8 August 2019
alittlebitolder said
In my opinion ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘ is a decent collection of songs, ranging from some of their very very best … ‘Strawberry Fields Forever ‘, ‘I Am The Walrus ‘ and ‘Penny Lane ‘ to some of their worst … ‘Flying ‘ and ‘ Your Mother Should Know ‘.
Half of the album is a collection of songs, released as singles, just like ‘Past Masters ‘, ‘1’ or the ‘Red & Blue Albums’ and don’t really belong with the ‘MMT’ songs.
Of the ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘ songs, only ‘I Am The Walrus ‘ and maybe ‘Fool On The Hill’ are Sgt. Pepper quality. ‘MMT’ is sort of ‘Sgt. Pepper ‘ lite.
The three best songs are what have kept it above ‘With The Beatles ‘ in my list.
Damn, I disagree. Flying is a BANGER. And the album is more psychedelic than Sgt. Pepper , like it or notAnd the songs are better. I mean, Blue Jay Way and Baby, You’re a Rich Man are much better than some songs on Pepper like Within You Without You . And I know it’s not officially OFFICIALLY an “album”, but it has a better progression than any early album. If anything Magical Mystery Tour is the best compilation put-together in album history. All You Need also is a perfect closer and even the title track is quite good (not better than the Pepper opener, but close).
People who disregard Magical Mystery Tour for not being a studio album I think should loosen up. Any of the early records could’ve had the songs in a completely different order and nobody would care. If the studio or whoever it was would’ve put Hello, Goodbye in the beginning of MMT, then the title track in the middle and Your Mother Should Know as the closer people would think it was a waste, and they’d want the album we do have.
I mean, it doesn’t have to be better than stuff like Abbey Road (even though to me are at the same level, roughly). But it’s too innovative and iconic to be put below the early records, that are kind of formulaic for their era and filled with unmemorable material. Read up on the topic called “Is MMT better than Pepper?” on this page somewhere or something like it. There I explain why I like it more.
the watusi
the twist
28 April 2020
Jules said
alittlebitolder said
In my opinion ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘ is a decent collection of songs, ranging from some of their very very best … ‘Strawberry Fields Forever ‘, ‘I Am The Walrus ‘ and ‘Penny Lane ‘ to some of their worst … ‘Flying ‘ and ‘ Your Mother Should Know ‘.
Half of the album is a collection of songs, released as singles, just like ‘Past Masters ‘, ‘1’ or the ‘Red & Blue Albums’ and don’t really belong with the ‘MMT’ songs.
Of the ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘ songs, only ‘I Am The Walrus ‘ and maybe ‘Fool On The Hill’ are Sgt. Pepper quality. ‘MMT’ is sort of ‘Sgt. Pepper ‘ lite.
The three best songs are what have kept it above ‘With The Beatles ‘ in my list.
Damn, I disagree.
That is the great thing about being a Beatles fan … we can all agree to disagree with each others opinions. Much in the same way as some people think that ‘John is better than Paul’, others think that ‘Paul is better than John’ while others think ‘George is better than both of them!’ Some will even think ‘Ringo is the best of the lot!’
I’m not sure there are (m)any other bands where you can be such a diehard fan but have such a vast array of opinions about songs, albums and band members, but still love them all! 🙂
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Jules, lovelyritametermaid, CakeMaestor11.55am
1 May 2020
14. Please Please Me
13. Revolver
12. With The Beatles
11. Beatles For Sale
10. Rubber Soul
9. Help !
8. White Album
7. Love
6. Let it Be
5. Sgt. Pepper
4. Abbey Road
2. Yellow Sumbarine
1. Hard Day’s Night
I am not right, I am right.
17 December 2012
Love is NOT an official Beatles studio album @KaosTictaw. Magical Mystery Tour gets argued over, being a Capitol compilation, but at least it was released during their time as a band. Love dates from over 35 years after they split up. The official studio albums are those they included in the 2009 remasters box. It would be good if you stopped adding things to ranking lists that don’t count.
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The Hole Got Fixed"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
8 August 2019
17 December 2012
It’s not an official studio album, @Jules, and it’s a simple as that. It fits in a ranking of all Beatles’ albums, but not this one. He added songs to the MMT album that were not on it, and you said the same then. You know, let’s just ignore official, and add Yellow Submarine Songtrack (a far better album than the original) and Let It Be … Naked.
These rankings only work when everybody ranks the exact same items. Should everybody go back to their lists and change them to include Love? One person not being pulled up on doing it can lead to others thinking they can do the same, and you end up with meaningless threads because more people start including things that aren’t on the list.
That way madness lies…
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lovelyritametermaid, The Hole Got Fixed, Dark Overlord, Jules"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
8 August 2019
It’s just that in the end he did ranked the official albums and you’re giving him s**t still.
“That way madness lies”, maybe you’re giving him too much credit. He’s not gonna start a riot and he probably won’t listen to you anyway so why don’t you leave it to the moderators to handle his posts whenever “madness” starts?
the watusi
the twist
27 November 2016
Jules said
It’s just that in the end he did ranked the official albums and you’re giving him s**t still.“That way madness lies”, maybe you’re giving him too much credit. He’s not gonna start a riot and he probably won’t listen to you anyway so why don’t you leave it to the moderators to handle his posts whenever “madness” starts?
Because it’s not just our job to help make the forum a better place.
If anyone on here can help keep the forum neater, tidier, a more factually correct place, friendlier… anything really, then we’re never going to tell them to stop doing that – we’re going to encourage it. RN was helping to keep the forum more factually correct and tidier, and for that I thank him.
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9 March 2017
8 August 2019
If only the official tracks exclusively should be ranked then make another one of your polls, the thread is a discussion and the guy in the end did rank them, and he added Love, which is not official, but screw it, it’s fine. In the ranking of AHDN ‘s tracks the original post only ranked 12 tracks, as well as many people on the Abbey Road one who didn’t counted Her Majesty as a track, even though it officially is. Or maybe all the people that ranked 11 or 12 albums on here because they didn’t came out on their country or whatever, even though the original post SPECIFICALLY asked for a 13-album rank. Or maybe we shouldn’t count the Abbey Road Medley as an official track on the forum polls because… it isn’t, but nobody batted an eyelash. And they shouldn’t, because it doesn’t matter. Wanting to make the forum a better place should make you acknowledge that if you ask different people, they’re going to give you different answers, with different configurations. Being factually correct doesn’t entitle you to talk down to people and adding a single album to a ranking won’t open pandoras’ box. If you want perfect rankings then ask for perfect people.
the watusi
the twist
22 July 2019
I think in order to ease up the confusion surrounding this, might I suggest we rename the thread to “Ranking the Official Canon Studio Albums”? That way we won’t have to argue on whether albums like “Love” and “Let It Be … Naked” should be included in rankings. For the most part, I do believe that this thread is going more for the canon albums released during the Beatles tenure, discounting compilations. We can also agree on certain rulesets, such as anybody who dares promote the US version of “Revolver ” instead of the UK version should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Just a couple of cents on my part. Overall I don’t really see the need of a heated argument about it.
The following people thank CakeMaestor for this post:
Jules, The Hole Got FixedWe do a little trolling
- Faul
5 December 2019
I don’t think RN was talking down to Kaos at all– he was just pointing out an objective fact that “Love” is not an official studio album, and is fact just a remixed compilation, and thus doesn’t really match up with the themes of the ranking. It’s like if I were to rank the Mamma Mia! soundtrack in a ranking of ABBA studio albums, or if I were to put The Later Years in a Pink Floyd studio album ranking– one of these things is not like the other, and thus isn’t really fair to put in a ranking with a limiting theme.
Overall, there’s no need for heated discussion. RN was just trying to keep the theme of these thread’s rankings consistent, he wasn’t trying to make any mountains out of mole hills. He wasn’t trying to police the thread or anything, he was just pointing out something that he perceives as a simple fact so as to help.
Also, I like your thought process, Cake– it would make sense to make the thread title more clear and addressing that here we are ranking the “core” or “canon” official UK studio albums (including MMT)
The following people thank lovelyritametermaid for this post:
Jules, The Hole Got Fixed, CakeMaestor"....When I cannot sing my heart, I can only speak my mind...."
"....This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around...."
||She/They ||
8 August 2019
27 November 2016
CakeMaestor said
I think in order to ease up the confusion surrounding this, might I suggest we rename the thread to “Ranking the Official Canon Studio Albums”? That way we won’t have to argue on whether albums like “Love” and “Let It Be … Naked” should be included in rankings. For the most part, I do believe that this thread is going more for the canon albums released during the Beatles tenure, discounting compilations. We can also agree on certain rulesets, such as anybody who dares promote the US version of “Revolver ” instead of the UK version should be tried for crimes against humanity.Just a couple of cents on my part. Overall I don’t really see the need of a heated argument about it.
I like this idea a lot. Unless anyone has a better idea this would be a great resolution.
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17 December 2012
Joe has always encouraged us all to respond to things that aren’t right, @Jules; believing it is not just the responsibility of the mods to keep the forum running smoothly but all forum members. I do not believe I was in any way rude in my response, just restating the purpose of the thread. We all try to be as welcoming as possible to new Forumpudlians but sometimes some guidance is needed in how the forum works or the intention of particular threads, and it doesn’t always need to be done by a mod.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Jules, CakeMaestor, The Hole Got Fixed, lovelyritametermaid"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
9 March 2017
1 July 2020
1. The White Album : The best Beatles album.
2. Help !: Underrated indeed. I really like this one.
3. Revolver : The acid album
4. Rubber Soul : The pot album (john lennon said that)
5. Abbey Road : I love the last 3 songs (Golden Slumbers , Carry That Weight , the end.)
6. Magical Mystery Tour : The american lp is good. The ep is alright.
7. Sgt. Pepper : Why does it get all the love? I mean, A Day In The Life is good, but then there’s Good Morning Good Morning , when i’m 64, and b.f.t.b.o.m.k. (i no longer like that one.)
8. Let it be: good!
9. Please Please Me : It’s ok
10: With the beatles: Again, it’s ok.
11: a hard days night: I like the opener, but there’s a lot of filler
12: Beatles For Sale : Don’t like it
13: Yellow submarine:
The following people thank Magill for this post:
William Shears CampbellLocal George fanatic
10 October 2020
2.Abbey Road .
3.Sgt Peppers.
4.Rubber Soul .
5.Revolver .
6.Let it be.
7. A Hard Days Nights.
8.Help .
9.Please, please me.
10. Beatlles for sale.
11. With the Beatles.
12.Yellow Submarine .
MMT is an Ep.
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William Shears Campbell5.16am
14 June 2016
The last two members having The Beatles (White Album ) at the top have exceptional taste.
The following people thank Timothy for this post:
Vera Chuck and Dave1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
25 February 2020
now that I’ve re-evaluated Magical Mystery Tour , this is my current ranking and I can’t see it really changing much over time (it probably will though, haha)
a lot of these decisions were made during a marathon listen of all their albums in a row (what’s considered the official, canon albums anyways) either late last year or early this year
my favourite has always rotated between White Album , Revolver , Rubber Soul , Abbey Road , and Pepper’s fwiw
- White Album (wasn’t always the case, but I feel pretty comfortable calling this my favourite now; even the songs I enjoy the least feel essential and it’s one of the first albums I heard that threw me off at first for how odd it was at times [which means I consider it massively influential on my tastes now])
- Revolver (listening to everything in a row really enunciates how great this is and how radical of a shift it was, or that’s what I found anyways)
- Abbey Road (the first album of theirs I heard and the reason I got into the Beatles….I feel bad only ranking it third
- Magical Mystery Tour (maybe not A Proper Album, but I find it’s a slightly better, more consistent listen than Pepper’s overall)
- Sgt. Pepper ‘s (my favourite album of theirs for rhythm section work)
- Rubber Soul (this and Revolver were the first I heard that my dad didn’t already own, so they’re huge deals to me and responsible for me getting REALLY into the Beatles; another one I feel bad about ranking low)
- Help ! (some filler tracks, but it’s still a very strong album)
- Let It Be (some great stuff, some stuff that’s just….sort of there)
- A Hard Day’s Night (huge achievement and I think you could argue that this is their most influential album, but I find it a bit samey [which is a problem for an album barely over a half hour])
- Beatles For Sale (despite its low placement on my list, I think this is their most underrated album, mediocre covers be damned)
- Please Please Me (I really like the energy on a lot of this album, but I find a good chunk of it a bit too dated)
- With The Beatles (even though this is my least favourite of theirs [although I should probably give it another go], that opening four song stretch is one of their strongest openings to an album)
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