1 November 2013
Silly Girl said
limitlessundyinglove said
@limitlessundyinglove said
Also cool. ATMP is fab too.
Really? Does George say that? I thought it was Paul.
I dunno about that… but I say it, so there.
Uh oh. This might be a problem for the George Harrison throne.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Little Piggy Dragonguy8.36pm
15 February 2015
Annadog40 said
Silly Girl said
limitlessundyinglove said
@limitlessundyinglove said
Also cool. ATMP is fab too.
Really? Does George say that? I thought it was Paul.
I dunno about that… but I say it, so there.
Uh oh. This might be a problem for the George Harrison throne.
I meant I dunno about Paul saying ‘fab’. Actually I don’t recall any of them saying ‘fab’ much, that was just a media thing–‘the Fab Four’–which George preferred to ‘the Beatles’ in later years as the whole ‘BEATLES’ thing was more manageable with the gently ironic title.
Anyway, I don’t even want the bloody George Harrison throne! All I’ve Got To Do is to, to love George. All I’ve got to be is-a be happy!
I stand by that.
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Little Piggy Dragonguy, 50yearslate([{BRACKETS!}])
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12 November 2015
Ok I messed up. What I meant to ask, is if George is really the one who says “El Dorado” in Revolution 9 . I always thought it was Paul saying it.
The following people thank limitlessundyinglove for this post:
Beatlebug, Little Piggy DragonguyGrooving some cookie spaghetti since 1968.
15 February 2015
limitlessundyinglove said
Ok I messed up.
What I meant to ask, is if George is really the one who says “El Dorado” in Revolution 9 . I always thought it was Paul saying it.
Oh! Totally didn’t catch that Yeah, I’m only guessing, but to me it sounds like George putting on a posh voice. Although now you mention it, posh voices are more in Paul’s line–but it doesn’t seem to have Paul’s vocal timbre to it.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Little Piggy Dragonguy, limitlessundyinglove, trcanberra([{BRACKETS!}])
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17 December 2012
Definitely not Paul, @limitlessundyinglove. The basis of Revolution 9 was the last six minutes of take 20 of what became Revolution 1 . When the final version was recorded/created Paul was on a plane on his way to America. R9 was the work of John, George and Yoko.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Beatlebug, Ahhh Girl, Little Piggy Dragonguy, limitlessundyinglove, BeatleSnut"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
12 November 2015
Ron Nasty said
Definitely not Paul, @limitlessundyinglove. The basis of Revolution 9 was the last six minutes of take 20 of what became Revolution 1 . When the final version was recorded/created Paul was on a plane on his way to America. R9 was the work of John, George and Yoko.
Okay thanks. I didn’t know that.
Grooving some cookie spaghetti since 1968.
1 November 2013
Though the facts aren’t random they are still facts kinda about me so I guess it counts. Theme: My old backup computer.
1. The keyboard I’m using is missing keys
2. If I unplug the computer I’m using, it will shut down since it has no battery life.
3. This computer’s memory is almost full.
4. I found a four hour video of my cat on this computer.
5. This computer’s sound doesn’t work even if I use headphones.
6. This computer doesn’t have firefox.
7. The computer I am using has lots of stickers on it.
8. The computer I am using has gimp editing software.
9. The computer is held together with tape in some places.
14 February 2016
9 facts…hmmm ( I feel like I’m interrupting whenever I reply on a post but here goes)
1. My heart stopped beating as a child.
2. I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at 8.
3. I’ve only been a Beatles fan for about 3 months.
4. I’m a decade and a half in age.
5. I get paranoid when people talk to me, and I end up saying something stupid.
6. George Harrison is the best Beatle.
7. I cried when I first heard the Beatles on Spotify.
8. Potatoes taste like dirt (to me at least).
9. I have 10 siblings, and I am the second to youngest.
Well… that’s about it.
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
pepperland, Starr Shine?, Beatlebug, natureakerI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
1 November 2013
( I feel like I’m interrupting whenever I reply on a post but here goes)
Don’t worry, you’re not interrupting. Feel free to contribute.
8. Potatoes taste like dirt (to me at least
I agree with this.
1 May 2011
Evangeline said
9 facts…hmmm ( I feel like I’m interrupting whenever I reply on a post but here goes)1. My heart stopped beating as a child.
2. I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at 8.
3. I’ve only been a Beatles fan for about 3 months.
4. I’m a decade and a half in age.
5. I get paranoid when people talk to me, and I end up saying something stupid.
6. George Harrison is the best Beatle.
7. I cried when I first heard the Beatles on Spotify.
8. Potatoes taste like dirt (to me at least).
9. I have 10 siblings, and I am the second to youngest.
Well… that’s about it.
Have you washed, peeled and cooked them before eating? I find potatoes yummy and versatile.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
15 February 2015
@Evangeline said
6. George Harrison is the best Beatle.
You’ve got the right mindset. Want to join the Fiendish Thingies club? I promise you won’t be interrupting.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Starr Shine?([{BRACKETS!}])
New to Forumpool? You can introduce yourself here.
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28 July 2015
Evangeline said
9 facts…hmmm ( I feel like I’m interrupting whenever I reply on a post but here goes)1. My heart stopped beating as a child.
2. I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at 8.
3. I’ve only been a Beatles fan for about 3 months.
4. I’m a decade and a half in age.
5. I get paranoid when people talk to me, and I end up saying something stupid.
6. George Harrison is the best Beatle.
7. I cried when I first heard the Beatles on Spotify.
8. Potatoes taste like dirt (to me at least).
9. I have 10 siblings, and I am the second to youngest.
Well… that’s about it.
I relate to #5 a lot. Most of the time, I’m just like “what” and then get embarrassed because I can get embarrassed easily
18 March 2013
I’m going to do this again (for about the 6th time).
1. My favourite American talk-show host is Conan O’Brien because he’s amazing, simple as (and speaking of that, f*** you Jay Leno).
2. I still have the vast majority of my childhood toys and books that I plan on giving to any future childers that I may have (or my brothers’ childers). I also have all of my bicycles i.e. the small one with the stablisers, the slightly bigger one for a 8-12 year old and then an adult sized bike.
3. My favourite colour changes between purple and blue depending on my mood.
4. I have a fireplace in my bedroom that I never use. I also have a sliding patio door- my friend remarked that it’s an excellent way to sneak out of the house…I had never thought of it because I am a good child *halo*.
5. My bedside table always has a heap of books on it that I’m currently reading or planning to read very soon and there is always a poetry book on it (at the minute it’s Bukowski because I think he’s a genius).
6. Originally my favourite Beatle was Ringo for about a month and then I went hardcore George and I’ve been the same ever since.
7. I am a vegetable fanatic, I have not met a vegetable yet that I do not like (that includes kale…..mmmm kale and potatoes). On the other hand, while I can stand fruit, it takes some pushing for me to pick up a box of raisins over a biscuit >.>
8. I have three stuffed animals on my bed constantly. They are; a husky with a red scarf tied around his neck called ‘Wolfy’, a brown teddy bear that is a hand-puppet called ‘Brownie Bear’, and a bear wearing a German-flag hat and scarf and carrying a football called ‘Klaus Mueller’. Some German man gave it too me when he won it in a vending machine.
9. I am able to crack my knuckles on my left hand non-stop, whenever I want someone to shut up I generally start cracking them because they generally go “ewww that’s disgusting” and go away. 😛
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
pepperland, Beatlebug
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
18 April 2013
29 February 2016
Since I haven’t really shared much about myself yet, here’s 9 facts about me.
1. I’m 19 years old (20 in about a month).
2. My favourite colours are purple and orange.
3. I don’t have a cell phone of any kind.
4. I’m an only child, but I do have 6 half-siblings (5 half-sisters and 1 half-brother) who are all quite a bit older than me (I didn’t grow up with or live with any of them in case you’re wondering).
5. I like to play video games (Nintendo mainly, especially the Mario and Super Smash Bros. franchises) and have been playing since I was about 4. I haven’t done much gaming lately, but occasionally I get the urge to play certain games. @Starr Shine? @trcanberra @limitlessundyinglove You three are all gamers to some extent, aren’t you? Just asking since I remember each of you mentioning it at one time or another.
6. I sometimes feel like I’m an old soul in a young body.
7. I’m a night owl and love staying up late at night when there’s no one else around.
8. I was homeschooled my whole life, but starting with Grade 8 I considered it to be more like online schooling since that’s how most of it was done (although I did do some online stuff in earlier grades too). I haven’t graduated high school yet since I got frustrated with how things were (or more like weren’t) going at that school and left shortly after passing a few Grade 10 courses. So, in December last year, I signed up for a couple of courses with a local school that does almost everything online and I’m hoping to graduate and get my high school diploma within the next few years. @Beatlebug You’re homeschooled too, right?
9. I can’t whistle or snap my fingers.
The following people thank BeatleSnut for this post:
Beatlebug, The Hippie Chick, natureaker7.17am
1 November 2013
Ya I play video games.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
trcanberra, BeatleSnut8.15am
17 January 2016
1. My favorite color is purple.
2. I am a book fiend. I have to be creative in putting the books I have on my two book cases because they’re nearly full. Hence why I got a Kindle, so that I can hoard even more books and not worry about taking up room. I still love a physical book in my hands though, above everything.
3. I will listen to almost any music. I gravitate, however, to classic rock like the Stones, Beatles, Zeppelin… because those are the songs I grew up with. Mom tells me my love of the Beatles started in utero, as she’d play them all the time, so they are in my DNA. Friends and family call me a “walking encyclopedia” of music lyrics and knowledge.
4. I love board games, and we try to have a family board game night when we can.
5. I’m single, never married and I’m happy that way.
6. I have five cats. Yes, I’m THAT crazy cat lady. Haha! Their names are Stryker, Miles, Candy, Moses and Frances. Frances is an American short hair (tuxedo markings) and is a rescue. Three are Devon Rex and one is a Sphynx.
7. I’m 50, and finally considering taking some college courses. Still working out that path.
8. I love cooking. I have several cookbooks, and feel like there’s nothing better than pouring a glass of wine to sip on and prepare a lovely meal. My specialty? I make a mean bolognese or putanesca (minus anchovy, ick). I’m quite fond of baked goods and make my own bread.
9. I had a brother who died when he was 22. No other siblings.
The following people thank The Hippie Chick for this post:
sigh butterfly, natureaker“She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together.” - J.D. Salinger
18 March 2013
AppleScruffJunior said
3. My favourite colour changes between purple and blue depending on my mood.
BeatlesNut said
2. My favourite colours are purple and orange.
The Hippie Chick said
1. My favorite color is purple.
Hmmmmm…. Beatles fans like the colour purple.
Is it a coincidence or are we just copying George Harrison ?
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
1 November 2013
I think you need to run an in depth study @AppleScruffJunior to find if their is a correlation between favorite color and favorite Beatle.
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