14 January 2013
- Eleanor Rigby
- Taxman
- I’m Only Sleeping
- And Your Bird Can Sing
- Here, There, and Everywhere
- For No One (Beautiful song, but I can only listen to it a few times)
- Good Day Sunshine
- She Said, She Said
- Tomorrow Never Knows
- Got To Get You Into My Life (I love the song, but I don’t think it really fits album with the horns)
- I Want To Tell You
- Doctor Robert
- Love You To
- Yellow Submarine (I like the song on occasions, but again it doesn’t fit the album)
27 December 2012
My favourite song on the Revolver …I can’t say either, it’s one of the very best albums ever released. My two cents, Yellow Submarine is probably the weakest on the album. Revolver is in a different league than Rubber Soul in my opinion.
28 January 2013
My list:
2. Here, There, and Everywhere
4. For No One
7. She Said, She Said
9. Taxman
10. Doctor Robert
11. Love You Too
12. Eleanor Rigby
13. Got To Get You Into My Life
14. Yellow Submarine
I found it weird while making the list that almost half of the songs that I numbered are the actual numbers they were given on the track listing on the album :/
And if you saw my love, I'll love her to.
30 October 2012
Hm…it’s all between Love You To , She Said She Said , For No One , and Tomorrow Never Knows .
Questo abrigado tanta mucho que can eat it carousel
13 February 2013
I usually can’t pick a favourite song from an album, but this one is easy: Tomorrow Never Knows (followed closely by Eleanor Rigby . But I would put Love You To in my top 3 as well.)
18 March 2013
My favourite is “For No One ” (possibly my favourite out of all the Beatles’ songs, too). I just can’t stop listening to it. It’s such a good song.
1. For No One 2. And Your Bird Can Sing 3. Got To Get You Into My Life 4. Eleanor Rigby 5. Taxman
29 November 2012
This album is just too good and strong to pick one song. For No One holds a special place in my heart, not only because I could relate to it 10)% many years ago, but I wrote a musical and lyrical analysis of it as an essay when I was applying to music programs at my university (which I got into but decided not to pursue).
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
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14 October 2012
Origianlly Eleanor Rigby was my favourite becuase of the strings. Then I decided that For No One was my favourite because its beautifully bleak and Paul’s vocals are really sad and because of the horn solo. However, I think now that I’m Only Sleeping is my favourite, becuase its exactly how you feel when you wake up in the morning, and I like the use of feedback and weird effects and the lazy way John sings. And Your Bird Can Sing is up there too- the last verse is just WOW
"I don't think we were actually swimming, as it were, with shirts on, 'cos we always wear overcoats when we're swimming,"-
George Harrison, Australia, June 1964
9 June 2010
“I Want To Tell You ” is quite possibly my favorite song of all time. It’s basically how I feel all the time.
Favorite John: “She Said She Said .” I’ve always felt this little piece of brilliance was underrated.
Favorite Paul: “For No One .” Not going to lie, this song often makes me cry.
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
18 March 2013
^Yay, you rhymed.
On “Revolver “:
Favourite John Song: She Said She Said
Favourite Paul Song: For No One
Favourite George Song: Taxman
The John and Paul songs are the same as your’s, MeanMrsMustard.
8 November 2012
Favorite on Revolver : Tomorrow Never Knows . Which makes it my favorite John song, but I’m Only Sleeping and And Your Bird Can Sing tie for a very close second. ANYBCS was playing on “Breakfast with the Beatles” this morning and I couldn’t help but cardance. The descending dual guitars get me every time, and hearing the song always brings me back to watching the cartoon as a kid because that was the third (read: good) season intro with the live action Beatles morphing into animated versions.
Paul: Eleanor Rigby was my favorite song as a child, but I wore it out. I still appreciate it, but these days I’m more likely to listen to For No One . Honorable mention: Got To Get You Into My Life (and the Earth, Wind & Fire cover it inspired).
George: I Want To Tell You . I so love that dissonant piano.
6 December 2012
On Revolver :
Favorite song: Taxman
Favorite John song: And Your Bird Can Sing
Favorite Paul song: Got To Get You Into My Life
Favorite George song: Taxman (obviously)
Also known as Egg-Rock, Egg-Roll, E-George, Eggy, Ravioli, Eggroll Eggrolli...
~witty quote~
3 September 2012
Being the Revolver advocate I am, I’m surprised I don’t have a post here previously. If I do, then I’m not surprised, because I skimmed the thread briefly.. That aside, my favorite song on Revolver is currently I’m Only Sleeping , followed by Taxman . I have a hard time deciding whether I prefer For No One or Here, There, and Everywhere; I like them both equally, to be honest.
Please don't wake me, no don't shake me, leave me where I am, I'm only sleeping~.
19 July 2013
used to be Here There And Everywhere
now i think And Your Bird Can Sing or im only sleeping
16 July 2013
Nearly impossible task……this album is glorious. Top five in no particular order –
1/ For No One
4/ Love You To
5/ Taxman
I see lots of votes for Here, There And Everywhere – definitely not one I’m keen on but I seem to be in the minority.
"Try to realise it's all within yourself - no-one else can make you change"
1 November 2012
My question is probably an indication to most here how *green* I am, Beatlemaniac-wise: Why isn’t “And Your Bird Can Sing ” on my LP of Revolver which I purchased like 30 years ago…?
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
1 December 2009
That was Capitol Records’ doing. They’d routinely release truncated versions of Beatles’ British LPs, leaving off a few tracks (“And Your Bird”, “I’m Only Sleeping ” and “Doctor Robert ” in Revolver ‘s case) and setting them aside for the near future; and when they’d accumulated enough leftover songs, releasing them as a “new” “album”. Two British albums on Parlophone thus became three American (or Canadian) albums on Capitol. Profit!
GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
1 May 2011
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 December 2009
Yeah, pretty much, although Let It Be comes close.
Had to be just coincidence that only John’s songs were taken, right? I’d be surprised if the Capitol Records suits had any knowledge of which Beatle wrote which song, or who sang what. Or if they gave the matter any thought at all rather than just threw darts at a board.
GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
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