1 May 2011
No idea if I’ve done this before (far too not interested to look back) so here we go.
1. Girl – A smidgen ahead of ‘IML’ and it feels right. All the vocals (such a massive feature thru-out this album is how good the singing is on every damn song) are perfect (John’s resigned sighs), the ‘tit tit’ joke works so well as it’s funny but very easy to overlook so never becomes an issue, and my god, how sad is John thru this (really evident in verse 2) yet also comes in with some bite (verse 3). The middle 8 is outstanding and the instrumental section is so much fun yet unique in that I haven’t heard anything like it. No song should be this sad yet leave you so happy. That the girl was Yoko becomes a whole mindfuck.
2. In My Life – Really close in this being higher but just falls short. Very little to say about this. It’s a masterpiece and more. Play it and not be swept down old memories and start reminiscing of those in your life that have come and gone. There is a damn good reason why Paul is so determined to get some credit for this.
3. Michelle – Better than ‘Yesterday ‘. Took me a long time to appreciate this but my god, it’s good. The longing and desire in Paul’s vocal, deliberately basic French to impress the girl, and so sensual backing vocals make this so damn gorgeous
4. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) – It’s beautiful and the basic sitar is a massive plus when it was a little overwhelming in the earlier takes. John burning down the house at the end is such a great ending for a song (sorry but to all those who think John sat down by a nicely lit small campfire to have a quiet think, you are mad – see ‘RFYL’).
5. Run For Your Life – Widely hated for the lyrics and John nicking a lyric from elsewhere but please… John showing his really dark unhinged side is brilliant as is George’s solo and the Beatles stole from others from all over the place; no one harps on about that when commenting on how great ‘Come Together ‘ is or Paul shoving the bass line of ‘I’m Talking About You’ into ‘I Saw Her Standing There ‘ makes it somehow worse. When Paul and whoever rabbit on about how the Beatles were all about peace and love, play them this. No holds barred all-out-threat, way beyond what was suggested in tracks like ‘You Can’t Do That ‘ and ‘No Reply ‘. Send this to your girl after an argument or two and you’ve got a restraining order and an upcoming court appearance.
6. If I Needed Someone – Like ‘I’ve Just Seen A Face ‘, this is one I often forget about and only remember when it comes on or is pointed out to me, which is sad and it is a highlight in George’s songwriting. Guitars are wonderful as are the harmonies and I love the lyrics. I adore how George sang it live in Japan in 1966, he really enjoyed himself not being bothered.
7. Wait – The time changes and Ringo’s drumming are so damn good and that pushes it up. A reject from ‘Help !’ should not be this good but the Beatles could make hack work into fine tunes. Really enjoyable.
8. What Goes On – I really love this but there is simply far better on the album. I find everything on this works so well (the chicken guitar plucking, the solo, Ringo’s incredibly sad vocal and the backing vocals) and i love so much “I used to think of no one else but you were just the same. You didn’t even think of me as someone with a name”. It sounds a little weak but when thought about it is such a bitchy scathing sad putdown.
9. You Won’t See Me – Once upon a time this was in my favourites but it’s fallen over the years. Still, Paul sounds so sad yet pissed off especially when repeating the third verse and the backing vocals are brilliant in the “time after time” section.
10. The Word – It’s a great track when listening to with some powerful lyrics but for some reason I don’t go to it much.
11. Think For Yourself – A pissed off George and it really works for that reason but there is better on here
12. I’m Looking Through You – I think I prefer the anger in take 1 whereas here it is more subdued. It’s a good track but there is better and so it is.
13. Drive My Car – The “beep beep”‘s are great, the final verse is good (love how Paul sings “I said “listen babe, I got something to say”” differently to John) but it is where it is.
14. Nowhere Man – I’ve never cared for this, it just drags and the Beatles did the harmonies elsewhere in far more interesting more enjoyable numbers.
Interesting that my top four are the four tracks that appear on ‘Love Songs’, my favourite ever Beatles album. Yip, it’s a compilation but a lot of my childhood is ingrained around that album. Was my father’s favourite and possibly why I became a Beatles fan. A running family joke is that every time he played it or heard ‘Julia ‘ he would wonder aloud why that track was excluded.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
lovelyritametermaid, WeepingAtlasCedars, SgtPeppersBulldog, Von Bontee, Paul Prole"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
7 April 2020
1. In My Life – Just beautiful. It generates a very great feeling of nostalgia. It’s one of the songs that had the most impact on my life.
2. Michelle – I’ts perfect. An excellent execution of each one of the members.
3. Nowhere Man – Another song that had a great impact on my life. It’s the first song that I learned on bass and guitar.
4. You Won’t See Me – Here Paul proves he’s one of the best love related song writers (if not the best). Great song.
5. Think For Yourself – The first song of George that caught my attention. I love the bass and the theme of the song.
6. Girl – Michelle ‘s rival. It’s a very good song
7. Norwegian Wood – the first experimental song in the band, I love it.
8. If I Needed Someone – A very nice song, the harmonies are perfect.
9. I’m Looking Through You – despite of having some mistakes, it’s a good song.
10. The Word – I really like it, especially the message of the song.
11. What Goes On – Good song, shows that the band can enter any type of musical genre without problems.
12. Drive My Car – It is very catchy. I like it, but not so much.
13. Wait – It’s not bad, but I don’t like it either.
14. Run For Your Life – I hate it, and not only for the lyrics… i don’t know, it is not made for me.
There's nobody there
30 May 2018
-in my life
-Think for your self
-The word
-I am looking through you
-what goes on
At the present Rubber Soul is my favorite Beatles Album.
27 November 2016
Awww, justice for Run For Your Life !!
Great work on all of these, Jules.
^btw, the spotify thing didn’t embed on this one
EDIT 1 second later: no, it’s working now. How odd. Ignore me!
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1 January 2017
Back on a kick of this one.
"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
4 February 2021
You Wont See Me
So sue me.
Unless Paul McCartney knocks on my door I am unlikely to be impressed.
15 August 2021
1. In My Life
2. Nowhere Man
3. Drive My Car
5. Girl
6. Michelle
9. What Goes On
10. Wait
11. The Word
13. You Won’t See Me
26 January 2017
Girl – my favorite acoustic Beatles song. Love the change from Em to E7, the change from minor to parallel major as a dominant change to the Am is great, no messing around there. The harmonies on the chorus shift and evolve throughout the song, particular Paul’s part, he was always so good at coming up with variations on previously established themes.
In My Life – can’t say enough about this song. The melody and lyrics work together so well, you can sing along to the whole thing without realizing how special the words actually are. Im all about music being subjective and everyone has there own opinion, but you just can’t say anything against this song without completely ruining your credibility with me as a music fan.
I’m Looking Through You – talked about this already in several threads. Its Paul’s best lyric, along with an awesome arrangement and vocal performance. Frustratingly good song to be honest, especially as a songwriter who has recently passed the age Paul was when he wrote this. “Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight.” What a line.
Norwegian Wood – The guitar line is an all timer, love teaching this one to students. And then you add the sitar? Im so glad George made that decision, without it there would be a piece missing from my life. Add in some of John’ best lyrics (one of the few Dylan imitators who actually can stand up to the man himself) and there are very few songs that reach the highs of Norwegian Wood .
Nowhere Man – wish I could put this higher because I think its so good. Ive always loved the scene from Yellow Submarine , I think its a great visual paring with the music. Not a wasted word in these lyrics, and the middle eight is fantastic. One thing about this song is that the melody uses intervals that get gradually smaller, as the lyrics effortlessly reach their final line. Dylan’s Make You Feel My Love does the same thing.
If I Needed Someone – love the riff and the harmonies. George’s first truly great song in my opinion. Honestly if I had to pick one song to encapsulate the sound of Rubber Soul it would be this, or the next song.
Drive My Car – such a clever song. The use of innuendo and onomatopoeia brilliant. “Beep beep, beep beep yeah!” The guitar break is some of Paul’s best instrumental work in the entire catalog. Fantastic song and great opener.
Michelle – its pretty insane that a song this good can rank in the lower half of an album. One of the most romantic songs The Beatles have, and it really showcases Paul’s brilliance with chords and melody. Sounds great when played by an amateur musician on an acoustic guitar, sounds even better with Paul’s sweet tenor over the phenomenal Parisian Martin arrangement.
You Won’t See Me – my favorite choice for an ‘underrated Beatles song.’ So often overlooked, but it is absolutely timeless. Even with modern means of communication, this sing still rings true, and the feeling of unrequited love has never felt more confident. The best moment maybe on the whole album is “I wouldn’t mind if I knew was I was missing”
The Word – great 60s peace and love song. Not necessarily breaking any ground, but holds its own against some of the biggest hits to come out of the California hippie movement, such as Happy Together, Get Together, We Can Be Together, etc. I like the word.
What Goes On – Ive always liked this song, I think the chorus is really catchy. Love the suspension at the end of the chorus, and the guitar solo works for me despite being a generally sloppy guitar part overall.
Wait – good song, but doesn’t have any real standout moments. Verse, Chorus, Bridge, all fine. In general I think many of the strongest Beatles songs dont have a tradional song structure like that, but I guess Girl and Wait have the same structure so maybe I’m reaching here.
Run For Your Life – definitely a jarring ending to a great album. Its one of John’s darkest and most insecure songs. Its still catchy, but not as fun or exciting as The Word . One of the only songs on the album that can catch me in the wrong mood and since its last, sometimes if I’m in that mood I’ll end the album early.
Think For Yourself – Its not a bad song, but its not great. It just doesn’t make much sense to me. The lyrics are a little bit clunky, with some word choices that feel forced. I feel the same about the instrumental. Listening to Nowhere Man right before which flows as effortlessly as any song ever and Think For Yourself pales in comparison. I’m not entirely sure what the song is even about.
Edit: looked back through the thread and found my top 5 is virtually unchanged, and had the same thoughts about If I Needed Someone . Hmmmm
sir walter raleigh said
I agree George really does hit the mark there. In my opinion, it is his first really great song. The first of many… ahdn_george_06
I’ll do a top 5 just for Ahhh Girl
4. Im Looking Through You
2. In My Life
1. Girl
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Ahhh Girl"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
20 August 2013
Of course
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