13 February 2013
More impossible answers! Ok:
1- Revolver
2- Abbey Road
3- Sgt Peppers
(this was the easy part)
4- Rubber Soul
5- The Beatles (White Album )
(this was a bit more difficult)
7/8- Let It Be / Help ! (interchangeable)
10/11- With The Beatles / Please Please Me (interchangeable)
12- Beatles For Sale
Let’s just ignore Yellow Submarine
30 March 2013
I dont count that as even an album, I rule it as an EP. The songs being Hey Bulldog , All Together Now , Northern Song, and It’s All Too Much .
I'm coming down fast from miles above you.
8 February 2014
This was definitely tough. I’ll limit myself to the basic 13. I’m a bit biased towards the later stuff, born in ’63, the White Album and after are ingrained in my brain from an early age, but earlier stuff I’ve had to acquire a taste for (not that it was difficult This is my first post 🙂 My real name is Mike, I’m 51 – my eldest is Mike, he’s 20, and guess who his favorite band is 🙂 Man you guys know so much – I think I’ll put Hunter Davies’ book aside and just camp out here! Anyway, cutting to the chase:
12: With the Beatles
11. Beatles For Sale .
9. The White Album (a lot of good songs, but maybe should have been a single disk – some stuff really could have been left off, cf helter skelter, why don’t we do it in the road – I wouldn’t call them bad exactly, and they add to the ambience of the album for sure, but)…
8. Rubber Soul (ok it’s starting to get tough)
7. Help ! (got it on right now!)
6. Please Please Me (packed with great tunes that the boys did from early on – i think – can’t quite sort the individual songs by first recording
5. Let it Be – I know they fought like cats and dogs and it does show, but i just like some of the songs too much to rate it lower – note my bias for later stuff) – getting easier now
4. Magical Mystery Tour (fool on the hill is the first beatles song i can specifically remember where and when i was the first time i heard it, and strawberry fields and Penny Lane are in my top 5 beatles songs…er, make that 10, 5 is really just all ties for #1 and leaves some out – imagine my joy at Anthology 2 disk 2)
3. Revolver – funny i thought this would end up a couple notches lower…it’s just too solid – Doctor Robert is the only track that doesn’t rank in my top 10…ok make it 20…sheesh can i get 25? It has one of the most famous Beatles pioneering methods, too, among the many they did – i refer to the backwards guitar
1.5 Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band – how could I put the best r&r album ever made (according to several prominent lists) 2nd? i guess i’m not a prominent list – plus i just refused to put a 2 in front of it lol
1. Abbey Road – between the childhood memories, and the blockbuster songs, and the way it flows…I don’t think it’s as flawless as Sgt Pepper ‘s, but the number of high ranked – in my ears – tracks makes Abbey Road the winner.
16 August 2012
4 February 2014
Allow me to steal your words…
SatanHimself said
#1. They’re like my children. You love them, even for their faults. Not everything they do is perfect, but everything they do is part of a greater whole which makes our world a better place.
I just can’t rate them, even though I like some a little better than others I can’t say that about ‘my children’
17 January 2014
Top 5 Easily Change Time to Time
1. Rubber Soul (Mood and color of this Album sucks me in, as song writers they learned to recreate the moment, feeling and emotion of a song)
2. Revolver (Love how they supercharged there guitars on this and great studio experimentation)
3. Peppers (Mix of RS and Revolver to me)
4. Abbey Road (Love the first side great work by George and John , Melody was kinda weak do to lack of effort on Lennons part and no George)
5. White Album (Thought Lennon killed this album, but its like three solo albums in one. Lacks collaboration)
6. Help ! (Thought this was there best album and great predecessor to RS right before there studio explosion)
7. Let it Be (Some good tunes lacks any effort by John showing weak collaboration on all fronts)
8. Please Please Me (Love the Original Compositions and Covers)
9. A Hard Day’s Night (Some great tracks, halted there maturation as song writers in my opinion due to busy schedule)
10. Magical Mystery Tour (EP) (Hard to Rank as its was an EP believe it was just a fun project for them to do to keep there minds of Epsteins death)
11.With the Beatles (Great tracks progressing song wise from PPM , also dipping and showing a foreshadow of their diverse style)
12. Beatles For Sale (Forced album they were worked to the ground at this point, completely rushed and record company demanded more)
13. Yellow Submarine (Not sure how to rank this nota real studio album in my opinion so put it last)
26 January 2017
1. Abbey Road – Honestly this album is pure genius the whole way through. The medley is breathtaking, the songwriting is mostly excellent and every single member is on top of their game the whole way through. Even the two ‘bad’ songs (Octopus and Silver Hammer) contain a) some of George’s best playing on the former and b) a near perfect arrangement on the latter.
2. Sgt Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band – This had to be near the top for it’s monstrous cultural and historical significance alone but it contains some great songs including WALHFMF, Getting Better , LITSWD, ADITL etc.
3. The Beatles (White Album ) – It’s flawed, it’s imperfect, it contains some of the worst songs they ever recorded – but it’s all the better for it. It’s a fractured but fascinating album that has grown on me a lot.
4. Rubber Soul – The first album in their period of brilliance. It has more of a folk/acoustic vibe so it’s pretty much all on my ‘relaxing’ playlist. Probably my favourite Beatles album.
5. Revolver – Got this one on vinyl for Christmas and I never tire of listening to it all the way through. Contains a couple of weak songs (Doctor Robert ) but the variety is brilliant. Basically a mini White Album .
6. Magical Mystery Tour – Contains some of the best songs they ever recorded such as AYNIL, SFF, Penny Lane etc. It’s only this low because it’s pretty much a singles compilation for its best songs.
7. Help ! – My favourite from their boy band era. The title track, Yesterday and You’re Gonna Lose That Girl are all great tracks.
8. Please Please Me – An almost perfect pop debut. Where the songwriting is lacking it’s made up for by bubbly debut album energy.
9. A Hard Day’s Night – Many would be surprised this is so low, but the others are so brilliant it has to be.
10. Let It Be – My main issue with this album isn’t actually Spector’s production (I think it’s a little over the top but Winding Road in particular, sounds awful without it on Anthology) it’s just the lack of energy. Despite that, Let It Be , Winding Road, Get Back and Two Of Us are all great.
11. Yellow Submarine – I consider it more an EP but the songs there are all excellent.
12. Beatles For Sale – As with AHDN , the reason it’s low is simply the genius of their other albums. But Eight Days and a few other tracks are stunning.
13. With The Beatles – Last but not least, this one has a couple of interesting tracks but nothing special to move it higher.
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldogI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
23 July 2016
Let’s go, from best to worst:
Track listing:
Disc 1:
Side A:
Back In The U.S.S.R.
Dear Prudence
Glass Onion
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
Wild Honey Pie
The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Side B:
Martha My Dear
I’m So Tired
Rocky Raccoon
Don’t Pass Me By
Why Don’t We Do It In The Road?
I Will
Disc 2:
Side A:
Yer Blues
Mother Nature’s Son
Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
Sexy Sadie
Helter Skelter
Long, Long, Long
Side B:
Revolution 1
Honey Pie
Savoy Truffle
Cry Baby Cry
Revolution 9
Good Night
Track listing:
Side A:
Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band
With A Little Help From My Friends
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Getting Better
Fixing A Hole
She’s Leaving Home
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
Side B:
Within You Without You
When I’m Sixty Four
Lovely Rita
Good Morning, Good Morning
Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
A Day In The Life
Track listing:
Side A:
Come Together
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
Oh! Darling
Octopus’s Garden
I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
Side B:
Here Comes The Sun
You Never Give Me Your Money
Sun King
Mean Mr. Mustard
Polythene Pam
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
Golden Slumbers
Carry That Weight
The End
Her Majesty
Track listing:
Side A:
Eleanor Rigby
I’m Only Sleeping
Love You To
Here, There And Everywhere
Yellow Submarine
She Said, She Said
Side B:
Good Day Sunshine
And Your Bird Can Sing
For No One
Doctor Robert
I Want To Tell You
Got To Get You Into My Life
Tomorrow Never Knows
Track listing:
Side A:
Drive My Car
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
You Won’t See Me
Nowhere Man
Think For Yourself
The Word
Side B:
What Goes On
I’m Looking Through You
In My Life
If I Needed Someone
Run For Your Life
Track listing:
Side A:
Two Of Us
Dig A Pony
Across The Universe
I Me Mine
Dig It
Let It Be
Maggie Mae
Side B:
I’ve Got A Feeling
One After 909
The Long And Winding Road
For You Blue
Get Back
Track listing:
Side A:
Help !
The Night Before
You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
I Need You
Another Girl
You’re Going To Lose That Girl
Ticket To Ride
Side B:
Act Naturally
It’s Only Love
You Like Me Too Much
Tell Me What You See
I’ve Just Seen A Face
Dizzy Miss Lizzy
Track listing:
Side A:
No Reply
I’m A Loser
Baby’s In Black
Rock And Roll Music
I’ll Follow The Sun
Mr. Moonlight
Kansas City / Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey
Side B:
Eight Days A Week
Words Of Love
Honey Don’t
Every Little Thing
I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party
What You’re Doing
Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby
Track listing:
Side A:
A Hard Day’s Night
I Should Have Known Better
If I Fell
I’m Happy Just To Dance With You
And I Love Her
Tell Me Why
Can’t Buy Me Love
Side B:
Any Time At All
I’ll Cry Instead
Things We Said Today
When I Get Home
You Can’t Do That
I’ll Be Back
Track listing:
Side A:
I Saw Her Standing There
Anna (Go To Him)
Ask Me Why
Please Please Me
Side B:
Love Me Do
P.S. I Love You
Baby It’s You
Do You Want To Know A Secret
A Taste Of Honey
There’s A Place
Twist And Shout
Side A:
It Won’t Be Long
All I’ve Got To Do
All My Loving
Don’t Bother Me
Little Child
Till There Was You
Please Mister Postman
Side B:
Roll Over Beethoven
Hold Me Tight
You Really Got A Hold On Me
I Wanna Be Your Man
Devil In Her Heart
Not A Second Time
Money (That’s What I Want)
Honorable Mentions:
Track listing:
Disc 1:
Side A:
Magical Mystery Tour
Your Mother Should Know
Side B:
Disc 2:
Side A:
Side B:
Track listing:
Side A:
Yellow Submarine
Only A Northern Song
All Together Now
Hey Bulldog
It’s All Too Much
All You Need Is Love
Side B:
Sea Of Time
Sea Of Holes
Sea Of Monsters
March Of The Meanies
Pepperland Laid Waste
Yellow Submarine In Pepperland
Track listing:
Disc 1:
Side A:
Love Me Do
From Me To You
Thank You Girl
She Loves You
I’ll Get You
I Want To Hold Your Hand
This Boy
Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand
Sie Liebt Dich
Side B:
Long Tall Sally
I Call Your Name
Slow Down
I Feel Fine
She’s A Woman
Bad Boy
Yes It Is
I’m Down
Disc 2:
Side A:
Day Tripper
We Can Work It Out
Paperback Writer
Lady Madonna
The Inner Light
Hey Jude
Side B:
Get Back
Don’t Let Me Down
The Ballad Of John And Yoko
Old Brown Shoe
Across The Universe
Let It Be
You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)
Maybe you should try posting more.
11 January 2017
Since you don’t want to count albums like Yesterday And Today, Beatles 65′, Something New, and Magical Mystery Tour , I will do a list only containing the albums that were released identically in the US and UK.
1. The Beatles/The White Album , 1968
Who can go wrong with this, this album gives you many great classic tracks all rolled into one, one of my favorite Christmas presents ever. Whether it’s the acoustic guitar driven folk rock sound of Dear Prudence , the sing-along influenced Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da , the gentle loving sound of Blackbird , the really rocking sound of Birthday , the we hate the military concept of Revolution 1 , or even the lullaby Good Night , there’s something for everyone, a total of 29 great songs on one album.
2. Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967
Arguably the first rock concept album, this groundbreaking 1967 effort contains 13 tracks with not one of them bad and is practically tied for #1, this is the first album I ever bought and let me tell you, it’s got every style in there, ranging from rock to pop to jazz to classical and even experimental, you get it all on this album where every song counts.
3. Abbey Road , 1969
This is a great album showcasing The Beatles at their best, it features one hell of an A-side containing some of the bands best work and is great to have sex to and then to top it all off, we get a B-side containing 2 great medleys ending with The End which features a guitar truel between Paul, George, and John and ends with such a great message, it’s almost a shame they lodged Her Majesty at the end, but it’s nice to hear there.
4. Revolver , 1966
This is the only Beatles album where I think the US version is inferior, the three extra tracks on the UK version make it that much better and it’s sad they were left out here in the states, although we did get them in Yesterday And Today.
5. Let It Be , 1970
It was sad when The Beatles split in 1970, but at least we got an ok album when they did, although not as good as their previous efforts, it still gives off a nice vibe and I do think that it’s a worthy edition to any Beatles fans collection, as well as these other albums I’ve mentioned.
@starr-test (use starr-test to @t me)
26 January 2017
Alright I’ll give this a go. I’ve rated each out of 100, but they are ranked based on preference.
1. Revolver – 100
2. Abbey Road – 99
3. The Beatles (White Album ) – 98
4. Rubber Soul – 99
5. Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band – 100
6. A Hard Days Night – 96
7. Magical Mystery Tour (Including singles. At this point I feel like most listeners treat both sides together as the album.) – 95
8. Help ! – 93
9. Please Please Me – 92
10. Let It Be – 90
11. Beatles For Sale – 88
12. With The Beatles – 85
13. Yellow Submarine (Hard to place an album with so little content high up in a ranking of Beatles albums, aka the most competitive list possible) – 82
Obviously I have great affection for all albums and all songs. Pet Sounds and All Things Must Pass are the only non-beatles album I have at 100. Ram is a 99
"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
27 November 2016
Using this spreadsheet, I’ll apply the same logic as sir stupid get. All results are (mostly) scientific.
Magical Mystery Tour 79.8
Sgt Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band 77.8
Revolver 76.1
Rubber Soul 68.9
Past Masters (Disc 2) 67.2
Help ! 66.7
A Hard Day’s Night 60.2
With the Beatles 59.9
Abbey Road 53.6
White Album (Disc 1) 53.6
Please Please Me 53.1
Past Masters (Disc 1) 51.2
Beatles For Sale 49.4
White Album (Disc 2) 47.9
Yellow Submarine 45.1
Let it Be 44.2
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26 January 2017
If I turned in Abbey Road for my final project and my classic rock teacher gave me a 53 I would be dumfounded.
"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
27 November 2016
Well, let me explain my reasoning:
#1 I’m a tough marker.
Come Together | Yes |
Something | No |
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer | Yes |
Oh! Darling | Eh… 50/50 |
Octopus’s Garden | Yes |
I Want You (She’s So Heavy) | No! |
Here Comes The Sun | Yes |
Because | No |
You Never Give Me Your Money | No |
Sun King | No |
Mean Mister Mustard | YES! |
Polythene Pam | Yes |
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window | No |
Golden Slumbers | No |
Carry That Weight | No |
The End | No |
Her Majesty | No |
#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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26 January 2017
27 February 2017
Oh no, why don’t you like Something and the medley and The End …
However, Abbey Road is only the seventh on my list of favourite Beatles albums as well. The fact that it is still one of my favourite albums of all time and I love it so much is just another proof that The Beatles are the best band in the world!
Not once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
11 January 2017
You said no to Something , I Want You (She’s So Heavy), Because , most of the Abbey Road Medley, and the Golden Slumbers Medley, how dare you. Something is a great love song and contains arguably George’s best solo, which was performed on his Gibson Les Paul. I Want You (She’s So Heavy) is such a great track, one of their heaviest and longest songs which is one of the few Beatles songs you can pass off as heavy metal without someone laughing at you and it’s one out of only a handful of Beatles songs with John on lead guitar and I think it’s John’s best solo with The Beatles, even I love this song and I hate heavy metal, although I do like some bands you might refer to as 70’s hard rock such as Queen and AC/DC. How dare you insult the Abbey Road Medley, although those songs are garbage by themselves, when they’re intertwined, they make a great song and there so well segued to the point where it’s hard to tell where Polythene Pam ends and She Came In Through The Bathroom Window begins, the only other medley that successfully does this is Queen’s The Prophet’s Song/Love Of My Life. And Because , tell me why, who can hate the three part harmonies on this song, they’re up there with Nowhere Man and Wouldn’t It Be Nice for some of rock’s best vocal harmonies to ever be created. Really, you hate all 4 tracks on the Golden Slumbers medley as well, I mean I can understand Her Majesty , but the other 3 as well, they’re some of The Beatles best songs, all telling a story, Golden Slumbers being a soft lullaby that starts things off smooth then we go to Carry That Weight , a song with all 4 Beatles on lead vocals talking about making mistakes and having to pay for them for a long time that oddly ends with a reprise of You Never Give Me Your Money , then we go into The End , which contains what is said to be Ringo’s only drum solo, as well as the classic guitar truel between Paul, George, and John and although the song is practically an instrumental, only containing 2 short lines containing worthy dialogue, as well as shouting love you during the solo and the aahs during the outro, the line after the solo is so great, it’s almost a shame that this wasn’t the last track The Beatles ever released.
@starr-test (use starr-test to @t me)
14 February 2016
People are entitled to their opinions. You may not like THGF’s opinion, but there’s no possible way to prove his opinion wrong or right. Saying “How dare you” to someone’s personal taste that doesn’t match your own is childish.
The following people thank Evangeline for this post:
Ahhh Girl, The Hole Got Fixed, WeepingAtlasCedars, BeatleSnutI am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
19 October 2016
27 February 2017
@The Hole Got Fixed Do you mind if I ask you why you don’t like the songs you marked with no on Abbey Road and why you like the ones you wrote a yes after? I really don’t want to hurt you in any way with this question but I find it always fascinating to discuss certain issues with someone who looks at it from a completely different perspective – it broadens my mind (uh can you express it like this in English? I’m not quite sure…) since I tend to be pretty preoccupied at times. And nothing can beat exchanging listening experience with actually real other people!!!
By the way: If I am too annoying, I won’t mind you choosing not to answer
Not once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
27 November 2016
Sure thing, @Martha! You can’t hurt anyone by asking them their opinion, or asking them to elaborate. I know exactly how you feel, with wanting to discuss listening experiences.
But above all, you’re not annoying! Defnitely not.
And thanks, @Evangeline and @Pablo Ramon. I couldn’t manage a multi thanks for either of you.
Come Together | I can’t go past a good riff. |
Something | A bit empty, lacking in energy |
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer | One of the few songs I appreciate for the lyrics |
Oh! Darling | A good groove, but doesn’t get anywhere |
Octopus’s Garden | Lovely, ethereal feeling to it. |
I Want You (She’s So Heavy) | Too long, too tedius. |
Here Comes The Sun | Gosh I love the strings in this! |
Because | A bit dull… |
You Never Give Me Your Money | See above |
Sun King | Um, latin? |
Mean Mister Mustard | Favourite on the album. Love the fuzz bass! |
Polythene Pam | Another of the few songs I appreciate for the lyrics |
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window | I probably might warm to this, but I haven’t yet |
Golden Slumbers | Nice idea, but too similar musically to Yesterday for me to like it. |
Carry That Weight | Not too bad, but not good. |
The End | A drum solo… Only part I like. |
Her Majesty | No words needed. 23 seconds? |
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