17 October 2013
No 8 just remembered this……. after visiting the Paul Appreciation thread……..
A good friend of mine, (my wife and I had dinner with him and his family at least twice a week)……….had Paul McCartney come down for Sunday lunch and didn’t tell me.!!
15 February 2015
@Wigwam said
No 8 just remembered this……. after visiting the Paul Appreciation thread……..
A good friend of mine, (my wife and I had dinner with him and his family at least twice a week)……….had Paul McCartney come down for Sunday lunch and didn’t tell me.!!
I can scarcely believe that your friend just ‘had Paul McCartney come down for Sunday lunch’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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20 August 2013
You used the past tense “had”. Have you unfrinded this so-called friend?
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17 October 2013
No he died in 1990…..
He just never considered I was a Beatles fan…….He wasn’t. Any how he and Paul fell out almost straight away.
Paul wanted to make a film of one of his books…….so it was a working lunch and I never went to those…..
It was frustrating though. I met a lot of famous people through him and his first wife who had a ton of well known friends and I like to think I held my own and got them laughing……..but I wasn’t a fan of any of these people……..Even the Hollywood types. The only one I’d have loved to talk with was Paul.
As I say the project came to nothing and they both fell out over a really stupid, (in my view) grudge………I was on Paul’s side in this one and let my friend know it.
Paul had written and asked for a signed book for James…….But my friend thought Paul should have gone out and bought a copy and sent it to be signed. Both millionaires!! He wrote back and told Paul what he thought.
But later when he told me I interpreted it as Paul saying to my friend…….”I’m Paul McCartney …..himself….. but my son only wants your autograph….That’s how famous you are” I saw it as Paul trying to mollify and flatter…..
My mate thought Paul was being stingy and we never discussed it again.
The following people thank Wigwam for this post:
1 May 2011
Paul is often throught of as being stingy so maybe it was a bit of both. I’ll still have done the same as Paul tho.
Cool story @Wigwam. Did you meet any hero’s of yours or anyone you did really admire thru your friend?
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
17 October 2013
meanmistermustard said
Cool story @Wigwam. Did you meet any hero’s of yours or anyone you did really admire thru your friend?
There were some very big names…….from the 50’s and early 60s Hollywood, thanks to his first wife. And a stream of directors and producers, authors…..and artists came later with his second and his own growing stature……Chat show hosts …. Lords and politicians too.
…….Owners of a famous Beer brand……..I recall I embarrassed myself there! She was seated on my left. I had passed her first test in that I could actually spell when challenged to her famous beer…….But earlier I’d reached across the table to shake hands with Lord ‘Hope and Glory’ as we called him, and my tie had dangled in the olive green moose starter. I had it spread all over my crisp white shirt. I buttoned up my jacket and kept an arm close to my chest throughout eating one handedly and giving a very inhibited and forced conversation. It was a long night. She was rightly bored to tears. As I left I shook hands again with ‘Milord’….My jacket still buttoned and I noticed he’d done exactly the same thing with his tie and had green moose all over his shirt too….but he didn’t give a s**t who knew about it. That’s your upper classes for you. I have to say I admired him for that. Us evil smelling peasants sometimes care too much what people think. Lesson learned there.
Most famous people were either very nice or ignored me. My friend was good at creating a debate at dinner over something and always made sure he included me in the to and fro. I was used to holding my own if I actually knew anything about the subject I was talking too….. and keeping out of it if I didn’t.
Very few musicians came….. That’s why when Paul did it was so Out Of The Blue and I was surprised and disappointed they hadn’t clicked and I’d get a chance to meet him.……..
The one musician, (performer is a better word) I did meet I thought was an arsehole…… He went on to be just that. He’s in prison now I believe…..probably playing the harmonica and singing ‘Do you wanna be in my gang?’ Hope he rots.
I suppose the only ones I admired were snooker players that would sometimes turn up to give an exhibition.
Oh and a famous sculptor……He was a nice bloke I had no knowledge of sculpture…..But I diverted us into a discussion of ‘Pygmalion’ who, as you know, tried to sculpt the perfect woman. Then the subject turned to who was our idea of the perfect woman?…..Also, he’d just presented my friend with a dozen sheep sketches….It helped that I know a lot of sheep jokes……and that it was just us fellas there.
The following people thank Wigwam for this post:
meanmistermustard, trcanberra7.25pm
17 October 2013
15 May 2014
- I discovered The Beatles through three LPs my uncle brought from London in the ’60s.
- I was fifteen at that time, and it was in the late ’70s.
- When John was murdered I cried and got drunk for the first time in my life.
- Despite the fact that I know that for many people they are corny, I love “Michelle ” and “The Long And Winding Road ”.
- Furthermore, at times I think “Michelle ” is better than “Norwegian Wood ” (at times).
- For me “Strawberry Fields Forever ” and “Penny Lane ” are equally good.
- I believe that The Beatles’ albums are full of fillers (yeap, even them!).
- The recent forum poll made me realize that. I was surprised at how many times I scored a song with a “5” –mediocre.
- However, I still believe they made the best music of the 20th century.
“Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit” (“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to look back on even this”; Virgil, The Aeneid, Book 1, line 203, where Aeneas says this to his men after the shipwreck that put them on the shores of Africa)
18 March 2013
I’m going to do 4.5 again
1. I have seen very few “legendary films” as I can’t be bothered to sit down and watch for 2-3 hours straight/stay up late to see them. On the flip side I can happily read a book for 5 hours straight- I’m weird.
2. Since my last posting on this thread, my eyes have gotten slightly worse. They were at -0.75 when I first posted here and now they are -1 :O I now wear kooky purple glasses with triangles on them because I’m in the Illuminati.
3. I wear a 4.5 UK/Ire. shoe size which is 6 in US and between 37-38 EU
4. I’m Banksy
4.5. I’ve got a whopping great
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
Expert Textpert
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
18 April 2013
Here are 9 more facts about me. I didn’t know we could do more than 9.
1. I bought a velvet painting of Elvis.
2. It was raining when I was born.
3. I like the sound of a train’s horn in the distance at night.
4. I don’t own a car.
5. I’m not vegetarian anymore.
6. I love Mexican food.
7. It was raining the day I graduated from high school.
8. I didn’t get married until I was 37.
9. I am listening to gospel music right now.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
1 November 2013
I like how this thread is literally impossible to post on topic.
14 April 2010
1 November 2013
Zig said
That’s only 1 fact – you have 8 more to go…
And this is the ninth fact it skipped the other eight.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
18 April 2013
I’m going to do the 4.5 facts now.
1. My eyes are hazel.
2. I don’t wear blue jeans.
3. I am currently collecting and reading metaphysical and occult texts that were read by Elvis Presley.
4. I quit smoking in 2001.
4.5 I believe that Paul McCartney is not a
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
15 February 2015
Expert Textpert said
2. It was raining when I was born.
Same here!
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Expert Textpert([{BRACKETS!}])
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18 April 2013
15 February 2015
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17 December 2012
Expert Textpert said
Silly Girl said
Expert Textpert said
2. It was raining when I was born.
<snip>Same here!
Did your mother eat tomato soup that day like mine?
Are you… duh, duh, dur… give or take a few years, twins separated several years from birth as you’re not the same age… oh dear… that doesn’t really work…
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
14 April 2010
1. I love the fact that my nieces and nephews are genuinely happy to see me whenever I’m able to visit.
2. People with guns worry me to no end.
3. I am drawn toward witty people.
4. I am the world’s most impatient driver. Seriously. There is a trophy on my mantle that says so.
5. It is my unvarnished opinion that everyone who calls in to a Sports Talk radio show is an imbecile.
6. If I no longer had to work for a living, I would be quite content watching the MLB Network while drinking coffee until it was noon, at which point, I would switch to ale.
7. Invariably, when people who have never lived in my country make fun of my country, my immediate thought is, “travel yonder and fornicate with thine own self”. Work on it.
8. I can’t explain it, but every time it is 11:11 on the clock, I smile. (it is as I type this!!!)
9. There are times I am still in denial over the deaths of John and George.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
BeatlebugTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
15 February 2015
@Zig said
9. There are times I am still in denial over the deaths of John and George.
I know the feeling. I generally don’t believe they’re dead unless I hear a song like Here Today or Stuck Inside A Cloud… and in the middle of the song, I breeeaaaak dowwwwwn…..
Ron Nasty said
Are you… duh, duh, dur… give or take a few years, twins separated several years from birth as you’re not the same age… oh dear… that doesn’t really work…
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