20 August 2013
ASJ said
6. My least favourite is extremely windy, I can stand rain but wind I abhor!
Guess you don’t want to visit me in Oklahoma. The whole state is one big wind tunnel.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 June 2016
1. I’ve never broken a bone, so I’m pretty sure my skeleton is made of titanium.
2. I like mostly classic Rock, but I’m a huge fan of Taylor Swift.
3. I’ve never been farther from Vegas than Yellowstone, except a couple years ago when I went to Ireland to march in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Dublin.
4. I’ve lived in Las Vegas my whole life(about 17.75 years), and have only seen Love once.
5. I’m a Mormon.
6. I enjoy making things with Photoshop, and I consider myself decently skilled.
7. I could probably live off of potatoes, and potato products.
8. I’m almost 18 and I’m still pretty much 12.
9. I love the cold, despite living in a place where it’s very hot.
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Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedarsHere | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
15 February 2015
William Shears Campbell said
8. I’m almost 18 and I’m still pretty much 12.
Same here… I think I’ll be 12 until I die.
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31 July 2014
1. I saw The Beatles in Concert, Sept 13, 1964 from the 17th row for $3.75. I was 13.
2. I’m Red/Green blind.
3. George Harrison & Donovan turned me onto sitar music and Eastern Philosophy when I was 15.
4. I’ve had cats most of my adult life. (My mother hates them. Couldn’t have one at home.)
5. I went to the 1st Woodstock.
6. Went to every music show that came through town from ’64 to ’80. (Saw Hendrix 3 times). Stadium shows got too big for me.
7. Play guitar & piano (rarely now).
8. Broke the steering wheel on my van punching it the night John died. I still mourn John at times with tears.
9. The Beatles have always been and will always be my favorite group. I’ve never had a complaint. Each one has blessed my life with his Light.
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Joe, Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug, AppleScruffJunior, pepperland, Midori78, William Shears Campbell, WeepingAtlasCedars, vonbonteeMatches...Candles...Matches...Candles
28 April 2016
Here’s 9 more. Some more interesting ones, I suppose? =)
1. I once played “patty-cake” on a space heater when I was five, and had to go to the ER for first-degree burns.
2. My left index finger knuckle will bend much more than the right, and when I press the tips of the two fingers together, it just looks odd and some people are weirded out by it.
3. One of my nicknames is Carebear.
4. Had a horse named Spanky step on my left hand when I was in a high school vocational class cleaning his feet (not his fault though). Ended up with a purple swollen wrist for days.
5. Used to play keyboard a lot while in middle school in the early 90s. Never took serious classes, mainly taught myself by ear. Currently working a bit on guitar here and there. Playing Rock Band is a good warm-up/exercise.
6. I used to play Guitar Hero more, and still have a few of the games, but Rock Band is much more appealing to me now. Still not able to fully grasp the new GH Live system.
7. Ringo is my favorite Beatle. They’re all great but Ringo deserves a big bear hug. Lots of them, actually. ^.^
8. I take Sims 3 Sim creation a bit seriously, but not too seriously. I spend about 90% of playtime in the creator tweaking things. Everything must be as close to perfect as it can get.
9. I draw, paint, make jewelry and occasionally do some polymer clay stuff.
The following people thank Midori78 for this post:
WeepingAtlasCedars, BeatlebugTo be or not to be, I don't care
The question is, Are you alive out there?
It don't take brains, Just heart and soul
I think, therefore I rock 'n roll.
1 January 2017
1. I’m 14 years old! Bet you didn’t expect that!
2. I didn’t begin riding a bike until I was about 12…
3. Manos: The Hands Of Fate – one of the worst movies ever… IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FILMS!
4. Crazy Frog used to scare the living daylights out of me when I was a baby.
5. I like cheese and egg sandwiches with tomato ketchup.
6. I’m a history buff.
7. I want to form a band who play sixties style rock.
8. I want to grow out my hair and have a beard like Paul did in 1969 when I’m older…
9. I want to meet (or at least witness) Paul or Ringo or both before they kick the bucket, also Brian Wilson and maybe The Stones…
The following people thank SgtPeppersBulldog for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, WeepingAtlasCedars, Beatlebug"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
18 March 2013
SgtPeppersBulldog said
4. Crazy Frog used to scare the living daylights out of me when I was a baby.
When you were a baby……I remember listening to that in primary school- mate I’m only 4 years older than you and you’re making me feel ancient!
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INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
5 November 2011
AppleScruffJunior said
SgtPeppersBulldog said
4. Crazy Frog used to scare the living daylights out of me when I was a baby.When you were a baby……I remember listening to that in primary school- mate I’m only 4 years older than you and you’re making me feel ancient!
You might have a different definition of “baby”. Some people would call a six year old a baby, while some would say you’re only a baby until your first birthday.
All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhabit
27 November 2016
1. I’m 14 y/o but a year ahead at school.
2. I can play at least 8 different instruments.
3. I hate Yesterday .
4. I’m taller than everyone In My Life .
5. I write music.
6. I used to think Brazil was the only country in South America until I was 9.
7. My grandfather is from Latvia, and my great-grandparents from the other side are from Scotland.
8. I am a good cricket player.
9. I am a Trump hater.
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5 November 2011
27 November 2016
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27 November 2016
Little Piggy Dragonguy said
6’3 is super tall. You are a giant.
And I don’t intend on stopping growing, either.
Necko said
They prefer the term ‘little people.’
Which is why I call any short person ‘shorty’!
#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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15 February 2015
I’ve done this before, but here’s more… there are some pretty personal revelations in here, at least I think so.
1. My hair hasn’t been shoulder length or shorter since I was about seven.
2. My third favourite band is Muse.
3. I sleep in a loft. My sheets, the walls, and lampshade are green, and I love it being surrounded by it because it’s such an uplifting colour, therefore I concluded that…
4. My favourite colour is probably green. Judging by the amount of purple in my wardrobe, my second favourite colour is probably purple.
5. I’m asexual. I think.
6. My mother is from Vietnam. My dad’a great-great and then some grandparents are from Ireland and Scotland and rainy places of that ilk, but they’ve lived in Georgia since about 1850something.
7. I love historical fashion, and am always borrowing style elements from the last century. My most recent fashion era obsession is the psychedelic 60s. When I tried to dress up as a hippie for Halloween, it just looked like my normal clothes, which it pretty much was.
8. I don’t own a single pair of trousers.
9. I have recently mastered the art of wearing a cravat. It’s very fun.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Little Piggy Dragonguy, WeepingAtlasCedars([{BRACKETS!}])
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1 January 2017
Necko said
The Hole Got Fixed said
6’3. But I am surrounded by midgets…
They prefer the term ‘little people.’
I started humming Baby, You’re A Rich Man when I saw that.
How does it feel to be one of the little people?
The following people thank SgtPeppersBulldog for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, Beatlebug"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
18 April 2013
1. I am an independent Catholic bishop.
2. I know how to read Tarot cards and have studied Tarot for many years.
3. I don’t drink or smoke cigarettes, although I used to.
4. I collect metaphysical and occult books (not the actual copies) that were read and owned by Elvis Presley.
5. I have an oratory in my apartment where I say mass. It is basically a miniature Catholic church inside my apartment.
6. When my hair is long, people often tell me I look like John Lennon .
7. I do not believe that Jesus died for my sins, and this belief is in accordance with my religious tradition.
8. I do not believe in hell.
9. I do not own a car.
The following people thank Expert Textpert for this post:
The Hippie Chick, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars, WeepingAtlasCedars, WeepingAtlasCedars"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
18 March 2013
Seeing as we’re doing the personal ones, I’ll do 4.5
1. I’m an atheist and have been since I was around 15
2. If I could change anything in my past it would be to be a bit more upfront with guys I liked, sure there were a few chances taken but so many missed opportunities in young ASJ’s teen life
3. I can hold grudges for quite a while, I mean if you did a dickish move to me in my past and never apologised I will never consider you a friend of mine, more like an acquaintance.
4. The older I get, the more cynical I get.
4.5 If you tell me a secret, I’ll take it to the grave*, I never rat anyone out.
*Unless it was something like murder, then I’d convince you to confess to the police.
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Expert Textpert, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
12 November 2015
I just re-read my first post on this thread, and things have changed a lot since I first joined this site about a year ago. So now I’m gonna make another one of these, this time a bit more personal.
1. The first band that I got really interested in was Queen. Recently though, I feel like I’m outgrowing them as I can hardly stand some of their music anymore.
2. I consider myself an Agnostic Deist.
3. If I had a million dollars, I would collect musical instruments. Mostly weird ones.
4. I plan on doing something music-related with my life. I play Guitar and Trombone.
5. This past school year, I joined the Cross Country team and discovered my love for running.
6. I’m 6’2, but my girlfriend is 5’1.
7. The MBTI says I’m an INTJ, and I’m inclined to agree.
8. My favorite film is Back To The Future.
9. My biggest guilty pleasure song is Take On Me by A-ha.
The following people thank limitlessundyinglove for this post:
Beatlebug, Evangeline, moriz, WeepingAtlasCedarsGrooving some cookie spaghetti since 1968.
14 February 2016
recently, I’ve felt the same way about Queen.
Here’s my 9:
1. I secretly paint abstract stuff
2. When I was 12, I cut my own bangs and they ended up looking like Linda’s from the ‘Band On The Run ‘ era.
3. I have a closet full of fruity sixties clothes.
4. I’m not allowed to wear pants because they’re “immodest”.
5. I’m also not allowed to have hair shorter than mid-back.
6. I’m quite sarcastic and acerbic for no reason.
7. I will always wear a hat,
8. I wear a lot of jewelry.
9. I hate taking showers.
Well, that’s all folks!
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
limitlessundyinglove, WeepingAtlasCedars, BeatlebugI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
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