18 April 2013
trcanberra said
The excitement mounts – they have landed in Sydney.Now the REAL waiting starts as they try to find a suitable kangaroo to carry them to Canberra.
Now mine is in Hodgkins, IL. A few more states to go before my package is in the hands of a Texas cowboy. I wonder if the cowboy or the kangaroo will be faster.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
20 August 2013
Expert Textpert said
trcanberra said
The excitement mounts – they have landed in Sydney.
Now the REAL waiting starts as they try to find a suitable kangaroo to carry them to Canberra.Now mine is in Hodgkins, IL. A few more states to go before my package is in the hands of a Texas cowboy. I wonder if the cowboy or the kangaroo will be faster.
I can see the two clouds of dust on the horizon.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
29 August 2013
18 April 2013
trcanberra said
Woo – hoo – just arrived!!I happened to be listening to Love at the time, and while I wasn’t sitting on a cornflake I was waiting for the van to come – and it arrived just in the middle of the song
How did it manage to get there so quickly? Did you choose super deluxe priority “get there fastest” shipping? I got priority shipping and mine is still on the same continent (somewhere between Illinois and here–of course, not that it has to go to another continent, but yours did).
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
14 January 2013
I only bought one of the remasters, the main one I wanted get, Yesterday and Today. It arrived today and I purchased it Monday from Amazon. I have Amazon Prime, so I get two day free shipping.
I might buy the other remasters, but this is a good start.
29 August 2013
Expert Textpert said
trcanberra said
Woo – hoo – just arrived!!I happened to be listening to Love at the time, and while I wasn’t sitting on a cornflake I was waiting for the van to come – and it arrived just in the middle of the song
How did it manage to get there so quickly? Did you choose super deluxe priority “get there fastest” shipping? I got priority shipping and mine is still on the same continent (somewhere between Illinois and here–of course, not that it has to go to another continent, but yours did).
I have no idea – it is as if Amazon Canada have some sort of hyper-dimensional tunnel down here (once they get the thing out the door that is). Maybe they just like us because we are all in the Commonwealth of Nations
2 days is crazy quick though.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
29 August 2013
Sky999 said
I only bought one of the remasters, the main one I wanted get, Yesterday and Today. It arrived today and I purchased it Monday from Amazon. I have Amazon Prime, so I get two day free shipping.I might buy the other remasters, but this is a good start.
Nice one. I must say I am VERY impressed with the whole package – the mini LPs are nicely done and I like getting both the paper and plastic inners (or whatever they are made of). Much better presented than the Russian McCartney knock-offs I accidentally got off eBay when I thought I was getting Japanese mini-LPs
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
14 January 2013
trcanberra said
Sky999 said
I only bought one of the remasters, the main one I wanted get, Yesterday and Today. It arrived today and I purchased it Monday from Amazon. I have Amazon Prime, so I get two day free shipping.I might buy the other remasters, but this is a good start.
Nice one. I must say I am VERY impressed with the whole package – the mini LPs are nicely done and I like getting both the paper and plastic inners (or whatever they are made of). Much better presented than the Russian McCartney knock-offs I accidentally got off eBay when I thought I was getting Japanese mini-LPs
Oh yes I am trilled with the packaging as well. I like them a slightly more than British remasters just for little bitty added bonuses like the sleeve.
29 August 2013
Oyster Black Pearl said
Having had a decent enough listen (and comparison to the Capitol Albums), I think they’ve done a decent job of matching the original US albums. There will always be those who will criticise the dropping of the duophonic mixes, and it appears some of the mixes they are familiar with, although as some of these only appeared on 70’s issues that’s a moot point? As I said previously, they’ve added just the right amount of level, eq and reverb – the tracks sound fantastic!My biggest criticism is how difficult the CDs are to put back in the sleeves!!!! I’m talking a good few minutes in some cases, very frustrating, it’s almost as if the sleeves were constructed around the disc and inner In the factory.
The Yesterday & Today replacement sheet for the butcher cover is a nice touch, drew a wry smile from me anyway.
Just on the sleeves – mine are not tight at all. I have the CD in the plastic inner it came with and then inside the paper inner sleeve and then they all slide into the mini-LP covers just fine.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
20 September 2013
trcanberra said
Just on the sleeves – mine are not tight at all. I have the CD in the plastic inner it came with and then inside the paper inner sleeve and then they all slide into the mini-LP covers just fine.
I did try that with a couple of the discs and they seemed easier to get in. Was wondering why this wasn’t done in the factory, then we wouldn’t have had crumpled plastic, but the obvious answer is time=money in doing so. Pass the onus on the buyer!
1 May 2011
Oyster Black Pearl saidtrcanberra said
Just on the sleeves – mine are not tight at all. I have the CD in the plastic inner it came with and then inside the paper inner sleeve and then they all slide into the mini-LP covers just fine.
I did try that with a couple of the discs and they seemed easier to get in. Was wondering why this wasn’t done in the factory, then we wouldn’t have had crumpled plastic, but the obvious answer is time=money in doing so. Pass the onus on the buyer!
Wogblog has posted an article which details the versions of the tracks on the box. At the bottom of that article there is a link to The Beatles Rarity site that has also compared the new box.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
8 November 2012
Article at the Beatles Blog.
29 August 2013
parlance said
Article at the Beatles Blog.parlance
There are some very vocal fans around the place, but a few stones can rattle loudly in an empty can – a new saying I just made up . I ran some polls over at the SH forums – and of the folks who weren’t buying the set; less than 20% gave the reason as their being unhappy about them not using the ‘right’ mixes. I do sympathise though, there should have been a Volume 3 of the Capitol Albums series.
Personally, I have just listened to Meet the Beatles and the sound is absolutely brilliant, particularly on the mono – which – as I have bored the socks of most of you off with this – is the main reason I got the box *very relieved*
The stereo is good too, but that ‘vocals one side / instruments other’ thing still bothers me – but even though I have the 2009 stereo box it all felt very fresh due to the running order being so different to what I am used to. My ears are not up to noticing if these stereo versions are any different to the 2009, rumour has it there has been some ‘tweaking’.
As mentioned, physically it is a really nice box too. Overall – I’m really glad I have it.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
20 September 2013
trcanberra said
rumour has it there has been some ‘tweaking’.
There’s definitely an increase in level – around 2db????? Of course this can make us think things are better when they are just – louder.
Having said that, I’m sure there has been some tweaking [with eq and reverb] to match the mixes to the original Capitol releases. To my ears the replacement tracks from the 2009 remasters are not straight transfers. Comparing this set to the Capitol boxes from a decade ago makes the originals [especially the duophonic tracks] poor listening IMHO.
Glad you enjoyed them.
1 May 2011
And this is why i never felt any requirement to buy the box. All the reports from the beginning said that Apple were fiddling with the offerings so whilst its a right pain in the backside, and another blatant statement of Apple’s incompetence, you can’t really buy the box and then bitch you don’t get what it originally was in the 60’s. You knew before because you were told before.
Reminds me of John’s comment on And Your Bird Can Sing “another of my throwaways … fancy paper around an empty box”. The contents in the box are largely throwaways but the packaging is nice. Definitely not worth £120 or whatever it is.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
trcanberra said
parlance said
Article at the Beatles Blog.parlance
There are some very vocal fans around the place, but a few stones can rattle loudly in an empty can – a new saying I just made up
. I ran some polls over at the SH forums – and of the folks who weren’t buying the set; less than 20% gave the reason as their being unhappy about them not using the ‘right’ mixes. I do sympathise though, there should have been a Volume 3 of the Capitol Albums series.
Personally, I have just listened to Meet the Beatles and the sound is absolutely brilliant, particularly on the mono – which – as I have bored the socks of most of you off with this – is the main reason I got the box *very relieved*
The stereo is good too, but that ‘vocals one side / instruments other’ thing still bothers me – but even though I have the 2009 stereo box it all felt very fresh due to the running order being so different to what I am used to. My ears are not up to noticing if these stereo versions are any different to the 2009, rumour has it there has been some ‘tweaking’.
As mentioned, physically it is a really nice box too. Overall – I’m really glad I have it.
I know you’re not into boots etc but Doctor Ebbett got stereo PPM and WTB mixes with the vocals centered and put them out; you can find the working link for PPM here. I haven’t heard it yet but feedback on it can be found here.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
22 December 2013
I can understand them doing some tweaking for the technology has changed so much since the original vinyl releases that it does need to be calibrated somewhat to match up with the current hardware. The thing for me is that no modern day tweak can alter the reality that the Capitol albums are vastly inferior to the UK releases in just about every way, even if they were to achieve the closest possible representation of the originals. I can see a certain attraction to hardcore collectors who have the money to spend on it, but it’s really difficult for me to see this as nothing more than an Apple cash grab (timing of the 50th Anniversary U.S. Arrival, etc.). The Capitol releases would’ve been far better left forgotten, in my opinion, it would’ve also increased the value of the original pressings for collectors and this possibly cheapens them even further than many all ready view them as…:-)
18 April 2013
29 August 2013
Expert Textpert said
My box has been delivered (but I’m not in the same place as the box yet).
Yay – glad it has arrived (but I’m still stunned it got here so quickly) – I’m looking forward to your impressions once you have time to check it our properly.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
29 August 2013
meanmistermustard said
And this is why i never felt any requirement to buy the box. All the reports from the beginning said that Apple were fiddling with the offerings so whilst its a right pain in the backside, and another blatant statement of Apple’s incompetence, you can’t really buy the box and then bitch you don’t get what it originally was in the 60’s. You knew before because you were told before.Reminds me of John’s comment on And Your Bird Can Sing “another of my throwaways … fancy paper around an empty box”. The contents in the box are largely throwaways but the packaging is nice. Definitely not worth £120 or whatever it is.
Well I’m glad those nice Canadians sold it to me for around half that price then
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
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