poets) may have been born in America, he came to England in 1914. He was 25. Settling here, he worked for Faber and married here, and in 1927, at the age of 39, he gave up his American citizenship and became a British citizen. So, though born American, Eliot considered himself very much as being British.
Thanks Ron Nasty; I didn’t realize he had become a British citizen — and relatively young at that. I like his Four Quartets.
A ginger sling with a pineapple heart,
a coffee dessert, yes you know it's good news...
26 January 2017
1. I’m 16 years old.
2. I’m a dog person.
3. I’m currently procrastinating homework.
4. I mostly wear dungarees rather than trousers.
5. I recently detoxed of almost all my social media accounts.
6. I don’t drink tea or coffee.
7. I work in a cinema.
8. I have a show on my local radio station.
9. I’m a Labour supporter.
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
Beatlebug, SgtPeppersBulldog, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedarsI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
14 February 2016
1. I go to the gym every day except on the weekends.
2. I enjoy driving and driving to nowhere in particular.
3. My main hobby is researching rocknroll.
4. I love to tinker with computers, cars, and anything mechanical.
5. My antisocial-ness causes me to think friends, boyfriends or other people are not really necessary to living a happy life.
6. I’ll do any dare that I’m asked to do, and my daredevil antics have gotten me into a lot of danger and trouble.
7. I enjoy swearing and making dirty jokes (not here though.)
8. Leather jackets are the only kind I wear.
9. When I have enough money, I’m going to buy a beat up motorcycle and fix it up.
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Father McKenzie, QuarryMan, Beatlebug, sir walter raleigh, WeepingAtlasCedarsI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
26 January 2017
14 February 2016
15 February 2015
Time for nine more, methinks, for all the young dudes (and dudettes)
1. I have a kid sister (Little Girl or Silly Sis) who likes all the music I listen to (we have a fairly good relationship despite the age difference, and I have brainwashed her taught her well
2. I used to wear skirts religiously, but then I decided that I wanted to look like an androgynous 1960s/70s rock musician and started wearing only pants and fruity vintage-looking button-downs and vests.
3. In the same vein, I used to have insanely long hair, but then I chopped it all off in November and turned it into a sort of shaggy 1967 post-moptop.
4. I’m asexual and aromantic (and proud of it…!). I do love people*, just not like that
5. I am a staunch supporter of LGBTQ+ rights; I’m very interested in minority sexualities/genders.
6. I like travelling — I’m very good at sitting in the car for long periods of time and enjoying seeing new places — and I love coming home.
7. I don’t ship… but when I do, I ship Jimmy Page and Robert Plant
8. I have a thing for androgynous people; effeminate lads and women wearing ties and/or tuxedos just look cool to me. That’s probably partly why the late-60s aesthetic appeals to me.
9. Sometimes I think I love guitars more than I love people.
*More accurately, I love humanity but humans drive me crazy
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Father McKenzie, Evangeline, SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars([{BRACKETS!}])
New to Forumpool? You can introduce yourself here.
If you love The Beatles Bible, and you have adblock, don't forget to white-list this site!
26 January 2017
1. I like Classical Antiquity and primary sources from the time.
2. I am a Dungeon Master for a DnD party.
3. I wear red suede sneakers
4. Although i’ve had long hair for most of my life, I really have no preference stylistically and am typically just too lazy to get a haircut.
5. I am an avid Mountain Biker, and will work as a camp counselor next summer leading bike trips.
6. My three favorite sports are Baseball Football and Basketball. Basketball is my favorite to play, Football is my favorite to watch, but I love Baseball the most. My teams are The Atlanta Braves, Hawks, and Falcons and I follow their seasons every year. (Well not really the Hawks much this year because we have the worst record in the NBA, but I have really enjoyed the competition in the rest of the league.
7. Jolly Ranchers are my favorite candy.
8. I have dislocated my shoulder 4 times and have had 2 labrum repair surgeries.
9. I spend most of my time stoned.
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
Father McKenzie, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
18 April 2016
As I haven’t been on this forum in quite a while Im just gonna place some posts on here just so I can get used to the forum environment again. Here goes:
1. As my name suggests, yes I am from Canada. Originally in Manitoba, I moved to Toronto just in September for school reasons, which leads to:
2. I am currently attending my first year in college in Toronto for Music and Sound Recording, following the dream of working with music
3. I got into the Beatles when I was in grade 9 (6 years ago already, but I dont like to think that 19 is too old) when my cousin introduced me to her game The Beatles: Rock Band
4. I had the opportunity to see Paul McCartney perform live in grade 9 as well
5. I’ve never owned a cellphone until a year ago, before I just had to use a tablet or iPad mini for my internet uses when I wasnt around my computer.
6. I love video games. I really enjoy rhythm based ones, like Guitar Hero or Dance Dance Revolution .
7. My biggest fantasy/wish is to be able to go see a US 1950’s style diner (with the checkerboard floor pattern, and red vinyl booths) and enjoy a strawberry milkshake
8. The first songs I remember really dancing and liking were Lollipop, by The Chordettes, and Hey Ya by OutKast.
9. Finally, I fall into the L(G)BT spectrum as well.
The following people thank NickCanadaCore for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, Timothy, QuarryMan, The Hole Got Fixed, Beatlebug_______________________________________
How can I tell you about my loved one
14 June 2016
1. I’m from Australia
2. I’m 29 years old
3. I like playing video games and reading
4. I enjoy bike riding and travelling
5. My favourite colour is blue
6. I’m an antisocial type and a deep thinker
7. I love getting out into nature with the peace and quiet
8. I’m a fan of mini golf
9. I like creative writing and listening to music
The following people thank Timothy for this post:
NickCanadaCore, QuarryMan, ewe2, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
26 January 2017
Here’s another 9 facts because I’m pretty bored.
1. I have a Les Paul copy electric guitar, but I wish I’d bought a different type like a Fender Mustang or Jazzmaster because they suit my playing style much better.
2. I listen to about 5 hours of music a day.
3. I have made demos of dozens of songs and covers but I am always too lazy to finish them.
4. My favourite musician is Phil Elverum a.k.a Mount Eerie/The Microphones.
5. I am interested in politics, and am considering doing a degree in it when I leave school.
6. My social life is something of a paradox because I am part of a large group of friends all of whom I get on with, but I am actually very shy and somehow manage to conceal this.
7. I model most of my clothing on musicians e.g dungarees (Mac DeMarco/Ringo Starr ), suede jacket (Dylan on the cover of Freewheelin’)
8. I like the cold, the winter and the snow. I’m not particularly nocturnal but I like the atmosphere of being outside at night.
9. I have recently decided not to drink alcohol again (not that I did often anyways, but the last time I did I realised that I don’t enjoy it and it’s not worth getting a hangover).
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedarsI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
27 November 2016
Honestly, we have so many Australian forumpudlians, we should start a Revolution and make this site http://www.beatlesbible.com.au!
I may as well do another 9 too:
1. I like only very few movies that I see
2. Though I dislike anything made by Apple (the tech company…), I have an iPhone
3. I have waaaay too many YouTube subscriptions
4. I’d like to be fitter than I am now
5. I like to arrive at my destination early, but also leave as early as I can
6. I’ve been on TV on more than two occasions (maybe more)
7. I write this point at 8:46 PM my time, yet my mum thinks and expects me to be asleep, like she does every night at this time
8. I identify as extremely progressive, politically-wise
9. A good walk, especially on a very atmospherical evening, is one of the best things ever.
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
QuarryMan, ewe2, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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