5 February 2010
peterbell1 said
Just been listening to this tonight and I think under the guitar solo from around 1 minute in the background there is the percussion from I Will .
What do you reckon?
I think what you’re hearing is just the palm-muted “chunka-chunka” rhythm from George’s guitar. It doesn’t stand out as much on some recordings of the original song, but I think it’s easier to hear on the cleaned-up “Love” release.
Not a bit like Cagney.
5 February 2010
It’s very funny to me that I’ve been listening to this album for almost 10 years now, and I only just last night noticed that there are snippets of “Helter Skelter ” tossed into this re-mix of “Octopus’s Garden .”
0:00 – Intro is a mash-up of the strings from “Good Night ” and the lead vocal of OG
0:08 – From here and carrying on through the intro, the sound effects from “Yellow Submarine ” are heard
0:29 – Buried in the mix, mostly in the left channel, you can hear the lads singing the chorus, “in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, …”
0:32 – This drum riff is, I think, from the intro to “Lovely Rita “
1:35 – The percussion/drum pattern is from another song, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Anyone else know?
1:43 – This is very much buried in the mix, but once again, you can hear the chorus from “Yellow Submarine ” being sung
2:30 – The chromatically ascending guitar line from “Helter Skelter ” comes in
2:35 – The descending guitar hook from “Helter Skelter ” is heard
2:40 – Ditto
2:45 – And again, one more time
2:48 – OG fades into “Sun King “
One of these days I’m just going to compile all of this information into a Kindle book …
Not a bit like Cagney.
3 May 2012
Sorry to do this late, but I only just found the general topic for deconstructing the ”Love” songs.
Edit: Was there another post? It seems to have been lost.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
5 February 2010
fabfouremily said
Sorry to do this late, but I only just found the general topic for deconstructing the ”Love” songs.
Edit: Was there another post? It seems to have been lost.
Hmmm. I’m not sure I like having all of the individual songs compressed into one general topic. Makes it a bit more difficult to dig up that one specific song someone might be looking for.
Not a bit like Cagney.
3 May 2012
But this topic was created for this reason, I assume. If you say which song it is you’re ”deconstructing” then I don’t see the problem. People will know to come here to look for it, surely.
Do you know if a post has been lost somehow, only I thought there were more?
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
1 November 2013
PeterWeatherby said
It’s very funny to me that I’ve been listening to this album for almost 10 years now, and I only just last night noticed that there are snippets of “Helter Skelter ” tossed into this re-mix of “Octopus’s Garden .”
This is in my deconstruction a few posts up.
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
5 July 2010
PeterWeatherby said
It’s very funny to me that I’ve been listening to this album for almost 10 years now, and I only just last night noticed that there are snippets of “Helter Skelter ” tossed into this re-mix of “Octopus’s Garden .”0:00 – Intro is a mash-up of the strings from “Good Night ” and the lead vocal of OG
0:08 – From here and carrying on through the intro, the sound effects from “Yellow Submarine ” are heard
0:29 – Buried in the mix, mostly in the left channel, you can hear the lads singing the chorus, “in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, …”
0:32 – This drum riff is, I think, from the intro to “Lovely Rita “
1:35 – The percussion/drum pattern is from another song, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. Anyone else know?
1:43 – This is very much buried in the mix, but once again, you can hear the chorus from “Yellow Submarine ” being sung
2:30 – The chromatically ascending guitar line from “Helter Skelter ” comes in
2:35 – The descending guitar hook from “Helter Skelter ” is heard
2:40 – Ditto
2:45 – And again, one more time
2:48 – OG fades into “Sun King “One of these days I’m just going to compile all of this information into a Kindle book …
At 1:35 I believe the drums that enter are from Polythene Pam . They enter along with a little bit of acoustic and electric guitar and percussion (tambourine etc.) from the same song. In addition the drums from Lovely Rita are in almost the entire song, but you mainly hear the fill towards the beginning. I think I have found a lot of very small details that don’t seem to be in a lot of the other lists I see here (I really don’t mean that in a negative way of course lol).
The Pope owns 51% of General Motors
5 February 2010
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
PeterWeatherby said
It’s very funny to me that I’ve been listening to this album for almost 10 years now, and I only just last night noticed that there are snippets of “Helter Skelter ” tossed into this re-mix of “Octopus’s Garden .”This is in my deconstruction a few posts up.
D’oh! Yes, sorry, I missed that. Didn’t mean to reinvent the wheel. I just got excited because, while I noticed that ascending “Helter Skelter ” chromatic guitar bend from the first time I heard the album, for some reason I never caught that they dropped in the descending guitar lick as well.
Not a bit like Cagney.
5 February 2010
Bjway said
I think I have found a lot of very small details that don’t seem to be in a lot of the other lists I see here (I really don’t mean that in a negative way of course lol).
Haha, of course not – if you’ve spotted unnoticed details, might as well own that fact, right? I’m looking at your list, too, and you’re right, you’ve caught some things that I certainly never noticed. I’m going to listen to the CD again with your notes in front of me and see if I can fill in some of the question marks you’ve left in your list.
Not a bit like Cagney.
1 November 2013
PeterWeatherby said
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
PeterWeatherby said
It’s very funny to me that I’ve been listening to this album for almost 10 years now, and I only just last night noticed that there are snippets of “Helter Skelter ” tossed into this re-mix of “Octopus’s Garden .”This is in my deconstruction a few posts up.
D’oh! Yes, sorry, I missed that. Didn’t mean to reinvent the wheel. I just got excited because, while I noticed that ascending “Helter Skelter ” chromatic guitar bend from the first time I heard the album, for some reason I never caught that they dropped in the descending guitar lick as well.
It’s OK. I couldn’t place it for a while
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
5 February 2010
Originally, this post began a 3 post thread titled “Thunder & Rain “. Posts 74 and 75 were a part of that thread.
At the very end of “Octopus’s Garden ” on the transition into “Lady Madonna ,” at about 3:15, there’s thunder and rain sound effects. Does anyone know if that comes from something released by the Beatles, or whether it’s just a random sound effect? George Martin is on record as saying everything you hear on this album comes from a Beatles record, but then again, he just as quickly noted that they included a “wood pigeon” sound effect on “Because ,” so … I suppose not everything is from a Beatles record. Still – thunder and rain? I’ve been racking my brains trying to think if that sound effect was ever used, even if it was just on an instrumental from “Yellow Submarine ” or something like that.
Not a bit like Cagney.
5 July 2010
PeterWeatherby said
Bjway said
I think I have found a lot of very small details that don’t seem to be in a lot of the other lists I see here (I really don’t mean that in a negative way of course lol).
Haha, of course not – if you’ve spotted unnoticed details, might as well own that fact, right? I’m looking at your list, too, and you’re right, you’ve caught some things that I certainly never noticed. I’m going to listen to the CD again with your notes in front of me and see if I can fill in some of the question marks you’ve left in your list.
You may be interested to google “Loveology”, it is the separated 5.1 channels and makes it easier to spot the small details. However there are still a couple of things I couldn’t pinpoint that really bugged me at the time. In particular there’s a small drum fill right before Hey Bulldog during Lady Madonna that I have not been able to figure out.
The Pope owns 51% of General Motors
1 November 2013
PeterWeatherby said
At the very end of “Octopus’s Garden ” on the transition into “Lady Madonna ,” at about 3:15, there’s thunder and rain sound effects. Does anyone know if that comes from something released by the Beatles, or whether it’s just a random sound effect? George Martin is on record as saying everything you hear on this album comes from a Beatles record, but then again, he just as quickly noted that they included a “wood pigeon” sound effect on “Because ,” so … I suppose not everything is from a Beatles record. Still – thunder and rain? I’ve been racking my brains trying to think if that sound effect was ever used, even if it was just on an instrumental from “Yellow Submarine ” or something like that.
I’ve wondered that about a few effects.
The whooshing at the end of BFTBOMK/IWY(SSH)/HS
John’s “excellent, fantasic” in Octopus’s Garden
The Wooaahhh! in Drive My Car /What You’re Doing /The Word
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
There’s also a funky bassline in the final minute of Hey Jude , which I swear isn’t on the original record. I think it’s something that McCartney plays live nowadays, but surely not in 1968. Perhaps Giles M pieced it together in Pro Tools.
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15 August 2013
Joe said:
- Crowd noise (?) mixed in with the orchestra from A Day In The Life
The Crowd Is From Shea Stadium
From The Cavern To Candlestick Park
And From Sgt Pepper To Break Up
29 August 2013
What gets me about the whole thing is how many zillion bits are edited in from all over and then most of the songs sound much the same as the originals. I guess I’m in the camp that would have liked a bit more experimentation on some tracks, but I do appreciate they were made for a mass market show and so needed to be recognisable enough for the target audience.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 November 2013
I am lisioning to it for the first time right now and I like how they mash up songs to create new sounds and some of the string addition thingie is cool.
29 August 2013
Annadog40 said
I am lisioning to it for the first time right now and I like how they mash up songs to create new sounds and some of the string addition thingie is cool.
Nice one – I think it is very well produced. It was one of the test disks I carried around when I was buying my new audio system a while back.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
28 July 2014
My favorite version of the album Love is All You Need Is Love . In it I found the vocals of Rain , the guitar Ticket To Ride , Baby You’re A Rich Man , Good night, Sgt. Peppers. Find the music is a great hobby! I have only one question: what they say in the interview for Christmas? Sorry for always asking the transcript, but I’m always curious to know algmas things they said, and I do not know. I think some things, not others.
Nobody told me there'd be days like these!!
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