30 April 2019
knowhereman said
Kaniffee said
knowhereman said
Wow that actually wasn’t as hard as I thought, but bloody hell this album is so underrated, but then again you can say that for any album that isn’t Sgt. Pepper ‘s or Revolver lol. Since those two are like the definitive best Beatles albums with the general consensus.
Abbey Road would like a word
Abbey Road can have a word.
Abbey Road ‘s word: broccoli
The following people thank Tangerine for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, 50yearslate, knowhereman, Jules6.40pm
15 November 2018
knowhereman said
Kaniffee said
knowhereman said
Wow that actually wasn’t as hard as I thought, but bloody hell this album is so underrated, but then again you can say that for any album that isn’t Sgt. Pepper ‘s or Revolver lol. Since those two are like the definitive best Beatles albums with the general consensus.
Abbey Road would like a word
Abbey Road can have a word.
Why only one?
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knowheremanLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
30 April 2019
15 November 2018
8 August 2019
11) Hello, Goodbye – this one just wears off with time, it happens to everybody. when I was a young boy I used to love it, and now that sentiment is only nostalgia and not actual enjoyment. 5/10
10) All You Need Is Love – is enigmatic for me to put such a song on such a “low” placement. it’s so iconic, so positive, so admirable. it just doesn’t make the cut for me. it’s maybe too slow, maybe a little redundant. but the message is gold, the simplicity is very much called for, and also a beautiful closer. love it, but on Magical Mystery Tour is not my favourite. 6/10
9) Magical Mystery Tour – proper opener, that promises a great ride. I like the tempo change, and the final seconds are very pleasant. it is kind of corny, but appropriately so. 6/10
8) The Fool On The Hill – underrated, for what it is. very catchy, very creative. not much more. 7/10
7) Your Mother Should Know – there’s just something about the melody that feels fresh to this day about this song. it sound like one of Paul’s brightest piano melodies. maybe a little overlooked for its simple lyrics. yet, the only refrain on the song is very creative still. “let’s all get up and dance to a song – that was a hit before your mother was born – though she was born a long long time ago – Your Mother Should Know “. I think it’s good, yeah, damn good. 7/10
6) Blue Jay Way – just George’s twisted mind. this is a raw, beautiful Indian-influenced thriller ballad that takes my breath away just by the sheer courage to put such a song on a pop/rock album. this, to me, is what Within You Without You should have been and wasn’t. the production is the problem. the editing is very rough and overproduced. I think that a very much better track is hidden behind all of this excellent ideas. 8/10
5) Penny Lane – such a Liverpool song, the counterpart to Strawberry Fields Forever from Paul. I very much love it. a classic everyone has heard even if they don’t know it. the song strikes the listener with one iconic melody after another. every time the song makes a twist, my ears have orgasms. very, very good song. 8/10
4) Flying – I just love this f*****g track. it’s like The Beatles could make rock for alcohol, pop for cocaine, psychedelic opera for LSD, melancholic mood for heroin, and Flying feels like in between all of this madness they just light a blunt and chill for two minutes. it’s freaking amazing. if it was 6 minutes long, and more developed, it’d probably be my favourite song on the album. I love instrumental jams. The Beatles invented lo-fi confirmed. 8/10
3) I Am The Walrus – everything about this track is provocative: the lyrics, the instrumental, the pacing, the chorus, everything happening John’s wild little head. few times I’ve heard those back and forth strings after “man you’ve been a naughty boy – you let your face grow long” or the piece of lyric “elementary penguin singing Hare Krishna – man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allen Poe” and not think to myself “what an interesting piece of music”. it’s so quotable is frustrating how I can’t just copy paste the lyrics and praise them for a couple of paragraphs. and one more thing. I heard John wrote this crazy lyrics hoping people would over interpret it and mock them for it. and I thought once “nobody would analyze this, this is insane” until I read a comment on YouTube about a guy analyzing the lyrics step by step as if it was a deep political commentary on sex and violence on Lennon’s part. then I thought “John, you madman, you did it”. since then I appreciate this track even more. 9/10
2) Strawberry Fields Forever – it’s so freaking good I can’t even get a hold of myself. this is a song so good I remind myself not to listen to it unless is completely necessary because I don’t want to get tired of it. it strikes me like a thunderbolt from the first lyrics. some say the word “genius” is tossed around a lot with no weight to it at all. but I am very damn serious when I say “let me take you down – ’cause I’m going to Strawberry Fields – nothing is real” is an opening line that comes only, solely, from genius. Strawberry Fields Forever is the song about The Beatles: they weren’t perfect, and they could write badly, but when they did a great song, it could turn out extremely beautiful. and those little moments are what we remember them for. 10/10
1) Baby, You’re a Rich Man – talk about underrated. “how does it feel to be – one of the beautiful people”. that opening line and the refrain “you keep all your money in a big brown bag – inside a zoo, what a thing to do” make for such a fun experience. also, it’s one of the better recorded tracks on MMT so kudos to that. love the chorus, love the psychedelic rambling on the edit. beautiful song, to me it’s one of the best anthems of the band. I enjoy it more than All You Need Is Love , Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da and Carry That Weight , combined. 10/10
The following people thank Jules for this post:
Monkberry Moon Delight, lovelyritametermaid, CakeMaestorthe watusi
the twist
17 October 2013
We only had the EP….and I played it to death…..
Makes Ranking easier too…..From worst to best
Fool on the Hill
25 February 2020
28 February 2020
14 June 2016
Clerefor Sede said
7) Your Mother Should Know – there’s just something about the melody that feels fresh to this day about this song. it sound like one of Paul’s brightest piano melodies. maybe a little overlooked for its simple lyrics. yet, the only refrain on the song is very creative still. “let’s all get up and dance to a song – that was a hit before your mother was born – though she was born a long long time ago – Your Mother Should Know “. I think it’s good, yeah, damn good. 7/10
I like your analysis. I’ve always felt this is one of Paul’s best songs and is often overlooked. It has such a bright melody, as you put it, with a degree of whimsy. I like how something doesn’t have to make complete sense for it to be enjoyed, or to be a good song period. It’s more how it makes you feel.
The following people thank Timothy for this post:
Jules1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
11 April 2020
Here’s my ranking: (I really love every song on this album which makes it incredibly difficult to rank)
1. Blue Jay Way
10. Penny Lane
11. Flying
28 April 2020
I still don’t think of it as a proper album but here is my order ….
11. Flying (pleasant tune)
10. Your Mother Should Know (the weakest Paul song on the album … I’m not really a fan of his 1920’s type tunes)
9. Baby You’re A Rich Man (an ok song … not one of the best ‘B’ sides they did)
8. Hello Goodbye (catchy but a bit repetitive … one of their weaker singles)
7. Magical Mystery Tour (good opening song to the movie and good song, well sung)
6. Blue Jay Way (great atmospheric song and would be higher if it didn’t have so many ‘please don’t be long’s in it!)
5. Fool On The Hill (classic ballad)
4. All You Need Is Love (I bought this as a single in 1976. I go from liking it to not liking it … like it at the moment!)
3. Penny Lane (just a classic … one half of the best ever double sided single by anyone!)
2. I Am The Walrus (you have to say John is a genius!)
1. Strawberry Fields Forever (my favourite Beatles song … and probably my favourite song!)
14 June 2016
Strawberry Fields has long been my default answer for my favourite Beatles song. But there’s so many that could fit that definition.
The following people thank Timothy for this post:
GIMH1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
1 May 2020
Ranking 1-best L-Worst
1. Shirley’s Wild Accordion
2. Chi Chi’s Cafe
3. Magical Mystery Tour (Song)
4. Aerial Tour Instrumental
5. Flying
10. Penny Lane
11. Blue Jay Way
13. Hello, Goodbye
14. Jessie’s Dream
15. Fool On The Hill
I am not right, I am right.
17 December 2012
While an interesting ranking, @KaosTictaw (and welcome to the forum), this thread is for ranking the recordings included on the 1967 Capitol album, which has been made canon, rather than those that appeared only on the soundtrack of the film.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
Yes, But some of these tracks appear in the “Sgt Pepper presents.. Magical Mystery Tour 50th Anniversary.”
I am not right, I am right.
17 December 2012
Which is a bootleg, @KaosTictaw. None of those additional tracks you’ve included are on any official Beatles audio release. Their only official release is the MMT film, and this thread is about the Capitol album.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
1 May 2020
8 August 2019
27 April 2021
11.) Your Mother Should Know .
10.) Baby, You’re A Rich Man.
9.) Flying
8.) The Fool On The Hill .
7.) Hello, Goodbye .
6.) Blue Jay Way .
5.) All You Need Is Love .
4.) Penny Lane .
3.) Magical Mystery Tour .
2.) Strawberry Fields Forever .
1.) I Am The Walrus .
mod note: This post was originally in a thread called ‘Songs on Magical Mystery Tour Ranked Worst to Best’, and two follow up posts by Jules and yaireismailov directing to this thread have been deleted to aid readability of this thread.
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